View Full Version : WRC live internet coverage

10th February 2010, 10:23

Has anyone tried any of the internet options to watch live WRC ?

After a quick Google there seem to be some options.
Does anyone have any recomendations ?

I found this site below, but itīs not been updated since 2008, so not sure if itīs still valid.



11th February 2010, 09:02
I can't see the internet being a real option until some way is found to pay for the costs of putting it on the internet.

While it is nice to watch, it is very expensive to produce, and why would someone want to do a whole lot for nothing?

11th February 2010, 09:12
I can't see the internet being a real option until some way is found to pay for the costs of putting it on the internet.

While it is nice to watch, it is very expensive to produce, and why would someone want to do a whole lot for nothing?

Putting it onto the internet isn't the problem. It's filming the thing, getting the link up's with the satellite etc. I'm convinced the internet is the best platform for getting across the live stuff. Just imagine how many people could be watching it at work tomorrow if it was available.

11th February 2010, 09:27
There are not a lot of Princes to pay like at Monte I guess

11th February 2010, 09:53
Putting it onto the internet isn't the problem. It's filming the thing, getting the link up's with the satellite etc. I'm convinced the internet is the best platform for getting across the live stuff. Just imagine how many people could be watching it at work tomorrow if it was available.

And not working.. xd
Live stream was always there (but only for their own purpose).. Friend of mine cought it 7-8 years ago (MC rally) on satelite.. :)

11th February 2010, 10:11
I think with modern technology like Turbo 3G and 4G mobile technology,
we should be able to transfer the video from the car to the regular
broadband net via mobile masts.

Sure the 3G and 4G coverage is still quite limited on the country side and the data transfer rate is probably not high enough (as well as problems with getting a steady connection from a car that is moving fast?) at the moment but still i think that it is the future rather then expensive satellite links.

11th February 2010, 11:09
I think with modern technology like Turbo 3G and 4G mobile technology,
we should be able to transfer the video from the car to the regular
broadband net via mobile masts.

Sure the 3G and 4G coverage is still quite limited on the country side and the data transfer rate is probably not high enough (as well as problems with getting a steady connection from a car that is moving fast?) at the moment but still i think that it is the future rather then expensive satellite links.

Using GSM that are operating in the 900/1800 mhz band, is not smart, since you would need a lot of basestations in a hilly terrain. The ICE company is using 450 mhz technology, that will give you a much better coverage.
For those of you that have a tech head:
http://www.cdg.org/technology/cdma450.asp this is explaining the technology used. It is in use in many countries, and would give a good cheap bases, instead of using SatCom like WRC for their split timing - that is extremely expensive !
It is this network Ramona is using to try to stream out to us, live from tha rally.

12th February 2010, 23:25
Putting it onto the internet isn't the problem. It's filming the thing, getting the link up's with the satellite etc. I'm convinced the internet is the best platform for getting across the live stuff. Just imagine how many people could be watching it at work tomorrow if it was available.

I agree that it is a good medium to deliver Rally, but can't work out how to pay for it.

The costs are high, and if there is no return where is the incentive for someone to do it.

WRC tried "pay to view" coverage on the internet and it was not popular, so obviously people want to watch it for nothing.

It doesn't work for some people to spend a lot of money putting Rally on the internet for no return.

If someone can suggest a way to make it pay, then every rally would be on the internet immediately.

The technical aspects are not the issue.

13th February 2010, 08:29
If you have Windows 7 you can watch TV via the Windows Media Centre and I see if you have a TV Tuner Card installed you can watch ESPN and Eurosport. I don't know if the WRC is on any of them but that is one way to get TV via your PC.