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11th January 2012, 20:44
Someone tell me how to unlock an Apple iPhone that is locked to 02,I am told I can get it unlocked for £10, BUT will not get any upgrades,so I need 02 to unlock it.Spoke with guy in 02 store in Newcastle today,and he tried to explain over the phone,but one of you guys can tell me how todo it via 02 please

donKey jote
19th January 2012, 20:27


24th January 2012, 00:37
Someone tell me how to unlock an Apple iPhone that is locked to 02,I am told I can get it unlocked for £10, BUT will not get any upgrades,so I need 02 to unlock it.Spoke with guy in 02 store in Newcastle today,and he tried to explain over the phone,but one of you guys can tell me how todo it via 02 please

Well you can get O2 to do it for free. You could go into town and pay £25-£30. Alternative you could get Apple to unlock it for £100. I suggest you go back to o2.

12th February 2012, 12:39
Goodbye Nokia (N96) it was nice to meet you...hello iPhones 4s 64 GB :D

13th February 2012, 09:04
Nice work my friend, nice :D . I'm surprised you put up with an N96 for this long!

64GB too; talk about doing it properly :s hock:

I was in an Apple shop on Saturday, had a look at iPad's etc and I was seriously tempted to buy a 4S, but in the end I walked out - which felt good :D

13th February 2012, 09:06
Pino joined the dark side? :p :

13th February 2012, 13:32
I got a 64gb 4S about a month ago. Although I think I went for overkill on the size due to my old 3G being 8gb which was way too small. If there were issues with signal dropping off on the 4G they seem to have been resolved on the 4S. Don't have any complaints really.

Mark, you should wait for the iPhone 5 or whatever it will be called. Stay strong. :)

13th February 2012, 13:40
I got a 64gb 4S about a month ago. Although I think I went for overkill on the size due to my old 3G being 8gb which was way too small. If there were issues with signal dropping off on the 4G they seem to have been resolved on the 4S. Don't have any complaints really.

I'm glad I got a 32GB because I'm using more than 16GB, but I'm not sure I could justify the extra £100 for space I might not use.

Mark, you should wait for the iPhone 5 or whatever it will be called. Stay strong. :) I know!! If there was one killer feature that the 4S had I'd probably already have it, but just "slightly better" wasn't enough for me to actually get my credit card out! In the end not spending the money actually made me happier than if I had!

13th February 2012, 19:12
Facebook is one of the worst apps on the iPhone so I wonder if it's tested at all.

Dave B
13th February 2012, 19:35
As long as I have facebook, twitter, and email as extra's I am more than happy and even more so as I am only paying a fraction of the cost. :)
Feel free to disregard my recommendations but for Twitter try Plume, and replace the standard browser with Dolphin HD. :)

Oh and if you feel like tinkering try QuickPic for photo browsing, ³ (Cubed) for music, and Handcent for messaging.

Facebook is one of the worst apps on the iPhone so I wonder if it's tested at all.
The Facebook app on Android is equally terrible but in all honesty I just use the "touch" version of their website and it's tickety-boo.

13th February 2012, 20:50
I've finally succumbed and bought an iPad, and delighted with it. Did consider the Samsung Galaxy and others, but as Ialready have a MacBook and iPod tough, it made sense to stick with Apple. No more buying magazines and weekly papers, etc result!
I know Apple get lots of stick, but, they are well made and I've always found them very reliable.

15th February 2012, 03:25
Aren't they putting out a new iPad in a few months? Or is this just rumors? I am considering getting the Samsung Galaxy Tab myself since it's got better value though, being a Kimi fan, I might stick with iPad just so I can get the free IceOne Racing app (http://kimi.24mas.com) on iOS. Anybody here played that game?

15th February 2012, 08:36
Aren't they putting out a new iPad in a few months? Or is this just rumors? I am considering getting the Samsung Galaxy Tab myself since it's got better value though, Spam removed

It's not a few months, more like a few weeks, first week of March --apparently.

Shame I now have to ban you..

15th February 2012, 14:46
Well, just ordered my Samsung Galaxy II from Vodafone. £19 per month with 500 mins, unlimited texts and 500mb download. Sky are in final testing phase on Android Sky GO and expecting to launch by end of March.


15th February 2012, 15:03
I use Samsung Galaxy I and eyeing Galaxy II


donKey jote
15th February 2012, 21:34
It's not a few months, more like a few weeks, first week of March --apparently.

damn! ... must ... resist ... temptation ...
(business trip to the US in a couple of weeks :dozey: )

16th February 2012, 12:30
PS, what's the best Facebook app to download. Feeling a little out of my depth here. There's flipping millions of them!!!

16th February 2012, 13:03
The best Facebook app is probably ,,, the facebook app? :crazy:

16th February 2012, 13:55
So you still use Basic and Fortran then Mark :p

16th February 2012, 15:23
Apple have announced OSX Mountain Lion. What's the relevance to mobile? Well lots more integration between Mac, iPad and iPhone. Apple are well into the idea that you have a Mac at home / work, iPad for sitting around and iPhone in your pocket which all have the same content and apps.

race aficionado
16th February 2012, 16:51
Apple have announced OSX Mountain Lion. . . . .

When will they run out of cats?

:s mokin:

16th February 2012, 16:53
When will they run out of cats?

:s mokin:

I await them to bring out OSX Pussy. If its a bit poor, it'll be referred to as sloppy pussy.......

17th February 2012, 14:22
10.8 is Mountain Lion, so they only have one more big cat to use and it will then be OS XI.

17th February 2012, 15:30
That's not how software versioning works. After 10.9 comes 10.10 and 10.11 and so on.

20th February 2012, 10:01
Or even 10.9.1, 10.9.2, 10.9.3, etc as they resolve bugs and issue new releases and updates :)

20th February 2012, 10:44
I'm aware of how software authoring works. I just have a feeling that with the deeper iOS integration we see now, there is an effort to streamline things together in time for the next big step in the Mac OS system. I'd imagine that would be worthy of a new number.

22nd February 2012, 19:04
Newbie to this thread, so apologies for questions that may have already been answered in the previous 66 pages :dozey: .

I’ve had my eye on a tablet for a while now but have resisted primarily due to the price.

I’ve recently come across a company-sponsored plan for the purchase of a Samsung Galaxy 10.1 (3G, 16GB). Cost is $150.00 plus $20.00 per month for a 2 year data plan. Total would be approximately $630.00 after 2 years.

Alternatively I could purchase the wi-fi iPad 2 for about $620.

I can’t really see myself making full use of the 3G signal, as just about all my travels involve some kind of free wi-fi access.

So it boils down to similar costs for the two units, but spreading the cost of the Galaxy over 2 years versus a one-time up-front cost of the iPad.


Also, does anyone know if the cost of the iPad 2 will likely drop once the 3 model is released?

22nd February 2012, 19:46
Apple may drop the price of the iPad2 when the next generation is released but I would expect any decrease to be $50 at most. It won't be a lot anyhows. :)

22nd February 2012, 20:23
Newbie to this thread, so apologies for questions that may have already been answered in the previous 66 pages :dozey: .

I’ve had my eye on a tablet for a while now but have resisted primarily due to the price.

I’ve recently come across a company-sponsored plan for the purchase of a Samsung Galaxy 10.1 (3G, 16GB). Cost is $150.00 plus $20.00 per month for a 2 year data plan. Total would be approximately $630.00 after 2 years.

Alternatively I could purchase the wi-fi iPad 2 for about $620.

I can’t really see myself making full use of the 3G signal, as just about all my travels involve some kind of free wi-fi access.

So it boils down to similar costs for the two units, but spreading the cost of the Galaxy over 2 years versus a one-time up-front cost of the iPad.


Also, does anyone know if the cost of the iPad 2 will likely drop once the 3 model is released?

If you want a tab, look into the Galaxy Tab really good stuff.

22nd February 2012, 20:26
Get the iPad 3. There's no point in buying old hardware.

donKey jote
22nd February 2012, 20:39
I'm almost being sucked in by all the hype :s

just not quite convinced I really need one since I usually travel with my laptop anyway :dozey:

22nd February 2012, 20:51
Newbie to this thread, so apologies for questions that may have already been answered in the previous 66 pages :dozey: .

I’ve had my eye on a tablet for a while now but have resisted primarily due to the price.

I’ve recently come across a company-sponsored plan for the purchase of a Samsung Galaxy 10.1 (3G, 16GB). Cost is $150.00 plus $20.00 per month for a 2 year data plan. Total would be approximately $630.00 after 2 years.

Alternatively I could purchase the wi-fi iPad 2 for about $620.

I can’t really see myself making full use of the 3G signal, as just about all my travels involve some kind of free wi-fi access.

So it boils down to similar costs for the two units, but spreading the cost of the Galaxy over 2 years versus a one-time up-front cost of the iPad.


Also, does anyone know if the cost of the iPad 2 will likely drop once the 3 model is released?

I wasn't really sure, so I went to Amazon. The 1st generation 64GB WiFi iPad that originally listed for $699 now lists for $569. The same 64GB iPad, but with WiFi + 3G, that originally listed for $829, is now $589. Nice mark downs. But at the low end, the 16GB WiFi, that originally listed for $499, is only marked down to $479.

As Mark said, if I was in the market for a tablet, I would wait a few days/weeks for the iPad 3. If the rumors about the screen improvements are at all close to the truth, it should be worth the wait.

22nd February 2012, 21:21
Yeah, I'll wait for the iPad 3 reveal, but am currently leaning towards the Galaxy.
A quick apples-to-apples (no pun intended) comparison with the iPad 2 indicates similar functionality between the two units. However, the base cost of the Galaxy if far cheaper (e.g. 16GB Galaxy $400.00; iPad 2 $520.00). Unless the iPad 3 is a much improved unit at a reasonable price, it'll be the Galaxy for me :mark: .

22nd February 2012, 21:38
I'm almost being sucked in by all the hype :s

just not quite convinced I really need one since I usually travel with my laptop anyway :dozey:

When I next travel for work I'll only be taking an iPad. Laptop will be left at home.

22nd February 2012, 21:51
Only company-approved hardware permitted for my travels, including the stanadard suite of MS applications :mark: .
Pretty much rules out anything fruity.

donKey jote
22nd February 2012, 22:02
When I next travel for work I'll only be taking an iPad. Laptop will be left at home.

That's my main problem... I doubt I could run any of the stuff I need for work apart from ("illegally") routing my emails outside the company net. Or are there apps for emulating windows and special windows applications? Heck is there even an easy to use USB port?

I often use my holidays as time to get some programming done, lately most of it Excel/VBA... I doubt the scripts would be compatible :s

Please try and convince me otherwise though, all I need is an excuse :D

donKey jote
22nd February 2012, 22:03
Only company-approved hardware permitted for my travels, including the stanadard suite of MS applications :mark: .
Pretty much rules out anything fruity.
yep, same here :mark:

23rd February 2012, 10:59
Only company-approved hardware permitted for my travels, including the stanadard suite of MS applications :mark: .
Pretty much rules out anything fruity.

Not at all. I switched to an iMac back in November and I run Mac OS and Windows OS (including any and all Windows based programs) at the same time, by way of a program called Parallels. My girl's nephew has Linux set up on it too, but I'm not advanced enough to play with that. As far as I know, Parallels works on any Intel based Mac (which I guess is all of the newer ones, including the MacBook Air series). As for the mobile devices from Apple, there is a new app called OnLive Desktop. If I'm reading this correctly (http://www.wired.com/wiredenterprise/2012/01/onlive-windows-ipad/), I believe you can run a virtual Windows desktop on iPads, complete with the MS Office suite.

Steve Perlman built Quicktime video at Apple. Then he ran MSN TV (http://www.webtv.com/pc/) at Microsoft. And through it all, he kept his famous talent for thinking outside the proverbial box.

If anyone can give you Windows on an iPad, it’s him.

On Thursday, Steve Perlman’s latest venture — OnLive (http://www.onlive.com/) — was due to release a free iPad app designed to do just that. And in typical Perlman fashion, it tackles the problem from an unexpected but completely sensible direction. Founded a year and half ago, OnLive is actually a gaming company. But rather than run games on your PC or your phone or your tablet, it streams them to your device over the net. Now, the company is doing the same thing with Microsoft’s Windows operating system.

Using the new OnLive Desktop app, your iPad can access a virtual Windows desktop running on a distant server, complete with software such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
IT departments/managers at various companies are "interesting". At a former company I was with, they allowed the Blackberry platform, iPhone/iOS and I believe Windows Phone on the network. But Android devices were/are strictly forbidden from being on the network, mainly because of compatibility and security concerns... potential "data leak" from certain apps.

I'm clearly not an "early adopter". But as these tablets get closer to having (or having access to) near full computer capabilities, sooner or later, one will call my name, I'm sure.

23rd February 2012, 16:21
Get the iPad 3. There's no point in buying old hardware.

True but in that case i suspect that the Galaxy tab 11.6 will be a nice product:

Samsung Galaxy Tab 11.6 release tipped for MWC 2012 | T3 (http://www.t3.com/news/samsung-galaxy-tab-11-6-release-tipped-for-mwc-2012)

Samsung Galaxy Tab 11.6: Leaked Specs and Release Date Imminent on MWC 2012 | TechSpy (http://techspy.com/news/904812/samsung-galaxy-tab-11-6-leaked-specs-and-release-date-imminent-on-mwc-2012)
iPad 3 vs Samsung Galaxy Tab 11.6 [Rumours] - Comparison - Know Your Mobile (http://www.knowyourmobile.com/comparisons/1231616/ipad_3_vs_samsung_galaxy_tab_116_rumours.html)

24th February 2012, 12:27
Skygo out for Android if anyone's interested.

28th February 2012, 07:00
Not yet used apple iphones or i pads but i am using apple's i pod from a long time and the beats and sound quality it has is unbeatable and unmatchable....love to listen music because of apple.

28th February 2012, 07:54
Not yet used apple iphones or i pads but i am using apple's i pod from a long time and the beats and sound quality it has is unbeatable and unmatchable....love to listen music because of apple.

Go and try Shure earphones (I am using the SE315) and you will change mind about Beats quality ;)

28th February 2012, 14:33
Had recently purchased a new iPod touch, 64GB but is now serving as a paperweight after having jumped into a swimming pool with it in my pocket :( .

I use, well had used :mark: , JVC buds with great sound quality (~$50.00) :) .

1st March 2012, 13:16
Apple is the most popular brand among them. Specially ipod and iphone. I personally use the iphone of the apple brand. It's really interesting to use. The company gives a good opportunity through online buying with good discount. It's also gives a good and impressive customer care facilities.

1st March 2012, 19:55
Right now Asus Prime beats them all, top notch product for the right price.

2nd March 2012, 15:42
Has anyone ever changed an itunes account on an iphone that no longer has a working sim card? Basically I have an old iphone 3G that was previously on the o2 network and linked to my itunes account. I was planning on giving the phone to my niece to basically use as an ipod touch so the phone needs to swap to a different itunes account. Is this possible? I know lots of people use old iphones as ipod touches but everyone I've researched through google never seems to need to changes the itunes account as well.

2nd March 2012, 15:51
All you do is change the Apple ID under the App store settings and that's it?

2nd March 2012, 15:52
I would assume that you may have to first "deactivate" it from your account as well as remove all media content (i.e. all iTunes purchased content).
If all else fails, google the Apple support website. There may be a solution under their FAQ section.

8th March 2012, 09:29
iOS 5.1 is out, and packed with new features, except that it has pretty much no new features!

Dave B
8th March 2012, 14:56
Nobody bothered mentioning the launch of the "new" iPad, I see. Higher res screen (although still not widescreen no matter how much they bang on about movies), Siri (which needs a data connection, and used to be an app anyway), terrible pricing once you get sensible memory size, and still lacking basics such as HDMI output.

What with the disappointing iPhone update, have Apple stalled without Jobs or do they still have a few aces up their sleeve?

8th March 2012, 15:18
Nobody bothered mentioning the launch of the "new" iPad, I see. Higher res screen (although still not widescreen no matter how much they bang on about movies),

Yeah sure but do you really want it? I mean it's a massive resolution anyway.

Siri (which needs a data connection, and used to be an app anyway),

Siri isn't there, at least not in the same way as the iPhone, it's only for dictation.

terrible pricing once you get sensible memory size, and still lacking basics such as HDMI output.

Well we've been discussing these and people saying well you are going to need loads of storage, but my argument is that if you are just going to use it in the house you aren't gong to need as much as you would on a truly portable device such as an iPhone, so the 16GB model will be sufficient. Still; £400 is a lot of money, however you look at it.

As for HDMI, this has been posted before on this thread. Apple Digital AV Adapter - Apple Store (UK) (http://store.apple.com/uk/product/MD098ZM/A?fnode=MTc0MjU4NjE) What's the point in there being a permanently installed HDMI port when the majority of people aren't going to use it and when they are they'll be beside a TV, where they can keep the adapter anyway!

What with the disappointing iPhone update, have Apple stalled without Jobs or do they still have a few aces up their sleeve?

Let's hope so, but I think the issue now is that the iFamily, iMac, iPod, iPad, iPhone et al are fairly mature products and we're into a state of evolution rather than revolution, which often isn't a bad thing - just look at Windows 8 if you want to see a way to balls things up for no good reason. Apple has been known in recent times for shaking things up in a big way so we're suprised when they don't.

It'll be interesting to see what they come up with for the iPhone 5, or will it be "The New iPhone"?

9th March 2012, 10:39
Nobody bothered mentioning the launch of the "new" iPad, I see. Higher res screen (although still not widescreen no matter how much they bang on about movies), Siri (which needs a data connection, and used to be an app anyway), terrible pricing once you get sensible memory size, and still lacking basics such as HDMI output.

What with the disappointing iPhone update, have Apple stalled without Jobs or do they still have a few aces up their sleeve?

Perception, perception, perception, and subjectivity. I believe we had that comparison between an iPad and another computer which was of a similar spec, had loads of ports, and was available much earlier than the iPad. One sold in its millions and has defined a new form of computing, the other did not. As Mark pointed out, it does have HDMI via and adapter. Having all of these infrequently-used ports on the machine would substantially increase its size. Remember, modern tablet computing is about the user experience, not the amount of stuff you can have hanging from it.

My 32GB iPad2 has 18GB free, and I use it frequently. I use iTunes Match to store a lot of my music library in iCloud, and I can always download them should I want to have them for trips away.

The iPhone 4S update was disappointing in what respect? As we also talked about a long time ago in this thread, the amount of hype around Apple now means that their secrecy can sometimes work against them. Wild rumours fly about, people accept these as fact and then the actual announced product falls short of these expectations. Funnily enough, this "disappointing" update is doing rather well - iPhone 4S sales: Heading for the Guinness Book of Records - Forbes (http://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2011/10/18/iphone-4s-sales-heading-for-the-guinness-book-of-records/) Apple earnings surge on blow-out iPhone sales - MarketWatch (http://articles.marketwatch.com/2012-01-24/industries/30680303_1_phenomenal-quarter-iphone-sales-ipad)

9th March 2012, 12:06
The iPhone 4S update was disappointing in what respect?

Mostly because it looked the same as the iPhone 4. I'll bet if they'd changed the case but kept the same innards as the iPhone 4S the reception would have been better. Indeed I might have bought one myself! But as you've said the 4S is working out very well for Apple.

Dave B
9th March 2012, 15:32
Yeah sure but do you really want it? I mean it's a massive resolution anyway.
Yes! If you're watching media in WS on an iPad you'll have to put up with so much letterboxing that you'd actually be better off with a 7" tablet with the correct aspect ratio, with the added bonus that they're far more portable. The resolution is fantastic, for sure, but if you're going to lose a third of the picture there's little point.

Siri isn't there, at least not in the same way as the iPhone, it's only for dictation.
My bad, but that's arguably worse. Dictation apps have been available on all platforms for ages, and it's baffling that Apple took Siri off the market but tout it as a new feature in the latest iPhone.

Well we've been discussing these and people saying well you are going to need loads of storage, but my argument is that if you are just going to use it in the house you aren't gong to need as much as you would on a truly portable device such as an iPhone, so the 16GB model will be sufficient. Still; £400 is a lot of money, however you look at it.

If you intend to use this massive retina screen for media on the go you'll either need a decent memory or a fantastic data plan with reliable connectivity. My personal rule is however much memory you think you'll need when you purchase a device: treble it. I though the 8GB card in my phone would be more than enough when I bought it, a few months later it seemed laughable small. The cloud is all well and good, but isn't the answer to bulk storage just yet.

As for HDMI, this has been posted before on this thread. Apple Digital AV Adapter - Apple Store (UK) (http://store.apple.com/uk/product/MD098ZM/A?fnode=MTc0MjU4NjE) What's the point in there being a permanently installed HDMI port when the majority of people aren't going to use it and when they are they'll be beside a TV, where they can keep the adapter anyway!

There are sub-£100 tablets which have mini-HDMI ports as standard, they don't add anything to the size. It just seems a bit of a strange omission from something touted as a media device, in my opinion.

Apple has been known in recent times for shaking things up in a big way so we're suprised when they don't.

Which is why some of us find it baffling that much of the media give so much free publicity to Apple when their recent product launches haven't exactly been headline news.

Dave B
9th March 2012, 15:34
Mostly because it looked the same as the iPhone 4. I'll bet if they'd changed the case but kept the same innards as the iPhone 4S the reception would have been better. Indeed I might have bought one myself! But as you've said the 4S is working out very well for Apple.

The screen on the iPhone is starting to look very quaint - in fact it was one of the reasons why I didn't buy one two years ago, it was already lagging behind rivals. I know Apple hate fragmentation but I really don't see what's wrong with offering a choice of two screen sizes which could very easily be given the same resolution. In my opinion the iPhone is too small and the iPad too big.

Obviously the sales of both are phenomenal, but I'd like to see what they could do with the options of a 4.5" iPhone and a 7" iPad.

9th March 2012, 16:33
The screen on the iPhone is starting to look very quaint - in fact it was one of the reasons why I didn't buy one two years ago, it was already lagging behind rivals. I know Apple hate fragmentation but I really don't see what's wrong with offering a choice of two screen sizes which could very easily be given the same resolution. In my opinion the iPhone is too small and the iPad too big.

Obviously the sales of both are phenomenal, but I'd like to see what they could do with the options of a 4.5" iPhone and a 7" iPad.

Completely agree there. I'd like a bigger iPhone and smaller iPad too. I think it would be a big mistake for Apple to stick with the 3.5" screen for the next iPhone, when as you say, almost all their competition has bigger screens. There is of course a limit of how big a screen can be on a phone before it stops being pocketable, but 3.5" is not it.

And yes, the iPad is too big, for what I want it for, sitting on the sofa browsing the web, it's complete overkill; whereas a 7" tablet would be ideal.

9th March 2012, 17:18
I'm really disappointed with Apple. The iPad is not a worthwhile investment. Why? Your iPhone can do all the same functions and is more compact. Also, the price for an iPad is stooooopidly expensive. I would much rather have gotten a HP tablet during the fire sale and used an Android OS.

What really pissed me off is that Apple is coming out with Mountain Lion. I just upgraded to Lion and now they're telling me that I have to pay more money in order to get their latest operating system. Git outta here! I still think that Snow Leopard is the best Apple OS, so I'm just going to revert my laptop and desktop back to Snow Leopard.

9th March 2012, 21:44
And yes, the iPad is too big, for what I want it for, sitting on the sofa browsing the web, it's complete overkill; whereas a 7" tablet would be ideal.

Get yourself a 7" Galaxy Tab or the smaller Galaxy Note.
IMO these are the right size.

10th March 2012, 22:01
I'm really disappointed with Apple. The iPad is not a worthwhile investment. Why? Your iPhone can do all the same functions and is more compact. Also, the price for an iPad is stooooopidly expensive. I would much rather have gotten a HP tablet during the fire sale and used an Android OS.

Yes, but you're still young and your eyes can still focus on smaller print, I assume. I have an iPod Touch, and while I love it for what it is, if I was reading a manual or doing any sort of work that required me to use it for more than half an hour solid, I would definitely HAVE to have that larger screen/font size. But the portability of the iPod is one of the main reasons I haven't gotten an iPad yet. As for the Android tablets, Google needs to clean up the fragmentation before I would ever consider one. Some run this version of Android, but not that one. Some you can upgrade. Some you can't. Figuring out what can and cannot be upgraded to the next OS is just too confusing. Plus, there's the issue with security on the Android platform. It's bad enough on iOS. On Android, it's downright disturbing, IMO. Then you get into the issue of spotty build quality across different brands. I have a blood pressure issue. So I don't want to blow a gasket screwing around with that hit or miss ecosystem these days.

As for the price of the iPad, the market seems to be saying that it's priced about right. If demand falls, then I would agree with you. But considering the (non-subsidized) price of an iPhone or the iPod touch, I would say that the iPad is priced quite fairly.

What really pissed me off is that Apple is coming out with Mountain Lion. I just upgraded to Lion and now they're telling me that I have to pay more money in order to get their latest operating system. Git outta here! I still think that Snow Leopard is the best Apple OS, so I'm just going to revert my laptop and desktop back to Snow Leopard.I just bought this iMac in November. But since I came from the Wonderful World of Winders, no matter which Mac OS I chose, there would have been a learning curve. It took me several weeks to really get used to the Mac way of doing things. But I have to admit, it wasn't that bad and I actually like/prefer it now (in most instances - I still have to think sometimes, to do what I want to do). But no different than a Windows-only machine, if we want the next OS, we have to pay for it. If you don't... you don't HAVE to buy it. I've been satisfied enough with Windows XP SP3 for years. After seeing Vista and using Windows 7 at work, I haven't been even a little bit tempted to "upgrade" - and my girl's nephew will give me a free copy of Windows 7. But I have heard from people that had gotten used to Snow Leopard that they prefer it. I guess moving from Snow Leopard to Lion is different and has a learning curve. For me (Windows --> Mac), it was six in one hand, half dozen in the other... no biggie.

11th March 2012, 11:33
As for the Android tablets, Google needs to clean up the fragmentation before I would ever consider one. Some run this version of Android, but not that one. Some you can upgrade. Some you can't. Figuring out what can and cannot be upgraded to the next OS is just too confusing. Plus, there's the issue with security on the Android platform. It's bad enough on iOS. On Android, it's downright disturbing, IMO.

Why is there a need to upgrade anything in the first place?

IMO a device OS does not need upgrades every 6 months.
Apple are the ones who invented this marketing scam with getting a new iOS every other month, where the differences are minimal yet one believes that they get valuable upgrades and so on. Especially when you consider that every 2nd upgrade they bring has serious issues that only become obvious when you're in the middle of an update.

On any PC doing an update (new OS or even better a new SP) every 12 or 24 months is more than enough, which is about the lifespan of a tablet nowadays.

11th March 2012, 15:57
Why is there a need to upgrade anything in the first place?

Where would the human race be without constant improvement!

IMO a device OS does not need upgrades every 6 months.
Apple are the ones who invented this marketing scam with getting a new iOS every other month, where the differences are minimal yet one believes that they get valuable upgrades and so on.

iOS major version number upgrades happen once a year. And they are free. What are you complaining about here?

Especially when you consider that every 2nd upgrade they bring has serious issues that only become obvious when you're in the middle of an update.

Never had any issues myself.

On any PC doing an update (new OS or even better a new SP) every 12 or 24 months is more than enough, which is about the lifespan of a tablet nowadays.

As long as its not Windows 8.

11th March 2012, 20:39
Where would the human race be without constant improvement!

iOS major version number upgrades happen once a year. And they are free. What are you complaining about here?

Never had any issues myself.

As long as its not Windows 8.

Woah there, what's the need to get so offensive? Why do you take it personally?!

PS: Is really every new OS version (iOS or Windows) a step ahead? I do not think so.

11th March 2012, 20:49
:eek: :eek: :eek:


donKey jote
12th March 2012, 02:29
sheesh am I glad I didn't see any today in the Apple store in San Marcos :D

M u s t r e s i s t t e m p t a t i o n . . .

12th March 2012, 11:23
Woah there, what's the need to get so offensive? Why do you take it personally?!

PS: Is really every new OS version (iOS or Windows) a step ahead? I do not think so.

Not taken personally at all :) . Just I quite often see the likes of "iOS upgrades which you have to pay for" which isn't true as there's never been an iOS release you had to pay for - apart from the hardware to run it on of course :) .

Certainly not every release is a big step, major version number changes in iOS have been significant in various ways. But the likes of 5.0 > 5.1 has made very little difference at all.

12th March 2012, 11:25
sheesh am I glad I didn't see any today in the Apple store in San Marcos :D

M u s t r e s i s t t e m p t a t i o n . . .

Apple stores are a bit **** aren't they. Why all the effort to hide the tills and get receipts from under the table?! They just feel rather oppressive :|

12th March 2012, 13:35
Yes, but you're still young and your eyes can still focus on smaller print, I assume. I have an iPod Touch, and while I love it for what it is, if I was reading a manual or doing any sort of work that required me to use it for more than half an hour solid, I would definitely HAVE to have that larger screen/font size. But the portability of the iPod is one of the main reasons I haven't gotten an iPad yet. ....

So what is an iPOd? How do you use it. I have always had an iPod, and am on my third now (touch), recently upgraded to OS 5.01.
For me it's primarily portable music. Yes, it does much more, but I would still likely purchase one if it was only a music player.

I can’t see an iPod in any way a more portable iPad :s

12th March 2012, 15:50
Depends on your own use case doesn't it! Like for example I probably use my iPhone in the way you'd be more expected to use an iPad. But I personally think iPads are too big. I'm hoping the rumours of a smaller iPad later in the year are accurate.

12th March 2012, 18:50
So what is an iPOd? How do you use it. I have always had an iPod, and am on my third now (touch), recently upgraded to OS 5.01.
For me it's primarily portable music. Yes, it does much more, but I would still likely purchase one if it was only a music player.

I can’t see an iPod in any way a more portable iPad :s

From the get go, I've used it pretty much as many/most people use their iPhones (which means I don't use it for phone calls :D ): checking the news and weather, email, music player, scheduler, banking and brokerage, watching YouTube and other videos, and a big use when I first got it was using FaceTime chat with my girl (as we live some distance from each other). But now I use the iMac for that. It is a great music player, but I would have probably gotten a lower priced model if that was the primary reason I wanted it.

As for portability, being the same size as an iPhone, I can stick the iPod in my shirt pocket - the iPad is just too big to be carried (practically) in that fashion. There are times, sitting in a hotel room, that I would prefer the larger screen size of the iPad. But I'm traveling less & less these days, so the iPad would come out at home. And at home, I have the iMac inside and I carry the iPod when I'm outside. My cell phone is right at 10 years old now. So I will probably get the next generation iPhone later this year. But as long as I can make do with the ancient Motorola flip phone and the iPod Touch (WiFi is almost everywhere that I go), it's rather hard to talk myself into paying more for that service plan.

I have nothing against the iPad. I bought one for my girl last year and she absolutely loves it. It's just not something that I need or could make good use of right now.

12th March 2012, 19:06
From the get go, I've used it pretty much as many/most people use their iPhones (which means I don't use it for phone calls :D ): checking the news and weather, email, music player, scheduler, banking and brokerage, watching YouTube and other videos, and a big use when I first got it was using FaceTime chat with my girl (as we live some distance from each other). But now I use the iMac for that. It is a great music player, but I would have probably gotten a lower priced model if that was the primary reason I wanted it.

As for portability, being the same size as an iPhone, I can stick the iPod in my shirt pocket - the iPad is just too big to be carried (practically) in that fashion. There are times, sitting in a hotel room, that I would prefer the larger screen size of the iPad. But I'm traveling less & less these days, so the iPad would come out at home. And at home, I have the iMac inside and I carry the iPod when I'm outside. My cell phone is right at 10 years old now. So I will probably get the next generation iPhone later this year. But as long as I can make do with the ancient Motorola flip phone and the iPod Touch (WiFi is almost everywhere that I go), it's rather hard to talk myself into paying more for that service plan.

I have nothing against the iPad. I bought one for my girl last year and she absolutely loves it. It's just not something that I need or could make good use of right now.

Yeah, I kind of get all that, but I personally find the iPod (and likely the iPhone) simply too small for much of that.
Web browsing, e-mail, etc... The screen is just too tiny (simply "typing" my password is a chore :s ). I do, however, find the facetime app usefull from time to time.
The iPad, due to its size, is much more versatile. Having said that, I'm still not convinced that it's worth the price when a Samsung tablet is just as versatile and far cheaper.

12th March 2012, 20:23
Not taken personally at all :) . Just I quite often see the likes of "iOS upgrades which you have to pay for" which isn't true as there's never been an iOS release you had to pay for - apart from the hardware to run it on of course :) .

I didn't say that 'you have to pay for' the iOS upgrades. ;)

12th March 2012, 20:35
Fair dos! Apple do like to over hype stuff tho. They make a couple of small changes which others made ages ago and they are like OMGWTFBBQ it's so awesome!

12th March 2012, 20:41
Fair dos! Apple do like to over hype stuff tho. They make a couple of small changes which others made ages ago and they are like OMGWTFBBQ it's so awesome!

That's why I called it a marketing move. Then again everyone is starting to do the same so better not get caught in the frenzy.
I use my 6 old Dell Inspiron with Win XP Pro SP3 right now, and I find that it does all I need and see no need to upgrade to Win 7 64 bit Pro (which I have on my other laptop). Maybe I'm old school type.

donKey jote
12th March 2012, 21:39
Apple stores are a bit **** aren't they. Why all the effort to hide the tills and get receipts from under the table?! They just feel rather oppressive :|

wouldn't mind but it was absolutely packed ! :crazy:
on a Sunday :eek:

donKey jote
12th March 2012, 21:42
I'm still not convinced that it's worth the price when a Samsung tablet is just as versatile and far cheaper.
If it were priced only slightly above the Samsung I'd probably have got meself one (iPad 2) yesterday :s

13th March 2012, 08:43
wouldn't mind but it was absolutely packed ! :crazy:
on a Sunday :eek:

Don't know about where you are but the shopping experience on a Sunday around here - in every shop - is very similar to a Saturday in terms of the number of people there.

Valve Bounce
13th March 2012, 11:48
I just saw the ASUS Zenbook at Costco. WOW!!
These things are going to come down in price by next northern winter when I Hopefully go on my next ski holiday. And I want one of these Zenbooks with me.

14th March 2012, 15:21
I do find it rather irritating that despite Apple's claims of 'everything just works' that photos taking using an iPhone 4 appear either upside down or sideways in most viewing software.

donKey jote
14th March 2012, 16:16
Don't know about where you are but the shopping experience on a Sunday around here - in every shop - is very similar to a Saturday in terms of the number of people there.
wher I am normally (Germany) shops are mainly closed on Sundays :s

14th March 2012, 16:44
wher I am normally (Germany) shops are mainly closed on Sundays :s

Cue new thread... :p :

donKey jote
16th March 2012, 20:42
Am I lucky I had a flight to catch on the 15th ! :) :p

16th March 2012, 20:44
Guy at work came in with an iPad 3 this afternoon. There was a crowd stood around for quite a while after.

Have to say the display looks 'normal' to me but then I'm used to even greater dpi on the iPhone 4 anyway.

20th March 2012, 12:51
It seems Android is suffering due to the very thing that makes it good, it's openness and availability to all platforms: Fragmentation bomb wounds Android in developer war • The Register (http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/03/20/android_interest_slipping/)

It's the same thing that did for Nokia / Symbian, too many different devices means it's very difficult to write apps for all of them. Whereas with iPhone you only have (pretty much) one iPhone; but that's also a weakness as not everyone can afford or wants an iPhone.

donKey jote
20th March 2012, 21:38
I was slightly bemused yesterday when my (kid's ;) ) iPod Touch 2ndG localised me to within 50m, despite having no phone or GPS :eek: :p

20th March 2012, 21:58
My iPod has a knack of localizing my kid quite readily. Or is it the other way ‘round...? :dozey:

race aficionado
20th March 2012, 22:33
My son and I both have the latest iphone and with the "find your iphone" app I know where he is all the time. I am a confessed stalker and my son just accepts the fact that I know where he is all the time.
It is way cool as a matter of fact. A couple of weeks ago a school mate invited him to spend some time in California and the Arizona desert and it was so cool to see where he was, specially when seen through satellite mode.
i love this technology.

And now that I'm on it, the face time feature (yes, and I know other phones also have it) has completely changed how I communicate with my brother in Florida. it is really a treat.

And now that I can't stop ranting, how about those $600.00 per Share for Apple. I've got none but I'm glad Jag Warrior is loaded. ;)

:s mokin:

21st March 2012, 08:51
I'd say now is a good time to cash them in! I think Apple are in a bit of a bubble at the moment. They are doing very well, but should the iPhone 5 have - for example, an antenna which loses signal when you hold the phone-- there could be trouble!

21st March 2012, 14:41
I just realised that iPod is still available to buy :dozey:
But the question is who buys these devices :|

21st March 2012, 15:11
I just realised that iPod is still available to buy :dozey:
But the question is who buys these devices :|



21st March 2012, 15:12
...And now that I'm on it, the face time feature (yes, and I know other phones also have it) has completely changed how I communicate with my brother in Florida. it is really a treat.... :s mokin:

I must admit, facetime has its uses.

21st March 2012, 15:24
I just realised that iPod is still available to buy :dozey:
But the question is who buys these devices :|

Someone who wants all the features of an iPhone but doesn't need to use it for phone calls.

race aficionado
21st March 2012, 15:38
I must admit, facetime has its uses.

It does with the iphone in the sense that you both have to have a wifi connection- so we spend time looking at our faces when we are both at home and we can't wander too far out from the "hot spot" or we start freezing or getting disconnected - but as long as we play by the rules, the picture quality is excellent. it is a treat.

21st March 2012, 16:33
While vacationing in Cancun recently with the wife's brother and his wife, they were using the hotel's wi-fi to facetime every evening with their two teenage boys in Ontario, all for free. The alternative would have been either a long distance call from the hotel or ridiculously expensive roaming charges on the mobile phone.

We live in Calgary and the wife also sometimes uses facetime to communicate with her brother in Ontario. Again, all free and without the hassle of "Skyping" via the computer.

Yes, you need a wi-fi connection, but it is seldom when we are out-and-about where we don’t have a connection gratis (e.g. hotels, airport, campgrounds… :mark: ).

21st March 2012, 17:40
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22nd March 2012, 15:01
So Facetime is like Fring? I tried it few years ago when my brothers had it on their old Nokia's. Good fun.

22nd March 2012, 15:28
Not sure what Fring does, but Facetime allows Apple users to communicate visually using the devices’ forward-facing camera. All you need is to set up the e-mail addresses as a “contact”. As far as I know, it only works via a wi-fi connection.
Let’s share e-mail addresses Janneppi, and you’ll be able to see my beautiful face :D .

race aficionado
22nd March 2012, 15:37
i don't know about other phones but with iPhone you can switch between the 2 cameras that the phone has on each side so you can either show your face or allow others to see what you are seeing without having to turn the phone around and just with the push of a button.. And again, the picture quality is great.

22nd March 2012, 16:05
Not sure what Fring does, but Facetime allows Apple users to communicate visually using the devices’ forward-facing camera. All you need is to set up the e-mail addresses as a “contact”. As far as I know, it only works via a wi-fi connection.
Let’s share e-mail addresses Janneppi, and you’ll be able to see my beautiful face :D .

Three problems with that, I don't plan on being a apple product owner anytime soon, i don't want you to have my email adress, and I'm not at all sure you're beautiful :p

22nd March 2012, 16:52
Three problems with that, I don't plan on being a apple product owner anytime soon, i don't want you to have my email adress, and I'm not at all sure you're beautiful :p

Auch, you could have let him down gently. :p

22nd March 2012, 16:53
Three problems with that, I don't plan on being a apple product owner anytime soon, i don't want you to have my email adress, and I'm not at all sure you're beautiful :p

'kele... :arrows:

:p :

race aficionado
24th March 2012, 22:08
One of the common situations that always bugged me with my cell phone has been solved by Siri.

I don't know about you but when I'm in the sun light - in other words, out in the streets - I find it almost impossible to read my phone screen and find myself looking for a shade somewhere to get a better view so that I can make a phone call. Now with Siri, all I have to do is ask Siri to make the phone call for me. That's made my cell phone life easier.

Just saying . . .

24th March 2012, 23:29
It seems Android is suffering due to the very thing that makes it good, it's openness and availability to all platforms: Fragmentation bomb wounds Android in developer war • The Register (http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/03/20/android_interest_slipping/)

It's the same thing that did for Nokia / Symbian, too many different devices means it's very difficult to write apps for all of them. Whereas with iPhone you only have (pretty much) one iPhone; but that's also a weakness as not everyone can afford or wants an iPhone.

I think that's the reason Apple is still selling the 3GS model. From what I've read, not that many cell carriers in Latin America and parts of Asia subsidize phones the way they do in North America and parts of Europe. So to grab some share, I guess Apple saw it as beneficial to offer older models at a much cheaper price. I also just read that the iPhone has overtaken the Blackberry in Canada. Ouch! That's gotta hurt. Kind of sad too, when you think about what a promising business that used to be.

And now that I can't stop ranting, how about those $600.00 per Share for Apple. I've got none but I'm glad Jag Warrior is loaded. ;)

Kind of makes up for the dogs that I've picked over the years.

I'd say now is a good time to cash them in! I think Apple are in a bit of a bubble at the moment. They are doing very well, but should the iPhone 5 have - for example, an antenna which loses signal when you hold the phone-- there could be trouble!

Right you are. The same thing that's happened to RIM could happen to Apple. If they take their eye off the ball and don't keep offering products that the public falls in love with, their earnings (and share price) could fall.

But Apple's P/E ratio, while higher than Microsoft's, is lower than Google's and most other tech companies. It still seems fairly priced. Plus, by adding the dividend, many more mutual funds and money managers can hold it now. As long as it can stay above $540 or so, I'll probably buy call options with any pullback. Remember how Daniel made fun of me when AAPL dropped down to about $320 last year from $360 or so? I told him to buy some calls, if not the stock. I liked Daniel. He should have known that I wouldn't have intentionally steered him wrong. I actually miss the good natured ribbing that Daniel and I used to give each other in our Microsoft vs. Apple debates. Good times. Good times, man. :dozey:

But anyway, the product that I see being their first stumble in a long time is this rumored TV set. I think the set itself will be fine. But unless they can make some rock solid content deals, why wouldn't the average consumer just buy a nice Panasonic or Samsung plasma set? I've considered buying the $99 Apple TV set top box. But then I think, "Why??? What shows will I get with it that I can't get now?" Instead of buying back their own stock (at $600 per share or whatever), I think Apple should use a chunk of that money to buy into a network, studio or production company. Sure, maybe that would be a dumb use of the money, but they have to get good content somewhere. Not just the crap movies that nobody wanted to see when they were in the theaters the first time. And right now, the content providers don't seem all that willing to make a deal with Apple... or anybody else.

And another thing ( :D )... why do I have to subscribe to cable or DirecTV to get HBO? Make a deal with Time Warner so that I can buy HBO a la carte. Make two or three deals like this and make it a package deal that I can buy through iTunes. Then I'll cancel DirecTV and buy this Apple TV plasma/HD set (that will be twice as expensive as the competition), but lets me pipe in EXACTLY what I want using my broadband connection, without being ripped off for stuff that I never watch.

31st March 2012, 01:10
RIM is hardly holding on for dear life ;) They've still got the business market and they've also got BBM which is hugely popular with the teen market due to the fact that it's free.

I'm not quoting Daniel here to give him a hard time or an "I told you so". I really miss Daniel. I felt like we had some spirited, but good debates. I found it to be fun and interesting. But when I saw the linked news story, I could only remember that someone (didn't remember who until I searched the thread for the quote) in this thread telling me that RIM was "not hanging on for dear life" last year, whereas many others thought the handwriting was on the wall over a year ago.

I'm not happy to see RIM struggling like this, with the stock only popping today because traders now see it as valuable only because it may now be a takeover candidate. I feel like more platforms, more competitors, improve the breed. Competition forces innovation. If there is only one dominant player (like Microsoft in the PC OS market), then you end up with junk software and products.

Too bad for RIM. Too bad for their loyal customers and investors. But any company that gets lazy, fails to innovate and doesn't keep up with the demands of the market, runs the risk of "hanging on for dear life". It doesn't matter if it's GM, RIM, Apple or Microsoft - no one can stay king for long if they get lazy.

RIM Weighs Bleak Options (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303816504577313952155314034.html)

Research In Motion (http://online.wsj.com/public/quotes/main.html?type=djn&symbol=RIMM) Ltd.'s RIMM +7.06% (http://online.wsj.com/public/quotes/main.html?type=djn&symbol=RIMM) new chief executive faces two bleak options: Attempt a bold turnaround of the embattled BlackBerry maker, or find a willing buyer. Neither will be an easy task.

RIM said sales of BlackBerrys fell sharply in the latest quarter, leading to the company's first revenue decline in seven years. Its subscriber growth rate from the previous quarter also hit an all-time low of 3%. And two of RIM's top officers stepped down, leaving RIM's executive bench as shallow as it has ever been.

Meanwhile, morale has flagged amid the unrest, according to executives inside and outside the company.

At a dinner meeting in February between RIM's chief technology officer, David Yach, one of the executives who left Thursday, and chief information officers from companies and government agencies, including the Department of Defense, the mood from the RIM side was somber, according to a person who attended the dinner.

"It was like going to a wake," this person said.

5th April 2012, 15:54
Here's a dumb question for non-Apple users...

Do non-Apple tablets require anti-virus software? Are they susceptible to viruses similar to a PC :?:

5th April 2012, 15:59
Do non-Apple tablets require anti-virus software?


Are they susceptible to viruses similar to a PC :?:

Because they are so locked down with apps unable to write outside their sandbox there isn't much in the way of viruses for iOS. I've never heard of any.

5th April 2012, 16:12
So there's no worries when web browsing the 'net?

donKey jote
5th April 2012, 16:16
so long as you don't google billy's missus... :erm: :andrea:

5th April 2012, 19:21
So there's no worries when web browsing the 'net?

Nah cos you can't run executables in the same way as you can with proper machines. That's not to say a virus is impossible, just that it's extremely difficult to get one to do anything.

7th April 2012, 05:17
Here's a dumb question for non-Apple users...

Do non-Apple tablets require anti-virus software? Are they susceptible to viruses similar to a PC :?:

So there's no worries when web browsing the 'net?

I don't think it comes so much from browsing. But from all that I've read (and why I'll never have an Android device), some of the apps are the viruses/malware.

New Android Malware Gains Root Without Permission (http://www.tomsguide.com/us/Android-LeNa-Malware-Root-Access-Lookout-Security,news-14726.html)

Android's Open Nature Makes It Easy Malware Target: Total Defense (http://www.eweek.com/c/a/Security/Androids-Open-Nature-Makes-It-Easy-Malware-Target-Total-Defense-190958/)

I guess because of the open nature and lack of oversight on the Android app marketplace, a large percentage of the apps are apparently disguised malware. I guess that's why an IT guy at a previous company told me that they didn't allow Android devices on the company network. Apple and Microsoft devices can be infected too. But for whatever reason (better oversight and review, I'm guessing), it's not happening at nearly the same rate as with Android. And RIM devices seem pretty safe. If I can find one for $50 or $60 bucks in the next few months, I'll probably buy a Playbook just to have something to play with at the track. Plus, it'll probably be a collector's item soon. :D

7th April 2012, 15:14
iOS has two protections against rouge apps. Firstly that the only way you can get an app is first have it approved by Apple. And if it gets past this part it's contained within it's own environment so it can't damage the rest of the OS

7th April 2012, 18:35

7th April 2012, 18:38

race aficionado
7th April 2012, 19:51
Another reason not to be stupid when wanting to obtain and iPad or an iPhone . . . or any other trendy and cool product.

Five Charged in China After Teen Trades Kidney for iPhone and iPad | Techland | TIME.com (http://techland.time.com/2012/04/06/five-charged-in-china-after-teens-sells-kidney-for-iphone/)

8th April 2012, 17:03
I'd give my left nut for an iPad...


8th April 2012, 23:56
I'd give my left nut for an iPad...


That's not enough. You can trade a major organ, but we all know men exaggerate when it comes to size. Besides anything you have two of it's all that important. :laugh:

10th April 2012, 03:54
As for the mobile devices from Apple, there is a new app called OnLive Desktop. If I'm reading this correctly (http://www.wired.com/wiredenterprise/2012/01/onlive-windows-ipad/), I believe you can run a virtual Windows desktop on iPads, complete with the MS Office suite.

And now OnLive is "legal". As much of a walled garden as people accuse Apple of being, it does strike me as kind of funny that Microsoft has locked out older Windows machines, once they've lost the ability to upgrade to Windows 7 or whatever. But now, have at it! Let your iPads and old Windows machines get a full taste of the Blue Screen of Death! :D

You Can Now Legally Run Windows on Your iPad Through OnLive (http://www.cultofmac.com/159788/you-can-now-legally-run-windows-on-your-ipad-through-onlive/)

We reported (http://www.cultofmac.com/151858/microsoft-if-youre-using-onlive-desktop-youre-a-pirate/) last month on the legal and licensing issues surrounding OnLive and its OnLive Desktop for iPad, a freemium offering from the cloud gaming company that offered iPad users a full Windows 7 desktop experience complete with Office and the ability to watch Flash content. The company made a big entrance (http://www.cultofmac.com/140409/onlive-desktop-is-now-available-for-your-ipad/) into the Windows/Office on iPad space in January and announced (http://www.cultofmac.com/148561/onlive-desktop-for-ipad-adds-flash-and-other-features-announces-plans-for-business/) its premium and business plans the following month.

Microsoft’s licensing arrangements for using non-PC devices to remotely connect to a Windows desktop and/or Microsoft applications are pretty complex. As we noted (http://www.cultofmac.com/151858/microsoft-if-youre-using-onlive-desktop-youre-a-pirate/) previously, the issue is centered around licensing for Windows 7 and not Office. Other companies, including CloudOn, also offer (http://www.cultofmac.com/152812/cloudon-nivio-get-cloud-based-office-onto-your-ipad-while-staying-on-microsofts-good-side/) iPad-centric access to cloud hosted versions of Office.

The crux of the Windows desktop licensing issue is that Microsoft makes it nearly impossible for any provider to offer non-PC devices (and older PCs that can’t run Windows 7) a virtual Windows 7 desktop that’s hosted on a remote server. The easiest way around this solution is present users with a Windows Server desktop instead. Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7 share much of the same code and virtually all of the key desktop and user interface features. What they don’t share is the very restrictive licensing of Windows 7.

As a result most virtual desktop (http://www.cultofmac.com/tag/vdi/) (VDI) providers offer users a Windows Server desktop stripped of all the server-related tools and components.

