View Full Version : I wish a F1 journalist....

1st March 2010, 17:15
Grow a set of BALLS and check out USF1 and get the real story. Too many of the F1 so-called "journalist" are not pushing the story.

One of you guys or gals need to investigate the back ground of Ken Anderson and Peter Windsor.

Investigate the "resume" of Ken Anderson!! This has happened in the US with football coaches etc - they embellish their resume to gain status or a job.

Check out Falcon IndyCar -- talk to the former employees that he told that Penske ordered 5 chassis so they would leave their jobs or countries and come work at Falcon (of course they could not tell anyone). Talk to John Biddlecomb and Chip Ganassi about his "actual" involvement with G Force. Talk to co workers at PPI, Penske Shocks, AAR, etc. Also the sports car team in Springfield Missouri where he had a ton of top people move out of the UK and Indy to work for him -then leaves in the middle of the night (after the shop doors were locked down).

Talk to or investigate the "investment" materials that Anderson and Windsor was giving out to naive people like Chad Hurley.

Talk to the young drivers and their parents that helped Windsor and Anderson obtain funds as the young drivers were promised "development" deals that were never delivered.

Find out the real reason that Windsor walks with a limp.

I think you will find this quite interesting.

So get your investigative hat on and do so some work. You will have fun!

Easy Drifter
1st March 2010, 17:41
Trouble is the F1 journalists are pretty much all European based and their publications are not going to send them to the US for the length of time a proper check is going to take. There is too much going on in Europe plus the costs to have someone in the US for weeks.
Autoweek tried to check out the factory and got shut out.
If anyone is sloppy it is Speed TV as the are on USGP's doorstep.
Almost makes you wonder if the reason they set up in the US is to keep away from the regular F1 writers.
Whatever the FIA have a mess on their hands.
Campos may fail but they really have not tried to deceive anyone as USGP seems to have.

1st March 2010, 18:36
Journalists with balls?

I think I haven´t heard of that in my entire life...

1st March 2010, 19:15
IMSA, you seem to have all the information, why don't you write it up and freelance it out there... or at least fill US in on the juicy details ;)

1st March 2010, 22:17
IMSA, you seem to have all the information, why don't you write it up and freelance it out there... or at least fill US in on the juicy details ;)

I am not a writer. My mouth gets me in enough trouble! :) :)

I know there are a couple of "journalist" that read this board and are in the US. They have been writing a lot of fluff pieces about USF1.

I know one for sure knows just about EVERYONE involved in most of the the issues I listed. It would not be hard for them to write a correct piece.

All they have to do is pick up the phone and make a few calls.

Good basis for a book.

I sure hope these guys get banned from racing. They give racing a black eye.

1st March 2010, 22:20
I would have thought the South Florida Motorsports Report must be on the case.

Already, though, it's not as if journalists have exactly been idle on the matter. Was it not Joe Saward who published the detailed 'insider account' that was so revealing a couple of weeks ago?

1st March 2010, 22:44
I know there are a couple of "journalist" that read this board and are in the US. They have been writing a lot of fluff pieces about USF1.

I sure hope these guys get banned from racing. They give racing a black eye.

Sure that's all USF1 is at this stage: "fluff". If that's the case, they don't need to be banned, for the simple reason that they'll never show up on the grid in the first place.

Grant that a lot of F1 is shrouded in smoke, mirrors, cloaks and daggers, but a simple rule to adhere to as a follower of the sport, is the same rule as a football fan.
Unless they appear on the park with a number on their back, it hasn't really happened.

The same general rule goes for F1. Over the years we've seen such greats as Andrea Moda, Mastercard Lola, Derrington-Francis, Safir, Fry etc who actually had genuine cars and performed so spectacularly crap, that they even make Eurobrun and Merzario look like professional outfits.

Personally I won't believe in USF1 until they show up at a GP and qualify a car. The seem to be a subsidiary of "Half-Baked Ideas and Ill-Conceived Concepts Plc".

2nd March 2010, 23:50
Anderson must be a total dumba$$:


He has NEVER built/completed a car EVER. The Falcon was only about 60% done when they had the press conference with Tony George.

Anderson did not have the balls to speak the employees!

Same as at Falcon - he bugged out there too when things got tough!

Saint Devote
3rd March 2010, 02:01
Sure that's all USF1 is at this stage: "fluff". If that's the case, they don't need to be banned, for the simple reason that they'll never show up on the grid in the first place.

Grant that a lot of F1 is shrouded in smoke, mirrors, cloaks and daggers, but a simple rule to adhere to as a follower of the sport, is the same rule as a football fan.
Unless they appear on the park with a number on their back, it hasn't really happened.

