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26th February 2007, 21:54
I am stuck in the middle of a power cut with a 7yr old and ideas on what to do gratefully received

Hazell B
26th February 2007, 21:59
Poker and Scrabble are out of the question, I guess. That's what we did when we last had a power cut. It was too cold for anything more interesting :p :

Go out? Play at making shapes on a wall with shadows from the candles? Rock, paper, scissors?

Sorry, I'm rubbish at this sort of thing :mark:

26th February 2007, 22:02
I am stuck in the middle of a power cut with a 7yr old and ideas on what to do gratefully received

Well, for yourself, a bottle of Jack Daniels for starters...

donKey jote
26th February 2007, 22:12
let him play with the laptop until the batteries run out :p :

26th February 2007, 22:16
Light a candle and do shadow riddles. If that's not good enough, draw together. Or tell him/her what you used to do, before there was nice little gadgets like Playstation and stuff.

26th February 2007, 23:14
Tell the child a story. Make it up as you go along. That's always fun :D

The Kitten Kat
26th February 2007, 23:19
Send child to bed and locate a bottle of wine?

Ian McC
27th February 2007, 09:03
Hmm, play murder in the dark? :eek: