View Full Version : O'Keefe the Faux Pimp going down

27th January 2010, 22:44
He's looking at years of prison time for sneaking himself and three cohorts into a Senator's office in order to tap phones. Just reward, I wonder who he'll out in the course of hammering out a plea?


And just think about the welcoming this arrorgant twit would receive in federal prison should he not plea. hahahahahaha :D

Alternative news view on the topic;

Mark in Oshawa
27th January 2010, 22:57
He's looking at years of prison time for sneaking himself and three cohorts into a Senator's office in order to tap phones. Just reward, I wonder who he'll out in the course of hammering out a plea?


And just think about the welcoming this arrorgant twit would receive in federal prison should he not plea. hahahahahaha :D

Alternative news view on the topic;

He did the USA a favour exposing ACORN, but on this one...well I hope he likes jail time...

27th January 2010, 23:03
Take the index finger of your right hand and curl it down to the base of your thumb. Now point it at the light while looking through it.

That's O'Keefe before sentencing.

Now touch the tips of both index fingers and thumbs together forming a big circle and do the same,

That's O'Keefe upon release from federal prison.

hahahaa :D :s mokin:

Mark in Oshawa
27th January 2010, 23:37
Take the index finger of your right hand and curl it down to the base of your thumb. Now point it at the light while looking through it.

That's O'Keefe before sentencing.

Now touch the tips of both index fingers and thumbs together forming a big circle and do the same,

That's O'Keefe upon release from federal prison.

hahahaa :D :s mokin:

That's nice Bruce. At least I don't dislike the man for political reasons. You apparently do....

28th January 2010, 00:13
That's nice Bruce. At least I don't dislike the man for political reasons. You apparently do....

I dislike his tactics, as I do yours.

Because you sir consistently & predictably turn the conversation away from the topic and towards the person posting the news. Have you found a job in the PR field? If not I suggest you look into it, you have a natural talent for twisting words, spinning, and guilt mongering.

Mark in Oshawa
28th January 2010, 00:29
I dislike his tactics, as I do yours.

Because you sir consistently & predictably turn the conversation away from the topic and towards the person posting the news. Have you found a job in the PR field? If not I suggest you look into it, you have a natural talent for twisting words, spinning, and guilt mongering.

Don't like it? I see no problem with his tactic if he doesn't break the law. IN the ACORN controversay he didn't. Oh he may be charged because DA's are political animals but good luck getting a conviction. This guy I already agreed with you is a bit of dope, and deserves jail time. You just don't like I exposed your little attack on this guy as political. If you weren't a politically motivated sort, you wouldn't have attacked me for pointing out.

I am not going to change the thread, I hope the guy goes to jail. You tho, are taking utmost glee in it. I bet you don't get as excited when they convict rapists.

28th January 2010, 00:33
Here are the official charges. Keep in mind one of the alleged perpetrators, Robert Flanagan, is the son of a US District Attorney. Close attention needs to be paid not only to the defendents but the prosecution as this case moves forward;

United States Attorney’s Office

Eastern District of Louisiana


TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, 2010 PHONE: (504) 680-3068

http://WWW.USDOJ.GOV/USAO/LAE FAX: (504) 589-4978



NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA – JOSEPH BASEL, age 24, ROBERT FLANAGAN, age 24, JAMES O’KEEFE, age 25, and STAN DAI, age 24, were charged in a criminal complaint with entering federal property under false pretenses for the purpose of committing a felony, announced the United States Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Louisiana.

According to the complaint, which was unsealed earlier today, the arrest of FLANAGAN, BASEL, O’KEEFE, and DAI took place after BASEL and O’KEEFE attempted to gain access to the New Orleans office of United States Senator Mary Landrieu on January 25, 2010, while posing as telephone repairmen. According to the complaint, FLANAGAN and BASEL were each dressed in blue denim pants, a blue work shirt, a light green fluorescent vest, a tool belt and a construction-style hard hat when they entered the Hale Boggs Federal Building, located at 500 Poydras Street, New Orleans, Louisiana 70130. Once in the building, FLANAGAN and BASEL sought access to the offices of Senator Landrieu. O’KEEFE was already present in the office, holding a cellular phone so as to record FLANAGAN and BASEL. Once inside Senator Landrieu’s reception area, FLANAGAN and BASEL told a member of Senator Landrieu’s staff that they were telephone repairmen, and they requested access to the main telephone at the reception desk. FLANAGAN and BASEL then manipulated the telephone system. FLANAGAN and BASEL next requested access to the telephone closet because they needed to perform work on the main telephone system. They were directed to the main office of the United States General Services Administration, also inside the Hale Boggs Federal Building, where they again represented themselves to be employees of the telephone company and stated that they needed to perform repair work in the telephone closet. Both FLANAGAN and BASEL stated that they had left their credentials in their vehicle. In addition, the complaint alleges that O’KEEFE and DAI assisted FLANAGAN and BASEL in the planning, coordination, and preparation of the operation. The men were apprehended by the United States Marshal’s Service soon thereafter.

If convicted, FLANAGAN, BASEL, O’KEEFE, and DAI each face a maximum term of ten years in prison, a fine of $250,000, and three (3) years of supervised release following any term of imprisonment.

The United States Attorney’s Office reiterated that the complaint is merely a charge and that the guilt of the defendant must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

The investigation is being conducted by Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Deputy Marshals with the United States Marshal’s Service. The case is being prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorney Jordan Ginsberg.

28th January 2010, 00:36
I bet you don't get as excited when they convict rapists.

Do you have time to delete that? I suggest you do.

28th January 2010, 02:15
O'Keefe did America a great favour in exposing ACORN
O'Keefe was a moron for what he did in the Senator's office.

just like:

Tiger Woods did golf a great favour with his prowess and marketability
Tiger Woods was a moron for what he did to his family.

Mark in Oshawa
28th January 2010, 07:24
Do you have time to delete that? I suggest you do.

So far Bruce I am failing to see why? AS for your clip of the arrest warrant, if things went down as the prosecution see's it, I don't see a problem putting his @ss in jail. I said that somewheres up above, but clearly you chose to ignore that.

Edv obviously got what I meant. He did a great thing exposing ACORN, he is in a load of sheep dip now....and if found guilty deserves it.

I know you cant grasp the difference...but I certainly can, and have no issue with it. Just your newfound GLEE is obviously politically motivated rather than using any form of LOGIC.

28th January 2010, 09:45
Those boys betta hope them laws protect 'em real good like. Iffen the stituants hear o dis, deys likely to fetch up some ropes, snatch dem boys outta da jail, an goes gator fishing.

You d'own mess wit Naw lins Mary. She be keepin them there aid dollahs comin in dis heah place and, praise da Lordy, she be keepin dem jobs outta heah. Man, what was you thinkin? You ain gonna catch Mary on no lame, jive ass bullsh!t likes finden $100000 hid up in her freezer. Mary be sofissikated an stuffs like dat. She sho nuff bin rounds heah nuff time to knows not to be sayin jack on no tepleefone. Louweesianna polotishin learn dat in da firs week dey gets da job.

Y'all be leevin Naw lins Mary be now.

Mark in Oshawa
28th January 2010, 22:30
Those boys betta hope them laws protect 'em real good like. Iffen the stituants hear o dis, deys likely to fetch up some ropes, snatch dem boys outta da jail, an goes gator fishing.

You d'own mess wit Naw lins Mary. She be keepin them there aid dollahs comin in dis heah place and, praise da Lordy, she be keepin dem jobs outta heah. Man, what was you thinkin? You ain gonna catch Mary on no lame, jive ass bullsh!t likes finden $100000 hid up in her freezer. Mary be sofissikated an stuffs like dat. She sho nuff bin rounds heah nuff time to knows not to be sayin jack on no tepleefone. Louweesianna polotishin learn dat in da firs week dey gets da job.

Y'all be leevin Naw lins Mary be now.

The sad part is, that IS what they sound like in New Orleans.....