View Full Version : Lighten up time-UFOs, proof?

18th February 2010, 02:01
I have no doubts that some of us have seen something in the sky that we have no explaination for. If you would like to relate your tale here, go ahead and do so. But my real question is proof. Nobody has any conclusive proof.

Quite a few people are convinced that various governments have proof, pictures, debris, beings, entire spacecraft, etc. from all sorts of mishaps where an alien craft managed to navigate hundreds of thousands of deep space to get to earth only to plow into a mountain side while sightseeing.

But, if it didn't happen, or there is another explaination, classified at the time, how can the government prove to your satisfaction they aren't covering up something that didn't happen?

I once got a letter from the IRS (tax people) that I owed addititional taxes and penalties on $27,000 I made in Alabama the previous year. I had worked for one company, in Texas that entire year and knew nothing about the Alabama deal. Turned out the IRS had a 1099 form with my name, but no address or social security number from a company in Alabama. How am I supposed to prove, beyond all doubt, that I did no work for that company? It's impossible. They finally backed off, but I can sympathize with the government not being able to release records they don't have on an incident that didn't happen.

18th February 2010, 02:18
The sheer distances that an alien being would have to travel to get to the Earth make the whole idea extremely unlikely to me. I'm not saying that there isn't other life in the universe - or even other intelligent life - just that physics would seem to make it impossible for them to visit us.

Sure, they might have a better understanding of physics and better technology, but in that case I would expect the UFOs that we have supposedly taken photos of to look much, much cooler.

18th February 2010, 04:23
I say a fireball that moved strangely in the sky when I was about 8. Not seen anything since though

18th February 2010, 09:31
I was in the Lake District with the other half and some friends in December 2008 and we'd been in a pub that had a 7 page beer menu. Needless to say I was a little drunk. In the taxi home I thought that I could see a UFO but I was keeping it to myself until I was really positive. About 15 minutes into the journey I realised the taxi driver was wearing a hands free mobile phone kit and this blue flashing light that I could see was the light on it reflecting off his side window. Note to self....always be weary of seeing UFO's when you are drunk. :p

Dave B
18th February 2010, 10:09
There's almost certainly alien life out there somewhere, the sheer number of planets make that a statistical likelyhood. But are they jumping onto spaceships and travelling billions of miles just to abduct a drunk redneck? Nope.

18th February 2010, 11:06
I saw three UFO's with the color of clouds several years ago. I tried to photo them, but they were not visible with the photo - only if you watch them with your own eyes. I personally believe in the UFOs and in aliens, but will not dare to speculate whether they are connected and how.

Rudy Tamasz
18th February 2010, 11:33
I once saw something that looked like a bright shiny round shaped object next to the sun in the late morning. I was like 12 and I knew ;) it was a UFO. About twenty years later I decided it was just a reflecttion of sun in a multi layered glass.

Then I saw two bright objects in the night flying over the city on a low height in complete silence. Again, I knew instantly, these were two UFOs. ;) Now I tend to think these were two birds that just reflected sity lights.

18th February 2010, 13:40
I'd be willing to bet that most of the UFO sitings are some form of secret or experimental planes. That or people are drunk or high.

Look at this logically. There probably are other life forms out there, and likely there are some that are more advanced than us. But why would they travel thousands of light years only to study (seemingly anyway) the uninteresting spots mostly in the deserts. Wouldn't you, as an alien, want to see what all the big bright spots on this planet are and go to places like New York, LA, London, etc?

18th February 2010, 14:14
I'd be willing to bet that most of the UFO sitings are some form of secret or experimental planes. That or people are drunk or high.

Look at this logically. There probably are other life forms out there, and likely there are some that are more advanced than us. But why would they travel thousands of light years only to study (seemingly anyway) the uninteresting spots mostly in the deserts. Wouldn't you, as an alien, want to see what all the big bright spots on this planet are and go to places like New York, LA, London, etc?

If they excist, they might think different and find big cities boaring.
In movies anyway they have bad navigation systems, in case they are looking for intelligent life, for some reason they end up in places where people are usually less intelligent.

18th February 2010, 16:43
When I was about 12 years old, a couple of friends and I saw a light in the sky, but I wouldn't describe it as a UFO. It was more like unusual northern lights. I've seen northern lights many times, usually in the winter. They appear in the north, get larger and smaller, and seem to wave around like a blanket or flag in the wind.
The light I saw this evening was different. It was straight overhead. It started out small but slowly grew larger and larger, with spiralling arms much like the pictures of spiral galaxies from the Hubble. It grew for about 5 to 10 minutes until it covered a large portion of the sky. Then, just like northern lights, it just slowly disipated and was gone.
I still have no idea what it was or what caused it.

18th February 2010, 16:53
It really bugs me when people say things like "UFO's don't exist" because it's just a term for something unidentified so it's not a question of something existing or not, it's just unidentified!!!

