View Full Version : They's selling Dover they iz!

8th February 2010, 13:21

LOL @ all the comments, especially the ones from Brits who love Britain so much they moved to France, Spain etc etc http://www.fiatforum.com/images/smilies/rofl.gif

8th February 2010, 13:22

LOL @ all the comments, especially the ones from Brits who love Britain so much they moved to France, Spain etc etc http://www.fiatforum.com/images/smilies/rofl.gif

They are selling the port. Not the cliffs or the town itself!
Newcastle airport is owned by Copenhagen airport, does that mean it's part of Denmark?!

8th February 2010, 13:24
They are selling the port. Not the cliffs or the town itself!
Newcastle airport is owned by Copenhagen airport, does that mean it's part of Denmark?!
I know that, you know that, the Dailymoan knows that but the ignorant tools who read the Moan want to think British soil is being sold. It's no worse than a foreign country owning property here......

8th February 2010, 14:11
I don't think they like you Daniel, -10 on your comment and it's only been there for 40 minutes :laugh:

Let stupid people be stupid is what I say.

Dave B
8th February 2010, 14:12
I bloody love the Mail's website, I truly do. It's one of life's simple pleasures, reading comments from people who usually didn't understand the article in the first place.

8th February 2010, 14:16
I don't think they like you Daniel, -10 on your comment and it's only been there for 40 minutes :laugh:

Let stupid people be stupid is what I say.
Surely that's something to be proud of :D

8th February 2010, 14:19
From another forum

Top tips for writting a Daily Mail story.
1, Story must ultimately end with fear for the public of the U.K
2, Fear must come from a source originally from outside the U.K
3, Story is a complete success if it results in middle class, middle England folk making statements like "My dad, who is deceased, will be turning in his grave over this..... he was at Dunkirk and I can only think our Government has forgotten this."

Dave B
8th February 2010, 14:23
I don't think they like you Daniel, -10 on your comment and it's only been there for 40 minutes :laugh:

Let stupid people be stupid is what I say.

At least they published his. Mine usually get moderated. A few days ago they were twonking on about Channel 4 possibly being sued by the Jacksons for making up stories after Michael's death. My comment: "That's a bit rich coming from a paper that was caught out running faked Photoshopped images of him supposedly on stage rehearsing."

8th February 2010, 14:50
At least they published his. Mine usually get moderated. A few days ago they were twonking on about Channel 4 possibly being sued by the Jacksons for making up stories after Michael's death. My comment: "That's a bit rich coming from a paper that was caught out running faked Photoshopped images of him supposedly on stage rehearsing."

Well what the hell was wrong with that? :angryfire :laugh:

8th February 2010, 14:54
RIDICULOUS!!!! Time for a referendum. I am so happy to now be living in Australia. Here we have a Foreign Investment Review Board, which monitors all purchases of property from foreigners (Obviously) UK must be in dire straits if they are considering selling the Gateway to France, to the French. I am so worried that this will all end in tears and bloodshed.

Some feckless ex-Pat in Australia

8th February 2010, 15:04
I left a comment on this about an hour and a half ago saying "This is just a typical Daily Mail paranoia fuelled story which further devalues their stance as a credible source"... Guess what, it didn't get published.. :p

I'll try again.This time under the name Alan McNish :D
Are you the Le Mans winner?

8th February 2010, 15:10
Yes thats probably why the OK was granted on my second attempt. :p
Probably :D

8th February 2010, 15:15
Dover who? Ben Dover?

8th February 2010, 15:17
I left a comment on this about an hour and a half ago saying "This is just a typical Daily Mail paranoia fuelled story which further devalues their stance as a credible source"... Guess what, it didn't get published.. :p

I'll try again.This time under the name Alan McNish :D
Typical of you to defend your fellow Scot!!!!!!

So says the mail reader of your post :D

8th February 2010, 15:19
If it does go to the French, how on earth are we going to protect our port from illegals,enough get through already, and the French certainly have no interest in keeping them over there indefinitely ???

Erm, I somehow doubt that UK Immigration and customs are being sold...

8th February 2010, 15:25
Erm, I somehow doubt that UK Immigration and customs are being sold...
Who said classic British comedy is dead :D

Dave B
8th February 2010, 15:27
Did anybody bat (much of) an eyelid when airport operator BAA was bought by a Spanish group?

I love the article's use of evocative phrases like "white cliffs of Dover" and the namedropping of Vera Lynn - who sang the famous song written by an American composer who had never visited Britain and didn't let the fact that we don't have Bluebirds here bother him! A song, in fact, with as much factual content as a typical Daily Mail rant.

8th February 2010, 15:29
Did anybody bat (much of) an eyelid when airport operator BAA was bought by a Spanish group?

I love the article's use of evocative phrases like "white cliffs of Dover" and the namedropping of Vera Lynn - who sang the famous song written by an American composer who had never visited Britain and didn't let the fact that we don't have Bluebirds here bother him! A song, in fact, with as much factual content as a typical Daily Mail rant.
As someone also said it's a Polish spitfire and it's over sussex, not Dover :D

8th February 2010, 15:35
Although I've not been to Dover before, I hear it's a bit of a dump. Let them have it!

8th February 2010, 15:36
Oh, are the people reading that article aware of the arrangements at the Channel Tunnel? That there is actually a square of land on the English side which is technically part of France?

8th February 2010, 15:38
An Englishman pretending to have a Scottish name and already Gordon Brown is my regionman, poor old John Bailey.. :p

Maybe I should inform John that I hate Gordon Brown and have lived in Monaco for years anyway. I'm pretty sure that'll get me the respect I deserve amongst the honest, British, working man.. :eek:
Yeah :D

I said it before but I love the fact that some of the readers love Britain so much they don't even live there anymore....

Dave B
8th February 2010, 15:44
Although I've not been to Dover before, I hear it's a bit of a dump. Let them have it!
I'm going in five weeks, I'll send you a postcard :p

8th February 2010, 18:16
Who said classic British comedy is dead :D
The best comedy nowadays is found on the comments of news or youtubeless clips.

I don't remember the clip it was but let's say it was about potatoes and shoes. First two comments were on topic, but the fourth comment was about a penis and it's suggested motion. And it was all downhill from that point, absolutely hilarious. :D

8th February 2010, 19:04
The more I think about that story the more amusing I find it all. MOst of those people complaining probably work for a foreign company but don't go on about travelling abroad every day of the week.

Brown, Jon Brow
8th February 2010, 23:46
It really is time to charge Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and all other members of our very own Vichy regime with treason.

WHEN will we get a facepalm smiley?

Mark in Oshawa
9th February 2010, 02:41
Sad....confused people who don't grasp what went on. I would suggest the Daily Mail knows better, but they are selling to the stupid. Then again, 2/3 of the UK's papers of all political stripes tend to play to sensationalism and jingoism in equal doses to make stupid points. I am glad Canadian papers tend to keep it down to an extent....and always put conflicting views for hte most part in their paper (well...maybe not the Toronto Star always...but other than THAT).

9th February 2010, 09:48
Sad....confused people who don't grasp what went on. I would suggest the Daily Mail knows better, but they are selling to the stupid. Then again, 2/3 of the UK's papers of all political stripes tend to play to sensationalism and jingoism in equal doses to make stupid points. I am glad Canadian papers tend to keep it down to an extent....and always put conflicting views for hte most part in their paper (well...maybe not the Toronto Star always...but other than THAT).
Yeah. it's one of the things that pisses me off about papers here.