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17th February 2010, 08:53
There has been a lot of discussion on how Rally is covered today and has been in the past. Motors TV has been given a lot of uppercuts on how their first weekend went, but are learning. North One Sport ( http://www.northonetv.com/ ) owns the rights, and has a contract with FIA, that also say that they will develop WRC to a Premier Brand ( http://www.crash.net/world+rally/News/156497/1/new_tv_deals_for_2010_championship.html )

What do they need to do to get there ?

What media to use to reach that goal, and how to use them: TV, Internet, Mobile phones and so on ?

If you could have your saying, what would you like to have to improve your experience using new technology ?

17th February 2010, 09:10
They're bad..

17th February 2010, 09:21
They've a long way to go. A Premier brand - honestly, I can't see it.

17th February 2010, 09:47
They have big name now: The Ice Man. But he will soon go from this sport.. If they want brand they must have highly paid drivers.. Now it's sport where rich sons pay their seats so why to pay somebody..

17th February 2010, 10:02
I feel that the first step would be for terrestrial TV coverage. The BTCC has grown in popularity in the UK because it is screened on ITV. If people have the choice between watching some reality TV show or motorsport then we might stand a chance!
However, for watchable TV coverage we need a mixture of hardcore footage - incar, static and helicam and 'layman' footage where an educated presenter explains what seperates the cars from road cars, how the technology affects us daily, proves that rallies are financially beneficial to the locals etc etc
Radio coverage is essesntial too. On BBC radio 1 F1 is the only sport that gets a mention. Again, the national papers dedicate a decent amount of coverage to F1 but next to nothing on rallying - if Northone or the FIA have to pay to take out an advertorial then so be it!
Web coverage can always be improved but it is actually the 'least worst' coverage we are recieving at the moment!

This would be a start! As for 'superstars'... well we have them already, just none are British! how much terrestrial coverage (TV, paper, radio) does the WRC get in France, Spain, Norway and Finland? I'm sure it is a fair bit as they all have stars in the sport!

17th February 2010, 10:03
They're bad..

Sulland tries to start a discussion. You sabotage it. If you have no other agenda, why the f... do you bother?

17th February 2010, 10:27
They have big name now: The Ice Man. But he will soon go from this sport.. If they want brand they must have highly paid drivers.. Now it's sport where rich sons pay their seats so why to pay somebody..

I agree about the last part especially when drivers like PG's careers are
going nowhere because they can't find enough sponsors to pay for the 50000€ that is required to rent the Fabia S2k for a rally.

This means that its only a rich boys championship.

Sure there will probably be more factory teams next
season but are they different?

Then about coverage.
It needs to be accessible with working websites, live streams and live broadcasts, both in-car and outside-car, and more new camera angels.
The live internet video feeds doesn't need to be commentated but rather have just authentic sound. Simply put they put up some cameras on the stages and connect them to separate internet streams (one for each camera).

As a complement there should be an audio stream (like WRR but without the music and with less nonsence) with info about stage times and interviews.

There should/could also be a sort if live blog/live ticker with general info about what's happening in the rally. Stage times, incidents basically the same as the audio feed.

Stage and Rally area maps with live car position (via GPS).

There should be at least one live stage per day.
Perhaps one "Forrest stage"+SSS live.

17th February 2010, 10:32
There has been a lot of discussion on how Rally is covered today and has been in the past. Motors TV has been given a lot of uppercuts on how their first weekend went, but are learning. North One Sport ( http://www.northonetv.com/ ) owns the rights, and has a contract with FIA, that also say that they will develop WRC to a Premier Brand ( http://www.crash.net/world+rally/News/156497/1/new_tv_deals_for_2010_championship.html )

What do they need to do to get there ?

What media to use to reach that goal, and how to use them: TV, Internet, Mobile phones and so on ?

If you could have your saying, what would you like to have to improve your experience using new technology ?

UK perspective only!......

Lots to do, but It wont happen overnight - lots of people on this formum think that each wrc went they will got corner by corner action 24/7 on the internet and free to view TV. Its simply not going to happen (unless you get the guys who just won £100+million quid on sponsoring it)
Live stages / hellicopters etc all cost big money and with pressuire from the FIA, events and teams to cut costs revenues have been cut. But saying that new sponcers have some into the WRC.

Lets face it - we will never get to see rallying on mainstream primetime tv.
The likes of BBC and ITV like high viewing numbers and rallying wont give them that. Also the 3-4 day format of rallying does not suit mainstream tv, where as f1 in a couple of hours slot does.
What does suit rallying is the old channel4 program of a roundup show, offering the days highlights plus extras.
Those who think the golden days of BBC coverage are coming back are living in a dream world!
The likes of MotorsTV (sorry not seen the coverage so cant comment on the quality) are the way forward offering a roundup show at the end of each day.
The Dave show has improved - noticed the lack of z-list celebs, but I would like to see the following week with extra coverage of lower the field.

Printed Press
With the internet give near-live coverage of WRC and IRC events, to me when Motorsports News drops though the door on Wednesday/Thursday it seems very outdated. Some more in-depth items would not go amiss - especially amount of people they send to each event! Noticed Jerry from MN ranted in one of his items about a proposal to have regular indepth release from wrc during the events - which he snubbed, suppose it would cut his jolly's down each year

World Rally Radio is a great idea and to me does a good job. More stage coverage is needed, but again back to the mighty £.
5Live / Talksport - do offer some brief update, but the round up program or hourly catchup would be good.
Nice ideal is Totalrally.com - would be good to have this on mainstream radio once a week.

Well where do you start. Well anything connected to a computer costs money. Developing iphone apps and internet costs time and money. wrc.com is doing more soon so the investment is coming in along with ideas on gps tracking, slpit times, webcams etc etc

Media at WRC events
The top guys offer press releases thought the day, but smaller teams media is not on the top of the list - it would be good if someone could cover these at events and report back on them and not just the big boys.

Well thats my rant over - board at work (not rally related work!)

17th February 2010, 11:07
I feel that the first step would be for terrestrial TV coverage. The BTCC has grown in popularity in the UK because it is screened on ITV. If people have the choice between watching some reality TV show or motorsport then we might stand a chance!
However, for watchable TV coverage we need a mixture of hardcore footage - incar, static and helicam and 'layman' footage where an educated presenter explains what seperates the cars from road cars, how the technology affects us daily, proves that rallies are financially beneficial to the locals etc etc
Radio coverage is essesntial too. On BBC radio 1 F1 is the only sport that gets a mention. Again, the national papers dedicate a decent amount of coverage to F1 but next to nothing on rallying - if Northone or the FIA have to pay to take out an advertorial then so be it!
Web coverage can always be improved but it is actually the 'least worst' coverage we are recieving at the moment!

This would be a start! As for 'superstars'... well we have them already, just none are British! how much terrestrial coverage (TV, paper, radio) does the WRC get in France, Spain, Norway and Finland? I'm sure it is a fair bit as they all have stars in the sport!

Absolutely!! Top post!
Completely agree - 'normal' TV is an absolute must. While the MotorsTV deal might seem good, look what else they cover. All what would be described as 'minority/niche' sports. That is what WRC is now viewed as, same as MX, Enduro, etc Hardly Premier brand!!
As for Radio, Newspaper coverage - fat chance!! Take RallyGB - 5Live hardly mentioned it - on the Friday the FiA Presidential election was announced - a perfect opportunity to mention the event - Nothing!! In fact some of the panel had no idea who Ari Vatanen was. The move of Kimi was thought to be a great chance for good coverage - not really. There was an article in the Independent, but apart from that - it was disappointing. Even a lot of the car magazine websites didn't overdo themselves.
All in all it's going to be a massive job, because the sport has disappeared from public view - and nowadays there are only a few sports that get great coverage, the rest get scraps. It's been said before, but F1=Motorsport!!

17th February 2010, 11:58
They have big name now: The Ice Man. But he will soon go from this sport.. If they want brand they must have highly paid drivers.. Now it's sport where rich sons pay their seats so why to pay somebody..

In rallying and other forms of motorsport you always have to had money in order to get to the top where they start to pay you but what this has to do with the topic of the thread?

17th February 2010, 12:01
Sulland tries to start a discussion. You sabotage it. If you have no other agenda, why the f... do you bother?

He was just pointing out that in all the years the ISC/North One have been in charge they've done nothing of note. Thinking that there is going to be any change from this is foolish to say the least.

17th February 2010, 12:02
In rallying and other forms of motorsport you always have to had money in order to get to the top where they start to pay you but what this has to do with the topic of the thread?
I agree, it's the wrong way around anyway. People get paid lots because it's a high profile sport, not the other way around. To be honest who actually cares how much Loeb is paid?

17th February 2010, 12:41

He was just pointing out that in all the years the ISC/North One have been in charge they've done nothing of note. Thinking that there is going to be any change from this is foolish to say the least.

Agree partly with your opinion of ISC/North One, but thats no reason for not discussing it.
And who says its foolish to think that there could be a change? You? Barreis? To stamp something as foolish is IMO very far from constructive.

17th February 2010, 12:58
Just red in last EVO that Prodrive and Mini are close to the deal.. It's shame that Eurosport didn't do WRC instead of IRC cos I like it very much and that's future of any sport: LIVE TV.. :)

17th February 2010, 13:11
Agree partly with your opinion of ISC/North One, but thats no reason for not discussing it.
And who says its foolish to think that there could be a change? You? Barreis? To stamp something as foolish is IMO very far from constructive.
I don't say not to discuss it. I was simply saying that you shouldn't just dismiss what he said. Like I said, the ISC has had YEARS to change the coverage and previously we had Skoda, Subaru, Mitsubishi, Ford, Hyundai, Citroen and Peugeot all in at the same time and in conjunction with the FIA they ran the sport into the ground.

17th February 2010, 13:17
Just red in last EVO that Prodrive and Mini are close to the deal.. It's shame that Eurosport didn't do WRC instead of IRC cos I like it very much and that's future of any sport: LIVE TV.. :)

should be on show with the DS3 at next months Geneva Motorshow

17th February 2010, 13:26
First step would be, not to treat the fans as idiots. All the fake hoopla on wrc.com is not fooling anyone. Nor are the tv-shows presented as if it were live. The obsessive media control ISC/NOT plans to do will not help the WRC in the long run.

17th February 2010, 14:32
World Rally Radio is a great idea and to me does a good job. More stage coverage is needed, but again back to the mighty £.
5Live / Talksport - do offer some brief update, but the round up program or hourly catchup would be good.
Nice ideal is Totalrally.com - would be good to have this on mainstream radio once a week.

Maybe they can look into some new directions also, for example they could make an Iphone application to start with. Including Live Rally Radio, news, videos and pics?

IRC have an Iphone application who is updated often with news and pics (no radio, yet)

17th February 2010, 14:41
Maybe they can look into some new directions also, for example they could make an Iphone application to start with. Including Live Rally Radio, news, videos and pics?

IRC have an Iphone application who is updated often with news and pics (no radio, yet)

The iRally application has most of that... :) At least radio and news :D

17th February 2010, 16:40
The truth is they can't do better then this 'cos nobody wants to buy live show.. This kinda show they produce right now is only about true fans and what about wide audience?! Eurosport is producing their own program and no problem 'cos they know that 12 millions people watch it (1/4 would watch whatever they have on the program that moment).. Copy/paste Eurosport.. :)

17th February 2010, 16:47
Eurosport is producing their own program and no problem 'cos they know that 12 millions people watch it (1/4 would watch whatever they have on the program that moment).. Copy/paste Eurosport.. :)

Eurosport is producing if someone pays for them to do it, like in MC.

17th February 2010, 16:49
Eurosport Events are organiser of IRC..

17th February 2010, 17:05
Eurosport Events are organiser of IRC..

Yes they are but there won't be a coverage like in MC without someone else paying it.

17th February 2010, 17:14
I think Armin Schwartz would make an excellent commentator, because I've seen one of his appearance as guest during New Zealand coverage and he was very perceptive. Or at least be paired with another commentator. Probably not going to happen since he's enjoying racing in America.

17th February 2010, 17:18
I think Armin Schwartz would make an excellent commentator, because I've seen one of his appearance as guest during New Zealand coverage and he was very perceptive. Or at least be paired with another commentator. Probably not going to happen since he's enjoying racing in America.

Schwarz commentated for Eurosport Germany during Monte Carlo this year.

17th February 2010, 18:01
Schwarz commentated for Eurosport Germany during Monte Carlo this year.

I've seen him doing that for RTL from WRC events don't know if he does it still.

17th February 2010, 18:33
Yes they are but there won't be a coverage like in MC without someone else paying it.

Sponsors are paying their marketing PLUS entry fee to IRC from every organiser..

6th March 2010, 16:16
A couple of things need to be done..

We need a mix of the WRC coverage and IRC coverage. I would watch Rallying all day which I have each weekend it has been on eurosport But what the IRC coverage is missing is the production value on the nightly H/Ls They need to start making the program as good as the WRC show. with more cameras on the side of the road I would watch it all again.
Someone put it to me its like cricket Some channels will be live all day and then have H/Ls at night and it gets viewers.

There should be live GPS data by now click on a car and you can see the speed and all the data. Its there so I dont know why it isent on the internet yet.
One of the producers recently said to me that most WRC events have live stages its just that no one will show it live in the UK.. I think this is bull after seeing how many people tuned into the Mote Carlo I would be surprised they couldn't fill it with adds. ( its not like motors TV is live all day so they cant say we are live all day like europsport could)

17th December 2011, 20:15
We should all contact the bbc stating why we think they should bring WRC back. With formula 1 coverage reduced maybe they could use WRC to fill the gap. This would also mean people like jake humphrey doing something and the tax payer seeing some sort of return. As seen with F1 coverage audiences have gone up. This would make WRC a more viable option for sponsors. We have 3 weeks at the most for something to be done. We could start a petition to show the bbc that people want it back on a major channel it will im sure also cost less than F1 (any one know how much espn paid). The bbc can be contacted here for those who want to contact the bbc directly https://faq.external.bbc.co.uk/templ...duleID=contact (https://faq.external.bbc.co.uk/templates/bbcfaqs/emailstatic/emailPage?entryID=contact_postaladdress&moduleID=contact). Any one done a online petition before?

Or to Mark Thompson director general of the bbc mark.thompson@bbc.co.uk (mark.thompson@bbc.co.uk)

17th December 2011, 20:22
I already did, yesterday.

17th December 2011, 20:23
have they replied? Has anyone else? I really think a petition would be the best way forward as it allows other poeple from diffrent forums to sign up.

17th December 2011, 22:44
Just emailed Mark Thompson....

20th December 2011, 17:56
Take it many on here dont give a f**k about rallying :mad: . Many gone on about something needing to be done but do nothing WRC is going to die a slow deaf unless the we the fans do something. Its important to get it on a channel such as the bbc to attract new fans and reingage overs with the sport.

20th December 2011, 18:06
Take it many on here dont give a f**k about rallying :mad: . Many gone on about something needing to be done but do nothing WRC is going to die a slow deaf unless the we the fans do something. Its important to get it on a channel such as the bbc to attract new fans and reingage overs with the sport.

There are a lot of people on here who care about rallying, but perhaps we aren't minded to respond to poorly-written, garbled posts, and perhaps we think you're being a trifle simplistic in assuming that the BBC would suddenly want to take on the WRC coverage. Contacting them is a pointless exercise. The reasons why the BBC doesn't currently want to show rallying are deeper-seated and won't be resolved by a load of fans e-mailing the DG.

20th December 2011, 19:32
I like the sentiment, but people need to live in the real world. Why on earth would the Beeb start showing a minority/niche Motorsport?? This isn't the 80's/90's when the Beeb did show plenty of minority sports.

21st December 2011, 06:30
I wish we could have this for TVNZ. They give very little coverage to motorsport and they appear to have blow their program budget on the Rugby World Cup!

Jake Stephens
21st December 2011, 10:13
There are a lot of people on here who care about rallying, but perhaps we aren't minded to respond to poorly-written, garbled posts, and perhaps we think you're being a trifle simplistic in assuming that the BBC would suddenly want to take on the WRC coverage. Contacting them is a pointless exercise. The reasons why the BBC doesn't currently want to show rallying are deeper-seated and won't be resolved by a load of fans e-mailing the DG.

I agree completely. We would all love to think that we could sway their attention to WRC but it is not going to happen.

21st December 2011, 13:35
Are you all not forgetting who pay for the bbc we the tax payer. If enough people say they want something they have to proved or else they would not be providing a service the public want. Again many of you on here will be moaning about WRC beinging scrapped in the future if we dont try we will never find out. The fans need to make the first move after all its us who pay their wages.

There are a lot of people on here who care about rallying, but perhaps we aren't minded to respond to poorly-written, garbled posts, and perhaps we think you're being a trifle simplistic in assuming that the BBC would suddenly want to take on the WRC coverage. Contacting them is a pointless exercise. The reasons why the BBC doesn't currently want to show rallying are deeper-seated and won't be resolved by a load of fans e-mailing the DG.

Well at least people are willing to try something rather than just moan. This is the reason why this once great country is on its arse right now. :mad:

21st December 2011, 14:17
Are you all not forgetting who pay for the bbc we the tax payer. If enough people say they want something they have to proved or else they would not be providing a service the public want. Again many of you on here will be moaning about WRC beinging scrapped in the future if we dont try we will never find out. The fans need to make the first move after all its us who pay their wages.

Well at least people are willing to try something rather than just moan. This is the reason why this once great country is on its arse right now. :mad:

It is not 'the taxpayer' that pays for the BBC, but the licence fee payer. There is a difference. And in no way is it 'the fans' that need to make the first move. The likes of the BBC will only ever want to take up WRC coverage again if there is something worth covering, which, at the moment, there isn't. In short, your sentiments are well-meaning but misguided.

21st December 2011, 14:22
Are you all not forgetting who pay for the bbc we the tax payer. If enough people say they want something they have to proved or else they would not be providing a service the public want. Again many of you on here will be moaning about WRC beinging scrapped in the future if we dont try we will never find out. The fans need to make the first move after all its us who pay their wages.

To be fair though, on a national level, the WRC is not as popular as say F1, and even that, despite being very popular on the BBC is being reduced. Why? Cost. Many public sector divisions are getting less funding, and need to spend much more carefully. And what is effectively a niche sport, is not going to be on the priority list for the BBC.

21st December 2011, 15:13
To be fair though, on a national level, the WRC is not as popular as say F1, and even that, despite being very popular on the BBC is being reduced. Why? Cost. Many public sector divisions are getting less funding, and need to spend much more carefully. And what is effectively a niche sport, is not going to be on the priority list for the BBC.

Was the problem with F1 the exorbitant fees involved? If so there is no way that WRC could command comparable figures. Maybe the BBC could get a bargain in comparison.

I think a smart move on North Ones or whoever's part would be to give the rights to a any terrestrial channel for a nominal fee. Maybe that would help raise the awareness and interest for te WRC.

Dave B
21st December 2011, 15:19
Are you all not forgetting who pay for the bbc we the tax payer. If enough people say they want something they have to proved or else they would not be providing a service the public want.
Ignoring the many obvious flaws with this post, let's for a moment be hopelessly unrealistic and assume that in your wildest dreams 100,000 people respond to your e-petition - the threshold at which it may (or may not) be considered for debate in Parliament. That's out of a population of 70 million or so. By your logic why should the BBC be at the whim of such a tiny minority of people?

I admire your aim, but you're deluded if you think a petition is the way to go about achieving it.

21st December 2011, 17:43
Well if the bbc annouced that they were doing away with eastenders their would be a petition in seconds its worth a go it doesnt cost a thing your all being defeatist.

It is not 'the taxpayer' that pays for the BBC, but the licence fee payer. There is a difference. And in no way is it 'the fans' that need to make the first move. The likes of the BBC will only ever want to take up WRC coverage again if there is something worth covering, which, at the moment, there isn't. In short, your sentiments are well-meaning but misguided

If it doesnt get broadcasted to a wider tv audience sponsors wont be forth coming dont forget the likes of Ford and Citreon use it as advertisement also (How many DS3 are a round now?). Why would other manufactures consider it if there is a small tv audience.

BDunnell your stuck in the past looking back at the rallies form the 1980s and 1990s (in another post about tv coverage) how are you going to get anything anywhere near those crowds without getting it on to a main tv channel theres no harm in trying.

21st December 2011, 17:52
Ignoring the many obvious flaws with this post, let's for a moment be hopelessly unrealistic and assume that in your wildest dreams 100,000 people respond to your e-petition - the threshold at which it may (or may not) be considered for debate in Parliament. That's out of a population of 70 million or so. By your logic why should the BBC be at the whim of such a tiny minority of people?

I admire your aim, but you're deluded if you think a petition is the way to go about achieving it.

so what are these flaws you talk about? Also what way would you go about it since im deluded? As i have said before their are to many people who just moan and will not try anything.

21st December 2011, 17:52
If it doesnt get broadcasted to a wider tv audience sponsors wont be forth coming dont forget the likes of Ford and Citreon use it as advertisement also (How many DS3 are a round now?). Why would other manufactures consider it if there is a small tv audience.

It is a vicious circle, you're right, but not one that will be broken by a petition to the BBC.

BDunnell your stuck in the past looking back at the rallies form the 1980s and 1990s (in another post about tv coverage) how are you going to get anything anywhere near those crowds without getting it on to a main tv channel theres no harm in trying.

A past in which people wanted to watch rallying. Maybe if the powers-that-be had also got stuck there, the sport wouldn't be in this mess, and lacking decent British TV coverage. All these issues go much deeper than a lack of enthusiasts sending e-mails to the Director-General of the BBC.

21st December 2011, 17:57
A past in which people wanted to watch rallying. Maybe if the powers-that-be had also got stuck there, the sport wouldn't be in this mess, and lacking decent British TV coverage. All these issues go much deeper than a lack of enthusiasts sending e-mails to the Director-General of the BBC.

