View Full Version : Sauber left out of latest entry list

23rd February 2010, 20:10
Looking at this, Sauber have been left out completely, maybe the FIA are preparing for the eventuality of USF1 beign kicked out and Sauber inheriting their 22 & 23 race numbers



23rd February 2010, 20:38
It is worth noting that the list DazzlaF1 links to represent the latest official entry list, released on November 30. On December 3, another press release was made, announcing that BMW Sauber's application to the 2010 F1 World Championship was successful. (See http://www.fia.com/en-GB/mediacentre/pressreleases/f1releases/2009/Pages/List.aspx for both of those) However, no full entry list has been released since then. So the list on the more fan-friendly part of the FIA website, that DazzlaF1 links to, actually represents the official entry list.

BMW Sauber have never been allocated any numbers, nor have they ever been on an actual entry list.

23rd February 2010, 20:40

Anywho, perhaps this is the first step towards the return of the Sauber name, minus the BMW prefix.

Or just a typo ;)

N. Jones
23rd February 2010, 21:14
It is going to be a temporary return of the Sauber name as Mr. Sauber has stated he did not want to see the team go under, so he repurchased it.
He is going to build it back up (or keep it stable) and then sell it.

I believe I gleaned this from autosport.com.

23rd February 2010, 21:23
It is going to be a temporary return of the Sauber name as Mr. Sauber has stated he did not want to see the team go under, so he repurchased it.
He is going to build it back up (or keep it stable) and then sell it.

I believe I gleaned this from autosport.com.

Yes. I believe the wording he used was "reluctant team boss".

But if anything this increases my respect for the man - to put yourself through all the BS that surrounds F1 is one thing, but to do it when your main objective is to preserve the jobs of people who you thought you had seen right by previously selling the team to a big manufacturer is inspiring.

23rd February 2010, 21:26
Yes. I believe the wording he used was "reluctant team boss".

But if anything this increases my respect for the man - to put yourself through all the BS that surrounds F1 is one thing, but to do it when your main objective is to preserve the jobs of people who you thought you had seen right by previously selling the team to a big manufacturer is inspiring.


Not only is the man a true racer, but he also cares a lot for his own workforce, a lot of which he built up himself over the 12 years the team beared his own name, kudos to him.

Easy Drifter
23rd February 2010, 21:45
Interesting side note.
Stefan cannot get Bridgestone tires to go testing as they are not on the official entry list.
Sauber have been testing on the latest Bridgestone tires but are not on the entry list.
Ah the FIA so clear even handed. :rolleyes:

23rd February 2010, 21:49
Interesting side note.
Stefan cannot get Bridgestone tires to go testing as they are not on the official entry list.
Sauber have been testing on the latest Bridgestone tires but are not on the entry list.
Ah the FIA so clear even handed. :rolleyes:

That occured to me too :(

23rd February 2010, 22:28
they are not on f1.com teams_and_drivers

24th February 2010, 23:24
Interesting side note.
Stefan cannot get Bridgestone tires to go testing as they are not on the official entry list.
Sauber have been testing on the latest Bridgestone tires but are not on the entry list.
Ah the FIA so clear even handed. :rolleyes:

as noted the list provided by DazzlaF1 was the old outdated one :|