View Full Version : Was it Mossad?

18th February 2010, 15:47
SO who did suffocate to death the 2nd in command of Hammas.
Holding British and Irish passports,(Said to be fake) these 11 guys ,left all sorts of evidence around.A top American spokesman said yesterday on the radio,"That was not Mossad,they would not have needed 11 careless guys like that,leaving CTV evidence,etc .Mossad would have sent just one guy,he would have gone in, done the job,and been away leaving no evidence)
So who in your opinion were the culprits,OR are you afraid of putting into print your opinion in fear of them coming after YOU?

18th February 2010, 15:55
What was your opinion again?

18th February 2010, 16:03
After you please!
Come on you have an opinion dont you?

Mark in Oshawa
18th February 2010, 16:17
Mossad aint saying...but tell me the world isn't better off without this guy...

18th February 2010, 16:20
I guess mossad did it, and i would not be too sorry if EU would brake all diplomatic contacts with israel.

18th February 2010, 16:34
Mossad aint saying...but tell me the world isn't better off without this guy...

I guess all that depends upon the world one lives in, doesn't it?

18th February 2010, 17:27
I guess all that depends upon the world one lives in, doesn't it?What world do you live in Bruce?

This guy was buying weapons for an eventual attack on Israel.
He's dead, now other people get to live in harmony.

Easy Drifter
18th February 2010, 18:38
Unusually sloppy for Israel. But they didn't have much time to set it up. Larger team than usual too.
We will probably never know.
End result was good.

18th February 2010, 19:34
Q - Was it Mossad? A - Is the Pope a Catholic?

I liked the Israeli spokesman (sorry, no link, heard him on the radio) who said "There is no proof", which, technically, wasn't a denial.

18th February 2010, 19:36
He's dead, now other people get to live in harmony.

He's dead, yes, but you have a strange definition of the word "harmony".

Nobody has lived in "harmony" in the Middle East since before Noah.

18th February 2010, 19:39
My guess would be a private enterprise organization settling a past business grievance with a disreputable individual. Now that the past is wiped clean, both can move forward again.

18th February 2010, 20:11
He's dead, yes, but you have a strange definition of the word "harmony".

Nobody has lived in "harmony" in the Middle East since before Noah.Most people in Israel live tranquil lives. You have to take the trash out in order to have a good quality of life.

18th February 2010, 21:00
Most people in Israel live tranquil lives. You have to take the trash out in order to have a good quality of life.

Palestine and Lebanon was a pretty peaceful place prior to UN General Assembly Resolution 181 (II). The whole region has been a powder keg and war zone ever since, as Secretary of State Marshall predicted in the course of internal White House discussions over the matter.

The state of affairs which has brought forth unending wars undertaken by organized armies, espionage agencies, and various underground movements ranging from the PLO through Hamas would not have happened if the original intent of the Palestine Mandate was followed;

In November 1917, as General Allenby was preparing to conquer Palestine, the British Foreign office issued the Balfour Declaration of 1917, a letter from the Foreign Secretary, Lord Balfour, to Lord Rothschild, head of the British Zionist movement. The declaration stated:

"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

"...nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities" take the existence of "trash" such as Hamas leadership and work backwards, there is cause and effect at work here. One would not exist were it for the arrogant, inhumane actions of another.

18th February 2010, 21:03
Not sure. Mossad aren't normally this sloppy - I mean having your face splashed across every newspaper in the world isn't exactly very secretive. That said, who else would do it?

18th February 2010, 21:13
Not sure. Mossad aren't normally this sloppy - I mean having your face splashed across every newspaper in the world isn't exactly very secretive. That said, who else would do it?

Well, jumping on top of a moving van parked across the Hudson River with movie cameras capturing the greatest tragedy in modern US history as it unfolded was pretty sloppy too. So was appearing on a televised talk show a few months later;


How is one supposed to know when and where to set up the video recording equipment without in-depth knowledge, if not complicity, in a plot to fly planes into buildings?

FBI clearing these guys of any connection to the incident then deporting to their home country on immigration violations is pretty sloppy too on part of US law enfocement.

18th February 2010, 21:20
This guy was buying weapons for an eventual attack on Israel.
He's dead, now other people get to live in harmony.
And how's that different for an American President buying weapons for an eventual attack on some far away country? Or Israel buying weapons for an eventual attack on Palestinians? Would assassinating an American or an Israeli leader also be OK?

18th February 2010, 22:10
And how's that different for an American President buying weapons for an eventual attack on some far away country? Or Israel buying weapons for an eventual attack on Palestinians? Would assassinating an American or an Israeli leader also be OK?

It's not different if democracy is the cause. Opps...

Kermit "Kim" Roosevelt, Jr. (February 16, 1916 – June 8, 2000), was a Special Activities Division political action officer who coordinated the Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) Operation Ajax, which orchestrated the coup d’état against Iran's democratically-elected prime minister, Mohammed Mosaddeq, and returned Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran, to Iran's Peacock Throne in August 1953. He was also the grandson of American president Theodore Roosevelt.


Maybe we should just quit meddling in the affairs of nations half a world away, either militarily, covertly or through government-sanctioned bribery disguised as foreign aid.

Mark in Oshawa
18th February 2010, 22:31
I guess all that depends upon the world one lives in, doesn't it?

I think killing someone off who intentionally targets civilians is making things better. If Palestinians want some sympathy for the "plight" (most of which is a creation of their leaders and the Arab world), stopping the support for organziations that use bombs and bullets would be a nice start. Then the Israeli's wouldn't have a leg to stand on. Problem is, the Palestinians and the terror groups hiding within them have never stopped the bombs and bullets. They cannot win this war by shooting and bombing Jewish civilians. They can win a peace that is equitable to all by sitting down and guarnteeing a stop of the nonsense in return for a 2 state solution. The way it was drawn up by the UN in 1947.

Mark in Oshawa
18th February 2010, 22:34
Oh and as for the assumption this was a Mossad job, may I remind people that many leaders in the Arab world die in grisly death's because they were either not radical enough or ticked off some other faction. Mossad isn't likely to knock off a guy and make it so clumsy. It hasn't been their MO up until today...

Easy Drifter
19th February 2010, 00:37
Intl. arms dealing is always fraught with danger. The dealers are not your sweet little guy next door.
It is possible that Hamas shorted a dealer or did something else that cheesed one off. Payback time.
I am not saying that is what happened but it could be.

19th February 2010, 12:47
I think killing someone off who intentionally targets civilians is making things better. If Palestinians want some sympathy for the "plight" (most of which is a creation of their leaders and the Arab world), stopping the support for organziations that use bombs and bullets would be a nice start. Then the Israeli's wouldn't have a leg to stand on. Problem is, the Palestinians and the terror groups hiding within them have never stopped the bombs and bullets. They cannot win this war by shooting and bombing Jewish civilians. They can win a peace that is equitable to all by sitting down and guarnteeing a stop of the nonsense in return for a 2 state solution. The way it was drawn up by the UN in 1947.
Israelis could stop the violence too by stopping the nonsense about a "Jewish state", returning to their countries of origin and giving Palestinians back their land. But it seems that neither side is willing to surrender, so the violence goes on.

Valve Bounce
19th February 2010, 13:02
He's dead, yes, but you have a strange definition of the word "harmony".

Nobody has lived in "harmony" in the Middle East since before Noah.

Right!! so blame Noah! so which pair of animals should he have excluded from the ark? I say cockroaches - he should have left them ashore.

20th February 2010, 17:03
Intl. arms dealing is always fraught with danger. The dealers are not your sweet little guy next door.
It is possible that Hamas shorted a dealer or did something else that cheesed one off. Payback time.
I am not saying that is what happened but it could be.
My thoughts...someone got some payback and did to make it look like someone else....smartest move ever when doing some dastardly deed....rob a small store and they may chase, but steal 600 million and then will catch you, unless they think you are already dead...

or somebody else....but whoever did it, had some connections and money to set it up this way

Saint Devote
22nd February 2010, 03:19
Not sure. Mossad aren't normally this sloppy - I mean having your face splashed across every newspaper in the world isn't exactly very secretive. That said, who else would do it?

There is a civil war underway between Hamas and Fatah.

There is a desire for it to be Israel and there is sufficient antagonism of Israel in European circles today with the exception of Germany, for objective investigation to be ignored.

Israelis in the media generally are skeptical that it was us.

Part of the newest approach by Palestinian Arab entities us to create legal problems for Israel. And with a compliant United Nations it is not difficult as recent history bares out.

You are correct to declare that it was very sloppy and that is not the way, especially these days with Israel recognizing the problems it would bring.

Only idiots would use so many people, in full camera view and so on.

This was not Israel's work in my view. It was an extension of the Hamas [Gaza] versus Fatah [areas of Samaria and Judea] fight most likely. In addition, the Egyptians are not at all happy with the situation in Gaza because they are allies of the Islamist, Muslim Brotherhood.

It could well be the work of the Mukhabarat because the assasinated person also worked against Egyptian interests.

And Israel denies it, but does so in a very middle eastern way, because this also serves to sew uncertainty.

Mid-east politics is a chess game and these days the obvious allies and suspects are not traditional.