View Full Version : Do your duty, citizens, and vote!

Dave B
2nd February 2010, 14:10
It's that time of year again, when F1 ask for our opinions so that they can ignore our wishes as usual.

But if you want to make your voice heard anyway, tell them "no" to Mickey Mouse sprint races and shortcuts, "yes" to HD coverage, and "don't care" to all the questions on marketing by clicking the following:


2nd February 2010, 14:39
Already done :up: Made sure to add my general indifference to the new points scheme.

Questions about half hour races are slightly ominous though.

2nd February 2010, 15:05
Questions about half hour races are slightly ominous though.
:up: Longer or much shorter races wouldn't make any difference to my viewing - I'd still watch the races - but I certainly don't want shorter races. Haven't seen an option to tell 'em that yet.

2nd February 2010, 16:31
" The maximum number of answers is 3!
Is the error I get on the what would interest you section, and I can't go any further.

Powered by Cosworth
2nd February 2010, 16:47
There were questions about F1 in that LG survey?

2nd February 2010, 16:52
Done and Done :)

Was good to formally voice my opposition to sprint races, the exodus from Europe, dumbed down technology and standardisation, the unhealthy obsession with overtaking and having races on the other side of the planet shifted forward a few hours so they mean early Sunday mornings rather than late Saturday nights.

Not that it will probably make a blind bit of difference of course...

2nd February 2010, 17:19
Done, now IŽll wait and see how the FIA ignores the survey :S

Brown, Jon Brow
2nd February 2010, 17:30
" The maximum number of answers is 3!
Is the error I get on the what would interest you section, and I can't go any further.


2nd February 2010, 17:50
Done, now IŽll wait and see how the FIA ignores the survey :S

Hope so. According the the forum majority F1 should be like 125 cc race, no aero, overtaking every corner and no street races. I prefer the current high tech glamorous championship.

2nd February 2010, 17:57
i wish there was a 'any further comments' section, oh the stuff I (and most of you) wouldve written in there regarding bernie, silly rules, stewards etc.

still, wouldnt of mattered: no one will take any notice.

2nd February 2010, 17:59
I think that there would be change for good - I think that even in political battles Jean will be far more subtle than Mad Max.

2nd February 2010, 18:43
By the way, have such fan surveys had any effect so far? :p : I have heard FIA and others speaking for years that "we need to listen to fans".

2nd February 2010, 20:12
The trouble is, I think, that most of us will have said in the first few questions that we're big F1 fans and watch the whole of every race. Which will mark us out in the eyes of the FIA marketing types as the sort of people who will put up with pretty much anything, and still consume their product. They'll be more interested in the answers given by the "floating voters".

2nd February 2010, 20:17
At least some of the questions posted hint at that SOMEBODY "up there" is aware of some of the issues that irk many fans (for example, the exodus from classic tracks/nations), so perhaps there IS hope that the fans are going to be listened to. I wonder if the results will ever "publicly" be posted, or if we are left guessing how it came out.

2nd February 2010, 20:31
I've done it

Shorter races for me are a big no-no, there are certain things in F1 that must remain sacrosanct and the "Grand prix distance" (305 kilometres - 190 miles) should be one of those.

Besides I think the current race distances are perfect the way they are at the moment

2nd February 2010, 21:49
Done and dusted! :)
Every year I wonder if FIA/FOTA really pay attention to this...

2nd February 2010, 23:16
Had 60% of the survey done and then a prompt popped up saying: "We're currently updating our website. We'll be back soon." And, thus, I couldn't continue the survey :mark:

Guess they couldn't take my honesty. The truth hurts I guess :p :


2nd February 2010, 23:57
Just got to about the 80% mark then it crashed....

I will not be sitting through that again....

oh well..

3rd February 2010, 01:52
Just got to about the 80% mark then it crashed....

I will not be sitting through that again....

oh well..

The last 20% asks you to tick words that describe LG products, ranging from amazing to splendiculous. So at least you weren't put through that before it crashed.

Saint Devote
3rd February 2010, 03:16
Done and sent!

Naturally I expect my answers to represent a purist old school minority that has a good attention span.

IOW - it will be solidly ignored.

3rd February 2010, 09:44
The last 20% asks you to tick words that describe LG products, ranging from amazing to splendiculous. So at least you weren't put through that before it crashed.

Yeah, that made me laugh :) . Someone has to pay to host the survey though. Besides, some of us could win $1000 to spend on a new fridge!

Or a HD TV... not that it'd be much use for watching the F1 on.

4th February 2010, 23:31
Or a HD TV... not that it'd be much use for watching the F1 on.

Speaking of which, has anyone purchased an LCD that is capable of watching F1 without pixelating? I still own a great CRT monitor that I simply will not get rid of until it breaks or there is an LCD that can hold up to the fast motion sports...

5th February 2010, 06:00
Dont waste your time. The series is run to make big money, not make the fans happy no matter how sincere they pretend to be.

5th February 2010, 06:16
I thought these surveys were normally done in fall. So you can imagine why I was so dissapointed when I never saw one last fall.

Dave B
5th February 2010, 10:01
Speaking of which, has anyone purchased an LCD that is capable of watching F1 without pixelating? I still own a great CRT monitor that I simply will not get rid of until it breaks or there is an LCD that can hold up to the fast motion sports...
Plasma, my friend. Sod the scaremongering about power use, most LCDs aren't all that efficient on a halfway decent brightness, mine's got zero detectable motion blur.

That said, there's plenty of good LCDs with virtually no delay now, especially some of the Panasonics and Sonys. Or wait a few years for OLEDs to become widely available (most TV's being advertised as LED are simply LCDs with LED backlighting which causes as many problems as it solves).

5th February 2010, 11:15
Plasma, my friend.

:up: 100% :up:

Nothing beats Plasma for viewing sport.

Rusty Spanner
5th February 2010, 12:18
I've done it

Shorter races for me are a big no-no, there are certain things in F1 that must remain sacrosanct and the "Grand prix distance" (305 kilometres - 190 miles) should be one of those.

Besides I think the current race distances are perfect the way they are at the moment

I'm fairly old school - but not old - but I quite like the idea of altering race distances so they aren't all the same. There isn't anything really special about the current race distance other than it normally takes between 1.5 and 2 hours. I like the idea of races being more individual and unique as opposed to basically the same thing but in different locations (particularly with all the Tilka-drome circuits.). I'm sure therer are many problems which would caused by making not all races equal - I can think of a few myself - but I think there are benefits as well.
After all Monaco is shorter than all the rest anyway.

5th February 2010, 12:28
All done. I did enjoy the FOTA questions though, almost like they are looking for a mandate from the fans to take the lead in rule making. Sod that!

5th February 2010, 12:28
I'm fairly old school - but not old - but I quite like the idea of altering race distances so they aren't all the same. There isn't anything really special about the current race distance other than it normally takes between 1.5 and 2 hours. I like the idea of races being more individual and unique as opposed to basically the same thing but in different locations (particularly with all the Tilka-drome circuits.). I'm sure therer are many problems which would caused by making not all races equal - I can think of a few myself - but I think there are benefits as well.
After all Monaco is shorter than all the rest anyway.

To be honest I'd never thought of that approach but I wouldn't complain, having said that I don't like the idea of races much shorter than the current distance, and you can't really go much higher without the problem of having to make the fuel tank even bigger still.

At the end of the day I think race distances are fine how they are, but a blanket shortening of race distances would get a huge :down: from me.

6th February 2010, 01:19
Completed the survey on the off chance they actually pay attention to it. I hope race distances aren't decreased, I already think the Italian Grand Prix is 15 minutes too short.