The same general rule goes for F1. Over the years we've seen such greats as Andrea Moda, Mastercard Lola, Derrington-Francis, Safir, Fry etc who actually had genuine cars and performed so spectacularly crap, that they even make Eurobrun and Merzario look like professional outfits.

Personally I won't believe in USF1 until they show up at a GP and qualify a car. The seem to be a subsidiary of "Half-Baked Ideas and Ill-Conceived Concepts Plc".

:vader: Don't be like that towards Arturo Merzario please!

Art was always a favorite of mine. A nice driver always pleasant to fans - he was the first driver I ever met as a kid and I positively floated over the circuit :D

He was a Ferrari and Williams driver and his team was sort of a privateer team of day condition.

I have a wonderful picture which I treasure of him in the Wolf-Williams and that helmet barely showing above the steering wheel!

4th March 2010, 22:11
Here is a prime example of poor journalism. Do you guys EVER check things out or just believe EVERYTHING SPIN you hear.


"Given that there's an opening declared for 2011, US F1 founder Ken Anderson appears to be a cat with at least eight and three quarter lives. (This is not his first failed bid to introduce a new car. The project to build a Falcon chassis in conjunction with ex-Ford racing boss Michael Kranefuss for the Indy Racing League ran asunder from political problems with the League and its engine manufacturers.)"

Failed because of political problems???? Political problems with the league or engine manufacturers had nothing to do with the plastic rocker arms and other fake parts on the car for the press conference. The car was not complete, no manuels for the teams if bought -nothing. Anderson lied to get people to work there (like he did at USF1). Give me a break.

Get out from behind your desk Mr Ingram and do some work ASK QUESTIONS and QUESTION the answers.

5th March 2010, 00:01
The problem is Peter Windsor. He's chums to all the journalists.

Giuseppe F1
5th March 2010, 00:17
talk to the former employees that he told that Penske ordered 5 chassis so they would leave their jobs or countries and come work at Falcon (of course they could not tell anyone). Talk to John Biddlecomb and Chip Ganassi about his "actual" involvement with G Force.

Am really intruiged by this Penske comment, IMSA.....what aere you saying, thar Roger Penske put down a provisional order for 5 Falcon chassis for his team? Why would he need 5 cars? Would love to hear more insight on this?

Also never knew Kem was linked with GForce.....whats the story there?

Thanks in advance


N. Jones
5th March 2010, 00:26
There is a story:

USF1 wanted to be in F1

They were granted an entry

USF1 tried to bring in money from a wealthy but unenthusiastic country (USA) of F1.

USF1 failed to bring in enough money.

End of story. I don't see the problem here....

5th March 2010, 00:53
Failed because of political problems???? Political problems with the league or engine manufacturers had nothing to do with the plastic rocker arms and other fake parts on the car for the press conference. The car was not complete, no manuels for the teams if bought -nothing. Anderson lied to get people to work there (like he did at USF1). Give me a break.

This is, with respect, not the first time a constructor has produced an incomplete car for a press event. I can think of one example, not in F1 but in another prestigious world championship, where the homologation requirement was met by a major manufacturer with a whole fleet of incomplete cars that ought to have been able to have been run at the FIA inspecting official's request, but could not have been. (It's no secret, by the way, that this was Austin Rover with the Metro 6R4 rally car.)

5th March 2010, 16:34
Am really intruiged by this Penske comment, IMSA.....what aere you saying, thar Roger Penske put down a provisional order for 5 Falcon chassis for his team? Why would he need 5 cars? Would love to hear more insight on this?

Also never knew Kem was linked with GForce.....whats the story there?

Thanks in advance


Penske NEVER ordered 5 Falcon IndyCar Chassis. This was a LIE by Anderson to potential employees. He did this so they would come and work there (job security). They left their jobs, moved their families (some from the UK). When they started they found out that this was a lie. Just like he told potential employees that USF1 had three years of funding, again job security.

As for G Force, he claims he “designed” the 1997 G Force Chassis. He has something to do with it, but was not “the” designer. There were several engineers that had input on the chassis for the IndyCar.

5th March 2010, 16:37
This is, with respect, not the first time a constructor has produced an incomplete car for a press event. I can think of one example, not in F1 but in another prestigious world championship, where the homologation requirement was met by a major manufacturer with a whole fleet of incomplete cars that ought to have been able to have been run at the FIA inspecting official's request, but could not have been. (It's no secret, by the way, that this was Austin Rover with the Metro 6R4 rally car.)

I know what you mean, but this was just prior to the season. At that time no one had even ordered a car. The chassis would have NEVER been ready for the race and was MONTHS behind and horribly managed.

Just making the point, the Anderson has a track record for not completing what he sets out to do and cannot manage construction of race chassis.