View Full Version : Parking

Brown, Jon Brow
25th February 2010, 12:50
What's your favourite type of parking and what kind of technique do you use?

My favourite is parallel parking. I've just done two brilliant ones today. The space most only have been a few inches bigger than my car. Sadly, driving a 3 door car my doors are longer than most 4/5doors, so I had to get out of the passenger side as I was too close to the wall.

Do you ever watch people trying to park who a totally useless? just well like going and asking to help people who I see endlessly going backwards and forwards in hope that their car will magically end up in the space.

Also, with bay parking do you prefer to reverse in a drive in? I always drive in.

Dave B
25th February 2010, 12:54
^ Blimey, some people take their dogging really seriously! :p

Brown, Jon Brow
25th February 2010, 12:57
You don't do that on a busy street! You doing out on country lanes so you don't have tp parallel park!

25th February 2010, 14:23
What's your favourite type of parking and what kind of technique do you use?

My favourite is parallel parking. I've just done two brilliant ones today. The space most only have been a few inches bigger than my car. Sadly, driving a 3 door car my doors are longer than most 4/5doors, so I had to get out of the passenger side as I was too close to the wall.

Do you ever watch people trying to park who a totally useless? just well like going and asking to help people who I see endlessly going backwards and forwards in hope that their car will magically end up in the space.

Also, with bay parking do you prefer to reverse in a drive in? I always drive in.
I don't bother to parallel park, I'm so crap at it it's not funny :D

Brown, Jon Brow
25th February 2010, 14:25
I don't bother to parallel park, I'm so crap at it it's not funny :D

Are you a girl?

It is an essential skill in my local town.

25th February 2010, 14:27
Are you a girl?

It is an essential skill in my local town.
I just drive around looking for a big parallel parking space which I still inevitably take half an hour to get into properly :p

Mark in Oshawa
25th February 2010, 15:11
I just drive around looking for a big parallel parking space which I still inevitably take half an hour to get into properly :p

Daniel, you drive a 500? Good lord man, how can you NOT be able to park that scooter? I parallel park infrequently but when I have to I don't even think twice about it. Then again, until you have to parallel park a tractor-trailer with a 53 foot trailer....you don't know tough!

25th February 2010, 15:18
Daniel, you drive a 500? Good lord man, how can you NOT be able to park that scooter? I parallel park infrequently but when I have to I don't even think twice about it. Then again, until you have to parallel park a tractor-trailer with a 53 foot trailer....you don't know tough!
Back in Australia there isn't much parallel parking to be done so I never realy got much practice tbh.

25th February 2010, 15:20
My favorite kind of parking usually involved a girl and a secluded spot on a Saturday night. :love:

;) :D :)

25th February 2010, 15:25
I hate parallel parking. I have no problems manoeuvering or reversing but I hate it when park too far from the kerb or scrape the offside alloys or worse case scenario a damaged tyre.

Mark in Oshawa
25th February 2010, 15:27
Back in Australia there isn't much parallel parking to be done so I never realy got much practice tbh.

Well it aint tough...you just have to have the knack of timing your turn in and the your straightening it out. Once you master it, you can do it in your sleep. We don't have too much parallel parking in most cities in Canada either, but you wont get a license without doing it.

25th February 2010, 15:41
I don't like to go down to the flats,
Cause I can't park on a hill.
Instead of getting a rolling start,
I have to pay the bill.

-Neil Young

25th February 2010, 18:57
I can parallel park but tend to avoid it if possible. I probably only parallel park about 5 times a year.

At work I reverse park but while shopping I just drive into the space. I struggle to park if there's nothing to use as a guide at at least one side of me. Give me an empty car park and I will show you some of the worse parking ever. :p

25th February 2010, 19:11
Favorite type: Nonspecific
Technique: handbrake :D

25th February 2010, 19:21
I allways drive in to a parking space, usually on my way to work I'm early enough to get a straight through space near to the front so I can just drive staright out again.

25th February 2010, 19:29
In a normal day i will do about 12 paralell parks,with my driving school pupils every day of the working week.
Down here in Spain,you will see a car pull up just past a gap that is too small to get the car they are driving into,and you think,they will drive on and find a larger gap.BUT you are wrong,they reverse in up to the car behind ,push that back a bit,then draw forward and push that car forward a bit,and keep pushing each car back then forward a bit until they are in.All the car bumpers on all the cars are Kna**ered.
SO be careful where you park in Spain!

25th February 2010, 23:11
Always reverse into a parking bay, mainly to look smug when you can just drive out again. Parallel parking though.. no idea. My driving instructor taught me a fool proof technique that I instantly forgot once I passed. Now it involves driving in forwards and bouncing up off the kerb :s

25th February 2010, 23:17
Favorite type: Nonspecific
Technique: handbrake :D



25th February 2010, 23:49
The area in which I work has lots of "45° Rear to Kerb, Angle Parking" with marked lines. Of course this doesn't seem to apply to ML and R-Class drivers who prefer "park which ever way you feel like parking, just make sure you take up two spot parking"

My Ka had "Park Assist", though it usually involved drivers of black BMWs yelling at you not to scratch their car.

One time I even got a note from an old lady asking me not to park next to the War Memorial because I "dis-respectively parked a Japanese car" next to it (I decided to keep quiet about the Accord parked in her driveway).

26th February 2010, 00:03
The area in which I work has lots of "45° Rear to Kerb, Angle Parking" with marked lines. Of course this doesn't seem to apply to ML and R-Class drivers who prefer "park which ever way you feel like parking, just make sure you take up two spot parking"

My Ka had "Park Assist", though it usually involved drivers of black BMWs yelling at you not to scratch their car.

One time I even got a note from an old lady asking me not to park next to the War Memorial because I "dis-respectively parked a Japanese car" next to it (I decided to keep quiet about the Accord parked in her driveway).

Good grief! :rolleyes:

Valve Bounce
26th February 2010, 04:16
Back in Australia there isn't much parallel parking to be done so I never realy got much practice tbh.

I don't know where you lived in Oz, but it definitely is not Melbourne or Sydney. There plenty of parallel parking in both cities.
I live in Melbourne and my favorite type of parking is :FREE. It is very difficult to get any sort of reasonable parking when the footy is on; I once parked at the MCG car park for $6, but after the game I couldn't find my car in that large car park as I forgot to check for a location mark before I left the car. Now, I have a special location near a train station which is free and I have been lucky nobody has woken up to it yet. Getting to the MCG by train is the most convenient method for me.

The city is very, very difficult on footy night, but I once managed to park my car in Little Burke St. ; it took ages as there was a very tight space but I finally managed to get in with less than a foot to spare front and back.

26th February 2010, 14:47
Just curious what the downtown daily parking rates are in your neck of the woods?
I've been told that Calgary has the 2nd most expensive daily rates in North America (New York has the dubious honour of being the most expensive).
A daily rate (from ~8:00am to 6:00pm) costs between $20.00 and $30.00 here :dozey: