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Mark in Oshawa
3rd February 2010, 01:07
Ok...The Olympics are 10 days out...what event are you looking forward to, if any with the Winter Olympics?

I personally will be looking forward to the Hockey ( I would lose my passport if i said otherwise right??? lol) but I must say I will also be glued to the TV for stuff like Speedskating on the big oval and short track, plus Bobsled and skeleton.

3rd February 2010, 01:33
For me hockey, and sports that requires courage such as, ski jumping, downhill skiing, halfpipe in snowboard, thats about it.

N. Jones
3rd February 2010, 04:00
Everything! I love winter and enjoy watching as many of the sports as I can...... well, except figure skating, that I cannot watch. :)

3rd February 2010, 09:14
I'll watch most of the events which aren't at ridiculous o'clock.
Ice hockey, and the ski events mostly. What is the snow situation there, from what I gather, most of the ski events are held in whistler area?

Mark in Oshawa
3rd February 2010, 09:35
Janneppi, the snow situation is mixed. ON Cypress and Grouse Mountains over looking Vancouver, the are trucking in snow. That is where halfpipe, snowboarding and ski cross and x cross plus freestyle skiing will be. They say they will have enough to work with on the hills but they do hope they get some natural stuff so you don't see the green and mud spots off to the side of the course. The visuals of it will be good tho, because both mountains have a view of the city and the Strait of Juan De Fuca. If it is a nice day, the view is gorgeous. Up in Whistler, they have all the alpine and cross country, plus the ski jump, biathalon, bobsled and luge events. They are having a pretty standard Whistler winter with lots of snow.

AS for the opening ceremonies, well they will be in a domed stadium, so weather wont mean diddly...which of course is kind of taking away from tradition, but in Vancouver, the city itself gets rain 90% of the time when they get any precipitation, and they get lots!

The Events will go off no problem I suspect, but that trucking in the snow isn't what they hoped for. It is plan "B"

3rd February 2010, 10:23
My wife who is Vancouver at the moment says the joke going around there is that these will be the 'green' olympics..... :)

As Mark said, not much snow on Cypress and Grouse, I'm sure that there will be time the events start there even if it is man made. Apparently no shortage of white stuff up around Whistler though.

Mark in Oshawa
3rd February 2010, 22:39
My wife who is Vancouver at the moment says the joke going around there is that these will be the 'green' olympics..... :)

As Mark said, not much snow on Cypress and Grouse, I'm sure that there will be time the events start there even if it is man made. Apparently no shortage of white stuff up around Whistler though.

She had to go home to see her Olympics in her hometown I take it? I would...

4th February 2010, 00:02
I guess ice skating, because that's about the only winter sport my country has any chance on winning a medal or two.

Other than that, ski jumping and the bobsleds I find interesting to watch.

4th February 2010, 00:12
I pretty much like all winter sports. That is except for figure skating. That is the worst, I can't stand it. Unfortunatly, that is basically all that NBC will ever show. :-(

4th February 2010, 00:42
I pretty much like all winter sports. That is except for figure skating. That is the worst, I can't stand it. Unfortunatly, that is basically all that NBC will ever show. :-(

I can't stand the figure skating/ ice dancing - they're not really sports, are they? And same here, that's all the BBC seem to show. They don't tend to show a lot of Hockey, which is a real shame. But I'm looking forward to the skiing, particularly the Downhill and SuperG.

4th February 2010, 00:47
Kiss the lucky egg.....Cool Runnings! :D

I only tend to watch winter sports when the winter olympics is on. There's nothing I particually want to watch but hope to see as much of it as my spare time permits. :)

4th February 2010, 02:56
She had to go home to see her Olympics in her hometown I take it? I would...

No, unfortunately one of her aunties isn't very well, she will be back here before the Olympics start.

Mark in Oshawa
4th February 2010, 19:17
Kiss the lucky egg.....Cool Runnings! :D

I only tend to watch winter sports when the winter olympics is on. There's nothing I particually want to watch but hope to see as much of it as my spare time permits. :)

The lucky egg! What a great memory!!! I miss the Jamaican bobsled team. They got to be pretty good after a while...but no one followed up once Dudley and the boys retired. Oh well, Jamaica has a man running for Canada by proxy. I think Lascilles Brown, who is a pusher on the Canada 2 sled is of Jamaican origins....

7th February 2010, 10:40
I watched xc-skiing in Canada, while it's sensible the last world cup event before the games is in the same part of planet that the games themselves, but it's just too close. Most athletes are busy dodging doping testers or doing their last exercises. Participation for the sprints yesterday was getting silly, only two real contenders for the win in womens event, and that one fizzeled out before the final. Almost same with mens event.

Garry Walker
7th February 2010, 12:30
Ice Hockey is the main one for me. Really looking forward to that.
But I have quite a bit of interest also in biathlon and downhill skiing.

Mark in Oshawa
7th February 2010, 13:37
I can't stand the figure skating/ ice dancing - they're not really sports, are they? And same here, that's all the BBC seem to show. They don't tend to show a lot of Hockey, which is a real shame. But I'm looking forward to the skiing, particularly the Downhill and SuperG.

Figure skating is a sport in this house, whether I like it or not...lol. The boss grew up on it AND hockey (she had 3 brothers, one of which played Major Jr. A) so for the Olympics, the TV will not show anything else likely. 14 days of non stop couch potatoes!!

tin-top fan
7th February 2010, 13:47
Really looking forward to the ice hockey. If it all goes well, we'll see an ovcheckin-crosby semi, followed to one the underdogs (thinking somelike switzerland) coming and nicking the gold at the end. Should be really exciting, even if all of the games are going to be in the middle of the night!

Easy Drifter
7th February 2010, 17:50
I am so sick and tired of the constant hype about them I will watch very little if any.
But I can't dodge it even on the news.
The Mariposa Figure Skating School is in Barrie and they have produced a huge number of top flight skaters.
So my local TV station, Barrie, is forever doing features on them.
The last one was on an Olympic skater training there. She is from Turkey!

7th February 2010, 18:51
Really looking forward to the ice hockey. If it all goes well, we'll see an ovcheckin-crosby semi, followed to one the underdogs (thinking somelike switzerland) coming and nicking the gold at the end. Should be really exciting, even if all of the games are going to be in the middle of the night!

If anyone outside the usual suspects (Canada, Russia, Sweden ) wins, i'm very surprised, if outside
Finland US or Czech, there is something very strange going on and you best seek some kind of shelter. :)

7th February 2010, 20:18
Biathalon-USA-gold-silver-and bronze
Honorable mention in overall medal count-Germany

However it all works out I'll be glad to watch All the events I can; but Hockey is and allways will be my favorite.

7th February 2010, 20:30
Biathalon-USA-gold-silver-and bronze
Honorable mention in overall medal count-Germany

However it all works out I'll be glad to watch All the events I can; but Hockey is and allways will be my favorite.
That's a bit general isn't it, there are 6 events in snowboarding, 10 events in alpine skiing, 10 in biathlon. Canada probably wins both ice hockey touraments though. ;)

7th February 2010, 23:14
That's a bit general isn't it, there are 6 events in snowboarding, 10 events in alpine skiing, 10 in biathlon. Canada probably wins both ice hockey touraments though. ;)

This is a tough crowd
I'll have to get back to you with a more detailed list. I'm a little preoccupied right now. But your right I was generalk.
Hockey mens canada
hockey womens USA
half pike shawn white
Alpine sweeden to sweep
for starters :o

Mark in Oshawa
8th February 2010, 06:18
My predictions (as I did get the Superbowl right...lol)

Men's hockey.....My heart says Canada, my head says USA in an upset over Russia. This one I WANT to be wrong...but I have goaltending worries with Canada. Finns get the bronze...

Women's hockey, Canada over the USA in the final, Sweden the Bronze

Men's Downhill? An Austrian (they have so many great skiiers), with Osborne Paradis of Canada second, but it is ok on that first day of the Olympics for Canada because Jenn Heil will back up her Torino win in Women's Freestyle and WIN the first Gold on Canadian soil in 3 Olympics (shameful eh? takes us 3 Olympics to win a gold? THAT is what GREAT hosts we were...but we are done being the world's patsies....)

Bobsled and Skeleton I am hopeful, Luge I am not..., Curling we will likely win or get silver in both men's and women's, speedskating our women will kick some serious butt on the long track, our men are better in the short track.

Figure skating? (looking to see if my wife is around? WHO CARES !!!lmao....she does) I figure the usual Americans, Russians, Chinese and Japanese will slice up the medals there with Canada maybe getting one or two.

Ski Jumping? Don't know enough...know someone from Austria or Scandinavia will win...

Cross country? I hope the Finn's, Norwegians and Swedes just clean house.....and leave us a medal or two ( not a big sport here, ditto with Biathalon)...

What did I leave out? Half pipe, ski cross and all the "junk" sports of the alpine world? Canada will get a few medals here but I don't know enough of the faces.

All in all, the medal count at the end will be Germany, Canada and USA fighting out for the most medals....

Mark in Oshawa
9th February 2010, 23:01
Latest update from Vancouver. Weather was a beautiful almost spring like condition with highs up to 10 c in the city proper and sunny. IN Whistler, just below freezing and ample snow. Only issue is with Cypress where they are closer to the city and have to truck in snow at 1000 dollars a load and are using helicoptors as well to bring in some (Sikorsky SkyCranes are used usually for remote logging)from other mountains. The Freestyle, halfpipe and ski cross courses will be ok apparently but they may not see the city below for fog and possible rain for the next 4 days.

Lucky for the opening ceremonies, they will be held for the first time indoors in BC Place Stadium (it holds just around 60000) which is domed so the rain will be not an issue. Still seems strange tho to see a Winter Olympics opening ceremony without snow, but Vancouver is about the most temperate city in Canada, and rarely has snow in the city at all. IN fact, if it DOES snow there, it would screw up everything since most people there are LOUSY drivers in the snow...lol

10th February 2010, 01:13
Finns get the bronze...

Why, thank you Mark ;)

Mark in Oshawa
10th February 2010, 15:03
Why, thank you Mark ;)

If they do better than Bronze, as long as they are not playing Canada I will be rooting for them....

10th February 2010, 15:59
All in all, the medal count at the end will be Germany, Canada and USA fighting out for the most medals....

So not much for us this year then?? ;)

Winter olympic medals all time by country
# 1 Norway: 263
# 2 United States:193
# 3 Austria: 162
# 4 Finland: 142
# 5 Germany: 125
# 6 Sweden: 108
# 7 Switzerland:103
# 8 Canada: 96
# 9 Italy: 89
# 10 France: 72

Mark in Oshawa
10th February 2010, 16:32
So not much for us this year then?? ;)

Winter olympic medals all time by country
# 1 Norway: 263
# 2 United States:193
# 3 Austria: 162
# 4 Finland: 142
# 5 Germany: 125
# 6 Sweden: 108
# 7 Switzerland:103
# 8 Canada: 96
# 9 Italy: 89
# 10 France: 72

Viking, Norway has done VERY well for the size of the nation, but there are a few factors at work. One, for the first time ever, Canadian government support for the athletes is now in line with what most nations do. The "own the podium" program has provided for the last 6 years more money for Canadian athletes than ever. The last year or so Canadians have one more medals in Winter Olympic sports in World Cup competitions than any other nation with the Germans and USA second. If you go sport by sport the favourites, that is the predicted result. Norway is really strong in cross country and alpine skiing, is competitive in speed skating, but hockey? no. Curling? Perhaps. Figure skating? no...Snowboard, freestyle and all the new sports? No. Luge? Maybe. Bobsled or Skeleton? unlikely.

Norway per population wins more winter medals than any other nation so to not put you as an outright favourite is not an indictement by any stretch. I remember the beating you guys gave us all in Lillehammar and those were a memorable games. I remember Johan Olav Koss just skating away with his 5 golds....but this is 2010 and Canada is geared up for this games the way Norway was for Lillehammar. Germany and the USA just are big nations and always have athletes. It will be an interesting games but I just put down what many experts figured on.

I do know this much. Canada hasn't always been real strong at the Olympics, but the public got a little cheesed off in the last few decades and finally the politicians are finally backing the athletes, and the results I hope will come. No guarntees tho...