So in your opinion what are these issues?

21st December 2011, 17:59
So in your opinion what are these issues?

The issues of low manufacturer interest, lack of TV coverage, weak national championships, etc, etc, etc.

21st December 2011, 18:41
It seems to me that the core issue is getting a larger fan base for the WRC and I don't think additional TV coverage will necessarily guarantee that. There has to be investment on all sides for the WRC to grow and the only thing I can do as a fan is to bring as many people to the sport as possible. I have gotten at least a dozen friends involved in watching WRC over the past 2 years, which may not seem like a lot, but if they each brought 12 people to the WRC, etc., that is how grass-movements grow. it would be hard for me to imagine that any fan of motorsports wouldn't enjoy rallying if they were exposed to it by a person who could explain the rules, scoring, tactics, driving techniques, etc. As a passionate WRC fan, I would love more/better footage but that is mostly because I am WRC crazy. I think the footage that is available is acceptable for bringing new people to the sport, it just needs to be made more widely available. I would like to see all broadcasts aired, in full, on WRC.com as soon as they are available. I have other means to get them myself but it needs to be made simple for the average viewer.

21st December 2011, 19:29
Occupy WRC!

21st December 2011, 21:14
What is happening to TV and internet coverage - what are this years promises?

21st December 2011, 22:07
today on eurosport i saw that they are going to cover the event...it was part of their January motorsport coverage schedule. No details though...

21st December 2011, 22:46
You mean MC Rally NOT?

22nd December 2011, 01:35
yes MC

23rd December 2011, 22:33
I haven’t been so interested how the commercial part works between FIA, the promoter of WRC, sponsors and teams but the recent news about NOS and the coverage of WRC have changed my mind.

In the Tuesday issue of “Helsingin Sanomat” (biggest daily newspaper in Finland) there was in the sports section an article called news analysis. There the writer says that: “the most important source of income for the WRC has been the TV rights”. He also says that: “Antonov’s other business are in bad shape and FIA haven’t seen a cent of the millions promised by CSI”.

Things that are clear is:
- The sponsor of a team pays the team to get media coverage via the promoter.
- The promoter pays FIA to have the TV rights.

What is unclear for me is:
- Sponsors as Abu Dhabi, Nokia etc. pays FIA or the promoter (which one?) to get media coverage.
- FIA gets the money for the TV rights.
- If the TV rights is the most important income for WRC, does the teams benefit anything from this or does it all go to FIA?

3rd January 2012, 00:32
In this case, I'm not sure that no news are good news...

5th January 2012, 20:49
Looks like shot in the feet for FIA, they banefited from tv rights killing WRC at the same time (in long run). Just want to share my remarks, Mini has greater pubicity from Rally Dakar than will have from the whole series of WRC this year. Lets make one step back and start from beginig - bring back Eurosport to WRC to get publicity.

6th January 2012, 01:53
WRC's site says that next season Eurosport is going to broadcast highlights. Does anyone knows something more about this?
World Rally Championship - Fanzone - WRC TV Guide (http://www.wrc.com/fanzone/wrc-tv-guide/)

6th January 2012, 07:09
Looks like shot in the feet for FIA, they banefited from tv rights killing WRC at the same time (in long run). Just want to share my remarks, Mini has greater pubicity from Rally Dakar than will have from the whole series of WRC this year. Lets make one step back and start from beginig - bring back Eurosport to WRC to get publicity.
Looking form todays POV yes, but in two; three months time Dakar will be gone and forgotten.

6th January 2012, 08:49
UK perspective only!......

Lots to do, but It wont happen overnight - lots of people on this formum think that each wrc went they will got corner by corner action 24/7 on the internet and free to view TV. Its simply not going to happen (unless you get the guys who just won £100+million quid on sponsoring it)
Live stages / hellicopters etc all cost big money and with pressuire from the FIA, events and teams to cut costs revenues have been cut. But saying that new sponcers have some into the WRC.

Lets face it - we will never get to see rallying on mainstream primetime tv.
The likes of BBC and ITV like high viewing numbers and rallying wont give them that. Also the 3-4 day format of rallying does not suit mainstream tv, where as f1 in a couple of hours slot does.
What does suit rallying is the old channel4 program of a roundup show, offering the days highlights plus extras.
Those who think the golden days of BBC coverage are coming back are living in a dream world!
The likes of MotorsTV (sorry not seen the coverage so cant comment on the quality) are the way forward offering a roundup show at the end of each day.
The Dave show has improved - noticed the lack of z-list celebs, but I would like to see the following week with extra coverage of lower the field.

Printed Press
With the internet give near-live coverage of WRC and IRC events, to me when Motorsports News drops though the door on Wednesday/Thursday it seems very outdated. Some more in-depth items would not go amiss - especially amount of people they send to each event! Noticed Jerry from MN ranted in one of his items about a proposal to have regular indepth release from wrc during the events - which he snubbed, suppose it would cut his jolly's down each year

World Rally Radio is a great idea and to me does a good job. More stage coverage is needed, but again back to the mighty £.
5Live / Talksport - do offer some brief update, but the round up program or hourly catchup would be good.
Nice ideal is Totalrally.com - would be good to have this on mainstream radio once a week.

Well where do you start. Well anything connected to a computer costs money. Developing iphone apps and internet costs time and money. wrc.com is doing more soon so the investment is coming in along with ideas on gps tracking, slpit times, webcams etc etc

Media at WRC events
The top guys offer press releases thought the day, but smaller teams media is not on the top of the list - it would be good if someone could cover these at events and report back on them and not just the big boys.

Well thats my rant over - board at work (not rally related work!)

Would like to bring back this one, a lot of good points here.

Not much has happened in a year, and no plan to develop either has been presented.
Everyone from the top down i FIA says that Rally is a sport where the Internet should play a vital role, in addition to TV.

There are a lot of smart people on the forum, what could be done to improve the Internet part of the media show?

6th January 2012, 12:01
WRC's site says that next season Eurosport is going to broadcast highlights. Does anyone knows something more about this?
World Rally Championship - Fanzone - WRC TV Guide (http://www.wrc.com/fanzone/wrc-tv-guide/)

If this is true that would be great! I hope there will be an announcement regarding this very soon.

6th January 2012, 12:58
World Rally Championship close to promotion solution - WRC news - AUTOSPORT.com (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/96906)

6th January 2012, 12:59
Go Eurosport.

7th January 2012, 09:26
Can I Race It?: Statement by North One Television over the WRC rights issue (http://neil-hudson.blogspot.com/2012/01/statement-by-north-one-television-over.html)
A story has always more than one side.

7th January 2012, 13:03
Definitely interesting developments, it will be interesting to see what will happen over the next few weeks between the FIA, Eurosport and North One.

7th January 2012, 15:04
Can't see NOS being involved in anything. Contract has been terminated by Paris. All employees made redundant.

Rally Power
7th January 2012, 16:19
More important than guessing if Eurosport Events will do better than NOS, it's time to see the FIA take some ambitious measures about the WRC future.
WRC will never be the F1, so it's better to reconigze that the promotional issues should be separated from the technical and sport regulations.
Having an external promoter deciding what events and cars should be run in WRC it's wrong and won't benefit the series.
Those subjects are competence of the FIA and should be based in a permanent feedback with WRC players: manufactureurs, teams, organizers, drivers, etc.
Only promotional stuff like media coverage, series sponsoring and merchandise should be delegated to an external entity, by a fair and reasonable commercial rights agreement.

PS: everybody is remarking the good job of EE on the IRC, but hasn't the series been in a visible decline due to permanent calendar changes, motivated by the promoter economical interests?

7th January 2012, 17:45
Just look at MAds Ostberg´s incar camera from testing today. That´s the way incar coverage should be. And Live. And in everycar. Chooseable for everyone. Wishful thinking? MAybe!

But Mads found the perfect angle (120 degrees camera shutter)

7th January 2012, 20:51
But Mads found the perfect angle (120 degrees camera shutter)

Sure that it's a 120 degree angle, not a 170 one?

7th January 2012, 20:58
the camera is very good indeed....

WRC needs some fresh ideas to bring new fans and people to get interested in... using cameras that capture the true speed and skills is an easy way to do it, anyone watching such footage will definitely be attracted to watch more of it, if he has a spine that is.

7th January 2012, 22:38
Sure that it's a 120 degree angle, not a 170 one?

Sorry 120 was my guess. Looking at it twice it´s more likely 170-180 degrees.

7th January 2012, 22:42
the camera is very good indeed....

WRC needs some fresh ideas to bring new fans and people to get interested in... using cameras that capture the true speed and skills is an easy way to do it, anyone watching such footage will definitely be attracted to watch more of it, if he has a spine that is.

Yeah, tonight at work I did test the incar footage of Mads to my fellows and they said it was amazing how fast it did feel and they even screamed (you know what I mean..) in some bends when Mads came in too quickly and touched the banks.

So this is what we have to see more of. The Ostberg team has invented a new way to show incar pics.

8th January 2012, 10:10
If we can get inboards like these, and streamed out to internet, like Ramona Karlson tested in swedish rally, we are on the right track. The technology is there - explore it, lead from the front !

8th January 2012, 20:40
Sorry 120 was my guess. Looking at it twice it´s more likely 170-180 degrees.

It looks like GoPro Hero 2. It is definitely 170 degrees angle. I am using the same camera and 170 degrees lens for underwater research. Picture looks very, very same.

8th January 2012, 23:27
Yeah, tonight at work I did test the incar footage of Mads to my fellows and they said it was amazing how fast it did feel and they even screamed (you know what I mean..) in some bends when Mads came in too quickly and touched the banks.

So this is what we have to see more of. The Ostberg team has invented a new way to show incar pics.

Thats the way onboards should be done.
WRC 2012 - Hirvonen testing the Citroën la DS3 WRC before Monte Carlo Rally - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGcIyUPWjoo)
Hirvonens test - If you watch from about 23 seconds to 28 or something(trust me :D ) the view, right at the front of the car, I think really demonstrates the speed, I'd like to see more of this also!

8th January 2012, 23:34
Thats the way onboards should be done.
WRC 2012 - Hirvonen testing the Citroën la DS3 WRC before Monte Carlo Rally - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGcIyUPWjoo)
Hirvonens test - If you watch from about 23 seconds to 28 or something(trust me :D ) the view, right at the front of the car, I think really demonstrates the speed, I'd like to see more of this also!


8th January 2012, 23:39

I take it you diddnt like it :laugh:

9th January 2012, 10:07
So, the contract with NOS has been ripped. I guess its Eurosport then! Looking forward to it, i like changes and i hope they will bring some new ways of doing stuff!

And most improtantly, I have eurosport but no MTV3max here in Finland! without this i would have been stuck with late night wrap ups, now hopefully some more footage and reports during normal hours. hah!

9th January 2012, 10:58
Thats the way onboards should be done.
WRC 2012 - Hirvonen testing the Citroën la DS3 WRC before Monte Carlo Rally - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGcIyUPWjoo)
Hirvonens test - If you watch from about 23 seconds to 28 or something(trust me :D ) the view, right at the front of the car, I think really demonstrates the speed, I'd like to see more of this also!

