View Full Version : Caption: Obama & Dali Lama

18th February 2010, 20:41

"I learned this move from Bill Clinton, it is called "speaking with force using invisible pen".

Mark in Oshawa
18th February 2010, 21:26
Oh to be a fly in the wall. Good on Obama for meeting with the Dalai Lama.....

18th February 2010, 21:38
"This is how you hold a Wii remote your holiness"

18th February 2010, 23:21
"Eminent homie-ness, have you ever performed a fist bump?"

Mark in Oshawa
18th February 2010, 23:24
" look...Dalli...if you really want to get somewhere, you need to have an organizer stuffing ballot boxes in Chicago for you"

18th February 2010, 23:37
"Eminent homie-ness, have you ever performed a fist bump?"


19th February 2010, 00:17
"The first thing to remember when wormfishing for largemouth is to keep a stiff wrist so you can set the hook.."

19th February 2010, 00:18
"Eminent homie-ness, have you ever performed a fist bump?"

This is a damm good one LOL

19th February 2010, 01:38
"You know what this is? The World's Smallest Violin"

19th February 2010, 05:04
So let me get this straight....You fly around in a private jet, Stay in 5 star luxury & Hob-Nob with the rich and famous all the while your people live and die in slavery and oppression and people still call you a great hero?

How do i get your gig?

Mark in Oshawa
19th February 2010, 06:13
So let me get this straight....You fly around in a private jet, Stay in 5 star luxury & Hob-Nob with the rich and famous all the while your people live and die in slavery and oppression and people still call you a great hero?

How do i get your gig?

Gee Tony, have you ever ONCE grasped anyone who ticks off the People's Republic of China (who the last time I looked are the ones who keep the Dalai Lama's people in slavery of sorts) that much cannot be a good guy? Did it ONCE occur to you that he is a far more effective leader for an oppressed people than your buddies down there in the Cuban Community in Miami? No....of course not. The Dalai Lama is a symbol of the oppression of Tibet. The fact is he lives the life he does is not because he asks for it, but because like the bird in the gilded cage, that is his destiny. HE is a quiet advocate for the peaceful release of his nation and people, and while you and I think THAT isn't effective, he still is worthy of respect for having beliefs in wanting better for all people.

Geezus Tony, you really can tick people off with your mindless stupidity...

19th February 2010, 06:36
Gee Tony, have you ever ONCE grasped anyone who ticks off the People's Republic of China (who the last time I looked are the ones who keep the Dalai Lama's people in slavery of sorts) that much cannot be a good guy? Did it ONCE occur to you that he is a far more effective leader for an oppressed people than your buddies down there in the Cuban Community in Miami? No....of course not. The Dalai Lama is a symbol of the oppression of Tibet. The fact is he lives the life he does is not because he asks for it, but because like the bird in the gilded cage, that is his destiny. HE is a quiet advocate for the peaceful release of his nation and people, and while you and I think THAT isn't effective, he still is worthy of respect for having beliefs in wanting better for all people.

Geezus Tony, you really can tick people off with your mindless stupidity...
Please spare me the ridiculous notion that the man in the silk robes has done anything for the people of Tibet.

The Bejing Gov is using him like a puppet. They Claim they hate him and his message all in effort to keep him as the sole public symbol of Tibet.
Why wouldn't the Chinese want the only person who people think of as a symbol of the Chinese oppression be a pacifist and urges the people not to rise up or fight? Especially when he is embraced by the left...

The man in the robes is a tool of the Chinese.

19th February 2010, 06:45
"I did not have sex with that woman....." oops, wrong president

19th February 2010, 08:14

I've always wanted one of those... I could do with a Tibet.

It's like the great collection of games, like new "New Dehli" where you have to open a shop which sells luncheon meats or "Seychelles" where the fist person to say "shells" wins.

Dave B
19th February 2010, 08:54
"China is gonna be soooooo pissed off with us for this!"