Anyway... Do I believe in Aliens? Yup. Do I believe that most UFO sightings are aliens? probably not... but it's nice to speculate once in a while. Same with ghosts I guess... who knows.

18th February 2010, 17:47
It really bugs me when people say things like "UFO's don't exist" because it's just a term for something unidentified so it's not a question of something existing or not, it's just unidentified!!!

Yes, people seem to think UFO means alien. It doesn't. Unidentified Flying Object could mean anything.

If you see something flying across the sky and you can't work out what it is then, to you at least, it would be an unidentified flying object - UFO.

Sometimes planes and helicopters can look strange depending on the sky at the time.

The other week I saw a funny glow in the sky. It was night sky but only early evening or late afternoon. It looked like a fire ball with a halo to be honest. I think it was a balloon or something although what they were doing out in the dark I have no idea.

There are all sorts of things in the sky from weather balloons, remote controlled craft, gliders, planes, helicopters, maybe even the occasional satellite..

Easy Drifter
18th February 2010, 18:44
I only see UFO's after too much 80 proof! :D

20th February 2010, 12:56
But why would they travel thousands of light years only to study (seemingly anyway) the uninteresting spots mostly in the deserts. Wouldn't you, as an alien, want to see what all the big bright spots on this planet are and go to places like New York, LA, London, etc?

Perhaps the deserts contain something that is of intrest to aliens.

20th February 2010, 13:28
Generally, I am sceptical about these things, but when one hears of professional pilots seeing strange craft it is clear that some credence must be attached to such sightings. Experimental/secret aircraft can certainly account for some, but surely not as many as simple mis-identification, tricks of the light and so forth.

Garry Walker
20th February 2010, 13:32
Generally, I am sceptical about these things, but when one hears of professional pilots seeing strange craft it is clear that some credence must be attached to such sightings.
My view as well.

20th February 2010, 15:05
It does seem to be an area where the burden of proof is unfairly shifted in popular opinion to the accused. The famous USA Roswell incident comes to mind. Although the government has since admitted that a special, secret at the time, balloon used to record and measure Soviet nuclear tests came down and was recovered, loads of folks still insist it was a crewed alien spacecraft and the government still has the craft and the bodies. The burden of proof has been put on the government to prove it doesn't have what it doesn't have. I am very much in agreement that because we can see things in the skies we can't identify, doesn't make them alien and from another world.

21st February 2010, 16:23
It does seem to be an area where the burden of proof is unfairly shifted in popular opinion to the accused. The famous USA Roswell incident comes to mind. Although the government has since admitted that a special, secret at the time, balloon used to record and measure Soviet nuclear tests came down and was recovered, loads of folks still insist it was a crewed alien spacecraft and the government still has the craft and the bodies. The burden of proof has been put on the government to prove it doesn't have what it doesn't have. I am very much in agreement that because we can see things in the skies we can't identify, doesn't make them alien and from another world.

How can you prove that you don't have someting if you don't have it? The explainations given by the government are fairly resonable. (I'm not saying that I believe them 100%, because I don't). But the wreckage does fit with ballons, mostly. As for the "creatures" ... I saw a picture of Joe Kittinger after one of his high g tests done in the area of Roswell. He had popped his eyes out, I think, or something else horrible like that. So his eyes were all swolen, black, and blue, and he had a big bandage wrapped up around his head. Taking that, and the fact that a few people saw both "incidents", and the fact that these reports of Roswell and aliens didn't really start comming out until much later (after the initial reports anyway). I think that much of it is just people's memories playing tricks on them, and combining two seperate and secret incidents.

21st February 2010, 17:08
Memories playing tricks and tabloids and tv waving checks.

21st February 2010, 18:24
I like to let things beyond my control be. I'm not ruling out any other existence however to be that much more advanced than us' and to be capable of traving that distance; I can't believe they would be the least bit interested in any thing we have. Thats probally why thgey won't stop for a beer and a brat.

Langdale Forest
21st February 2010, 19:35
I do not really belive in UFOs, but if one does invade the earth, IMO it might come up out of the sea or a lake.

21st February 2010, 23:15
UFOs? Unidentified objects, not necessarily alien spacecraft. In fact I'm very sceptical that any "lights" people have spotted have had any sentient life aboard.

I'm quite open to the idea that there are aliens out there, in fact there's a very high probability than on one of the other x-billion number of planets that there's some form of life.

I doubt they've been to visit us though, and there's nothing to suggest that they'd be any more advanced than us. I do love the X-files though :)

22nd February 2010, 01:19
The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one... And still they've come! ;)

22nd February 2010, 05:43
I doubt they've been to visit us though, and there's nothing to suggest that they'd be any more advanced than us. I do love the X-files though :)

There is a community in the city who keens to observe the existence of such object. I forgot that X-files can give us enough knowledge about it, but David and Anderson have made great watch on that television series, science fiction.