For sure. But the incar pics at Mads test shows the speed, how the driver turns the wheel, shifts gear and finally the view 180 degrees makes it rock!

9th January 2012, 12:20
It looks like GoPro Hero 2. It is definitely 170 degrees angle. I am using the same camera and 170 degrees lens for underwater research. Picture looks very, very same.

The camera are a VIO POV HD, and the lens was mounted on the side of Mads chair.

9th January 2012, 12:23
For sure. But the incar pics at Mads test shows the speed, how the driver turns the wheel, shifts gear and finally the view 180 degrees makes it rock!

Oh yes, i hope the new camera men are taking note:-)

9th January 2012, 12:37
Oh yes, i hope the new camera men are taking note:-)

Well, that onboard with Mads is absolutely incredible. I am on the edge of my seat!

What really pains me is that it is so easy to do, and NOS have not been doing it for 10 years and destroyed what could have been a great onboard collection from the greatest driver of our time!

If this issue is not fixed with Eurosport coming in, we might never see a great onboard with Loeb. It is so sad.

I have tried before to put pressure on NOS to change it, but it obviously did not work. But we have to start again. I can't take another season with the same ****!

9th January 2012, 12:46
I don't know how much influence Eurosport has/had on the onboard cameras in IRC, but this is a great position:

Tour de Corse 2011 - Thierry Neuville & Nicolas Gilsoul - Onboard Camera - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_rV6ndeNrY)

9th January 2012, 12:53
Yep, that is very good. But I am really affraid what we will see i Monte. I worst case scenario Eurosport take over the cameras and positions from NOS. That is my nightmare

9th January 2012, 22:31
Eurosport's listings for January 17 to 22 have no mention whatsoever of WRC, while there's plenty on Motors TV's, as it was for the last few years.

So, I'm a bit confused, who's gonna do the WRC this season, if anyone?

10th January 2012, 15:12
And most improtantly, I have eurosport but no MTV3max here in Finland! without this i would have been stuck with late night wrap ups, now hopefully some more footage and reports during normal hours. hah!

Same for me so it suits me very well if Eurosport is taking over.

There are still some problems having the timing and tracking system to Monte.

Timing system dispute fear for Monte Carlo Rally - WRC news - AUTOSPORT.com (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/96934)

Timing issues cast doubt over Monte Carlo | Page 2 | WRC News | Jan 2012 | Crash.Net (http://www.crash.net/world+rally/news/175888/2/timing_issues_cast_doubt_over_monte_carlo.html)

10th January 2012, 17:06

FIA ended NOS´s little games so I guess NOS is now turning the favour by trying to ruin the party for the rest of us. And also, "miraculously", they still have money for lawyers.

10th January 2012, 18:14

FIA ended NOS´s little games so I guess NOS is now turning the favour by trying to ruin the party for the rest of us. And also, "miraculously", they still have money for lawyers.

You can thank the administrators over this not NOS.

10th January 2012, 18:48
Aaa my bad. And if the organisers have a backup plan+equipment for the Monte time-keeping then I guess today´s ranting about the NOS/S1T equipment is more about certain people being concerned about their friends than the rally itself.

10th January 2012, 18:56
According to FIA´s Jarmo Mahonen "there is no new promoter in sight and they aren´t actively searching for one at the moment" (because of the basic preparations for Monte). About TV coverage he says they have negotiated with Eurosport but no deals have been signed yet, and that there are other options as well. So no answers concerning Monte´s TV coverage, or for the rest of the season for that matter.
Monte Carlo ajetaan ilman promoottorisopimusta - Ralli - Turun Sanomat (http://www.ts.fi/moottoriurheilu/ralli/297634.html)

10th January 2012, 19:05
Very interesting. I'm not sure why they felt the need to turn themselves into a not for profit company. The £10,000 offer more the equipment alone seems more than fair.

10th January 2012, 19:48
Very interesting. I'm not sure why they felt the need to turn themselves into a not for profit company. The £10,000 offer more the equipment alone seems more than fair.

Out of a wish to be seen as nice and cuddly?

10th January 2012, 20:06
Out of a wish to be seen as nice and cuddly?

I can't imagine that Administrators are swayed by emotional issues too often. Otherwise they wouldn't be Administrators!

10k for enough timing and tracking equipment to cover a whole WRC with many different stages, and no doubt lots of comms and computer gear sounds like a little under-done to me!!

10th January 2012, 20:34
I can't imagine that Administrators are swayed by emotional issues too often. Otherwise they wouldn't be Administrators!

Hence my use of 'be seen to be'.

11th January 2012, 09:07
10k for enough timing and tracking equipment to cover a whole WRC with many different stages, and no doubt lots of comms and computer gear sounds like a little under-done to me!!

But as they point out it's worthless without their expertise and software, they are basically saying to the administrators, take £10,000 or get nothing. The administrators are legally obliged to minimise their losses.

11th January 2012, 09:45
It is a strange situation when NOS owe this company £1million and they are detaining the equipment. Do NOS actually own the equipment and just employ S1T to service it?

11th January 2012, 09:50
It is a strange situation when NOS owe this company £1million and they are detaining the equipment. Do NOS actually own the equipment and just employ S1T to service it?

I think S1T is the rebranded ISC-T, so in essence this company used to be owned by NOS, and this changed at the start of 2011 season. Given this situation, there may be all sorts of complications over ownership of IP that has been left out of the emotive Open Letter from S1T.

11th January 2012, 10:27
And the problem is that the administrators see purely in cash terms, they don't care if they disrupt the running of the Monte Carlo Rally or not.

11th January 2012, 13:53
I wonder if this collapse and subsequent fiasco would have influenced Fords decision had this happened before they announced their decision to stay? Right now what exactly are the teams getting for all their investment? The only two bits of exposure that have stood out lately were the full page adverts by MINI and Škoda.

11th January 2012, 14:08
NOS's side:

North One Television CEO Neil Duncanson says WRC crisis was unavoidable - WRC news - AUTOSPORT.com (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/96951)

11th January 2012, 14:16
I wonder how long they have been in trouble though and whether the FIA should have terminated their contract as soon as Antonov was arrested. The article linked to above states North One Television (separate company?) are owed £3m, S1T £1m, alledgedly the FIA haven't seen much of the money they are due for the rights...

11th January 2012, 14:30
I wonder how long they have been in trouble though and whether the FIA should have terminated their contract as soon as Antonov was arrested. The article linked to above states North One Television (separate company?) are owed £3m, S1T £1m, alledgedly the FIA haven't seen much of the money they are due for the rights...

They can only terminate when there's grounds or a breach in a contract. When they terminated must have been when they were able to do so.

11th January 2012, 15:01
I wonder if this collapse and subsequent fiasco would have influenced Fords decision had this happened before they announced their decision to stay? Right now what exactly are the teams getting for all their investment? The only two bits of exposure that have stood out lately were the full page adverts by MINI and Škoda.

The full page Skoda ad you refer to was for IRC, and both Mini and Skoda ads would have been funded by themselves.

11th January 2012, 19:52
By Colin Clark it’s Eurosport for the next three years.


11th January 2012, 19:54
Given that it went through an extensive tender process last time, this seems like quite the cosy little deal.

11th January 2012, 19:57
By Colin Clark it’s Eurosport for the next three years.


finally some true professionals behind the cameras and on the mics...

Fast Eddie WRC
11th January 2012, 21:50
Great news - loved their IRC coverage, lets hope ES can do the same with the WRC :)

11th January 2012, 21:53

13th January 2012, 01:20
I think we have to say goodbye to Motors TV daily highlights, haven't we?

13th January 2012, 21:36
Motors TV are showing coverage in their schedule


13th January 2012, 21:39
well, nobody hasn't said, that eurosport shows those highlights, they only do the filming and put the stuff togehter. maybe because taking eurosport in was a last minute call they already had contracts with australian open, snooker and with all other sports that they are showing.

Fast Eddie WRC
13th January 2012, 22:05
Cant see why ES would agree to do all the work and then not show the WRC itself ??

Why shouldnt they show it as there is already two channels competing for WRC viewers (Motors & ESPN), so why not a 3rd ?

13th January 2012, 23:50
Now it is in Eurosport Schedule.
Wednesday 23:00 Day 1 (30 min)
Friday 00:00 Day 2 (30min)
Friday 23:00 Day 3 (30min)
Sunday 00:00 Day 4 (30min)
Monday 00:00 Day 5 (30min)
All times according to CET

14th January 2012, 08:42
pretty late i should say.

still, mtv3max shows those highlights in normal time, 22.30, that is 21.30 CET.

14th January 2012, 13:03
Cant see why ES would agree to do all the work and then not show the WRC itself ??

Why shouldnt they show it as there is already two channels competing for WRC viewers (Motors & ESPN), so why not a 3rd ?

ESPN are not showing the WRC this year , they only signed up for one year and were not for signing up this year this was confirmed even before the Antonov issue arose. This is acording to irally this morning.

Fast Eddie WRC
14th January 2012, 14:29
Great to see WRC back on Eurosport and in HD as well :)

Glad I wont have to watch that rubbish picture and crap commentary on Motors any more !

15th January 2012, 09:55
Not something you could stumble on by accident eh.

15th January 2012, 13:00
It looks like there will be no Monte rally on Nordic Eurosport, F**K!

15th January 2012, 13:58
It looks like there will be no Monte rally on Nordic Eurosport, F**K!

seems that way :(

what about mtv3max, is it showing?
maybe there are legality issues?

15th January 2012, 14:15
seems that way :(

what about mtv3max, is it showing?
maybe there are legality issues?

Yes but I don’t have that pay channel and I think I never going to get it. It’s not worth paying about 20 €/ month just for watching WRC. They are broadcasting the WRC reports on the free channel also but usually very late in the night.

15th January 2012, 14:43
I won´t be buying a dozen useless channels just to see 30 min highlights of WRC with bunch of talking heads. But I´d assume the Eurosport Player should have the WRC content, unless they are blocked from there as well (?).

15th January 2012, 14:45
Take analogue reciever and normal satelite plate antenna and watch Eurosport Europe for free. That's how I watch it.

15th January 2012, 16:39
I have used MTV3's Katsomo.fi online service. Whole WRC season 2011 was under 30€ - a very reasonable price.

(Unfortunately it has not been working outside Finland. Maybe some guru could make it work trough a proxy server...? :rolleyes: Trying should atleast be very easy as there is also free content...)

15th January 2012, 21:57
So, are they going to show the Onboard Special also this year?

16th January 2012, 12:16
Nothing has been added on the WRC.com site for well over a week, is it still running? Will they still be posting the live stage times? Will they still broadcast WRR?

I can't see any highlights show in the Eurosport Player program schedule, am I missing something?

When fans don't even know what is going on, it really show that the WRC has turned to total sh*t. It really is a poor show.

16th January 2012, 12:26
Nothing has been added on the WRC.com site for well over a week, is it still running? Will they still be posting the live stage times? Will they still broadcast WRR?

