View Full Version : Indycar Nation - Fantasy racing

1st March 2010, 22:49
The IRL fan pages (Indycar Nation) have their Fantasy Racing site up and running. I took the liberty to set up a "league" with the name: MotorsportForums-IRL


Join up if you want.


5th March 2010, 16:55
Cool, I joined up. The only problem is that with 5 slots it will be difficult to deviate from a Ganassi/Penske combo week in and week out!

5th March 2010, 17:27
Cool, I joined up. The only problem is that with 5 slots it will be difficult to deviate from a Ganassi/Penske combo week in and week out!

You'll have to figure it out as you are only allowed to use a certain driver 6 times throughout the season.

5th March 2010, 20:58
Can the people participating post their username or teamname here? Because I don't recognize most of the names?

6th March 2010, 00:49
You'll have to figure it out as you are only allowed to use a certain driver 6 times throughout the season.

Ah now that's the twist...hmmm...

My team's Blue Ridge Engineering BTW.

6th March 2010, 05:37
My team is Scuderia Conchiglia. Unfortunately when I set the "league" up, I didn't set the option to make it private so it is not just those of us here.


15th March 2010, 14:44
Why did I pick Takuma Sato :(

15th March 2010, 19:03
3rd. I considered Sato too but wanted to make sure he was truly used to the car before I selected him. Guess he's still used to F1 level braking equipment :D

16th March 2010, 19:54
Wow, I didn't expect to be in the lead of the Motorsport-Forum league standings after race one ("Team Lotus"), but I'll take it :D

16th March 2010, 21:12
Wow, I didn't expect to be in the lead of the Motorsport-Forum league standings after race one ("Team Lotus"), but I'll take it :D

Yeah, but you have already chosen the Penskes and Ganassis once. So at the end of the season when you are left with Moraes and Duno we'll catchup again ;)

16th March 2010, 21:29
I'm in, although a week late.

Team: Chrome Horn Racing (of course!)

23rd March 2010, 03:07
I think I'm as fashionably late as one can be.

Mark in Oshawa
23rd March 2010, 20:19
I am in now...a race late, but that is ok. Just doing it for the heck of it. I know squat about the Indy Lights guys, but put my 3 in for that. As for taking any driver only 6 times, Well THAT is what makes it all interesting...

My team is "General Insanity"

25th March 2010, 17:28
Summerton just landed a job with a team. Looks like it's with Derrick Walker, which is super cool!


25th March 2010, 22:15
Still can't bring myself to actually select Sato...probably when I've used up my Will Power selections, ha.

8th April 2010, 18:16
Don't forget the picks this week. I see Mark in Oshawa is still pondering why on earth he picked Sato AND Moraes for St.Pete :p

Mark in Oshawa
9th April 2010, 05:33
Don't forget the picks this week. I see Mark in Oshawa is still pondering why on earth he picked Sato AND Moraes for St.Pete :p

I gambled...I lost...I saving my best picks (since you can only take a guy 6 times) for later in the season. Stratergery my friend...stratergery!!!!!!

12th April 2010, 01:06
My fantasy picks were terrible, but a hilarious blind guess in Indy Lights were right for 1st and 3rd, so I got 100pts from that actually gained a spot to 3rd overall.

Still have a ton of Ganassi / Penske picks left for the ovals.

12th April 2010, 03:34
Damn you Shifter! You stole my strategy.

1st May 2010, 04:38
Stupid thing...didn't realize they raced on saturday and its locked me from making my picks!

3rd October 2010, 13:40
Guess who won the league?? :monkeedan :imu: :monkeedan :imu:

Finished 21st overall :champion: