View Full Version : McLaren MP4-25 Launch today

29th January 2010, 09:15
McLaren are streaming the launch online from 11.00am GMT.


29th January 2010, 10:05
I still don't think the 24 was beautiful - the paintwork was certainly stricking - but the nose was never pleasing to my eye.

29th January 2010, 10:38
Nice to see a sneak peek of the top profile on that link. Looks like another beaut to me, but as we know beauty doesn't win races... :)

Thats the 2009 car

29th January 2010, 11:08
Thats the 2009 car

As I can't see the image I'll just argue for the sake of it! ;) that's very obviously the 25. :D

29th January 2010, 11:37
Why is the back section a totally different shape? Its similar to Red Bull's design of last year but I don't recall Mclaren running a shape like that.. :)


looks like a MP4-24 to me!

29th January 2010, 11:45
OMGOMGOMG!!!111!!!! :D


What IS that?
It can either be too good, or too bad...

29th January 2010, 11:52
OMGOMGOMG!!!111!!!! :D


What IS that?
It can either be too good, or too bad...

That looks incredible. :s hock:

29th January 2010, 11:53

Check those sidepods!

Who cares if it ain't fast. What a beast. Looks mental.

I am evil Homer
29th January 2010, 11:57
Very different...wider nose than the Williams. First impressions I like it aned it will stand out.

Giuseppe F1
29th January 2010, 12:04
That looks incredible. :s hock:


Now THATS a Silver Arrows!!!! :)

29th January 2010, 12:05

If thats the 2010 what was the other car? ;)

29th January 2010, 12:06
That looks incredible. :s hock:

I agree. It may be too risky, like the weird 2004 Williams, but if it goes well, the season may be over before the start.

Giuseppe F1
29th January 2010, 12:08
Check out the live stream now - its started!

Giuseppe F1
29th January 2010, 12:11
How did this picture get released before the offical cloth comes off the real car - McLaren normally much more secretive and careful than this

29th January 2010, 12:18
Stunning. I slated the McLaren livery in the last week or so and mentioned by lack of interest in it these days. But, forget all that. That Mac is bootiful!! :D

And may I add that I LOVE the wide nose! :up:

29th January 2010, 12:24
That is a seriously hot looking F1 machine....

Can't wait to see it on the track...

29th January 2010, 12:28
There's something about those airbox 'fins' going back to the rear wing I hate. It makes the cars look like an estate version of an F1 car :p Still, if it's quick who cares I guess :crazy:

29th January 2010, 12:51
Is everyone high? That's hideous, looks like whoever designed it only had a straight edge.

29th January 2010, 13:03
looks like whoever designed it only had a straight edge.

You say it like it's a bad thing :p : I love those sharp, boxy shaped F1 cars. Though, at the same token, the curvy front nose does the car wonders too.

29th January 2010, 13:08

got up early to watch it live online.

interviews are taking place now

29th January 2010, 13:09
Looks really good. Hope it's fast :)

29th January 2010, 13:11

If thats the 2010 what was the other car? ;)

stunning yes a beauty!

but it does look a lot like the 2009 RBR,

the back at least, the front is a bit like the Brawn GP
then again all the cars will look very similar to it.

Can't wait to see more views

29th January 2010, 13:12
You say it like it's a bad thing :p : I love those sharp, boxy shaped F1 cars. Though, at the same token, the curvy front nose does the car wonders too.

It is a bad thing, as Arrows said the fin makes it look like an estate F1 car and in profile it looks like something a 5 year old would draw with a ruler.

29th January 2010, 13:17
some of those questions are fairly piercing

29th January 2010, 13:20
High nose. Sucked arse? Is it Victoria Beckham? :D

Seriously tho, just messed my pants. That is what I'm talking about in terms of evolving the breed - no one can mistake that for a '00-ies car.

I am evil Homer
29th January 2010, 13:22
After the disappointment of the Williams pic leaks i'm just glad we have a car that looks different!!!

29th January 2010, 13:24
WHAT is that?

Looks great! The only thing is the sidepods... but apart from that, what a nice view.

29th January 2010, 13:32

Image source:http://www.f1indiablog.in/2010/01/mclaren-mp4-242009-versus-mp4-25-2010.html

29th January 2010, 13:34
I think it looks nice because it's nice and I like it.

That's why I love this forum! Keep up the insightful technical banter.

I don't like the color, that's a slow color.

29th January 2010, 13:46
Dunno what you guys are drinking, but calling that beautiful is like saying English women are gorgeous. The shark fin never looked good and it never will.

At the moment McL leads the race of the ugliest car of 2010 by a loooohoooong margin. Even the Santander looks a lot better.

29th January 2010, 13:53
It looks like a Cylon. I am in awe at the moment.

Brown, Jon Brow
29th January 2010, 13:55
Dunno what you guys are drinking, but calling that beautiful is like saying English women are gorgeous.

My girl is gorgeous and English :(

It does look like an F1 estate car! :laugh:

Dave B
29th January 2010, 13:59
It's different, I'll give them that. Striking, even. If nothing else at least we won't have a grid full of identikit cars this year.

Dang I want testing to start... :D

29th January 2010, 14:04
And may I add that I LOVE the wide nose! :up:

I don't. they were ugly on the Renault and BMW last year and they're ugly on this, the rest of the McLaren looks great though.

29th January 2010, 14:21
My girl is gorgeous and English :(

I was referring to all the others :)

29th January 2010, 14:27
YES! This is more like it. Thanks guys. Great stuff. I have blue underpants on today. Oh and I think one of the cats pooped in the workshop.

29th January 2010, 14:33
That is the best looking F1 car over the past 12 months! Even the shark-fin looks perfect sitting ontop of the cowling.

A very aggressive bodywork design, taking (too much?) advantage of the M-B reliability with the dramatic swooping rear at the side pods and the compromising KERS package notwithstanding.

The exhaust outlets - is that a new concept? I don't think I've seen it before. Isn't there a ruling on this?

29th January 2010, 14:34
Wow, another very nice looking car. Quite radical too by the looks of it. These new-spec cars aren't all bad then!

They're being quite secretive about their double diffuser, apparently they've done something new with it so it'll be interesting to see if it pays off.

29th January 2010, 14:38
In terms of appearance it certainly looks more impressive and "faster" than the Ferrari, but it's worth reserving the judgement until the clock starts telling the truth on the racetrack. :) I remember the looks of their 2009 challenger were promising too, but hopefully McLaren have learned their lessons in aerodynamics department by now and the basis of their radical approach is based on positive knowledge.

29th January 2010, 14:46
I was referring to all the others :)

I think you are gonna be retracting that statement a few more times. Can yo remove my wife from your list :)

29th January 2010, 14:55
I think you are gonna be retracting that statement a few more times. Can yo remove my wife from your list :)
Ahh, you had an interracial marriage, Sonic? That's cool! ;)

I am evil Homer
29th January 2010, 14:58
How often do you see an F1 car from that angle though...hardly ever...it merely shows off some interesting sculpting of the sidepods, the exhaut outlets and the fin.

Overall I think it's an impressive looking machine.

29th January 2010, 14:58
Ahh, you had an interracial marriage, Sonic? That's cool! ;)

Lol. Took me ages to figure out what you meant!

29th January 2010, 15:10
Lol. Took me ages to figure out what you meant!
LOL... cheers, mate! :)

29th January 2010, 15:15
I'll be very interested to see round the back as from this picture;


It doesn't look like they've gone done the pull rod route. Best of both worlds perhaps? The lipo coke bottle rear coupled with an uncompromised double (triple) diffuser?

God I can't wait to see what Adrian Newey has come up with!

29th January 2010, 15:20
I think it looks great, but I'll hold judgement till it's on track.

The air box Looks far more integrated to the chassis than any other car in the past, you can barely make out the air box channel.
Still no pull rod rear suspension, I wonder if any team will use this. No RB5 nose bumps.

I love the fact that it is different, right now we've only seen 3 cars (I'm counting the spy shot Williams not the rehashed Bercedes ) Different chassis is one of the things that makes F1, when all the new rule changes came in last season , all the little wings, fins, bargeboards, horns etc where banned. Having McLaren release this car shows that there is still room for in-your- face innovation.

29th January 2010, 15:23
It doesn't look like they've gone done the pull rod route.

took me long enuf to wright my crap i didn't see you already mentioned it! :S

29th January 2010, 15:29
No worries dude. Newey said the RB5 ended up being compromised by having pull rods so perhaps we'll see a return to normality on that front all across the grid.

29th January 2010, 15:54
From a Ferrari fan:

%^&$ me sideways and call me lefty, that is one gobsmackingly beautiful car :s hock: Cant wait to see it on the track!!!!! :)

29th January 2010, 16:00
No worries dude. Newey said the RB5 ended up being compromised by having pull rods so perhaps we'll see a return to normality on that front all across the grid.

I think it was compromise because they tried to work a new diffuser around the pull rod suspension hence why red bull were very anti diffuser ... surely if the design has both pull-rod and triple diffuser in mind from the start then both can work hand in hand.

29th January 2010, 16:04
Here's a picture I found that compares the Mclaren with the Ferrari in side profile. They are slightly different angles so the Ferrari seems ever so slightly longer.. :)
I have to say, the Ferrari looks about 10 years behind!!

29th January 2010, 16:09
My 1st impression was that it has a very long wheelbase, and that comparison picture confirms this.
Is this somehow related to the narrower front tires?

29th January 2010, 16:35
I'll be very interested to see round the back as from this picture;


It doesn't look like they've gone done the pull rod route. Best of both worlds perhaps? The lipo coke bottle rear coupled with an uncompromised double (triple) diffuser?

God I can't wait to see what Adrian Newey has come up with!

Cheers, I initially couldn't a clearer picture. The compact coke bottle does suggest pull rod rears

29th January 2010, 16:59
Cheers, I initially couldn't a clearer picture. The compact coke bottle does suggest pull rod rears

Nope. Defo Push.

Pull rods run up from the base of the chassis to the top of the wheel mount and visa versa for push if I understand it correectly. That's why I'm so stunned at the shrink wrapping - how they did it with conventional push rod rears is beyond me (well most things are beyond me but you get the idea ;) )

29th January 2010, 17:32
the fin on the engine cover should make the car look like a dog. But it doesnt-what a stunning car! the good macca livery also works perfectly. It looks a lot more agressive than any 2009 car-and a bit more bulky. Interestingly, it seems the sidepods slope down at a much steaper rate than the ferrari.

as a result, the car looks quite odd at the back from this angle:

(thanks to F1Fanatic)

now. radical certainly. but quick? who knows.........(i hope so...)

29th January 2010, 17:32
Nope. Defo Push.

Pull rods run up from the base of the chassis to the top of the wheel mount and visa versa for push if I understand it correectly. That's why I'm so stunned at the shrink wrapping - how they did it with conventional push rod rears is beyond me (well most things are beyond me but you get the idea ;) )

Originally typo!

Mia 01
29th January 2010, 17:37
It looks spectacular.

The testing start next week. I hope we donīt have to see the car covered in flow wiz already next week.

Or with the 2008 back wing.

Big Ben
29th January 2010, 18:46
I donīt like it. However I really wonder how fast itīs going to be... if the gamble will pay off.

29th January 2010, 18:58
I cant repeat what I said on here when I saw the first pic but my god that looks stunning! Was never a fan of the huge engine covers but it seems to suit it and the rear of the sidepods looks tiny compared to the ferrari!

29th January 2010, 20:05

29th January 2010, 20:25
The detail aero work on the engine cover fin is very impressive.

29th January 2010, 20:52
The detail aero work on the engine cover fin is very impressive.

Not only there, but also on the front wing and especially the nose!

29th January 2010, 21:20
The car is a masterpiece. Design Perfection.

29th January 2010, 21:32
The car is a masterpiece. Design Perfection.

Nuff said.

29th January 2010, 21:38
The car is a masterpiece. Design Perfection.

only if it wins races and can fight for the world championship ;)

visually though and within the constraints of the rules=wow!

29th January 2010, 22:02
Can I have some drugs too please?

29th January 2010, 22:03
Can I have some drugs too please?

I hear that, can't believe that people love that car so much, it's f*** ugly

29th January 2010, 23:06
Here's a picture I found that compares the Mclaren with the Ferrari in side profile. They are slightly different angles so the Ferrari seems ever so slightly longer.. :)

Something I find rather interesting is the position of the exhaust in each car. The McLaren exhaust is quite rearward compared to the Ferrari.

30th January 2010, 00:07
The car is a masterpiece. Design Perfection.

I would'nt go that far, yes it looks gorgeous but as for perfection, wait till we see it on the track.

If you want a car that fits the criteria of "Masterpiece" and "Design Perfection" then in my view, you cant get much better than this


Saint Devote
30th January 2010, 01:40
There's something about those airbox 'fins' going back to the rear wing I hate. It makes the cars look like an estate version of an F1 car :p Still, if it's quick who cares I guess :crazy:

Generally I too dislike those airbox fins - but Mclaren have done something different with them. I like the nose too - not ugly like the Ferrari F10's.

Nothing about the Mclaren does not look good really - now I hope its one of their best!

Saint Devote
30th January 2010, 01:48
Glad to see Jenson has returned to his helmet colours.

The number ONE looks good on the car too :-]]

Saint Devote
30th January 2010, 01:52
I would'nt go that far, yes it looks gorgeous but as for perfection, wait till we see it on the track.

If you want a car that fits the criteria of "Masterpiece" and "Design Perfection" then in my view, you cant get much better than this


Asthetically I would rather elect the FW14, but it was always so easy to fall in love with the Lotus cars. And not to forget the Mclaren M23 and Ferrari 312T :D

30th January 2010, 01:58
It's radical alright!

30th January 2010, 02:56
Holy cow! Beautiful. I hope the gamble pays off.

Also, as someone else mentioned, Adrian Newey. What does he have in store for Vettel and Webber?

Can I have some drugs too please?

I hear that, can't believe that people love that car so much, it's f*** uglyTake off the beer goggles.

30th January 2010, 05:12
Somebody put the ugly stick to good use down Woking way.

For all those blind people with taste near their nether regions, answer me this. Would that abomination still look like "design perfection" if it was painted any colour other than silver?

30th January 2010, 06:42
Somebody put the ugly stick to good use down Woking way.

For all those blind people with taste near their nether regions, answer me this. Would that abomination still look like "design perfection" if it was painted any colour other than silver?

I have to assume the answer would be no! I've been a supporter of Mclaren for years and I think this car is just ugly myself. The nose isn't bad, and the rear lower section is sleek, but the airbox/fin/wing meeting areas look horrid to me.

Not that any of the other 2010 cars seem stunning to me in all fairness.

Saint Devote
30th January 2010, 12:26
The launch of a new car, the beautiful Mclaren, the start of a new season. Jenson Button saying its time to forget 2009 and concentrate on the exciting time of driving for Mclaren.

So a change of signature and to Jenson: tally-ho!!! :-]

30th January 2010, 13:13
The detail aero work on the engine cover fin is very impressive.

Are you being sarcastic or giving McLaren a bit of credit for once?

30th January 2010, 17:50
Somebody put the ugly stick to good use down Woking way.

For all those blind people with taste near their nether regions, answer me this. Would that abomination still look like "design perfection" if it was painted any colour other than silver?

beauty is in the eye of the beholder
and is a matter of taste.

What is classless though is insulting those who like it.
By your sig you are clearly a Ferrari fan and simply can't see past your partisan feelings. Others who do not like the car have not descended into insults of those who do. But here we have a tifosi who for one moment cannot leave behind his senseless hatred.

oh well :down:

30th January 2010, 18:41
beauty is in the eye of the beholder
and is a matter of taste.

What is classless though is insulting those who like it.
By your sig you are clearly a Ferrari fan and simply can't see past your partisan feelings. Others who do not like the car have not descended into insults of those who do. But here we have a tifosi who for one moment cannot leave behind his senseless hatred.

oh well :down:
Sometimes beauty is in the eye of the beholder but not this time. It's frickin horrid regardless of whether you're a McLaren fan or not.

30th January 2010, 19:27
I disagree. I am a fan of Jenson, but not so much of McLaren. However, I find the car to be visually stunning and yes, beautiful.

30th January 2010, 21:54
I'm one of the few, who thorougly enjoys those shark fins on F1 cars - it makes them look aerodynamically aggressive and modern. Ferrari without shark fin looks totally outdated and "boring". :p : So from that point of view I'm enjoying progress and new things instead of "historic cars look beautiful" - progress is beautiful. ;)

30th January 2010, 23:56
beauty is in the eye of the beholder
and is a matter of taste.

What is classless though is insulting those who like it.
By your sig you are clearly a Ferrari fan and simply can't see past your partisan feelings. Others who do not like the car have not descended into insults of those who do. But here we have a tifosi who for one moment cannot leave behind his senseless hatred.

oh well :down:

Sorry mate but you took the post the wrong way. There was no insult intended. I was saying that I find the car ugly and that people who find it beautiful have taste up their you-know-what. I forgot to put a smiley at the end to show that.

It's got nothing to do with Ferrari or McLaren. I think the livery makes the car's shape look "radical", "sleek", "modern" but when you look at it the car is little different from the Red Bull that clearly inspired it. How is the design radical when it is a copy of a car from last year?

31st January 2010, 00:11
I wish them the best, but I think it is a very, very ugly car.

Saint Devote
31st January 2010, 02:01
I think the best way to judge the cars is to wait until Valencia on Monday. Racing cars always provide a better perspective in a racing environment - the track in daylight - rather than studio lighting.

Those in the movie business will understand WELL what I mean.

31st January 2010, 02:12
I'm one of the few, who thorougly enjoys those shark fins on F1 cars - it makes them look aerodynamically aggressive and modern. Ferrari without shark fin looks totally outdated and "boring". :p : So from that point of view I'm enjoying progress and new things instead of "historic cars look beautiful" - progress is beautiful. ;)

I respectfully disagree :p :


31st January 2010, 03:57
I hear that, can't believe that people love that car so much, it's f*** ugly

Bear in mind that change and innovation, a taste of something new is usually always a welcome sight. It's like a breath of fresh air. Car design was static up to 2009 and, even then, the change was not radical enough to be wholly different and not similar enough to the old cars to be put in the same category as before: hence why the general perception was that the cars were ugly.

This year, McLaren have actually brought in a new design (or revived an old one whichever way you look at it) and it's refreshing to see something like this hit the sport at a time where car design is very much compromised by the current rulings. Outside this point, I still think the car looks great, but consider that point anyway as I'm sure there are other people who enjoy a diversification of cars on the grid :)

Just solely my observation by the way, Jan.

Saint Devote
31st January 2010, 04:26
There is also a real function of "shark fins". The LMP prototype cars will be implementing shrk fins beginning 2011.

It reduces instability and prevents the car from becoming airborne in an accident.

I guess [and I MEAN guess] it depends on the front wing aero, but looking back to 2009 - the quickest cars had the fins at the end of the season: Red Bull and Mclaren.

So, is it puzzling that the F10 DOES NOT and the MP4-25 DOES. So if the RB06 has them - ought Ferrari be concerned, given the Newey ideas prevail in formula one?

31st January 2010, 06:22
This year, McLaren have actually brought in a new design (or revived an old one whichever way you look at it) and it's refreshing to see something like this hit the sport at a time where car design is very much compromised by the current rulings.

New for McLaren perhaps but it's very much a copy of the 2009 Red Bull which itself was a revisit of an already used concept. There's nothing new about that McLaren and I don't get why people are using words like "radical" when describing the car.

Mia 01
31st January 2010, 11:42
The car has about 20 cm longer wheelbase than the Ferrari.

Wonder how it will handle in tight cornes?

31st January 2010, 11:45
Sorry mate but you took the post the wrong way. There was no insult intended. I was saying that I find the car ugly and that people who find it beautiful have taste up their you-know-what. I forgot to put a smiley at the end to show that.

It's got nothing to do with Ferrari or McLaren. I think the livery makes the car's shape look "radical", "sleek", "modern" but when you look at it the car is little different from the Red Bull that clearly inspired it. How is the design radical when it is a copy of a car from last year?

alright lets reboot

31st January 2010, 11:55
New for McLaren perhaps but it's very much a copy of the 2009 Red Bull which itself was a revisit of an already used concept. There's nothing new about that McLaren and I don't get why people are using words like "radical" when describing the car.

It's a total integration of air box, shark fin and engine cover. Red bull, Ferrari, Toyota and Renault have only used the shark fin as an add on to the air box cover, The air box has always been defined with their design. This not the case with the McLaren.

31st January 2010, 13:18
Might be a slight compromise in Monaco. The Ferrari is usually the car with the longer wheelbase.

Still I will be surprised if McLaren are not strong in Monaco. They are almost always strong there.

31st January 2010, 14:55
well, well back from the drawing board again. i heard last years car was long to come up to form. no pitting puts focus on tire life. now this car has a nice aero package. i'm sure suspension will handle anything thrown at it. i'm not worried about suspension as much as i am about the aero. mac will need that perfect aero touch seeing that mb is shooting for self now. i know mclaren are wise in decisionmaking and will make every effort to suit there drivers.

31st January 2010, 18:37
What a beautiful car.

31st January 2010, 19:12
I respectfully disagree :p :


:D :up:

I think I have to clarify my thoughts a bit. It's not like I "don't like" old cars, but I like them in their own era [and this theory applies to constantly developing F1 cars now, not ordinary cars :) ]. For example a 1985 F1 car is beautiful in the context of 1985, being part of the history. Nowadays, however, we can enjoy them in museums, in historic races, or other places like that. Just keep them in context. However, if in the context of 2010 a modern F1 team unveils a car that looks like a 1985 car, or even like a 2000 car, then there is not much to get excited about. It may look "classic, simple, without winglets", but in reality it would look odd compared to where F1 has developed by now. When I see some modern F1 cars with shark fins, and others without it, then the latter group seems "old, outdated, past, boring". It's like in mid-1990's high noses looked great and new, while low noses were "part of the history".

Saint Devote
31st January 2010, 22:32
Still I will be surprised if McLaren are not strong in Monaco. They are almost always strong there.

And they have two drivers that also know how to navigate the circuit quickly and win there.

31st January 2010, 22:59
And they have two drivers that also know how to navigate the circuit quickly and win there.

That, too ;) Michael will be the biggest threat in Monte, IMO.

Saint Devote
31st January 2010, 23:25
That, too ;) Michael will be the biggest threat in Monte, IMO.

I do tend to agree with you to a certain extent - but since he last raced, the gaps are significantly smaller and with the top drivers of today I think he will find it more difficult than at any time before.

However, if he does show well on his comeback, I think that Monte Carlo is the grand prix he is most likely to win - and what a magnificent result that would be.

Even Hollywood could not beat that script! :D

1st February 2010, 08:10
Mercedes were amazing last year there and he won it five times. As I said before, older drivers drive similar cars with success 24 hours at Le Mans. So I believe that Michael can be competitive in Monaco.
If he is indeed too old, I do not believe that he will drive at Monaco at all.

Mia 01
1st February 2010, 20:10
Late in the test session to day the car once again was painted in flow wiz!

Not a good sign. Another 2009?

1st February 2010, 20:14
Late in the test session to day the car once again was painted in flow wiz!

Not a good sign. Another 2009?

Hah, just saw it!

At least based on 2009 no-one would dare to say that they are sandbagging. :p :

Dave B
2nd February 2010, 13:57
Mclaren were experiencing cooling problems through the side pods.
Cooling problems in February? :confused:

2nd February 2010, 17:38
I have no idea what they meant either.

Lewis is setting good quali times and at present is third fastest overall on a presumed light fuel load. The Flow-vis is being used on the rear wing today. Its been used since 2007 so I don't see any need to worry.

Let's wait for the 2008 rear wing next then. :)

2nd February 2010, 18:23
The Flow-vis is being used on the rear wing today. Its been used since 2007 so I don't see any need to worry.

What you can't get from a wind tunnel is the aero behaviour at different corners, track surfaces, air densities etc. I assume McLaren are building a database of these interactions to map back to wind tunnel figures, as a handy development aid.

Certainly the top three and Sauber would appear to be fairly closely matched.

2nd February 2010, 18:25
Sauber IMO are light.

2nd February 2010, 18:48
Out of interest, why would they use a 2008 rear wing? :)

McLaren was using it a lot in 2009 pre-season testing. :p :

Sauber IMO are light.

The same was said about Brawn last year.

2nd February 2010, 19:29
They used it alot prior to 2007, and 2008 but there were rumours suggesting Mclaren had balls up their design last year which is why this "Flow-vis" substance was talked about in great detail.

Seeing as the 07 and 08 cars were great cars, I'm not going to be dashing down to Tesco's to buy a bumper supply of Kleenex just yet.. :p ;)

I meant that McLaren used 2008 rear wing in 2009 pre-season testing. :) This surely looked odd and was a clear indication of troubles!

6th February 2010, 17:32
Fugly.. Can I have some of what you guys are on?

The straightline estate car spaceship look doesn't do much for me. I think the Ferrari is a far better looking machine, more curvy... and I like that.

6th February 2010, 19:05
Fugly.. Can I have some of what you guys are on?

The straightline estate car spaceship look doesn't do much for me. I think the Ferrari is a far better looking machine, more curvy... and I like that.
The McLaren zealots only like it because it's different to what has come before and because it's McLaren the differences must by some hilariousl stupid logic be futuristic and a sign of things to come.

I'll have a few kilo's of what they're having too.

7th February 2010, 12:08
Not possible

7th February 2010, 12:11
I like the design.

7th February 2010, 12:15
I like the design.
Next thing you'll be sayin Sarah Jessica Parker is beautiful



7th February 2010, 12:15
Next thing you'll be sayin Sarah Jessica Parker is beautiful



Oh trust me, that will never happen :p

Mia 01
18th February 2010, 23:28
Are they really frontruners? I think Sauber looks better.

Mia 01
26th February 2010, 21:20
What we saw today was a repeat of last year, Iīm sorry to say.

And yes, Sauber looks good.

26th February 2010, 21:55
I think Lewis and crew were just running long stints.

They really didn't attack the track in quali trim.

Saint Devote
27th February 2010, 02:33
The McLaren zealots only like it because it's different to what has come before and because it's McLaren the differences must by some hilariousl stupid logic be futuristic and a sign of things to come.

I'll have a few kilo's of what they're having too.

Not at all.

It is quite different but also typical Mclaren. At the head on view it is especially beautiful and compared to the Ferrari. In fact the Ferrari's Red Bull similarity is particularly evident.

And the MP4-35 is one of the two most radical cars, the most being RB06.

I do like the new car in its entirety and not because Jense is lucky to a driver for the world's top racing team.

27th February 2010, 10:05
I do like the new car in its entirety and not because Jense is lucky to a driver for the world's top racing team.

Hate to break it to you, but it was Fernando who signed for the Scuderia, not Jenson.

27th February 2010, 17:17
You might want to read his post again, he was talking about the worlds top racing team and not Ferrari.. :p

Remind us, who has the most Grand Prix wins?

Mclaren aren't fit to wipe the boots of the Scuderia, no matter how much that tosspot Dennis dreams of emulating them.

Dave B
27th February 2010, 17:26
I didn't realise panto season went on this long!

27th February 2010, 17:59
Remind us, who has the most Grand Prix wins?

Mclaren aren't fit to wipe the boots of the Scuderia, no matter how much that tosspot Dennis dreams of emulating them.

give it a rest Tamb. Must you come on every thread and challenge every post to insure that Ferrari is regarded as the best team no matter what?

Are ferrari paying you to troll all forums and make sure to write/correct/post "Ferrari is the best!" rhetoric everywhere?

Then again based on LdM's rantings, they just might have employed you as their internet troll. In that case congrats ;)

27th February 2010, 19:05
Remind us, who has the most Grand Prix wins?.

Ah, I see what you did there.

How many years have each team been racing in F1?

Mia 01
7th May 2010, 23:06
On top as usual.

Mia 01
21st May 2010, 13:23
As I said, on top as usual.