I can't see any highlights show in the Eurosport Player program schedule, am I missing something?

When fans don't even know what is going on, it really show that the WRC has turned to total sh*t. It really is a poor show.

There's an interesting article in The Times of London today saying that the Manufacturers, the Teams and associated stakeholders are vehemently opposed the any deal with Eurosport. This they feel will permanently relegate it to subscription TV across most of the world. The loss of a potential ITV4 deal being an example I gues of what will likely happen across many territories in the World.
Why would any terrestrial broadcaster buy something that is already on Eurosport that also covers their territory.
Perhaps this Eurosport thing is far from a done deal.

16th January 2012, 12:27
wrc.com can be considered dead for the time being.

Brother John
16th January 2012, 12:27
Last year I had already thought, Rally Coverage + other sports are no longer free for us in the future.

16th January 2012, 12:31
ITV4 would be the ideal solution. BTCC is already on there.

16th January 2012, 12:31
Last night I saw Eurosport advertising their Monte Carlo coverage, begins Wednesday at 23.00.

16th January 2012, 12:43
World Rally Radio (http://worldrallyradio.com/World_Rally_Radio/World_Rally_Radio.html)

16th January 2012, 12:58
World Rally Radio (http://worldrallyradio.com/World_Rally_Radio/World_Rally_Radio.html)

What's your point?

16th January 2012, 13:02
There's an interesting article in The Times of London today saying that the Manufacturers, the Teams and associated stakeholders are vehemently opposed the any deal with Eurosport. This they feel will permanently relegate it to subscription TV across most of the world. The loss of a potential ITV4 deal being an example I gues of what will likely happen across many territories in the World.
Why would any terrestrial broadcaster buy something that is already on Eurosport that also covers their territory.
Perhaps this Eurosport thing is far from a done deal.

As you say, this is very interesting. Eurosport isn't on FTA in all countries, is it? That's always been my slight problem with Eurosport. In all honesty, while both IRC/ WTCC are on Eurosport - they've never really made it into 'mainstream'. Andy Priaulx won 3 WTCC titles - yet most BTCC drivers are better known than him. And why? It's on ITV4.....

16th January 2012, 13:04
What's your point?
The point is that now I know also where to find World Rally Radio. I didnt know it before and I am far more happier now :-)

16th January 2012, 13:14
As you say, this is very interesting. Eurosport isn't on FTA in all countries, is it? That's always been my slight problem with Eurosport. In all honesty, while both IRC/ WTCC are on Eurosport - they've never really made it into 'mainstream'. Andy Priaulx won 3 WTCC titles - yet most BTCC drivers are better known than him. And why? It's on ITV4.....

Yep, for the majority of the country, and all of the country by September, ITV4 will assume the status of terrestrial channel, notionally no different to the likes of BBC2 because everyone will be able to receive it, the same cannot be said of Eurosport.

Fast Eddie WRC
16th January 2012, 13:16
Nothing has been added on the WRC.com site for well over a week, is it still running? Will they still be posting the live stage times? Will they still broadcast WRR?

I can't see any highlights show in the Eurosport Player program schedule, am I missing something?

When fans don't even know what is going on, it really show that the WRC has turned to total sh*t. It really is a poor show.

Worrying about the WRC site ...

ES is showing highlights on my Sky+ schedule :)

16th January 2012, 13:44
There's an interesting article in The Times of London today saying that the Manufacturers, the Teams and associated stakeholders are vehemently opposed the any deal with Eurosport. This they feel will permanently relegate it to subscription TV across most of the world. The loss of a potential ITV4 deal being an example I gues of what will likely happen across many territories in the World.
Why would any terrestrial broadcaster buy something that is already on Eurosport that also covers their territory.
Perhaps this Eurosport thing is far from a done deal.

Eurosport will be able to cover the events (i.e. produce the programmes), but FIA must honour running contracts with a number of TV channels across the globe. As an example, in the Scandinavian countries Viasat has a contract with North One with rights to broadcast the WRC. The contract was originally for three years 2010-2012. Viasat lawyers are now studying the contracts, and there is no doubt that Viasat considers the contract to be valid also for 2012. But FIA has so far not been able to confirm that Viasat will receive the programmes as contracted, and Viasat does not know two days before the rally starts wether they will get the programmes or not. If FIA choses to break excisting and running contracts (with a number of channels) and solely broadcast everything on Eurosport, it will put FIA in a very difficult position re. future negotiations and possible deals. If the TV-channels suspect that they can not trust FIA, it will be very challenging for WRC to get any future TV-deals at all.

Langdale Forest
16th January 2012, 13:46
Why had wrc.com stopped updating news?

Brother John
16th January 2012, 13:50
Eurosport will be able to cover the events (i.e. produce the programmes), but FIA must honour running contracts with a number of TV channels across the globe. As an example, in the Scandinavian countries Viasat has a contract with North One with rights to broadcast the WRC. The contract was originally for three years 2010-2012. Viasat lawyers are now studying the contracts, and there is no doubt that Viasat considers the contract to be valid also for 2012. But FIA has so far not been able to confirm that Viasat will receive the programmes as contracted, and Viasat does not know two days before the rally starts wether they will get the programmes or not. If FIA choses to break excisting and running contracts (with a number of channels) and solely broadcast everything on Eurosport, it will put FIA in a very difficult position re. future negotiations and possible deals. If the TV-channels suspect that they can not trust FIA, it will be very challenging for WRC to get any future TV-deals at all.

I hope to see the rallys again on Viasat Motor TV.

Langdale Forest
16th January 2012, 13:58
The WRC is in a crisis now, with no TV coverage on the main channels in the UK, and there is no new updates on wrc.com.

It is going to be very hard to find results.

16th January 2012, 13:59

16th January 2012, 14:18
There's an interesting article in The Times of London today saying that the Manufacturers, the Teams and associated stakeholders are vehemently opposed the any deal with Eurosport. This they feel will permanently relegate it to subscription TV across most of the world. The loss of a potential ITV4 deal being an example I gues of what will likely happen across many territories in the World.
Why would any terrestrial broadcaster buy something that is already on Eurosport that also covers their territory.

Didn't you just ask and answer the question?

I really don't see a problem here. If we take a country where Eurosport is free-to-air, then it is free. If Eurosport is on pay tv, then a free to air broadcaster may still be interested.

This still has to be progress over what we had last year. Even the Rally GB powerstage got significantly less viewers in the UK than the Cyprus live Eurosport coverage last year.

People asking about WRC.COM, this site was owned and run by the previous rightsholders who had their contract terminated, therefore it is pretty unlikely you will see anything new on there. But there is no reason to panic, live times will be available online, rally radio will hopefully still be there...

16th January 2012, 14:21
Why had wrc.com stopped updating news?

Because the company that ran it went bust.

Brother John
16th January 2012, 14:25
The WRC is in a crisis now, with no TV coverage on the main channels in the UK, and there is no new updates on wrc.com.

It is going to be very hard to find results.

Results maybe like in the old days, after the weekend in a newspaper. :D

There will be media people who directly interact with their website via all the modern features.

16th January 2012, 14:25
Didn't you just ask and answer the question?

I really don't see a problem here. If we take a country where Eurosport is free-to-air, then it is free. If Eurosport is on pay tv, then a free to air broadcaster may still be interested.

This still has to be progress over what we had last year. Even the Rally GB powerstage got significantly less viewers in the UK than the Cyprus live Eurosport coverage last year.

People asking about WRC.COM, this site was owned and run by the previous rightsholders who had their contract terminated, therefore it is pretty unlikely you will see anything new on there. But there is no reason to panic, live times will be available online, rally radio will hopefully still be there...

Yes, but is it a good thing for our sport for it to be broadcast solely on a sports channel (a pan-European one) rather than on individual channels in each territory?
Or more precisely, to go backwards to that position.
It can quickly become the sort of sport whereby you can find it if you know where it is, but are unlikely to stumble on it and find new fans.

16th January 2012, 14:27
Because the company that ran it went bust.

could we assume the same for GPweek also?

16th January 2012, 14:55
Last night I saw Eurosport advertising their Monte Carlo coverage, begins Wednesday at 23.00.



16th January 2012, 15:03
was the advert on Eurosport UK? I can't find it in the schedule yet.

16th January 2012, 15:11
was the advert on Eurosport UK? I can't find it in the schedule yet.

It is there, I programmed it into my Sky Box this morning. Starting 10pm Wednesday.

16th January 2012, 15:36
That was yesterday on Eurosport International... sry for the vid, it's done with my camera :D

Forest 20
16th January 2012, 19:55
Full Eurosport International list (British Eurosport same according to Digiguide)

Times in GMT

Wednesday 22.00
Thursday 23.00
Friday 22.00
Saturday 23.00
Sunday 23.00

All 30 minutes.

16th January 2012, 20:33
Weird. I keep looking on Virgin and it's not listed.

16th January 2012, 20:39
Listed on my ntl here in Ireland

16th January 2012, 20:44
Weird. I keep looking on Virgin and it's not listed.
It was listed yesterday on virgin media on eurosport and motorstv

16th January 2012, 20:50
That's really odd. I'm looking now and there is nothing. I live in the Midlands. Not sure if there are regional variations

16th January 2012, 21:06
that is strange. its listed here Consumer Site (http://tv.eurosport.co.uk/)
listings where for VM wales

James Graham
16th January 2012, 22:05
I've been saying it for years but every type of media coverage we need can be found online. We have instant timing, forums like this, rally radio, apps, YouTube videos, people Tweeting instant pictures. Sure it is nice to sit down in front of the TV with a coffee or a beer and watch the review show but if you want instant information then online is the place to be.

We will be trying something new over at my website for 2012 which I hope will develop as the championship goes on.

Having said all of that, the WRC does unfortunately need a promoter / rights holder with some money who can bankroll the championship and it is unlikely an online provider will be able to do that. Would the FIA even let an online media company buy the rights or are they old and stuck in their ways?

16th January 2012, 22:11
We will be trying something new over at my website for 2012 which I hope will develop as the championship goes on.

if not secret, then what's your website? :D

16th January 2012, 22:38
I've been saying it for years but every type of media coverage we need can be found online. We have instant timing, forums like this, rally radio, apps, YouTube videos, people Tweeting instant pictures. Sure it is nice to sit down in front of the TV with a coffee or a beer and watch the review show but if you want instant information then online is the place to be.

We will be trying something new over at my website for 2012 which I hope will develop as the championship goes on.

Having said all of that, the WRC does unfortunately need a promoter / rights holder with some money who can bankroll the championship and it is unlikely an online provider will be able to do that. Would the FIA even let an online media company buy the rights or are they old and stuck in their ways?

Living in the States, that's how I keep up, anyway, haha. Love the radio broadcasts.

First post, woot!

17th January 2012, 03:25
I am uncertain if ONE HD in Australia will be broadcasting the WRC this year... or from this week... Eurosport in Australia/Asia will be showing the WRC.

Australian Eurosport (GMT +11)

19th Thursday 10.30 (Day 1 - 3 times a day)
20th Friday 10.00 (Day 2 x3)
21st Saturday 09.00 (Day 3 x3)
22nd Sunday 10.00 (Day 4 x3)
23rd Monday 10.00 (Shown ONLY once!)

James Graham
17th January 2012, 04:35
if not secret, then what's your website? :D

There is a link in my signature.

I really hope Eurosport can do the same for the WRC as they did with the IRC but I fear it will be to the detriment of one or the other championships, most likely the IRC which is not FIA sanctioned.

17th January 2012, 05:02
There is a link in my signature.

I really hope Eurosport can do the same for the WRC as they did with the IRC but I fear it will be to the detriment of one or the other championships, most likely the IRC which is not FIA sanctioned.

Or Snooker... :D

Also, if your in Hong Kong -3 hours from the times above and -2 hours if your in Japan.

What will happen when IRC and WRC have same dates in rounds? Who will have priority in LIVE if LIVE will happen in WRC?

17th January 2012, 09:14
I really hope Eurosport can do the same for the WRC as they did with the IRC but I fear it will be to the detriment of one or the other championships, most likely the IRC which is not FIA sanctioned.


17th January 2012, 09:37
What will happen when IRC and WRC have same dates in rounds? Who will have priority in LIVE if LIVE will happen in WRC?

The WRC.

17th January 2012, 18:32
Loeb makes some interesting points. Basically it doesn't matter than we lost NOS because they didn't do anything anyway: Loeb unfazed by loss of promoter North One Sport - WRC news - AUTOSPORT.com (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/97068)

17th January 2012, 20:04
He's right.....

17th January 2012, 20:11
I'm really surprised there was no coverage in France. with there being the 2 sebs and citroen. they really do need to get this coverage sorted out..

17th January 2012, 20:38
That's how good/bad NOS was.

17th January 2012, 21:36
According to wrc.com WRC was on 4 different channels in France last year, even one with live Powerstage... World Rally Championship - Fanzone - WRC TV Guide (http://www.wrc.com/fanzone/wrc-tv-guide/)

18th January 2012, 22:10
I think I am going to go mental!!! After all the ups and downs and anticipation Latvala is out and rather than the rally Eurosport have let snooker run over. Snooker!!! I forgot how incredibly frustrating this was. At least in the good old ESPN days it was on time.

18th January 2012, 22:16
I think I am going to go mental!!! After all the ups and downs and anticipation Latvala is out and rather than the rally Eurosport have let snooker run over. Snooker!!! I forgot how incredibly frustrating this was. At least in the good old ESPN days it was on time.

if the footage are the same ones motors tv uses then do not stay up to watch it.... pretty bad for such an event.

19th January 2012, 01:41
Watched Day 1 coverage from Eurosport... so far so good. Julian Porter is doing the commentary similar to how he use to do a LIVE Power Stage but with a bit more script. A few hiccups with him but it's his first time doing it. Kinda like the guy from IRC but better haha.
Production wise, new graphics and the way the show is put together. Few panning shots of scenery are duplicated but what can you do. Heli-cam is pretty good and enough coverage of cars on stages including Ogier and mentioning the S2000 cars in the days review.
There are awkward silences when Julian isn't talking as well as the background noise you can hear... I heard a phone ring! :D
When they're doing service park shots or interviews, it takes a second to kick in, service coverage it's very quiet so that'll improve.
Simulcam is something new when they've filmed one part of a stage from a distance and put two films on top of each other, two cars on each other and compared! Pretty neat!

On another note, I don't think the teams or drivers are paying anyone (Production company) to broadcast coverage of their cars like they did in the past.... There is plenty of drivers talked about and shown including the Skoda guys and Delecour so things have changed. I only recall seeing Henning or Wilson once on the show... perhaps they're not doing well.... (Sorry couldn't follow the rally properly last night)

19th January 2012, 03:02
Watched Day 1 coverage from Eurosport... so far so good. Julian Porter is doing the commentary similar to how he use to do a LIVE Power Stage but with a bit more script. A few hiccups with him but it's his first time doing it. Kinda like the guy from IRC but better haha.
Production wise, new graphics and the way the show is put together. Few panning shots of scenery are duplicated but what can you do. Heli-cam is pretty good and enough coverage of cars on stages including Ogier and mentioning the S2000 cars in the days review.
There are awkward silences when Julian isn't talking as well as the background noise you can hear... I heard a phone ring! :D
When they're doing service park shots or interviews, it takes a second to kick in, service coverage it's very quiet so that'll improve.
Simulcam is something new when they've filmed one part of a stage from a distance and put two films on top of each other, two cars on each other and compared! Pretty neat!

On another note, I don't think the teams or drivers are paying anyone (Production company) to broadcast coverage of their cars like they did in the past.... There is plenty of drivers talked about and shown including the Skoda guys and Delecour so things have changed. I only recall seeing Henning or Wilson once on the show... perhaps they're not doing well.... (Sorry couldn't follow the rally properly last night)


I just posted similar on the Good Riddance NOS thread: I liked the Eurosport coverage. It is a nice refreshing change, especially when compared with the Paul King/NOS sh*te we have had to endure for the last few years. Long live Eurosport.

19th January 2012, 08:16
Just watching the motors tv coverage. Also with Julian Porter. Is it exactly the same as Eurosport?

19th January 2012, 10:06
Motors was exactly the same as Eurosport (except fuzzier, like it was with NOS)

Nice to hear Julien Porter doing the commentary. I thought the footage was very good, especially considering how little time they had to put this together. Lots of helicopter shots, good onboards, simulcam that we first saw in IRC is good (much better than old virtual spectator) and like others have said nice to see them showing a proper variety of cars.

The screening delay is frustrating but live sports have to take precedence. I started watching on Motors but when Eurosport programme started I switched over to watch it in HD. If screening time is a big issue then at least we have Motors too which should be more reliable with the timings.

19th January 2012, 10:25
Motors was exactly the same as Eurosport (except fuzzier, like it was with NOS)

Nice to hear Julien Porter doing the commentary. I thought the footage was very good, especially considering how little time they had to put this together. Lots of helicopter shots, good onboards, simulcam that we first saw in IRC is good (much better than old virtual spectator) and like others have said nice to see them showing a proper variety of cars.

The screening delay is frustrating but live sports have to take precedence. I started watching on Motors but when Eurosport programme started I switched over to watch it in HD. If screening time is a big issue then at least we have Motors too which should be more reliable with the timings.

Sorry but it simply wasn't good enough.

Eurosport did again what it always does - fails to keep to schedule, lets down viewers, so no surprise it isn't holding audiences or attracting advertisers.

Quality of coverage was poor - no narrative or story of the day, just a disjointed stage-by-stage top six or seven cars; meaningless gaps in commentary and scripting; nothing to explain the story of Sordo's recovery from his incident.

After watching this, it's easy to see why some of the teams are concerned about Eurosport's capabilites for the whole season.

19th January 2012, 12:24
I totally agree with milly. The script and commentary was pretty bad and even though I like Julian I really miss Paul King. Guess we'll have to give Eurosport some time to get their **** together so we'll see after Sweden how things are. Besides the many missteps and hickups from Julian the biggest problem is that there was no stories from behind the stagetimes at all. They totally missed reactions from Ford to Latvalas crash (besides from Latvala himself), they missed the part about how Petter made Ford go with the diagonal tire strategy, only to be phoned up by Malcolm and told NOT to run his own idea on the stage. That cost him a lot of time. Time he really needs now that he's in second overall and the only factory Ford left. There was no comment at all, and only one shot from the satellite Ford team. No words about how Hennings Ford fell to pieces (like it always does).

All in all, a pretty bad first day. How RAS007 can say it's better is beyond me, but I guess Paul King stole his girlfriend or something..

19th January 2012, 13:50
I can understand people's comments about the commentary not being very slick but on the whole the quality of footage was good.

Surprising to see some Paul King fans coming out the closet, I couldn't stand that over-produced bland cheesy crap so much I haven't bothered watching any WRC stuff since Finland last year before last nights programme, even though I have Motors TV.

Pretty useless criticising Eurosport at this stage, especially considering that if this was still an IRC event or if they had been given more time the entire rally probably would have been televised live.

19th January 2012, 14:25
I actually had no problems with any commentators from the late 90's to now. They've been fine but I didn't like when they did the review 60min show and the power stage was "Scripted" LIVE unless they use edited the Live coverage into the 60 min special... sorry.

I've enjoyed all commentary and Porter has plenty of time to work on it if he continues! We have to give Eurosport time as well. How long did they have to do all this? You give it a shot last minute! (That saying they have done Monte IRC... so no one can win this argument! hah)

19th January 2012, 14:43
Looks as though Paul King has signed up here under an alias......

19th January 2012, 14:45
I can understand people's comments about the commentary not being very slick but on the whole the quality of footage was good.

Surprising to see some Paul King fans coming out the closet, I couldn't stand that over-produced bland cheesy crap so much I haven't bothered watching any WRC stuff since Finland last year before last nights programme, even though I have Motors TV.

Pretty useless criticising Eurosport at this stage, especially considering that if this was still an IRC event or if they had been given more time the entire rally probably would have been televised live.


19th January 2012, 14:46
Looks as though Paul King has signed up here under an alias......

Not me? haha?

19th January 2012, 14:47
The only thing I didn't like was Pay to be on TV and only showing top 4 drivers and then the rest of the field for 4-5-6 seconds each and that was it.

19th January 2012, 15:01
The only thing I didn't like was Pay to be on TV and only showing top 4 drivers and then the rest of the field for 4-5-6 seconds each and that was it.

Well, thankfully, and hopefully, that is all in the past now.

19th January 2012, 20:50
Well, thankfully, and hopefully, that is all in the past now.

Did you know that in the past Eurosport has charged up to 50k for a team to have an onboard camera on a car at IRC Monte?

I wonder if that is still happening, and maybe that is why we never saw any of the lesser lights in the programmes so far.

20th January 2012, 15:01
Has anyone watched Day 2 of Monte? Different commentator.... Porter wasn't doing it.. more like the IRC guy...

BUT they had some excellent Helicopter footage.... oh the best!

20th January 2012, 15:24
Has anyone watched Day 2 of Monte? Different commentator.... Porter wasn't doing it.. more like the IRC guy...

BUT they had some excellent Helicopter footage.... oh the best!

Yes, heli footage was great, but overall, the coverage was not as good as day 1; almost no coverage of anybody except the top 4 cars.

20th January 2012, 15:34
Yes, heli footage was great, but overall, the coverage was not as good as day 1; almost no coverage of anybody except the top 4 cars.

Not to mention that out of a 26 minute programme the first 14 minutes was about Day 1. Again!

20th January 2012, 15:47
I was just about to raise those two points!

Heli shots were amazing. Specially the MINI's!

I want to know, Otto Tanak is a new rally driver?! Haha

20th January 2012, 15:48
Day 3 coverage will have 14mins of Day 2 coverage! Ludacris, they should cover all drivers in top 15

20th January 2012, 15:49
Has anyone watched Day 2 of Monte? Different commentator.... Porter wasn't doing it.. more like the IRC guy...

BUT they had some excellent Helicopter footage.... oh the best!

I don't know who this commentator is, but it certainly sucked. Too cocky/cool attitude, taking every detail for granted like his knowledge of the sport is soo superior. Didn't come out well at all. Better with a commentator showing some excitement and curiosity.

And onboards are way too short for my taste..

20th January 2012, 15:50
MINI are finally getting A LOT of coverage! :D

Fast Eddie WRC
20th January 2012, 17:16
I thought Day 1 the ES commentator was awful... clearly reading his words and often still getting them wrong.

And his pronunciation of a lot of names was bad too...

Day 2 was better but still not done by one of the IRC guys.

At least the picture quality is vastly superior to Motors... and to have it in HD is stunning. The only problem with the helicopter shots is the noise of the rotors drowning out the cars :(

20th January 2012, 19:12
will we be seeing any live stages in the future you reckon?

Jake Stephens
20th January 2012, 20:10
Considering the TV deal was probably hacked together for Monte Carlo, I wouldn't like to judge it just yet. Let's see what happens come Sweden.

Langdale Forest
20th January 2012, 22:40
Would the change in broadcasters mean that there won't be a 2-disk DVD review at the end of the year?

20th January 2012, 23:02
Too much last-day-reviews out there, that's a shame! Day 1 was much much more interesting... :p

20th January 2012, 23:06
I thought Day 1 the ES commentator was awful... clearly reading his words and often still getting them wrong.

And his pronunciation of a lot of names was bad too...

There is no excuse for this at all, no matter how long was available for preparation. Getting such things right is not rocket science — and, doing a few voiceovers myself, I know.

21st January 2012, 01:09
Why on earth show 11:40min day 1 and 2 review...? And missing out the inboard of Petter's moment was pretty bad too.

21st January 2012, 05:40
fellas - the commentary on the english-language eurosport day 2 & 3 coverage has been Carlton Kirby.

You know, the one who has done:
* all the IRC coverage as long as I can remember [didn't follow the first year]
* Eurosport's dakar coverage
* some other racing coverage on Eurosport as well (can't remember what it was)

Certainly a different style than his usual commentary - but his pronunciation of these names has always been a bit... different.

They sure do seem to have their review and primary coverage backwards... Their previous day(s) reviews includes the front runners in detail, and a fair amount on the rest of the pack. Then, their primary coverage lightly covers the frontrunners...

It was nice that it felt as though they mixed the coverage up with day 3, until you realized that whomever they covered first won the stage, then second was second fastest, etc.

one can hope things will improve as time goes by.

21st January 2012, 10:08
Lets see what they do in Sweden. I really hope that they will do something better.

21st January 2012, 10:11
fellas - the commentary on the english-language eurosport day 2 & 3 coverage has been Carlton Kirby.

You know, the one who has done:
* all the IRC coverage as long as I can remember [didn't follow the first year]
* Eurosport's dakar coverage
* some other racing coverage on Eurosport as well (can't remember what it was)

Certainly a different style than his usual commentary - but his pronunciation of these names has always been a bit... different.

They sure do seem to have their review and primary coverage backwards... Their previous day(s) reviews includes the front runners in detail, and a fair amount on the rest of the pack. Then, their primary coverage lightly covers the frontrunners...

It was nice that it felt as though they mixed the coverage up with day 3, until you realized that whomever they covered first won the stage, then second was second fastest, etc.

one can hope things will improve as time goes by.

Is the WRC coverage season long?

21st January 2012, 10:34
Eurosport will so far only cover Monte and Sweden to my knowledge... Eurosport could potentially become the promotor and broadcaster for the WRC.... unless it has been 100% confirmed, someone update it here.

I thought Day 3 coverage was the best, I forwarded the first 12 mins of coverage from Days 1/2 so then watched 3. It was good. Good to see MINI in there a bit, but Day 1 & 2 had good showing of lower down the order and S2000 cars.

21st January 2012, 16:55
They should try Andrew Coley for the commentary. He does the live stuff for IRC and he's very good.

I much prefer this type of factual review programme that Eurosport have been doing than trying to make some kind of fake excitement pretending-to-be-live-when-it's-not-live that NOS did. I'm guessing that the majority of people who watch the daily reviews probably already know what has happened and don't need to be told when to be excited e.t.c.

I can kind of understand why NOS did that, to try and make it seem exciting to new fans but I still think the only way to truly get serious numbers of new fans to WRC is to do more live tv coverage.

22nd January 2012, 17:29
Note that the Eurosport coverage starts in a an hour.

22nd January 2012, 18:05
This guys are doing show for Eurosport.
ellegy.com (http://www.ellegy.com/)

22nd January 2012, 19:30
what i didn't like about the eurosport coverage was the 15min recap every night. I under stand that they didnt have much time to prepare. But it was a pain to sit through what you'd seen the night before.

22nd January 2012, 19:41
Day four footage was actually very good. Still the silly recap but after skipping that the rest was actually pretty good. The commentary was TERRIBLE on day two. Keeps telling who was fastest as you see the first car rolling out. The scripts used/made? by Paul King at least talked about how they went on in the stage then revealed the fastest driver at the end.

22nd January 2012, 20:02
Does anyone know who is updating WRC.com? I was under the impression NOS own/owned the rights to the website, so surely it can't be them...

22nd January 2012, 20:05
Must be some of that guys.

23rd January 2012, 17:19
I've been saying it for years but every type of media coverage we need can be found online. We have instant timing, forums like this, rally radio, apps, YouTube videos, people Tweeting instant pictures. Sure it is nice to sit down in front of the TV with a coffee or a beer and watch the review show but if you want instant information then online is the place to be.

Daily coverage is still needed. I have a friend who doesn’t follow rallies online. Last Saturday we where discussing and I mentioned that I’ve been following Monte online. He said to me “don’t tell me any results, I wont to know the results by watching the coverage.

23rd January 2012, 17:40
I drag this one here from the Monte thread..

I must admit I am more than a little disappointed with the Motors TV and Eurosport highlights show for each day. In a >30 minute show (considering ad breaks) to have a third to a half of the show dedicated to previous day/days action, it left little room for actual highlights from any given day. There was prolonged periods of the top 4 or 5 drivers, lingering on 3 to 4 sequences of shots, going through the stages. However you never got to see much further down the order. If a car is in the top 10, they deserve at least a 5 to 10 shot in action. Hardly saw Henning or Wilson, Aroujo & Nobre in the WRC cars, let alone a mention of P.G. in his Proton or Abbring in the S2000 cars, I mean there was only 3 of them for most of the event, how hard could it have been to show a quick shot.

The main point of this rant is not just demand variety in the drivers so far as coverage goes. My point is that it is the media coverage that will satisfy the sponsors for their drivers. No point is spending X amount of Euros on a campaign if it is not going to get some TV time in front of the millions of fans watching. So while it is good to celebrate the efforts of the top drivers, but with out supporting the others drivers competing in the championship, you will lose them and thus will have no championship at all.

So please, the grand powers that be, limit the reviews to 3 to 6 minutes maximum and that can give you time to show a passing shot of Driver X and help him keep his sponsor further into 2012 and beyond. Even if it during the cuts to ad breaks, rather than looking down a misty mountain valley. The simulcam shots were nice but only use it once or twice with a relevant car battle, not three or four times plus an extra time with them all combined. Also there is no need to repeat the showing the maps of a stage, when it is exactly the same as the morning pass. Added up, some shots of the other drivers could have been included and it would have proven to have been just as entertaining, while providing the drivers with the exposure they need in these tough times.

I disagree. There should be a strong and clear insentive, also based on the amount of coverage, to get inside the top 5. You pay to achieve performance and results, and the payback is better coverage. You don't want to encourage complacency and lack of competitiveness, by promising tv-coverage just for putting a car on the start-line. You should rather make the coverage more attractive in other ways, to grow the sport popularity/fan base. You suggest imo very defensive strategy, to cuddle too much with small sponsors. I think there is a lot more potential existing, and more aggressive and inventive promotion should be the aim. Make the sport more popular, and money flow again.

About simulcam shots I think they are awesome. If there is anything the tv-coverage should try to achive it's to give the viewer better ability to compare drivers, speed and performance, outside just the stage times. The coverage should aim to project the competitiveness, that's what makes it interesting to watch. So the more the better of simulcam imo.

I would like to see:
- Longer onboards, with split-screen of two drivers.
- Short interviews with leading team managers and drivers at mid-service.
- driver stage interviews (of those who are in a close fight)
- Obviously heli-cam is priceless, but already prioritized, so no problem.

With that said, I still must admit that for me personally a 20 min coverage of one day gives me absolutely nothing of what I want to see. What I really want is full-stage onboards, and live coverage. The tv-recap I doubt I will ever enjoy. But with some serious changes I think it could attract a lot more viewers.

23rd January 2012, 18:19
I agree!

The Simulcam was fantastic, especially when watching how different and how much more flamboyant Petters corners was when directly compared to Sordos clean lines.

But where the TV-coverage should excel is the places we can't see online. Inside the servicepark, interviews with team leaders and others, as well as some friendly rivalry. That's what really adds to the experience and is a hundred times more interesting to watch rather than just hearing how many seconds apart the drivers are.

Example: Henning Solberg was in a tight battle with Sordo? at some point a few years ago. The next stages were real nail-biters with regards to what kind of tires they should go for. Henning played the mind-games to perfection by stopping by Sordos car in the service-park, turning the wheel all the way over to reveal what he was running on, and then drove off. The mind games worked, Sordo put his Citroen off the road in the third corner of the next stage. Those kind of "behind the scenes" stories is what get you fans. If in doubt, look at F1, they do it to perfection.

23rd January 2012, 18:21
ive always found the coverage of the lower orders a bit hit and miss. As said above i think the pwrc and swrc cars should get a bit more coverage. As some people may like the wrc cars but follow drivers from over classes. with the time they had they could of covered the other classes briefy. with the lack of results on wrc.com if it wasnt for the fourms and FB I'd have no idea where the lower orders was..

23rd January 2012, 19:00
what i didn't like about the eurosport coverage was the 15min recap every night. I under stand that they didnt have much time to prepare. But it was a pain to sit through what you'd seen the night before.

It was too much, Day 4 had over 10 minutes of recap about what had happened, some of which I was watching for the 4th time. Obviously it's important to inform people of what was going on, but not going into details like shots of road signs and repeats of the simulcam (which is so much better than that ****ty Virtual Specatator idea)

FWIW I think that coverage of the lower order is important for a number of reasons, firstly because I want to know about more than the top 5. Secondly because sometimes those guys are doing something fantastic (like getting an S2000 high in amongst the WRC boys). But mostly because what manufacturer or team is going to enter a series where you can only get attention if you're immediately on the pace? Even MINI, who have started quick and with a lot of publicity, are struggling. You need incentives for new drivers and teams, hence why showing the lower half of the top 10 regularly is important for the health of WRC.

23rd January 2012, 20:47
The MTV3 coverage didn’t have any reviews of previous days and if there was, it was very short. In short it went this way:
JML explaining the stages. Interviews of the drivers after each leg. Other interviews after the first leg of the day. More onboards compared to Eurosport.

Day 1:

Jaques Morelli explaining the tyre rules. He says that every car in a WRC rally can use 45 tyres????? Michelin have 84 different choices. He said that 36 soft tyres (S1), super soft tyres12 (SS1) and hard tyres 8 (H1), 20 tyres with studs and 8 tyres without studs. Three different tarmac tyres. Studded tyres had 240 studs.


Interviews with Denis Giraudet and Francois Delecour.

Day 3:

Interviews with Toni Gardemeister and Jouni Ampuja who acted as gravel crew for PGA.

Day 4:
Interview with Tommi Mäkinen explaining Turini stage and some old footage. After the two first stages the interview with Tommi Mäkinern continues when he explains his Monte adventures. Interview with Yves Matton. Interview with Kim Vatanen. All the interviews about 8 last min.

Btw, Yves Matton said that when Citroen still had the both Sebastians, they were considering Mikko as the third driver but the as Yves said “we had to integrate the team”.

Day 5:

Day 4 night stages. Onboard of PGA when the car caught fire. Petter told in the interview that he won’t get a single point from the power stage. About 6 min. driving & onboards from power stage. Interviews with the team bosses. Interview with David Richards.

24th January 2012, 03:46
FWIW I think that coverage of the lower order is important for a number of reasons, firstly because I want to know about more than the top 5. Secondly because sometimes those guys are doing something fantastic (like getting an S2000 high in amongst the WRC boys). But mostly because what manufacturer or team is going to enter a series where you can only get attention if you're immediately on the pace? Even MINI, who have started quick and with a lot of publicity, are struggling. You need incentives for new drivers and teams, hence why showing the lower half of the top 10 regularly is important for the health of WRC.


Only showing the top 4 or 5 also makes for extremely boring television, because the way the WRC is at the moment we will be seeing basically the same 4 or 5 drivers every rally. But more importantly, it really does not do justice to the character of the sport; in the 90's for example, you would see the coverage taking in drivers from across the spectrum, from local specialists like Aghini and Cunico, to Puras in Grp N, to the F2 cars. I think we would be going down a very dangerous (and boring) road just covering the top 5 cars. That is the same sh*te that NOS has been doing for the last few years, and look where that has got us....

GL Media Pro
25th January 2012, 18:23
This guys are doing show for Eurosport.
ellegy.com (http://www.ellegy.com/)
Barreis, to Montecarlo, only 2 persons from Ellegy... the others editors, are from other agencies...

25th January 2012, 23:56
Since media is more than TV.
What do you wish for in terms of internet functionality for fans to get more out of the rallies?

26th January 2012, 08:52
Since media is more than TV.
What do you wish for in terms of internet functionality for fans to get more out of the rallies?

I'd say we don't need split times, IF ...
... the radio coverage is from all the stage ends.
... live stream of action (helicopter and onboards is enough)
... live tracking

Because all of those have actually been done, then I don't see any obstacles which could stop them from happening (if I exclude money).

26th January 2012, 11:36
According to today's Autosport magazine, it looks as if the rumoured UK tv deals with ITV4 and ESPN will still go ahead with Eurosport footage. Power stage should be covered live again too, not sure if from Sweden onwards or not.

Some live coverage of days one and two is also in the plan.

All sounds very positive.

26th January 2012, 12:11
It was too much, Day 4 had over 10 minutes of recap about what had happened, some of which I was watching for the 4th time. Obviously it's important to inform people of what was going on, but not going into details like shots of road signs and repeats of the simulcam (which is so much better than that ****ty Virtual Specatator idea)

The old Top Gear Rally Report approach, whereby each day's RAC programme just covered the action from that day, until the final day when a recap was provided, seemed eminently sensible.

27th January 2012, 15:23
Was MonteCarlo PowerStage shown anywhere?
Will it be shown in Sweden?

27th January 2012, 15:56
I'd say we don't need split times, IF ...
... the radio coverage is from all the stage ends.
... live stream of action (helicopter and onboards is enough)
... live tracking

Because all of those have actually been done, then I don't see any obstacles which could stop them from happening (if I exclude money).

Live straming would be nice. And possible due to the the repeaterplane in the air !
Live tracking, and splits are easy if they want to!

30th January 2012, 16:01
A couple of snapshots of the incar camera angles used in the Norwegian rally championship coverage:





I have a hunch it isn´t as easy to get good angles from a WRC car compared to the lower class cars, but surely the WRC can also produce better camera angles than those we have seen for the past decade or so. *counting on Eurosport*

31st January 2012, 07:01
It looks like Eurosport is going to do Sweden - with Neil Cole! Deal is not signed yet.

1st February 2012, 13:52
Seems like there are some big problems regarding the Eurosport deal, according to some tweets. Peter Baert and Colin Clark saying things 'are very bad.'

1st February 2012, 14:09
Nevermind the camera angles then, if the only things covering the events are radio and newspapers.

1st February 2012, 14:12
Seems like there are some big problems regarding the Eurosport deal, according to some tweets. Peter Baert and Colin Clark saying things 'are very bad.'

Oh dear FIA.

Stumbling blindly from one disaster to another.....

1st February 2012, 14:22
Seems like there are some big problems regarding the Eurosport deal, according to some tweets. Peter Baert and Colin Clark saying things 'are very bad.'
very bad for who? for themselves probably? CC is one of the reasons I dont listen WRR (the other is becs). some new faces are needed! WRC is not a comedy show, neither a place for british propaganda!

1st February 2012, 14:27
very bad for who? for themselves probably? CC is one of the reasons I dont listen WRR (the other is becs). some new faces are needed! WRC is not a comedy show, neither a place for british propaganda!

Well Becs is gone now. ;)

This is all just a big mess and makes everybody involved look like a bunch of children. It will only be justified if the solution (which, eventually, I'm sure will be found) is so good everbody will understand it took a lot of time.
Peter Baert is a Belgian doing racing and rally commentary on Dutch and Belgian Eurosport, so yes maybe it is bad for them (only).

1st February 2012, 14:39
He should go also.

1st February 2012, 15:05
I've got a question for all those who say that certain people should quit their current job and a new people should do that job.

Who are the persons who you'd like to replace with all those people/companies? A list of names and supporting arguments would be a good start for some proper discussion.

1st February 2012, 15:09
All NOS and tied people should leave 'cos they destroyed WRC in last decade.

1st February 2012, 15:15
All NOS and tied people should leave 'cos they destroyed WRC in last decade.

I'll repeat myself: World Rally Radio had nothing to do with NOS.

1st February 2012, 15:19
All NOS and tied people should leave 'cos they destroyed WRC in last decade.
Better NOS than nothing Barreis. ;)

Brother John
1st February 2012, 15:22
Why talk about it, we all have nothing to do with CSS, NOS, or FIA and rally Teams.
We are still only the spectators and rally fans. ;-)

1st February 2012, 15:25
Neil cole just tweeted that he is no longer going to Sweden.

1st February 2012, 15:30
Very good.

1st February 2012, 15:47
I don't quite understand your sentiment. I personally would prefer suboptimal coverage than no coverage.

1st February 2012, 15:47
Colin Clark tweeting: "Hearing that Eurosport have withdrawn from discussion with regards to any element of filming/promoting WRC. Hope FIA know what theyre doing!"

1st February 2012, 15:59
After Eurosport, is there anyone left to do the coverage this year? Fans with their cameras I guess. Which in fact isn´t a bad thing -> no stupid oh-my commentaries accompanied by terrible music tracks, just sweet sounds of the machines.

1st February 2012, 16:22
After Eurosport, is there anyone left to do the coverage this year? Fans with their cameras I guess. Which in fact isn´t a bad thing -> no stupid oh-my commentaries accompanied by terrible music tracks, just sweet sounds of the machines.

Actually it is doable, I mean to produce a rally review with fans footage. But it will demand really good co-operation between all the filming rally fans who are willing to contribute. The only that are harder to get are the stage end comments (first emotions are always natural) and more in-depth service park interviews and of course the onboard footage.

"Broadcasting" is simple actually. You can upload good HD quality videos to Vimeo and also use torrent sites like RFM.

But a totally another question is how will the FIA look at this kind of "fan TV reviews" (the legality of it).

It might be one really crazy, hard and fun thing in the end.

1st February 2012, 16:43
I guess some numbers must be agreed. Who wouldn't take advantage and play a little hardball in Eurosport's position? I'm sure it will sort out..

But hope at least they don't mess with FIA's "roadmap" for future coverage. As it looked really nice.

1st February 2012, 16:45
I guess some numbers must be agreed. Who wouldn't take advantage and play a little hardball in Eurosport's position? I'm sure it will sort out..

But hope at least they don't mess with FIA's "roadmap" for future coverage. As it looked really nice.

FIA's? Or North One Sport's?

According to Autosport last week, it was all their idea!

Perhaps all agreed that Eurosport would never be able to deliver it.

1st February 2012, 16:45
Colin Clark tweeting: "Hearing that Eurosport have withdrawn from discussion with regards to any element of filming/promoting WRC. Hope FIA know what theyre doing!"


1st February 2012, 16:56
FIA's? Or North One Sport's?

According to Autosport last week, it was all their idea!

Perhaps all agreed that Eurosport would never be able to deliver it.
Well it was NOS's but the article suggested it was FIA-ratified, and backed by Todt to bring forward. Though it is a "roadmap", and with the history I don't trust anything until we get it. But it was good to see at least there exists an aggressive plan. So hope it's not binned.

1st February 2012, 17:20
Actually it is doable, I mean to produce a rally review with fans footage. But it will demand really good co-operation between all the filming rally fans who are willing to contribute. The only that are harder to get are the stage end comments (first emotions are always natural) and more in-depth service park interviews and of course the onboard footage.

Interviews by fans would almost certainly be painful to watch, they're also unlikely to follow the corporate line that sponsors want/would like. Better off just editing together 30 minutes of fan footage every day and doing it for free on the BBC....couldn't happen though, the work required in editing it all would be ridiculous.

1st February 2012, 17:33
As for presenters, people have complained a lot about the current presenters, but not a lot have had suggestions for replacements. Imo there needs to be someone who is recognised the world over. I reckon tomi mak would fit that bill!

1st February 2012, 17:35
You would have to have an audition first to go through something like a fan based program. Many of us have so good cameras now that you wouldn't be able to tell the picture quality from the normal broadcast. I'm probably traveling around mostly on my own this time, so planning on getting lots of stages and footage anyway :)

1st February 2012, 19:40
they're also unlikely to follow the corporate line that sponsors want/would like.

I think sponsors are happy when the coverage gets loads of eye balls, after all they are there for the exposure.

Better off just editing together 30 minutes of fan footage every day ...

That wouldn't be possible with that idea because all the off loading, uploading/downloading or copying would take ages, unless there is a certain group of people who go to every rally and do all that job on the location (meaning costs).