10th February 2010, 19:46
I say, move the Olympics to Washington DC. We've got plenty of snow. ;) :p :

Mark in Oshawa
10th February 2010, 21:32
I say, move the Olympics to Washington DC. We've got plenty of snow. ;) :p :

You guys have seen more than we have seen here all winter...lol

Washington is short on ski hills and mountains big enough for a downhill course...but I think running bobsleds down that big interchange in Alexandria where 95 hits the Beltway might work!!!

Mark in Oshawa
10th February 2010, 22:42
The USA has to be worried in Alpine Skiing. Lindsay Vonn was on the Today Show saying she cant put her boot on due to a shin bruise? She was a threat to win 3 medals and now maybe cannot or is this a ruse?

11th February 2010, 01:13
The USA has to be worried in Alpine Skiing. Lindsay Vonn was on the Today Show saying she cant put her boot on due to a shin bruise? She was a threat to win 3 medals and now maybe cannot or is this a ruse?

I saw that. She accually scared me saying it. Your right without her the US could have an uphill ridw to capture any medals

11th February 2010, 12:30
Apparently doping tests before done before the games have caught 30 athletes, no names, disciplines or nations yet.
I'd guess it's mostly endurance sports, wada propably didn't tell how far back their new tests give a positive outcome. I just hope it isn't like 2001 Lahti where the entire Finnish team including the bloody public relations people got caught. :(

11th February 2010, 13:09
I'll watch hockey and ski jumping, that's about it.

I say, move the Olympics to Washington DC. We've got plenty of snow. ;) :p :

Or move them to Helsinki, we've probably never had so much snow - looking at the huge snowpile in front of our window. :)

Mark in Oshawa
11th February 2010, 18:21
I saw that. She accually scared me saying it. Your right without her the US could have an uphill ridw to capture any medals

USA will get a medal or two in the freestyle snowboards. Shaun White is a pretty solid bet. I also figure Ohno will get a few medals in short track speed skating. Women's hockey the USA will get either gold or silver (silver I hope..lol) and they have an outside chance at a medal in men's hockey. Add in some for women's bobsled and skeleton and I figure the USA will be in the hunt for the top 3 of the medals table....

11th February 2010, 19:24
Thats nice of you to say Mark; However as 've watched what I could of the prelims I see alot of other countries doing better than the US. Especially in thwe skiing and sleds.I just don't see a top 3 finish for the US. but its nice of you to say that.
I'm not sure how old it was but saw a bit last night on Lindsey Vonn and she said she'll be ok for the olympics.Could just be propaganda though.

Mark in Oshawa
11th February 2010, 20:17
Thats nice of you to say Mark; However as 've watched what I could of the prelims I see alot of other countries doing better than the US. Especially in thwe skiing and sleds.I just don't see a top 3 finish for the US. but its nice of you to say that.
I'm not sure how old it was but saw a bit last night on Lindsey Vonn and she said she'll be ok for the olympics.Could just be propaganda though.

She is lowering expectations, but if she says she is going to ski, I cant imagine her being competitive. Heck..all our best female skiiers for the most part are hurt....so you got off lucky if Vonn competes.

11th February 2010, 20:35
Like I said I'm not sure how old the footage was but she competed and won.It was on WADL out of detroit they handle all the prelims and olympic news before the olympics start.
I agree without her theres a huge hole in our program.

Mark in Oshawa
11th February 2010, 23:33
Latest Olympic news, 30 athletes have failed drug tests as administered by WADA. Only news on who it is none are from Canada and one Russian Cross Country skier has been identified. Just have to figure out the 29 others.

12th February 2010, 00:43
yes, the reporters from here are looking too for athletes who has sudden illness or injuries, and because of that cant participate.

12th February 2010, 08:08
So so far, Russia, Norway, Finland, Canada have announced it's none of their athletes. ;)
Actually, they didn't fail doping tests as I too wrote earlier. When it's blood doping and you use it the smart(ish) you don't fail a single test. What they apparently did fail was to fool the long term bloodcount statistics which show abnormal changes in blood during seasons.

Mark in Oshawa
12th February 2010, 16:34
So so far, Russia, Norway, Finland, Canada have announced it's none of their athletes. ;)
Actually, they didn't fail doping tests as I too wrote earlier. When it's blood doping and you use it the smart(ish) you don't fail a single test. What they apparently did fail was to fool the long term bloodcount statistics which show abnormal changes in blood during seasons.

The Russians are lying, the press here said it was a Russian Cross Country skiier who failed a test for EPO....all the tests were done in the month or so before so the athletes never came to Vancouver.....

Mark in Oshawa
12th February 2010, 16:45
Here is a link on Medal projections...Canada first, USA second according to the Wall Street Journal....

http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704820904575055602223303266.html?m od=WSJ_hpp_MIDDLENexttoWhatsNewsTop

12th February 2010, 21:31
Here is a link on Medal projections...Canada first, USA second according to the Wall Street Journal....

http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704820904575055602223303266.html?m od=WSJ_hpp_MIDDLENexttoWhatsNewsTop

We can all count on thier hunches. :eek: Yea right.

12th February 2010, 22:07
This morning there was a horrible accident on the luge run. I saw it and it sickened me...now they report that the luger, from Georgia, has died from his injuries!
A terrible story on what should've been a big day of celebration.

12th February 2010, 22:36
This morning there was a horrible accident on the luge run. I saw it and it sickened me...now they report that the luger, from Georgia, has died from his injuries!
A terrible story on what should've been a big day of celebration.


13th February 2010, 00:07
It sounds like it was very nasty indeed. Such a shame. R.I.P Nodar Kumaritashvili

http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/World-News/Luge-Olympics-Accident-Nodar-Kumaritashvili-Dies-In-Whistler-Canada/Article/201002215547916?lpos=World_News_Carousel_Region_2&lid=ARTICLE_15547916_Luge_Olympics_Accident%3A_Nod ar_Kumaritashvili_Dies_In_Whistler%2C_Canada_

Valve Bounce
13th February 2010, 01:22
This link gives a sequence of pictures. I am not advocating anyone to watch this if they know they will be upset, because the pictures are very clear. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/photo-gallery/gallery-e6frf94x-1225829924577?page=17

The will be questions asked in every viewers mind how this could possibly happen, how this athlete could possibly bounce off the course, how the course could possibly be designed in this manner.

I am greatly saddened, how I feel - words fail me.

13th February 2010, 04:13
Oh man! My eyes got watery after watching the video.

I wish I didn't see that footage.

13th February 2010, 05:59
RIP. I'm quite surprised that there was no protective fencing coming off the turn, especially considering it's one of the fastest luge tracks in the world.

13th February 2010, 07:31
Alright. On to something lighter.

Did anyone see the opening ceremony? I thought it was a little corny.

Watching the short-track. Pretty gnarly!

13th February 2010, 09:15
Skijumping today, Not really looking for a medal, those are for Austrians and maybe Amman or Malyz. Ahonen might get a fourth place. :D

The Russians are lying, the press here said it was a Russian Cross Country skiier who failed a test for EPO....all the tests were done in the month or so before so the athletes never came to Vancouver.....

They probably mean Alena Sidko, who failed a test in December.
I think Wada's announcement about 30 athletes is a bit problematic, they can't verify any names, only that they've notified the national organisations that they don't send those athletes to Vancouver. But since we don't really know who they are, they might still be there and retire from the events, that leaves athletes who haven't yet failed a test in a bad position if they for some reason can't participate in a event.

Dave B
13th February 2010, 09:49
I'm going to need a bigger hard drive in my Sky HD box, as most of this is overnight where I am!

13th February 2010, 11:09
It was very brave of the Jordan team to participate tonight and to keep playin during the Olympics

I'm going to need a bigger hard drive in my Sky HD box, as most of this is overnight where I am!
Its the same here :D SO much is hanging on Tora Bright and Dale Beagly-Smith from our side of the games.

I thought Canada's opening was the best since Sydney

If there is a better singer worldwide than KD Lang then I will eat my hat - she is wonderfull and her version hallelujah was breathtaking and gave me goosebumps

Oh and being a motorsportforum I have to mention how cool it was that Jaques was one of the flag carriers :D

13th February 2010, 11:41
I will follow Ski jumping, Biathlon and downhill skiing.

I don't understand why Ice skating is an Olympic sport.

13th February 2010, 16:54
The report this morning is driver error in lugers death. Walls may be upgraded to prevent anothert driver going into the poles however.
Yahhoonews/topstories reports

13th February 2010, 17:07
RIP. I'm quite surprised that there was no protective fencing coming off the turn, especially considering it's one of the fastest luge tracks in the world.

Some say practice has been limited except as to Canadians to help them get some gold, but not sure if that is true or not. But it certainly is extremely difficult and fast requiring great famarity with the track to do well on it.

Sadder is the report from the officials saying the track did not cause the accident, when it is one of the fastest in the world, if not the fastest, yet saying some minor changes would be made. All his fault for his alleged error....

That is a sorry joke, too sorry to be funny

odd how many others, icluding past champions, are commiting "errors" and flying off at almost 100mph......and but for the grace of God, could have ended the same......

Not sure what good padding would have done, but raising the walls around the whole track and slowing down the drop of the track so speeds were not so high would have made the difference between life and death.

But yeah, off to other things, something lighter, young man has had his moment of fame----the officials certainly have that attitude about it. :rolleyes:

With a different attitude by the officials, i might be watching, but i think i will pass this whole bunch of commercial nonsense, with the bribes, money, drug testing, doping and all other stuff ruining the ideal of what it was suppose to be about, an ideal long since dead when the French officials got buried into the sanctioning body of the IOC and made millions off backdoor deals.... :down: :down:

13th February 2010, 17:16
I enjoyed what i was able to see of the opening ceramonies and only thought the commercials could have been better timed as to not interupt the proceedings. The lighting ceramony had a flaw but overall it was nice and serenly done.

13th February 2010, 18:53
http://olympics.fanhouse.com/2010/02/12/a-fast-track-tragedy-shame-on-olympics/?icid=main|hp-laptop|dl1|link3|http%3A%2F%2Folympics.fanhouse.co m%2F2010%2F02%2F12%2Fa-fast-track-tragedy-shame-on-olympics%2F

i agree.
What a shame for Canada.

Too fast. Too dangerous. And too deadly for a mere sled -- basically, a missile upon which a human being slides face-up and feet-first, vulnerable to his immediate demise.

All week, there have been crashes on the course, more than a dozen in total, one that left a Romanian athlete unconscious for a brief time. And all week, not a soul from the International Olympic Committee, the International Luge Federation or the Vancouver organizing committee expressed concerns about the wipeouts. Nevermind that one racer had described the 13th curve as the "50-50 Curve,'' based on the odds of a crash. Nevermind that 15 months ago, when the sport's elite racers familiarized themselves with the Whistler Sliding Center, athletes suffered 73 crashes during training runs. Nevermind that as recently as Thursday, U.S. luger Christian Niccum compared ramming into the ice at 90 mph to being on fire, saying, "I just wanted to rip off my suit, 'I'm on fire. I'm on fire.' '' And nevermind that on the same day, Australian luger Hannah Campbell-Pegg voiced an ominous tone and a cry for help.

"I think they are pushing it a little too much. To what extent are we just little lemmings that they just throw down a track and we're crash-test dummies?'' she said. "I mean, this is our lives."

But let us get back to the important stuff, like those too many commericals....

13th February 2010, 21:28
us over canada in the 5000 speed skating. wow

13th February 2010, 22:09
Simon Amman of sweeden takes gold in alpine ski jumping individual k90 with a couse shatteriong 108.0 meters
canada comes in 4th
I think two austrians took silver and bronze.

13th February 2010, 23:57
Coming up is the Biathlon finals, which has a personal significance to me as I had the honor of belonging to the best biathlon team in the US military in 1982. Not many people realized how difficult it is to cross-country ski race for many kilometers then place rounds on target at the range!

14th February 2010, 00:29
http://olympics.fanhouse.com/2010/02/12/a-fast-track-tragedy-shame-on-olympics/?icid=main|hp-laptop|dl1|link3|http%3A%2F%2Folympics.fanhouse.co m%2F2010%2F02%2F12%2Fa-fast-track-tragedy-shame-on-olympics%2F (http://olympics.fanhouse.com/2010/02/12/a-fast-track-tragedy-shame-on-olympics/?icid=main%7Chp-laptop%7Cdl1%7Clink3%7Chttp%3A%2F%2Folympics.fanho use.com%2F2010%2F02%2F12%2Fa-fast-track-tragedy-shame-on-olympics%2F)

i agree.
What a shame for Canada.

But let us get back to the important stuff, like those too many commericals....I think it's the culture we live in, Mark.


Massa almost loses an eye and Todt says no one has died since Senna, American football (not just NFL) causes grave injuries and the rules rarely change, UFC has athletes beating each other unconscious and their seats sell out. This is what fans want. This is what they get.

This ish can get pretty ridiculous.

Valve Bounce
14th February 2010, 00:37
I'm waiting for my favorite event: Men's downhill.

14th February 2010, 01:09
I'm waiting for my favorite event: Men's downhill.

Delayed til Monday.

For me that event IS the winter Olympics.

14th February 2010, 01:35
Simon Amman of sweeden takes gold in alpine ski jumping individual k90 with a couse shatteriong 108.0 meters
canada comes in 4th
I think two austrians took silver and bronze.

Eh.... Simon Amman is from Switzerland :) And Adam Malyzs, who came second, is from Poland. But you got the third right :up:

Valve Bounce
14th February 2010, 02:54
Delayed til Monday.

For me that event IS the winter Olympics.

I still have a tape somewhere of the Men's downhill at Val D'Isere. That was the course designed by Jean Claude Killy.

Then Winter Olympics are on just about all day on our channel 9, and they canceled 3 movies last night to replay the Opening Ceremony. There was this guy in a white suit doing a pretty good impersonation of Neil Sadaka singing Hallelujah. And the Thai effect was stunning with those giant phallic symbols rising out of the ice. The best part was the intro with this snow boarder coming down those beautiful steep slopes - made my heart thump; wish the hell was was a helluva lot younger again. :( :bigcry:

Easy Drifter
14th February 2010, 06:23
Er, the guy in the white suit singing Hallelujah was k.d. Lang. It claims to be female.

Valve Bounce
14th February 2010, 10:26
Er, the guy in the white suit singing Hallelujah was k.d. Lang. It claims to be female.

OK! that explains why those guys in the cowboy suits were jumping around excitedly.

14th February 2010, 17:54
Canadian womens hockey beat the slovoks and themselfs last night.
Beating a record they set in 2006 in turin, The women of Canada scored 18 times, two more than in turin; to beat slovokia in thier frist ever womens olympic hockey game.
Nice start to those I pick to win gold in the finals.

Apollo Ono overcame a close decision to win his fifth gold and then after two koren skaters took each out out on the final turn went on to capture his sixth medal [this one silver],He ties american Bonnie Blair with six in winter olympics competition.

2nd round luge was dominated by the Germans, only one mishap,and no injuries as the luge was lighting fast setting course records of over 90 mph.

Very entertaining frist day of competition.

14th February 2010, 23:58
Yay Shiva! :D

Mark in Oshawa
15th February 2010, 06:41
Well, since I was out of computer access for 3 days almost, let me say a few things. First off, since all of us on this board are racing fans, we should react and understand instinctively about death in a speed sport. What happened to Nodor was a tragedy but we have to put things in perspective. First, this bobsled/luge/skeleton track has been in operation for 2 years. Not last week. It was designed in conjuction with FIBT and the International Luge federation , the governing bodies of the sports using it. In that time over 5000 runs have gone on, and no one left the track, and while it is fast and dangerous, it is the Olympics, and last time I looked, these were sports about the fast and dangerous. IN those 5000 runs, no more accidents were had according to the FIBT then other new tracks.

That said, the wall in retrospect should have been higher, but the authorities investigating it all blamed the error on Nodor. Sorry, that is the probably the truth of it. In his last corner he got high, over corrected and lost total control at the worst possible time. I think the posts for the canopy shouldn't have been where they are, but it is always great to toss around blame after a tragedy. The stick and ball sports who cover this sport once every four years are ripping everyone from the Canadian Luge society to the organizers (who place the facilities, and operate the infrastructure to make them work, not run the actual competition) to just dopey engineers, as if THEY, the press knew that someone would die there and no one was listening. It is absolutely sickening to hear the chest thumping and navel gazing going on over this one. Enough already...it is a dangerous sport, and people can die doing it. People die in downhill sking, they die in racing they die in any sport where the human body goes really fast.....and if it was easy, we wouldn't watch.

Now..as for the opening ceremonies, I am curious to see how others viewed it around the world. The gent who designed the stage, the show and ran it is the same fellow who did the opening ceremonies for the Sydney 2000 games. He had no choice but to use that dome since Vancouver's weather is infamously wet and rainy in Feburary AND it is the biggest stadium in the city. Other than the failed leg of the cauldron, it was a decent show. The highlights? For me it was seeing the snowboarder come down from the rafters, the 1 plus hour dancing of the natives (they didn't stop once while the parade of nations came in) and of course seeing the roars from the crowd for the various nations. The biggest ovations for anyone beside the home squad to me were the UK, German's, Dutch, USA (since the stadium is only 30 miles north of the border, THAT is a no brainer lots of Americans were there) and the standing o given to the brave Georgians.

The highlight for me 2 days in? Easy...first gold for the home side, Alexandre Bilodeau in Men's Moguls up at Cypress Mountain beating Dale Begg-Smith, who is an Aussie with a Canadian passport ..(born in Vancouver). Downs? Well the death before the games of course puts everything in perspective and seeing Charles Hamelin miss the final in his first Short track race.

Looking forward to tomorrow, Whistler's Dave Murray Downhill course will be ready to rock and the home side consists of two guys who have skiied that mountain their entire lives, and Manual Osborne-Paradis will try to do what no one since Bill Johnson of the US has been able to do: BEAT the Europeans in the Downhill for a gold medal.

Valve Bounce
15th February 2010, 09:32
Now..as for the opening ceremonies, I am curious to see how others viewed it around the world.

One of our commentators on Channel 9, I think it was Richard Wilkins, said it was the BEST opening ceremony he had ever seen. When you think back to some of the rather mundane stuff that was in the Sydney Opening ceremony (dancing lawn mowing guys and white coated AFL goal umpires), I have to agree with Richard. I think I have it recorded twice.

You know, that guy in the white suit with the high pitched voice that sang Hallelujah was pretty impressive.

Mark in Oshawa
15th February 2010, 13:23
One of our commentators on Channel 9, I think it was Richard Wilkins, said it was the BEST opening ceremony he had ever seen. When you think back to some of the rather mundane stuff that was in the Sydney Opening ceremony (dancing lawn mowing guys and white coated AFL goal umpires), I have to agree with Richard. I think I have it recorded twice.

You know, that guy in the white suit with the high pitched voice that sang Hallelujah was pretty impressive.

Glad you said you liked it, a buddy of mine thought it was awful. I thought when I saw the whales going across the floor, THAT was the highlight..and yes that rather was interesting....well K.D. Lang sounds like an angel but dresses like a guy, but she is a piece of work who is unique. You should have seen her in her early days when he dress was a rather eclectic "country punk" style. Those of you will good memories will remember her hitting the world stage so to speak in the closing ceremonies of the 88 games where she had the whole stadium rocking...

It is funny, you didn't like the lawnmower dudes and the AFL umpires, but I got a charge out of that being a fan of Australian references and "culture" so to speak. Also, your torch lighting was pretty dramatic, whereas they had to pick Gretzky to be part of the group because he is about the only guy Canadians would agree on...

15th February 2010, 14:01
So much talking happening on the coverage at the moment. Not a lot of sport. Not impressed.

Mark in Oshawa
15th February 2010, 14:10
So much talking happening on the coverage at the moment. Not a lot of sport. Not impressed.

Two days in, and the sport has been great. That said, it is a Winter Olympics and about 4 sports a day are going at once...I can talk more...but Hey, I cant talk about every sport.

I watched the Men's Moguls, some Biathlon coverage, some cross country ski coverage, luge, women's speedskating, and against my will, PAIRs figure skating. All with getting every lap of the Daytona 500 watched. What comment is required? Canada won men's moguls, got a bronze in the women's 3000 m speedskating, we missed out on a medal by one or two missed targets in Biathlon and I know I am missing one hell of a party every time they show the streets of Whistler village!!!

15th February 2010, 16:59
cross country skiing starts today, for the women I fear my hometown's Aimo Kaisa wont be in the medals, I hope she is, altough Kowalczyk, Kalla, Björgen and Follis probably will beat her. Maybe even Roponen from our team.

Mens race is anybody's game, I hope Northug doesn't win, he'll win the rest anyway since they are hip and trendy mass starts and not the proper, boring type. Our Heikkinen might have small chance for a medal, altough his form hasn't been that great.

15th February 2010, 19:53
Meh, Roponen did fine, but Saarinen wasn't on her level. Good job from Kalla, Smigun and Björgen.

The thing bugged me most was a shrieking woman spectator somewhere in the ski area. I hope someone shuts her up before mens race.

15th February 2010, 20:11
Good job from Kalla, she really deserved it, bee so unlucky earlier, well done Smigun too, our girls strikes back later :) .

15th February 2010, 20:21
Good race. :)

Well, now it's the Men's turn. But first, it's Cross-Country Snowboarding. :D

15th February 2010, 20:39
yeah woohooo KALLA :s pin: :D

16th February 2010, 02:54
Polar Bears. :cool: :)

Valve Bounce
16th February 2010, 04:07
Just finishing watching the snowboard races. I must say that I am still intrigued by the weird clothes the snowboarders wear. Every time they went over a jump, you can see their trouser legs flapping. Now! I reckon if the second placed guy was wearing the tight fitting outfit worn by the downhill skiers, he would have won by a country mile.

I am stunned that I never heard of KD Lang. My better half told me she is big, like real BIG; you know something? getting old ain't fun :(

But Mark! your friend must have a different taste to most people around, because everyone I've talked to reckon that opening ceremony was great.

Sydney, thinking back, there was one other thing I disliked: Peter Garret's band wearing those SORRY T-shirts. Seeing that Garret (now Environment Minister) is directly responsible for 4 deaths and many house fires through his incompetence, those "Sorry" T shirts look badly mistimed and misplaced.

16th February 2010, 07:20

Russia leaves empty handed in pairs skating!!!!!

China goes 1-2 with Germany in 3rd!!1

Mark in Oshawa
16th February 2010, 16:57

Russia leaves empty handed in pairs skating!!!!!

China goes 1-2 with Germany in 3rd!!1

My wife says it is proof that the Russians don't buy the judges no more....this is our favourite debate, because I keep telling her it is all fixed by the Russians. You watch, there will be a Chinsee judge on the men's competition that will make sure Plushenko wins.....

Other than Bilodeau's gold, which is fantastic, I am frustrated by the number's of 4th's and 5th's Canada has collected. WE need a new medal...TIN..lol or maybe WOOD???

OH well, hockey starts tonight...and the great Canadian knashing of teeth will be turned up another notch if they don't devour Norway by about 5 goals....

Mark in Oshawa
16th February 2010, 17:07
Just finishing watching the snowboard races. I must say that I am still intrigued by the weird clothes the snowboarders wear. Every time they went over a jump, you can see their trouser legs flapping. Now! I reckon if the second placed guy was wearing the tight fitting outfit worn by the downhill skiers, he would have won by a country mile. . This was a controversay actually between the US and Canada. The Yank boarders were cheesed the Canadians were not wearing the loose and goofy fashion the boarder crowd likes to wear. The Canadians are like "screw that, we want to go FAST" and wear tighter pants. Considering the American won by a nose, the fast pants don't mean squat I guess...or we need to go radical and wear the downhill suit's that skiiers wear.

I am stunned that I never heard of KD Lang. My better half told me she is big, like real BIG; you know something? getting old ain't fun :( . KD is a big deal bounce. She has a terrific voice, but her vegan, buddhist thing has kind of put her on an island unto herself. That said, a beautiful talent and a really interesting person. She had her salad days in the early 90's and no one in North America hasn't heard her before. I guess her fame didn't cross down under!

But Mark! your friend must have a different taste to most people around, because everyone I've talked to reckon that opening ceremony was great.

Sydney, thinking back, there was one other thing I disliked: Peter Garret's band wearing those SORRY T-shirts. Seeing that Garret (now Environment Minister) is directly responsible for 4 deaths and many house fires through his incompetence, those "Sorry" T shirts look badly mistimed and misplaced.

My buddy is like a lot Canadians, tired of us portrayed as a nation of open spaces, boring poets, mountains, wheatfields and natives. That tho is really part of our culture, along with the redcoated mounties (representing our respect for the law and power of civilized authority). Canada has always had an identity crisis and 4 days in commentators and talk show hosts are beating up on the opening ceremonies because it is part our naval gazing. It all ends though if Canada doens't win in hockey. Hell can freeze over but we don't care if we beat the Russians, Swede's or Americans for the gold.

AS for Peter Garret, he is an idiot. His stance about doing more for the Aborgines is noble, but his guilt and stupidity are an embarassment to Austrailia in my opinion. This guilt that idiots like him employ to justify their stupidity is misplaced and illogical. It is the same stupidity that fuels the anarchists who were tossing rocks through windows in Vancouver Saturday as part of a demonstration over the "stolen land" of the Natives. Funny, I saw the chief of the nation who was from the areas around Whistler in the royal box Friday night, he felt pretty good I bet.....if the land was stolen, us whites feeling guilty 100 years plus later is pretty pathetic.

16th February 2010, 17:38
I'm stunned the US is still on top of the medals. I see Germany catching up but with upsets like yesterdays snowboarding.Who knows.

I may be eating my words of "some americans being into the endorsments and not the sport".
I'm not retracting my statement only saying how suprised I am surprised at what the US has done, Sorry for doubting my own country but in Sports I still feel that the bad apples will surface and spoil all thre good ones.

Further more Shame on the IOPC for thier harsh judgment on Ryan Millers mask.This has dedicated his whole career to his cousin and to ask him to cover the name on the back of his helmet is just wrong.

And didn't even Roger Craig have the rings on his mask in 1980? I know he had the shamrocks.

Mark in Oshawa
16th February 2010, 17:46
I'm stunned the US is still on top of the medals. I see Germany catching up but with upsets like yesterdays snowboarding.Who knows.

I may be eating my words of "some americans being into the endorsments and not the sport".
I'm not retracting my statement only saying how suprised I am surprised at what the US has done, Sorry for doubting my own country but in Sports I still feel that the bad apples will surface and spoil all thre good ones.

Further more Shame on the IOPC for thier harsh judgment on Ryan Millers mask.This has dedicated his whole career to his cousin and to ask him to cover the name on the back of his helmet is just wrong.

And didn't even Roger Craig have the rings on his mask in 1980? I know he had the shamrocks.

Swoop...you guys were at the top of the Salt Lake medals board, and were second to Germany in Torino. Don't be....but we will catch up with a bit of luck...

16th February 2010, 17:54
Swoop...you guys were at the top of the Salt Lake medals board, and were second to Germany in Torino. Don't be....but we will catch up with a bit of luck...

I think the best for the Canukadainians are yet to come. I also think the rivalry between the two of us in hockey will be reignighted with this olympics.
Even though I don't much care for that Crosby fella I can't argue with his points on the ice.One guy does not make a team and one player can't do it by himself.He is alot like Gretz A whinner and a crybaby.
With that said Canada has a terrific supporting cast around him and should triumph in mens hockey.

The women will fall to the US sorry but those ladies have Game and Heart.Good luck. :hot:

Mark in Oshawa
16th February 2010, 18:11
I think the best for the Canukadainians are yet to come. I also think the rivalry between the two of us in hockey will be reignighted with this olympics.
Even though I don't much care for that Crosby fella I can't argue with his points on the ice.One guy does not make a team and one player can't do it by himself.He is alot like Gretz A whinner and a crybaby.
With that said Canada has a terrific supporting cast around him and should triumph in mens hockey.

The women will fall to the US sorry but those ladies have Game and Heart.Good luck. :hot:

Gretz a whiner and a crybaby? Crosby? Dem's fighting words...lol

All you need to know about Canadian hockey is the fact we could put a gold medal contending team together out of the guys we didn't take.

AS for the ladies, it will likely be Canada/USA again, and we will beat you AGAIN just like we did the last time. Why? Simple...Hayley Wickenheiser, the greatest female hockey ever....

16th February 2010, 18:30
Gretz a whiner and a crybaby? Crosby? Dem's fighting words...lol
Why niether one of them can fight. A true Canadian hockey player in my book is little Stevie Yzerman.[Being from Michigan has little to do with that after all we have Ryan Miller nad Mike Madano], Stevie holds the bar on everything hockey.

All you need to know about Canadian hockey is the fact we could put a gold medal contending team together out of the guys we didn't take.

And then go to the ponds and replace them without a missed step.Its not a religion up there its a way of life.

AS for the ladies, it will likely be Canada/USA again, and we will beat you AGAIN just like we did the last time. Why? Simple...Hayley Wickenheiser, the greatest female hockey ever....

I have to agree she had everything to with putting womens hockey on the big stage.

Mark in Oshawa
16th February 2010, 18:34
I have to agree she had everything to with putting womens hockey on the big stage.

I am sure some of the Finn's might know about her, she played in the 2nd division men's league in Finland for two years....

16th February 2010, 19:09
I am sure some of the Finn's might know about her, she played in the 2nd division men's league in Finland for two years....

Yes but she got very little icetime, she was kind of a publicity stunt.
Mens hockey is a physical game so of course she had no chance. But offcourse she is a good player in womens hockey.

Mark in Oshawa
16th February 2010, 20:41
Yes but she got very little icetime, she was kind of a publicity stunt.
Mens hockey is a physical game so of course she had no chance. But offcourse she is a good player in womens hockey.

It was a bit of a publicity stunt for the team that took her, but she was able to skate with them from the game the televised back to Canada I watched. She isn't big enough to be effective in the body checking but she has the speed and the hands to play at that level and that is what I was proud of.

Fiery girl too....I suspect her hubby doesn't like getting her mad at her too often...lol

16th February 2010, 20:56
It was a bit of a publicity stunt for the team that took her, but she was able to skate with them from the game the televised back to Canada I watched. She isn't big enough to be effective in the body checking but she has the speed and the hands to play at that level and that is what I was proud of.

Fiery girl too....I suspect her hubby doesn't like getting her mad at her too often...lol

Not only for that team (Kirkkonummen Salamat) a publicity stunt, but for that series too, yes they showed her first game on tv in canada, lol.
She did not play full season, i did see her a few times, but never playing, strong looking girl.

16th February 2010, 22:03
Fiery girl too....I suspect her hubby doesn't like getting her mad at her too often...lol

I have to ask... is she into men? No offense to anyone but still...

Mark in Oshawa
16th February 2010, 22:09
I have to ask... is she into men? No offense to anyone but still...

She is married...lol...to a man. I know it was a valid query....

16th February 2010, 22:18
She is married...lol...to a man. I know it was a valid query....

Fair enough :)

Mark in Oshawa
16th February 2010, 23:30
First hockey game for the men...USA 3, Switzerland 1. Apparently it was a fast game with few whistles. What a change from NHL games.....

Mark in Oshawa
17th February 2010, 01:19
Vancouver will party hard tonight...Maelle Ricker wins the women's snowboard cross in her home town.....couple that with the men's hockey opening and the city will be a nuts!

Downside to an extent is El Nino is really having a laugh. Temps in Vancouver may be as high as 15C in the city..and 6 C or so up in Cypress mountain and 4 c or more up in Whistler in the next few days...

17th February 2010, 02:15
German women beat US 9-7 womens curling
Lindsey Vonn in 1st for the moment.

17th February 2010, 04:32
Seems that Canada cruised easely over Norway in Hockey 8-0.

17th February 2010, 04:34
It only took 20 minutes.........
...for Iginla to get promoted from the 4th line to the Crosby-Nash line and ......BOOM!.. goals galore!

As a Flames fan, .. pleased am I.

Mark in Oshawa
17th February 2010, 04:47
It only took 20 minutes.........
...for Iginla to get promoted from the 4th line to the Crosby-Nash line and ......BOOM!.. goals galore!

As a Flames fan, .. pleased am I.

Iginla with Crosby is LETHAL. Nash just was icing on a really good cake.

Sure it was Norway BUT man o man they were crisp from about the second period on....no missed passes, guys picking up the other when someone would jump up, decent effort in their own end. A sharp omen...Team Canada is BACK....

17th February 2010, 04:49
We should start a separate hockey thread for the olympics otherwise this thread will get swamped..someone go for it.

Mark in Oshawa
17th February 2010, 04:52
We should start a separate hockey thread for the olympics otherwise this thread will get swamped..someone go for it.

We have been talking hockey on the hockey thread as well...no need for a fresh one really...

Valve Bounce
17th February 2010, 08:25
I just loved that Bilideu won the Gold. I was always suspicious about Begg-Smith; after he came to Australia, he and his brother were involved in some dodgy computer stuff, and it was not good.

Bilideu looks after his handicapped brother, and I was thrilled that I saw him take his brother into this cafe at Whistler - we went to that cafe every night when we were there.

Valve Bounce
17th February 2010, 09:15
As I said, I never liked Begg-Smith, and here is the reason why: http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2006/03/03/1141191842651.html

If he had never come to Australia and we had to do without the two medals, I wouldn't miss a heart beat. In fact, I am sorry that he ever came here. It would have been better if he and his brother went to Nigeria.

I am more in tune with this young guy, 15 years old representing Australia in the half pipe. His whole vocabulary seemed to revolve around "awesome".

He has just broken his wrist but will compete with a plaster cast. No matter where he comes, I will be ecstatic that he is competing in the Olympics - I will be there with him in spirit, and whatever he does is fine by me.

17th February 2010, 09:21
It's a shame there was mix up in both biathlon events yesterday, sending athletes at a wrong time in a chase event is pretty much the worst that can happen.

Garry Walker
17th February 2010, 10:49
Iginla with Crosby is LETHAL. Nash just was icing on a really good cake.

Sure it was Norway BUT man o man they were crisp from about the second period on....no missed passes, guys picking up the other when someone would jump up, decent effort in their own end. A sharp omen...Team Canada is BACK....

I did not see the game, but expect that when you have teams against you that actually can play, there will be missed passes and things like that, there just wont be so much time and space anymore.
But as long as either Canada or Finland win the tournament, I will be happy either way.

Mark in Oshawa
17th February 2010, 16:33
I did not see the game, but expect that when you have teams against you that actually can play, there will be missed passes and things like that, there just wont be so much time and space anymore.
But as long as either Canada or Finland win the tournament, I will be happy either way.

I hear you Garry. Beating up on the Norwegians isn't a great thing by itself, but the key to recognize when a good team is early in a tournament like this is that they have a chemistry on the ice and they play well picking up and covering for each other defensively. The Canadians were doing that. By the third, you could see guys leaving drop passes confident that guy behind them was aware of what was going on. Teams with no chemistry or no communication don't execute that stuff. After one practice, Canadian teams usually are tentative and awkward. In Nagano, Salt Lake or Torino, the first game was ugly, and in all three, Canada played a team roughly around Norway's level. Last night, they were sharp. THAT is a good omen, and THAT is why I think most of us up here in the Great White North are pretty optimistic.

Mark in Oshawa
17th February 2010, 16:38
I just loved that Bilideu won the Gold. I was always suspicious about Begg-Smith; after he came to Australia, he and his brother were involved in some dodgy computer stuff, and it was not good.

Bilideu looks after his handicapped brother, and I was thrilled that I saw him take his brother into this cafe at Whistler - we went to that cafe every night when we were there.

My wife will love that you Aussies don't really like Begg-Smith too! She calls him the "traitor." Here he was skiiing in his hometown and he had to act like he was new there or something!

He is a talent, but when I told my wife his company creating spyware, she really didn't like him then! The sad reality tho is the Canadian Freestyle skiing federation tried to run his life and tell him to drop his company; and that was the reason he took advantage of his Australian connections and moved down under. I think the guy is a weasel, but he is a Canadian by birth...

AS for Monsieur Bilodeau, what a refreshing guy he is! He was on CTV's show with the main host Brian Williams (not to be confused with the other one who is the NBC anchor). This is a Canadian tradition to be on with Brian (dating from his CBC days)and have a folksy interview. Bilodeau came on, and before the 12 or so minutes were up, his family was dragged on set, including Frederic and one of the other hosts had them all toasting Alex with champagne! One almost would think we were like a small town up here at moments like that.....

17th February 2010, 18:23
The 'Quasi-Aussie', I call him.

As stated by Aussie media, he looked like he had just sucked on a lemon, while the gold and bronze medalists rejoiced.

Mark in Oshawa
17th February 2010, 19:10
The 'Quasi-Aussie', I call him.

As stated by Aussie media, he looked like he had just sucked on a lemon, while the gold and bronze medalists rejoiced.
He was a suck, because I think he realized at THAT moment the idoltry he would have gotten had he stayed and competed as a Canadian....

17th February 2010, 19:37
Interesting day today from Finnish point of view, the hockey starts, womens sprint, pity the half pipe is in so bad shape it will be a lottery.

17th February 2010, 19:47
Womens sprint doesn't look that bad, all the girl got through the quali. and since Majdic is trying not compete, Saarinen and maybe even Kuitunen might have a chance.

Mark in Oshawa
17th February 2010, 20:42
Interesting day today from Finnish point of view, the hockey starts, womens sprint, pity the half pipe is in so bad shape it will be a lottery.

Half pipe isn't THAT bad a shape. The snowboard cross track was on the same mountain and was fine. Cypress is going below freezing every night and they can firm it up at night. What is more, Shaun White will likely bury everyone. The lottery will be for second place...

17th February 2010, 20:47
Half pipe isn't THAT bad a shape. The snowboard cross track was on the same mountain and was fine. Cypress is going below freezing every night and they can firm it up at night. What is more, Shaun White will likely bury everyone. The lottery will be for second place...

atleast it was about 1 hour ago, very soft and bumpy.

17th February 2010, 21:08
up next, Finns vs Belarus in Hockey. :D

17th February 2010, 21:18
Jokinen scores! with Koivu on the assist.

17th February 2010, 21:40
2-0, Hagman with the PP goal.

17th February 2010, 21:44
and there's the horn, at the end of the first period Finland 2-0 Belarus.

17th February 2010, 22:02
Belarus strikes back, goal by Kositstyn as we begin the second period.

17th February 2010, 22:26
WOW! Lindsey Vonn is an awesome downhiller. What a run!

17th February 2010, 22:27
Hagman scores again! 3-1 Finns.

17th February 2010, 22:28
The half-pipe is supposedly in great shape, with over 15 hours of freezing temps last night. According to the NBC weather guy, it is perfect.

Mark in Oshawa
17th February 2010, 22:55
WOW! Lindsey Vonn is an awesome downhiller. What a run!

So much for the hurt leg slowing her down. Give her two healthy legs does she win by a second and change?

On another note, the Swedish girl probably had a shot if she hasn't over cooked that last jump. Never seen anything like that in women's downhill......And I am VERY glad she is alright because it was UGLY....

Mark in Oshawa
17th February 2010, 22:57
The half-pipe is supposedly in great shape, with over 15 hours of freezing temps last night. According to the NBC weather guy, it is perfect.

It is...it looked really good on TV just when I last looked. The warm weather is playing tricks on people but they forget just how much research has been done over the years to make snow, preserve snow and protect it at various venues....

That said, having the freestyle and boarder events at Cypress is really giving people ulcers with VANOC I suspect...

17th February 2010, 23:07
Jarkko Ruutu with the goal. 5-1, Finns. Looks like they're getting off to a good start. :)

17th February 2010, 23:23
Jarkko Ruutu with the goal. 5-1, Finns. Looks like they're getting off to a good start. :)

Wish I could agree with that.... very bad second period :mark: And still too comblicated gameplay. And our D-fence way too lazy attitude. If they struggle at times against Belarus, what will they do against teams like Canada, Russia, Swedem and US....

Mark in Oshawa
18th February 2010, 00:06
Wish I could agree with that.... very bad second period :mark: And still too comblicated gameplay. And our D-fence way too lazy attitude. If they struggle at times against Belarus, what will they do against teams like Canada, Russia, Swedem and US....

Lets just say if Canada looks as good against quality opposition as they did against the plucky but overmatched Norwegians, it wont matter.....

Discussed the game with my dad, and we both felt we never seen a Canadian international team look as sharp early in a tournament as this one. Usually Team Canada needs adversity and a lot of knashing of teeth and valiant drama in the dressing room before they mold. This team just slipped on the sweaters, were tentative for a period and then lit the candle and rocked.....
Still...the pessimist in me KNOWS it wont be this easy when we get the Americans on Saturday and tough teams beyond that.

18th February 2010, 01:17
Still...the pessimist in me KNOWS it wont be this easy when we get the Americans on Saturday and tough teams beyond that.

It may not be this easy for them but I think There are going to make you happy no matter where they end up.

18th February 2010, 10:59
First medal and from the snowboard hippies, good job. :)

Wish I could agree with that.... very bad second period :mark: And still too comblicated gameplay. And our D-fence way too lazy attitude. If they struggle at times against Belarus, what will they do against teams like Canada, Russia, Swedem and US....
I think they played a bit better than normal for a first game, usually they manage to spend three games before they get some easy goals against the like of Belarus.

I was disappointed about our xc sprints yesterday. Saarinen should have been in the finals, I fear she's not going to get a medal in the 30k event. They might get medals from the relays, if lucky.

Fortunately Norvegians didn't win the mens sprint, unless the Russians have glowing urine samples. ;)

As one of the skiers once said, chin down and towards future disappoinments. :D

Valve Bounce
18th February 2010, 14:25
Anyone see the Flying Tomato?

18th February 2010, 15:58
Anyone see the Flying Tomato?

Yup, and what I enjoyed just as much as his big (h)AIR, was his enthusiasm after each of his runs.

Mark in Oshawa
18th February 2010, 16:25
It may not be this easy for them but I think There are going to make you happy no matter where they end up.

Swoop...you have no idea of the pressure on these guys. It is simple. Hockey is a Canadian creation. Politics and the USSR playing them better kept Canada's best players out of the Olympics for about 50 years (hence why we didn't win gold from about 1948 through to the modern era). So now we HAVE our best players in the games, the message in the minds of many in Canada needs to be sent that we are still the place where the game matters most and they better come with a gold medal. Canada winning gold is not just a happy thing, it is DEMANDED and EXPECTED. If this all sounds illogical, just remember 50% of the players in the NHL come from Canada. There are more rinks per capita in Canada than elsewhere, and no other nation takes this sport to its heart like we do. It is why we are so stupidly emotional about it and why it matters. America's size and wealth give you guys prominence in a few sports. Hockey is our focus...we are not big enough nor powerful to dominate more than a few sports. Hockey, Curling and Lacrosse. Those three are our sports.

So forgive our jingoism or goofy reactions if we lose, but this is the one thing all Canadians agree on (we tend to argue about everything..lol). Canada needs to win gold...it is a catarartic test for our character.

Mark in Oshawa
18th February 2010, 16:29
Anyone see the Flying Tomato?

THAT guy just is so far above the rest of them it is not even CLOSE. Shaun White is the man. I knew about the video games, and saw the hair, but thought, naaah...it is all US hype for one of their guys and he wont be obviously better. Turns out...he is THAT good....

Congrats to the Finn's....the man in second there was a pretty good show but the Tomato just had it going..He could have walked down the hill and won.

Also Congrats to Shani Davis for Gold in the 1000m Long track. A man who trains with the Canadian team in Calgary and who smacked down Steven Colbert's weak attempt at humour by taking some shots at us Canadians. Shani tore him apart and THAT speaks volumes considering Colbert had stepped in and saved the US Speed skating team.....

So...not a bad night. We got one more medal in women's short track speed skating, a Silver. 6 now...but the forecasters were of course wrong. The US is cleaning house and we are just taking out the trash in the count right now.....

18th February 2010, 20:39
Tora Berger takes Norways gold medal nr. 100!!! in the Winther olympics. :bounce:

Mark in Oshawa
18th February 2010, 22:25
Tora Berger takes Norways gold medal nr. 100!!! in the Winther olympics. :bounce:

Congratulations!!! Best medal per 1000 people ratio of any nation in the Winter Olympics. I keep waiting for the Norwegians to make a big surge in speed skating and cross country.

Mark in Oshawa
19th February 2010, 00:23
First medal and from the snowboard hippies, good job. :)

I think they played a bit better than normal for a first game, usually they manage to spend three games before they get some easy goals against the like of Belarus.

I was disappointed about our xc sprints yesterday. Saarinen should have been in the finals, I fear she's not going to get a medal in the 30k event. They might get medals from the relays, if lucky.

Fortunately Norvegians didn't win the mens sprint, unless the Russians have glowing urine samples. ;)

As one of the skiers once said, chin down and towards future disappoinments. :D

Cheer up my Finnish Friend, you guys are doing pretty well. I just read in the paper today how Selanne tied the record for most points in Olympic competition and there is a lot of press about people still loving the guy in this country. To have a class guy like that in your nation's uniform has to make you proud....

19th February 2010, 03:12
Looks like the Swiss aren't complying, Mark. ;)

2-2 and the third period is up next. :D

19th February 2010, 03:18
Looks like the Swiss aren't complying, Mark. ;)

2-2 and the third period is up next. :D

The Swiss and Germans are really upping their hockey programs kudos to them

19th February 2010, 03:34
man, Hiller's a wall out there! :eek:

nothin's gettin past him. :D

19th February 2010, 03:47
Overtime! :D

19th February 2010, 03:58
and now, Shootout!

19th February 2010, 04:06
Crosby Scores!

Brodeur blocks!

Canada Wins!!! :D

Mark in Oshawa
19th February 2010, 04:49
WHEW!!!!! That was a nail biter. Damned Swiss make it miserable for Canada. When their Canadian coach took over their program a decade or so ago, they were 17th in the world. Now they are ranked 7th and they make Canada miserable with their style. We outshot them massively....but Hiller is GOOD....

Mark in Oshawa
19th February 2010, 05:17
Well, I said Canadian teams usually get better through adversity. Tonight...we got it handed to us by the shovel full.

Congrats to the Aussies, gold in Ladies Halfpipe!!!

19th February 2010, 07:49
I can honestly say that for the first time since the before the 1980 olympics in Lake Placid that I havent seen a MINUTE of this years games so far, and its not really on purpose or anything like that. I have been on night shift, then on vacation for a week, now back on night shift again. In that time we have had wall to wall racing, and there is a Space Shuttle Mission going on right now. It has been just a confluence of events, really, that have kept me from watching. This thread has been helpful for me to keep up :up:

And just think, I havent had to but up with the network called Nothing But Commercials :p : :D :beer:

19th February 2010, 08:53
Cheer up my Finnish Friend, you guys are doing pretty well. I just read in the paper today how Selanne tied the record for most points in Olympic competition and there is a lot of press about people still loving the guy in this country. To have a class guy like that in your nation's uniform has to make you proud....
Selänne is just playing well to make the bitter disappointment even sweater. :D

19th February 2010, 10:46
Well, I said Canadian teams usually get better through adversity. Tonight...we got it handed to us by the shovel full.

Congrats to the Aussies, gold in Ladies Halfpipe!!!

Great to get the gold - we were hoping for 2 (should of had 2 :mad: hmph!) I was screaming when she landed her last ski as I knew she did enough for a medal! Apart from the womens areals we wont have another medal chance so we are going to enjoy this one

tin-top fan
19th February 2010, 11:09
Really looking forward to the ice hockey. If it all goes well, we'll see an ovcheckin-crosby semi, followed to one the underdogs (thinking somelike switzerland) coming and nicking the gold at the end. Should be really exciting, even if all of the games are going to be in the middle of the night!

Epic game last night. Knew that Switzerland were gonna be a surprise in this tournament though :-p

19th February 2010, 11:53
Epic game last night. Knew that Switzerland were gonna be a surprise in this tournament though :-p

This is still just early phase of tournament, in the end Swiss don't have a change.

19th February 2010, 15:35
Shaun White!

Tomahawk, baby!

19th February 2010, 21:47
Uh oh, the Sedin boys are at it again. ;)

Sweden2-0 Belarus

19th February 2010, 21:56
:hot: Aksel Lund Svindal :hot:

Valve Bounce
19th February 2010, 22:20
The flying tomato will be known to Aussis as "Bluey". I think Gian Rooney gave him the nick, and she was the first to catch up with him for an interview after the event.

Garry Walker
20th February 2010, 13:55
Cheer up my Finnish Friend, you guys are doing pretty well. I just read in the paper today how Selanne tied the record for most points in Olympic competition and there is a lot of press about people still loving the guy in this country. To have a class guy like that in your nation's uniform has to make you proud....

Now Selänne is the leading scorer in olympic history. He passed the russian legend Valeri Kharlamov, if I am not mistaken. The same guy who Bobby Clarke injured (on purpose, apparently) during the legendary Summit Series.

Canada could have looked better in the switzerland game, they will not manage against Russia with such play.

20th February 2010, 14:54
Can't wait for Sunday...

12:00 pm Vancouver time

Russia vs Czech Repbulic

4:40 pm

Canada vs United States

9:00 pm

Sweden vs Finland

can you say 'Action-packed'?... :D :D :D

20th February 2010, 15:30
Canada could have looked better in the switzerland game, they will not manage against Russia with such play.

And Russia won't manage with they Ovechkin-orientated play against Canada.....

20th February 2010, 17:48
Now Selänne is the leading scorer in olympic history. He passed the russian legend Valeri Kharlamov

Quite of achievment from Teemu, Kharlamov is 1 of the greatest players ever, and Soviet then an almost unbeatable team for many years.

21st February 2010, 18:33
What a bite. So much good going on in the hockey both mens and womens. I get to watch the race today if weathyer permits however only skiing on the telly for me.
I'm in the Pocono's awaiting permits for my World Trade Center load that delivers on monday. Only local digital antenna here.
Rooting for the US in both games and the Canadian women
Can't wait for the matchup against each other though.

Garry Walker
21st February 2010, 21:06
Quite of achievment from Teemu, Kharlamov is 1 of the greatest players ever, and Soviet then an almost unbeatable team for many years.

Yes, Kharlamov is one of the greatest player ever and among the 3 greatest left-wing players of all time.

Anyway, good luck to hockey fans, we have a great night ahead of us, all work assignments for tomorrow cancelled, lets hope for great games :)

22nd February 2010, 04:04

Canada 3-5 USA

Hey, Mark...... :p :

22nd February 2010, 05:54
Wow! That was a great game to watch. USA in the QFinals. I expect Luongo in goal for the next game.
We now get another chance to gel against the Germans before kicking everyone else's butt!

Just saw a TV bit where Jacques Villeneuve went down the skeleton run 4 times...reached 95kph, just like in the Honda!

Mark in Oshawa
22nd February 2010, 05:58
Well....I would defy anyone on here to point out where I said Canada WOULD win. I was not able to bring myself to WATCH the game. Listened in the car on the radio. I knew they would out shoot the USA on shots and scoring chances and find a way to lose, and I was right.

The problem with Canadian teams is they don't know how to settle into roles because they have too many guys who are used to being the A guy on their respective teams. That, and goaltending has reached a point where you need it or you are screwed. If Brodeur wasn't half out to lunch on a couple of those, maybe things change. I dunno.

I do know that the US did what the Swiss did, just rope a doped the Canadians and pounced on their mistakes. Miller I said at the top of the thread was probably the guy I worried about and I know why. He is a top flight goalie.

Now...saying all that, the one thing that ought to scare the opponents of Canada is this: In 72, in 76, in 87, in 92..and 02, all those Canada Cups/ Olympic wins by Canada came after the team was on the brink of losing due to issues with morale, scoring or just attitude. If they come out Tuesday and blow the doors of the Germans, y'all batter down the hatches.....

Canada on paper has the fire power to out score and out play every team save maybe the Russians. They get motivated and get into a groove, and they could be lethal. Or.....they could play an indifferent muddlling game, beat the Germans and lose in the Quarterfinals.

History suggests tho that Canada will wake up and make things interesting.

I hope...because I can tell you Iam really annoyed with our luck in a few sports. If they handed out medals for 4ths and 5th's, we would be on top of the table.

Oh one more victory I must crow about, was Jon Montgomery's win in the Men's Skeleton. My lord, that guy has a charisma to him. He was doing an interview on live Canadian TV last night with his gold, and it looked 24 hours after his win to be still partying. What is more, as he is being interviewed, some guy in the crowd gets his attention whiile he is talking to TSN's Jennifer Hedger (look her up on Google..ummm GOOOD LOOKING!) and tosses him up a FULL mickey bottle of rye Whiskey!!! Jon just casually scoops like a 2nd baseman catching a fly, and puts in his back pocket without hardly missing a WORD of the conversation. THAT is a partying dude!!!!!

Valve Bounce
22nd February 2010, 09:23
Well....I would defy anyone on here to point out where I said Canada WOULD win. I was not able to bring myself to WATCH the game. Listened in the car on the radio. I knew they would out shoot the USA on shots and scoring chances and find a way to lose, and I was right.

Man!! you missed a great game.

Mark in Oshawa
22nd February 2010, 09:50
Man!! you missed a great game.

A great game? Heck man, I have seen more hockey than you will ever know...lol...Seen LOTS of great games but every time I tune into watch Team Canada this year it seems I watch the opposition get a bounce or a weird hop and bam, it is a goal.

I have so much passion for watching my team win, and so much pent up angst when they lose, that I find it easier to listen to the game on the radio, or find out afterwards. Some teams I can accept them playing and not doing well, but when they play the USA, I just cannot STAND to watch. Every time they meet it seems like they dominate a lot of the posession and yet the Americans find ways to make it close.

I will watch them play Germany likely, and any game beyond they are in.

Valve, it is like this: In my mind, they either bring back the gold, or I will be just a basketcase. We in Canada are as nuts for our team as the Kiwi's are for their All Blacks....and maybe in someways more. The Kiwi's didn't invent Rugby, but we seen how the English have lost control of the great game of "football" they invented and us Canadians don't want to ever be in that position, but alas, it seems more and more like we are.

So when you say I missed a great game, the only way I would have really relaxed is if I tuned it in after 10 minutes and we had pushed 4 by Miller and he was pulled from the net!!!!!

PS...I warned people to watch the Americans. Now you see why....

Easy Drifter
22nd February 2010, 10:09
Anytime you get a little sloppy and or cocky and hit a red hot goalie look out.

Way way back in a Jr B game I was red hot and super lucky. We won 1 - 0 and I stopped 89 shots. I still haven't seen a couple of them. One I was flat on the ice with my back to the play trying to get back on my feet when I deflected a shot over the net with the butt of my stick. Pure fluke.
Normally we would have been bombed. :o

tin-top fan
22nd February 2010, 10:48
didn't see the canada game this morning. From a completely neutral perspective I get a feeling that the pressure may be almost too great on the team. That said, it does seem to be that the canucks seem to pretty much dominate their games but can't put away their chances.

Saw the sweden-finland game this morning, was a pretty good game but seemed to petter out towards the end. Guess at 3-0 up the swedes new they were on for the win. The finns didn't seem to really turn up to be honest. Thought Kiprusoff had a good game, though what was with the check to head?!? The guy definitely deserved the 5+game (possibly 5+match?), not something anyone likes to see in a game of hockey.

22nd February 2010, 11:54
Saw the sweden-finland game this morning, was a pretty good game but seemed to petter out towards the end. Guess at 3-0 up the swedes new they were on for the win. The finns didn't seem to really turn up to be honest. Thought Kiprusoff had a good game, though what was with the check to head?!? The guy definitely deserved the 5+game (possibly 5+match?), not something anyone likes to see in a game of hockey.

It was a very poor effort from the Finnish team, with that kind of game, they will loose to Czechs in the quarter finals. Altough Looking at the program, one might think they threw the game on purpose to get an easier opponent list. :D

Canada vs Russia will be interesting.

Garry Walker
22nd February 2010, 13:05
Finns gave a pretty pathetic effort. When you have two chances on 5vs3 and so many powerplay opportunities as they had and you dont even get close to scoring a goal, something is very rotten.

22nd February 2010, 14:11
... and now, on to the Playoffs. :D

Who do you see in the brackets?

22nd February 2010, 16:56
I love being wrong esspecially when I win.
Honestly I never saw that coming esspecially after the great start Canada had.
The women are in better shape though. The US plays 3-0 sweeden I think and Canada gets 2-0-1 Findland.See ya in the finals I'm pretty sure. :s mokin:
And look at that medal count. :D I didn't expect thew US to come even close after the last olympics disastourous performanceS.Even Bode Miller came through. :eek:

Hey Mark Keep watching. You may be our lucky charm.LOL :)

Mark in Oshawa
22nd February 2010, 18:56
I love being wrong esspecially when I win.
Honestly I never saw that coming esspecially after the great start Canada had.
The women are in better shape though. The US plays 3-0 sweeden I think and Canada gets 2-0-1 Findland.See ya in the finals I'm pretty sure. :s mokin:
And look at that medal count. :D I didn't expect thew US to come even close after the last olympics disastourous performanceS.Even Bode Miller came through. :eek:

Hey Mark Keep watching. You may be our lucky charm.LOL :)

I am not your lucky charm. I am just very superstious.....

I will listen to the games on radio or not even listen if THAT is what it takes.

The real feeling is if you showed 50 minutes of that game to someone who had never seen a hockey game, and just omitted the play around the goals that were scored, you would think Canada won that game. They had the pressure on a few times and just couldn't get their mojo working to finish the chances.

It is a familar theme in our hockey history. In the infamous/famous 72 Summit Series, the Russians came out and won 2 out of 4 on Canadian soil, with a tie. The Canadian team was roasted in the press. They were called inept, arrogant, stupid, all the rest of it...and then they went to Moscow and won the series. IN Salt Lake, they limped into the medal playdowns, and after a contentious game with the Swiss (they keep popping up), Gretzky gave his famous press conference where he rallied the troops by ripping into all the critics, and the team seemed to wake up.

90% of our problems are mental. We have the high expectation of doing well every time the team hits the ice, and guys play tight. The fact is HALF of the players in the NHL are still Canadian, the culture of hockey is still centered around the Canadian influence, and all this energy and culture has to be tuned out for the guys to just do the job. The danger of getting caught up in all the pressure stops guys from just relaxing and letting it happen.

Brian Burke of the US team's brain trust said it best when he talked of his team picks on New Year's day. Canada can have all the pressure, eveyrone can talk about them, and he defused the expectations of his team in the press. He knows that the best way to get guys to relax is to motivate them to perform to prove people wrong.

Mark in Oshawa
22nd February 2010, 19:00
As for the rest of the Olympics, well the Canadian athletes are just doing ok..and not great. Some exceptions for sure.

Another pall for the team hit Sunday. Our best figure skating hope on in the ladies side, Joannie Rochette had her mom have a heart attack Saturday night. THAT is a tough blow to hit just a day or so away from skating for an Olympic medal. Reading about her courage, and the support she is getting from people like Dan Jansen of the US Speed skating team (he lost a sister before the his skate in the 500m in 92), Brian Burke and others from in and around the Canadian team puts all the crap into perspective. These kids competing with all this pressure and self interest in performing well are still just human, and if the Luge death before the games didn't bring that home, this one has to.

22nd February 2010, 19:05
Ooww Canada!!!

22nd February 2010, 22:11
I have made a theory that a team has to loose one game in a tournament. I hope that my theory is correct AND I hope that Finn's game against Sweden was it....

Of course I'm wrong. What a bunch of losers Finns were :mark:

Actually they were so pathetic that in Sweden there's a consppiraacy in making that we lost in purpose..... :dozey: I only wish we were...

Captain VXR
22nd February 2010, 22:54
A Bathonian got the gold in female bob skeleton and we don't even have much snow and only a concrete test track
Yes I know its old news but still :D

23rd February 2010, 03:07
We have 4 special Sky Sport channels just for the Winter Olympics but every time I check what's on it's the Curling. Not really, it just seems that way. I've loved the bobsleigh and skiing events. Congrats to Bode Miller for a gold.

23rd February 2010, 03:11
for those that missed the Ovechkin train hitting Jagr, that was a shot :D


Valve Bounce
23rd February 2010, 04:56
Saw the Russians Ice Skaters last night. The Aboriginal leaders here are not pleased with their imitation; but I just thought that the guy was grinning like a demented moron. Oh yeah! I thought their costume was rather clumsy and daggy looking, and if you wanted to see something superior, have a look at Torvell and Dean's performance. The "music" was awful!

Mark in Oshawa
23rd February 2010, 05:37
It don't matter. Virtue and Moir are going to win the gold according to "she who must be obeyed" who is the figure skating expert around her. If they skate their best (in the next 5 minutes as I type this in the other room from the TV) then I don't think there is any other team. Then again, it is Ice Dance...someone wake me when we play some more hockey!!!

Mark in Oshawa
23rd February 2010, 06:56
There..mission accomplished on THAT medal...lol...Virtue and Moir gold...

Mark in Oshawa
23rd February 2010, 06:58
A Bathonian got the gold in female bob skeleton and we don't even have much snow and only a concrete test track
Yes I know its old news but still :D

Congrats to her, but you know she was training on the tracks in Europe. Our girl was on her heels until the last run and made a mistake. 5th...but I will say this: I am proud of Mellisa no matter what. She was in tears for about a day feeling she let the country down. The way I see it, she busted her tail and did her best and had one bad run. Her buddy Montgomery on the men's side made up for it and then some.

Congrats to you Brits tho...but before you crow too much, ummmm I notice Mr. Murdoch of your Curling team is only 3 and 3 at my last look...you may miss the medals in Curling...THAT is just not on!!!

23rd February 2010, 07:13

Yes I know its old news but still :D

I heard that Robbie Williams quit Take That.

Yes I know its old news but still :D

Valve Bounce
23rd February 2010, 10:20
There..mission accomplished on THAT medal...lol...Virtue and Moir gold...

OK! so now, about the Hockey Gold?

23rd February 2010, 12:19
I had to look at the video to find out what a bob skeleton was. Kind of like the Luge except you get to hit stuff face first instead of feet first.

Dave B
23rd February 2010, 12:51
Bob Skeleton sounds like a creepy uncle or a late-night local radio DJ... possibly both.


Anyway, congratulations to the girl. You wouldn't catch me doing 80+ mph on a souped-up tea tray.

Mark in Oshawa
23rd February 2010, 15:04
Actually, as a race fan, I found the Skeleton a whole more entertaining. You can see the rider making the adjustments and using the feet to steer, the art work on the helmets is quite off often fun (check out Jeff Pain's "Angry Beaver" helmet if you can find a pic of it online) and the people can screw up and lose major time in one run or gain major time in one run. Luge is more static I find....

Out of the sliding sports, it looks the craziest but I actually think they crash the least...

Mark in Oshawa
23rd February 2010, 15:05
OK! so now, about the Hockey Gold?

Let me get back to you on that one...lol. Your wife I am sure has told you how goofy we Canadians are about this....

23rd February 2010, 15:39
Why is this thread not in the Vancouver 2010 Olympics thread...? :mark:

23rd February 2010, 15:52
Why is this thread not in the Vancouver 2010 Olympics thread...? :mark:

You're a troublemaking aren't you?

23rd February 2010, 16:05
Just trying to keep things orderly :D

23rd February 2010, 16:12
...and what's a 'Canadia' ??

23rd February 2010, 16:38
Your wife I am sure has told you how goofy we Canadians are about this....

I think you might be getting VB & Camelopard confused here.

So after tonight, we get the Crosby/Ovechkin battle that we've all been waiting for, right?

23rd February 2010, 17:14
the art work on the helmets is quite off often fun
Montgomery won the Gold with a turtle painted on his lid.

Mark in Oshawa
23rd February 2010, 19:22
I think you might be getting VB & Camelopard confused here.

So after tonight, we get the Crosby/Ovechkin battle that we've all been waiting for, right?

Your're right, I did. My apolgies to both. You can tell I had a lack of sleep going there....

As for Crosby/Ovechkin, I will only pencil that in after we win against the Germans. We could be looking at Torino all over again, in which case Steve Yzerman will be eviscerated for all to see in Robson Square for picking the "Wrong" team when the reality is the guys just didn't grasp the gravity of each game.

Personally, I would be happier if the teams we take for the World Juniors were taken for all the nations. It wont happen of course, but it seems like the kids settle into the new roles faster and easier than the stars do.

Mark in Oshawa
24th February 2010, 06:08
Good day at the Olympics from a Canadian view. First off, First ever gold in the first year for Ski Cross for Ashleigh McIvor. Up in Whistler, our Canada 1 sled is in first after 2 runs and setting and resetting the track record for women. Canada 2 is just 2 one hundredths off 3rd in 4th. Then Canada comes out and looks like the team they are supposed to be, but again, playing Germany wasn't quite the test either. I will take it. Luongo was sharp in net.

THen in the most emotoinal night, a young lady who lost her mom Saturday night, Joannie Rochette skated a perfect short program before breaking into tears to a standing ovation. I am not a huge figure skating fan, but I watched and had a tear. Kid has been through hell in the last 3 days and goes and does that on the brightest stage of them all. No matter what happens, her being in 3rd after the short was an accomplishment.

We can be jaded about sports, but when a kid goes out as brave as that and performs with the heat on, it makes all the other adversity of athletes whining about their performances because they didn't "feel" right sound kind of hollow.

24th February 2010, 13:22
Bob Skeleton sounds like a creepy uncle or a late-night local radio DJ... possibly both.


Anyway, congratulations to the girl. You wouldn't catch me doing 80+ mph on a souped-up tea tray.

aww, c'mon. It's what we all did when we were kids, with a sled and a snowy hill. Wheeeeeeee!!! :D

Mark in Oshawa
24th February 2010, 16:01
aww, c'mon. It's what we all did when we were kids, with a sled and a snowy hill. Wheeeeeeee!!! :D

Jon Montgomery said the best way of understanding how fast it seems is to get your buddy to drive you down the highway about 145km/h and open the door and lean out with your face 4 inches off the road.....

No thanks....those guys and girls are nuts!

race aficionado
24th February 2010, 18:10
THen in the most emotoinal night, a young lady who lost her mom Saturday night, Joannie Rochette skated a perfect short program before breaking into tears to a standing ovation. I am not a huge figure skating fan, but I watched and had a tear. Kid has been through hell in the last 3 days and goes and does that on the brightest stage of them all. No matter what happens, her being in 3rd after the short was an accomplishment.

We can be jaded about sports, but when a kid goes out as brave as that and performs with the heat on, it makes all the other adversity of athletes whining about their performances because they didn't "feel" right sound kind of hollow.

It was indeed a very touching moment.

Powerful indeed.

Valve Bounce
25th February 2010, 05:03
Just saw one of the German girls thrown out of the Bobsled. Apart from that, Canada did well against Russia in the big "H". Great game Hockey!! only three rules: can't hit an opponent with your stick on his head, can trip him with your stick, and it seems you can't hit him on the head with your elbow if you are not going after the puck. Everything else is OK! :eek:

Easy Drifter
25th February 2010, 05:34
There are a lot more penalty calls possible. It depends on how good the officials are and how tricky the players are. Many years ago the great Leaf defenceman Carl Brewer had the palms of his gloves unstitched. It looked like he just had his glove on your shoulder or back when he really had a good grip on your shoulder or sweater.
NHL is a lot rougher and probably has sharper refs. The Olympic players are the best and tend not to be as rough, more on skill. Fighting in the NHL is sort of part of the game whereas Olympic hockey really frowns on it.

Valve Bounce
25th February 2010, 05:40
Lydia Lassila just won the Gold for Australia in the Women's Freestyle. She put so much pressure on the leading Chinese performer that the Chinese felt the pressure before she started down, and unfortunately she fell on landing.

Mark in Oshawa
25th February 2010, 06:05
Just saw one of the German girls thrown out of the Bobsled. Apart from that, Canada did well against Russia in the big "H". Great game Hockey!! only three rules: can't hit an opponent with your stick on his head, can trip him with your stick, and it seems you can't hit him on the head with your elbow if you are not going after the puck. Everything else is OK! :eek:

I believe I heard a big can of "whoop@ss" being opened up about 7 Eastern time. I was working at the local junior team's game doing camera work for them, and my cell phone was on vibrate for text messages. I knew by the constant tickle on the side of my pocket that something big was happening, and between my buddy and my wife, I knew the goals were coming fast and furious. Then the director came of the headset with updates and the crowd in the stands (about one third of the usual crowd) were cheering for no reason followed by my phone going off. So I now KNOW I missed a good game. Love knowing the boys got their act together.

Then I come home and find out that; Clara Hughes won Bronze in her gold medal defense from Torino, and as our flag bearer, she was more or less the senior citizen of the speed skating team so good for her. Then found out about our Gold and Silver in women's bobsled, so that rocked....and then another Silver in the 3000m Women's relay in Short Track. So..4 medals and Team Canada put Ovechkin and the rest of the whining Russians on a truck out of town with a solid butt whuppin.....

All in all, we were more or less promised more days like this from the idiots with the Canadian Olympic Committee...and we got ONE day..and it felt GOOD....

25th February 2010, 08:57
Lydia Lassila
When I woke up and put on the TV and heard she was winning I thought Finland had won gold, because the name Lassila is Finnish, but no, she turned out to be an Australian.

Valve Bounce
25th February 2010, 09:24
So I now KNOW I missed a good game. .

I hope you recorded it. :rolleyes: The slo-mo replays are even better - you can even see that little black thing they were hitting around.

25th February 2010, 15:30

Mark in Oshawa
25th February 2010, 16:08
I hope you recorded it. :rolleyes: The slo-mo replays are even better - you can even see that little black thing they were hitting around.

You have to be quick to see that puck....unless Shea Weber is leaning into a slap shot. Last game against the Germans he put one right through the netting. He has a HOWITZER for a shot.....

The "boss" and I watched the replays this AM before she went to her work, and it was clear they came out early and just started out by pounding on the Russians with good clean but tough hits and made them shy away from wanting the puck, and then they started buzzing the net. That was pretty much game over at that point. I suspect they will do the same with the Slovaks in the Semi's, but there is a date with destiny for the Gold, and the Americans and Finn's wont cave no matter who wins that game. The Americans are the most like us, and if the Finn's beat the Americans (something that ought to cause the earth's axis to tilt a little different!), it is clear they wont be intimidated either. The hockey in the next 4 games (2 semi's, the Gold and Bronze games) will be probably the best four games of hockey you may see until the next Olympics.

Mark in Oshawa
25th February 2010, 16:08
When I woke up and put on the TV and heard she was winning I thought Finland had won gold, because the name Lassila is Finnish, but no, she turned out to be an Australian.

She probably is of Finnish ancestry. Australia like Canada or the US is a country of immigrants. Probably her ancestors got tired of the cold of Finland....

25th February 2010, 16:27
you can even see that little black thing they were hitting around.

If Easy comes on here telling you that "that little black thing" is actually a piece of cow dung don't believe him. It may have been cow dung back in his day :p , but they changed the puck material to rubber many years ago.

Your comment reminds me of an experiment the NHL tried a number of years ago. After the league expanded into the southern states, comments like yours were coming from fans unfamiliar with the game. The league responded by put some kind of electronics in the puck, so that it would leave a temporary colored streak on your TV screen wherever the puck moved. It changed color depending on the speed of the puck, so you might get a blue streak for a pass, and a red streak for a slap-shot. Almost like a game of Pong. It got so annoying for the fans that it didn't take long for them to can it.