19th February 2010, 09:25
So let me get this straight....You fly around in a private jet, Stay in 5 star luxury & Hob-Nob with the rich and famous all the while your people live and die in slavery and oppression and people still call you a great hero?

How do i get your gig?
Hey, I'd thought he was your hero! According to you, grabbing all the money while your minions suffer is a virtue. Or does that only apply if the greedy ba$tard runs a private enterprise?

19th February 2010, 10:26

"I learned this move from Bill Clinton, it is called "speaking with force using invisible pen".

Lookee heah sucka, you keeps pushin me an ise gonna put yo ear in this here device an make you squeal like a pig. Dah China man cash our checks, dah China man gives us walkin round money and de China man makes stuff we can steal when wes go a'lootin. You don't don't do jack fo us. I oughtta cap yo narrow ass right heah. And what the fcuk you mean commin in heah with a couple a throw rugs wrapped aroun you? Man, you needs a wardrobe...

19th February 2010, 11:10
Obama-Lama ding dong at the White House.

Dave B
19th February 2010, 11:35
Obama-Lama ding dong at the White House.
Ladies and gentlemen we have a winner :laugh:

19th February 2010, 11:49
Ladies and gentlemen we have a winner :laugh:
Who's Ding Dong? The Chinese President?

19th February 2010, 11:54
Ladies and gentlemen we have a winner :laugh:

I wish I could claim it as my own, but it sadly isn't :p

Eki, in UK slang, a ding-dong is a fight / argument / heated discussion. ie - "There was a right old ding-dong in the stewards' room after the race".

19th February 2010, 14:34
Dali Lama: Sh*******t!

Man, them Eastside Boyz are bunch a crazy assed mother......
Five O won't let me get back to my crib and chill with my brotherz. I want to f*** them up. They need to get got.

Obama: No doubt!

19th February 2010, 15:01
Hey, I'd thought he was your hero! According to you, grabbing all the money while your minions suffer is a virtue. Or does that only apply if the greedy ba$tard runs a private enterprise?
You really have no clue do you?

Mark in Oshawa
19th February 2010, 15:55
Tony....Right now Eki gets it better than you do...and I never thought I would say that.

Only you could claim the man is a pawn of Beijjing. IF he is, it is news to him....

19th February 2010, 16:28
Is this thay way he should be exiting form the White House?


19th February 2010, 17:03

"Mr. President, are you certain Michelle Obama's Tricep Burning Workout video will really help me get rid of this unsightly arm flab?"

"It sure will! And if you ORDER NOW, because we can't do this all day, YOU WILL GET, ABSOLUTELY FREE, the Michelle Obama Superelastic Arm Workout Blaster Band! Just pay additional handling and processing..."

19th February 2010, 17:37
Tony....Right now Eki gets it better than you do...and I never thought I would say that.

Only you could claim the man is a pawn of Beijjing. IF he is, it is news to him....

The term is "Useful Idiot"
He is a pawn. Whether he knows it or not is open to debate. i like to think he doesn't. If he does than he is on par with some of the worst in History.

20th February 2010, 03:23
Is this thay way he should be exiting form the White House?


At least they didn't throw him out a window. I notice the freeloading bastid ain't offering to pitch in and carry a bag himself.

Mark in Oshawa
22nd February 2010, 05:18
The term is "Useful Idiot"
He is a pawn. Whether he knows it or not is open to debate. i like to think he doesn't. If he does than he is on par with some of the worst in History.

I wont knock the guy's ideas, religion or his desire for peace. I will agree that his stance hasn't won his people much, but he is a)but one man and b) taking on the Chicomms, and every time they dump on a leader for meeting with this guy, they just once again expose what a filthy bunch of tyrants they are. To say THAT is helping Beijjing is a stretch. He keeps reminding people Tibet is a captured nation, and if Nixon and other's had some guts when they opened up to the Chinese in the 70's, they should have put Tibet on the table because back then, the Chinese needed US money, business and trade a heck of a lot more than the US needed anything to do with China. It is a little late now....