Mark in Oshawa
25th February 2010, 16:30
If Easy comes on here telling you that "that little black thing" is actually a piece of cow dung don't believe him. It may have been cow dung back in his day :p , but they changed the puck material to rubber many years ago.

Your comment reminds me of an experiment the NHL tried a number of years ago. After the league expanded into the southern states, comments like yours were coming from fans unfamiliar with the game. The league responded by put some kind of electronics in the puck, so that it would leave a temporary colored streak on your TV screen wherever the puck moved. It changed color depending on the speed of the puck, so you might get a blue streak for a pass, and a red streak for a slap-shot. Almost like a game of Pong. It got so annoying for the fans that it didn't take long for them to can it.

Firstgear, that was Fox that brought that up. Their Australian born head of sports thought Americans didn't watch hockey because they couldn't see the puck. So for 3 years they had that gizmo. The reality is Americans can spot a baseball ( simliar in diameter to a puck) in the field, or a golf ball being hit down a fairway...but they don't watch hockey not for not seeing the puck, but for the fact they watched it once and likely are not into it. Why I don't know because they usually like violent games, but I suspect they don't like it because they are not a power in it; although that has slowly changed. The Americans are for real....but they don't seem to watch the game on TV....

25th February 2010, 16:39
She probably is of Finnish ancestry. Australia like Canada or the US is a country of immigrants. Probably her ancestors got tired of the cold of Finland....

Nope, she is married to a finn, former freestyle skier Lauri Lassila.

Mark in Oshawa
25th February 2010, 16:43
Nope, she is married to a finn, former freestyle skier Lauri Lassila.
Well there we go. Good on her for beating the ChiComm's at that spinning twisting thing.....

25th February 2010, 17:00
Firstgear, that was Fox that brought that up. Their Australian born head of sports thought Americans didn't watch hockey because they couldn't see the puck. So for 3 years they had that gizmo. The reality is Americans can spot a baseball ( simliar in diameter to a puck) in the field, or a golf ball being hit down a fairway...but they don't watch hockey not for not seeing the puck, but for the fact they watched it once and likely are not into it. Why I don't know because they usually like violent games, but I suspect they don't like it because they are not a power in it; although that has slowly changed. The Americans are for real....but they don't seem to watch the game on TV....

One guy i know did play for minnesota north stars when they moved to dallas he said it feels foolish to play for people who does not have a clue about the game, also they teached spectators the rules from a screen during the game.

Easy Drifter
25th February 2010, 17:16
Heaviest shot I faced was from Bobby Baun.
Not the fastest but somehow it just seemed harder and hurt more.
We didn't have pads anywhere near as big as today and our catching glove was tiny compared to those overgrown mitts. I actually used a first basemans glove.
Oh and no masks! Still got most of my teeth but also 27 stitches here and there in my face.

25th February 2010, 17:34
Apparently there were some hockey games last night when I was asleep, good jobs from Finland and especially Slovakia. ;)

And now about something actually intersting, cross country skiing. :D
Yesterdays mens fifth place 4x10 relay was actually a good effort from our boys, if Heikkinen hadn't emptied his body in the tour de ski, we might have gotten a medal, all the others, including the normal also rans, Nousiainen and Kattilakoski were good. And i'm slightly getting my hopes up the "musti" might get a top five finish in the 50km event.

25th February 2010, 19:02
I'm very surprised than Finland made it into top four in hockey since IMO our coach has been terrible, playing grandpas Selänne and Koivu on powerplay time after time again with no results. Well if Kiprusoff continues to be a Hasek in the net, who knows what's going to happen in the next game?

25th February 2010, 19:08
She probably is of Finnish ancestry. Australia like Canada or the US is a country of immigrants. Probably her ancestors got tired of the cold of Finland....
No, I found out that she's just married to a Finnish ex-freestyle skiier.

25th February 2010, 19:26
Heaviest shot I faced was from Bobby Baun.
Not the fastest but somehow it just seemed harder and hurt more.
We didn't have pads anywhere near as big as today and our catching glove was tiny compared to those overgrown mitts. I actually used a first basemans glove.
Oh and no masks! Still got most of my teeth but also 27 stitches here and there in my face.

You remind me of:


25th February 2010, 21:17
Hip hei, finally the skiers managed to get a medal, despite the best efforts of the waxing team who again failed at classic ski's for Muranen.

Garry Walker
25th February 2010, 21:26
One guy i know did play for minnesota north stars when they moved to dallas he said it feels foolish to play for people who does not have a clue about the game, also they teached spectators the rules from a screen during the game.

At eurosport they were teaching about the offside rule yesterday because some people asked for an explanation. Funny how even the most simple rules can be too hard to understand for some people.

Nice games yesterday, Canada will have to tighten up their D, but Slovakia should not be a too hard opponent.
Finland will probably find it quite hard against USA, but good luck to them.

25th February 2010, 21:49
Hip hei, finally the skiers managed to get a medal, despite the best efforts of the waxing team who again failed at classic ski's for Muranen.

Muranen failed on purpose. ;)

25th February 2010, 22:08
Hip hei, finally the skiers managed to get a medal, despite the best efforts of the waxing team who again failed at classic ski's for Muranen.
But she DID ask for a Brazilian waxing.

25th February 2010, 22:23
Finland will probably find it quite hard against USA, but good luck to them.
Hope not, Teukka the Flash pay free drinks, starting when the puck drops for everyone in Kivenlahti Seurahuone, if Finland plays in the final :)

25th February 2010, 22:24
But she DID ask for a Brazilian waxing.

25th February 2010, 22:26

Splendid effort from the hockey women.

26th February 2010, 05:31
Canada's Women Get Hockey Gold!!!!!!

Valve Bounce
26th February 2010, 05:42
Canada's Women Get Hockey Gold!!!!!!

I'm glad and happy to find out. I was recording it but my better half stopped the recording to watch a recording of 24. :(

26th February 2010, 05:53
USA's has struck gold in Nordic Combined.

26th February 2010, 10:38
Firstgear, that was Fox that brought that up. Their Australian born head of sports thought Americans didn't watch hockey because they couldn't see the puck. So for 3 years they had that gizmo. The reality is Americans can spot a baseball ( simliar in diameter to a puck) in the field, or a golf ball being hit down a fairway...but they don't watch hockey not for not seeing the puck, but for the fact they watched it once and likely are not into it. Why I don't know because they usually like violent games, but I suspect they don't like it because they are not a power in it; although that has slowly changed. The Americans are for real....but they don't seem to watch the game on TV....
Hockey is not a popular sport at all in the USA. Indeed, were it not for the famous face-off between the USA and the old Soviet Union, the once very invicible unbeatable powerhouse who has fallen so low as to be called Eurotrash by one of the announcers, I am not sure anyone in the USA would be watching much Hockey. It is like soceer (which has become very popular to play but not watch).

as to being a power, Canada and the USA have become the two powers in hockey, with Canada holding the upper hand.

Anyway that female goalie for Canada coupled with the overall defense, won gold. 28 plus hard shots she saved. Amazing

26th February 2010, 14:28
and so was thier victory party when it spilled on to the ice afterwards....oh me.......to have been a stud muffin in their locker room.....or a cigar

26th February 2010, 14:53
http://sports.yahoo.com/olympics/vancouver/slideshow/ss.124;_ylt=AgWTnzojb9o4CVTDsOarPWxotLV_#photoView er=urn%3Anewsml%3Asports.yahoo%2Cap%3A20050301%3Ao ly%2Cphoto%2Colywh23002260346.vancouver_olympics_i ce_hockey_olywh230%2C124%3A2

http://sports.yahoo.com/olympics/vancouver/slideshow/ss.124;_ylt=AgWTnzojb9o4CVTDsOarPWxotLV_#photoView er=urn%3Anewsml%3Asports.yahoo%2Cgetty%3A20050301% 3Aoly%2Cphoto%2C067438dc4f8323a0899dbd1614ef3d53-getty-95657668jd387_ice_hockey_wo%2C124%3A2

26th February 2010, 16:09
Impressive skating by the Korean Kim Yuna to clinch gold :up: , coached of course by former Canadian gold medalist Brian Orser ;)

And an even more impressive, not to mention emotional, bronze medal skate by Rochette :up:

26th February 2010, 17:20
And an even more impressive, not to mention emotional, bronze medal skate by Rochette :up:
Was it actually a real sporting medal, a genuine third best two runs, or did her family tragedy play a part in her medal?

26th February 2010, 18:52
Glad to us Brits are doing good...LOL

26th February 2010, 19:37
I'm not sure how they media is playing the games around the world, but here in America, if an athlete lays a fart then it becomes front page news. Every time I go to look on some information about the games there's some new controversy. Ridiculous!

Athletes work hard, therefore, should play harder. I can't believe that Scotty Lago was told by the U.S.S.A. to take a hike after a post-medal celebration. Who cares?! The guy was having fun and having a few brews. I would be out there with a box of condoms and a jug of booze too.

Just recently the Canadian women's hockey team beat America for the gold. Now they're are being torn to bits in the media for celebrating? Give me a damn break. I actually enjoy seeing athletes be themselves and portray their personalities. Makes the games so much more enjoyable.

26th February 2010, 19:44
Was it actually a real sporting medal, a genuine third best two runs, or did her family tragedy play a part in her medal?

Her long program was nearly flawless. A deserved medal.

Mark in Oshawa
26th February 2010, 19:55
Was it actually a real sporting medal, a genuine third best two runs, or did her family tragedy play a part in her medal?

Under the new scoring they use now, there isn't any room for sentimentality. Joannie earned it...but to explain how is to understand what the judges look for. The wife understands this stuff, but she did figure skating as a teen, I don't have a clue!

Joannie was pretty brave...how she kept it together out there is pretty amazing stuff.

26th February 2010, 20:28
No matter what the circumstances, there's still room for debate about "real sporting medal", seeing as this is figure skating. :p

Mark in Oshawa
26th February 2010, 20:29
Her long program was nearly flawless. A deserved medal.

Well according to the resident figure skating expert, Joanie had two "step outs" after two jumps which would knock off a point off the jump, but THAT is better than what Mao Asada and the American girl after Joannie did with still turning as they landed the jump. Without a slomo or an experienced eye, I couldn't tell...but that is what determines the max points. Yu Na Kim didn't under jump or step out and just was perfect so there ya go.

Good on Brian Orser as a coach...now...we can go back to the talk of real sports, hockey, curling, 4 man bobsled, speedskating and the last snowboard events this weekend....

26th February 2010, 20:32
I still think they should get rid of that silly smily presentation stuff, skate with a bag over their head so the judges don't know who is on the ice. ;)

26th February 2010, 21:35
I'd be more worried about kipper if I were you

26th February 2010, 22:51
I am totally speechless.... :mark:

I've never seen such a lame effort from our team in hockey....

26th February 2010, 23:18
Skål! :beer: perfect display from our biathlon reley team!

27th February 2010, 00:45
I am totally speechless.... :mark:

I've never seen such a lame effort from our team in hockey....

6 - nil after the first period :s
At least the final wasn't a shutout :dozey:

27th February 2010, 01:01


27th February 2010, 01:53
Athletes work hard, therefore, should play harder. I can't believe that Scotty Lago was told by the U.S.S.A. to take a hike after a post-medal celebration. Who cares?! The guy was having fun and having a few brews. I would be out there with a box of condoms and a jug of booze too.

Just recently the Canadian women's hockey team beat America for the gold. Now they're are being torn to bits in the media for celebrating? Give me a damn break. I actually enjoy seeing athletes be themselves and portray their personalities. Makes the games so much more enjoyable.


oh to have been a .........

27th February 2010, 01:59
http://sports.yahoo.com/olympics/vancouver/slideshow/ss.124/im:urn:newsml%20{SMILIES_PATH}/s.gif%20ports.yahoo,getty:20050301%20{SMILIES_PATH }/redface.gif%20ly,photo,067438dc4f8323a0899dbd1614e f3d53-getty-95657668jd387_ice_hockey_wo,124:2