It seems that OnLive has decided to play by those same rules. As noted (http://www.brianmadden.com/blogs/brianmadden/archive/2012/04/09/onlive-appears-to-cave-to-microsoft-s-demands-changes-daas-offering-to-server-2008-instead-of-windows-7.aspx?CommentPosted=true#commentmessage) by virtualization expert Brian Madden, OnLive Desktop today began using a Windows Server 2008 desktop instead, which should remove any licensing issues. Madden also notes that OnLive CEO Steve Perlman has ties to Microsoft, which may have hastened the company’s decision. The switch was also noted (http://onlivefans.com/news/onlive-vs-microsoft-licensing-issues-resolved-onlive-desktop-moves-to-windows-server-2008/7377/) on the company’s fan forum site.

Overall, the shift isn’t likely to have too much impact on end users. It’s pretty unlikely that OnLive needed to change much in their cloud architecture to make the change. That means the functionality shouldn’t change. It’s also unlikely that this will derail the eventual expansion of OnLive Desktop, though it may have purchased any launch data out a little bit.

race aficionado
10th April 2012, 03:58
I've always found Macs being Windows friendly and Windows being stingy with us Mac'ers.

14th April 2012, 19:46
My first post using my Galaxy 10.1.
I'll let you know how things work out. :D

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2nd May 2012, 10:47
I was watching the original keynote last night, where Steve Jobs introduced the original iPhone. Apart from the over emphasis on it being an 'iPod' as at that time the iPod was still their biggest selling product. It's notable from the demos that the interface has changed little, apart from a few tweaks it's pretty much the same as we got in 2007.

You could look at that two ways, either they did their job right first time around and little change has been needed since, or, that they've failed to innovate over the same time period.

3rd May 2012, 11:31
New Samsung Galaxy out later today. Will be interesting to see what they come up with.

Dave B
3rd May 2012, 13:12
I'm very tempted if the leaks are remotely accurate, although I might go for the Note purely because I adore the screen.

3rd May 2012, 13:16
The fight is certainly on, between the S3 and the iPhone 5.

It seems almost certain now however that whatever Apple offers, it won't be up to the spec of the S3, which is a bit of a turnaround of the original mantra of "5 years ahead of everyone else", which Jobs spouted during the original iPhone launch, which I guess he was right in a way, the competition has caught up, Apple has been napping.

3rd May 2012, 13:35
The fight is certainly on, between the S3 and the iPhone 5.

It seems almost certain now however that whatever Apple offers, it won't be up to the spec of the S3, which is a bit of a turnaround of the original mantra of "5 years ahead of everyone else", which Jobs spouted during the original iPhone launch, which I guess he was right in a way, the competition has caught up, Apple has been napping.

Maybe they had 5 years at the time it launched (I guess they were comparing themselves to Nokia back then), funnily enough 5 years later the competition is a few steps ahead already.

3rd May 2012, 13:37
Maybe they had 5 years at the time it launched (I guess they were comparing themselves to Nokia back then), funnily enough 5 years later the competition is a few steps ahead already.

I certainly think if Apple hadn't realised the iPhone we'd probably be only just getting something as good as the original iPhone now from the likes of Nokia - but they did. And you're right, certainly as it stands today, and certainly tomorrow, the competition is already well ahead of Apple.

3rd May 2012, 13:45
They sure had a good marketing approach and managed to turn previously failed ideas into viable products, however IMO this is where their knowledge stops and where the competition picks up with better technical know how and use of a common platform.
By trying to differentiate themselves, and their customers, Apple has managed to isolate themselves. The bunch of childish law suits didn't help their image either, but this was already discussed extensively.

Dave B
3rd May 2012, 16:47
I've said before, unless Apple release an iPhone with a larger screen (and an iPad with a smaller one) they'll see their market share rapidly eroded as upgrade cycles come round.

3rd May 2012, 16:59
Well I've already decided that I won't be buying an iPhone 5 if it has another 3.5" screen.

3rd May 2012, 18:23
People are always inventing new innovative stuff. Soon everything will change again.

3rd May 2012, 19:13
Samsung. 4.8" screen!

3rd May 2012, 19:28
Yeah cos that's crazy big like.

3rd May 2012, 19:41
Samsung. 4.8" screen!


3rd May 2012, 19:50
All I have to do now is wait for the iPhone 5 announcement. If that proves to be no good I now have a pretty good alternative to choose from.

3rd May 2012, 20:11
So big screen phones are the fashion now? I've been putting up with my Dell Streak (with 5" screen) for just under two years now, and can upgrade as of tomorrow!

Was wanting something with a smaller screen, to be honest, was even thinking of an iPhone :s It is great for web browsing and everything, but as a phone it's really terrible. I will also lose my unlimited data :bigcry:

3rd May 2012, 20:34
So big screen phones are the fashion now? I've been putting up with my Dell Streak (with 5" screen) for just under two years now, and can upgrade as of tomorrow!

Was wanting something with a smaller screen, to be honest, was even thinking of an iPhone :s It is great for web browsing and everything, but as a phone it's really terrible. I will also lose my unlimited data :bigcry:

iPhone is good :) . It does work really well.

Have you looked to see how much data you are using?

3rd May 2012, 20:35
Can it run a server though?

I suggested today after all our servers crashed because of a power cut that we run it all off iPads as they can last 10 hours ;)

3rd May 2012, 20:46
Was wanting something with a smaller screen, to be honest, was even thinking of an iPhone :s It is great for web browsing and everything, but as a phone it's really terrible. I will also lose my unlimited data :bigcry:

What you mean by...as a phone is terrible ? I've owned mine for 2 months now and never had a single problem so far. It's a great phone really and for music it's the best mobile money can buy trust me ;)

3rd May 2012, 20:52
iPhone is good :) . It does work really well.

Have you looked to see how much data you are using?

I have an app that shows me it's around 1-1.5Gb per month, which I thought included wifi use, however I logged onto O2 last night and it totalled 980Mb for April :s

I think I'll go into the shop tomorrow and have a play. Need to phone them and say I'm thinking of leaving and see if they give me any offers.

3rd May 2012, 20:55
I mean my Streak is bad pino ;) I have a new 16Gb Sony Walkman for music and listening to a live track with volume up is almost like being there :) (have to remind myself not to sing when walking down the street or on the bus :s )

3rd May 2012, 20:59
I have an app that shows me it's around 1-1.5Gb per month, which I thought included wifi use, however I logged onto O2 last night and it totalled 980Mb for April :s

I think I'll go into the shop tomorrow and have a play. Need to phone them and say I'm thinking of leaving and see if they give me any offers.

Not much time on wifi then?!

O2 are offering a 2GB data package I think about £32 per month. You don't get a phone with that!

Big Ben
3rd May 2012, 22:06
I'm an iPhone 3G owner and it was a good phone for its generation but tbh if I were to buy another phone right now my choice would be between HTC One X or Samsung Galaxy S2 (or wait a little for S3). I think I'm paying too much for the logo in Apple's case and I kinda got tired of their 'control freaks' policy.

4th May 2012, 01:28
O2 are offering a 2GB data package I think about £32 per month. You don't get a phone with that!

That's robbery. I pay 9 Euros a month for 3 GB of data and still think it's too expensive.

4th May 2012, 08:48
That's robbery. I pay 9 Euros a month for 3 GB of data and still think it's too expensive.

Anything like that in the UK is robbery! Other countries manage a better provision and somehow it's so difficult here..

4th May 2012, 13:34
It's because we don't moan enoguh about it ;)

I called O2 today and they said I have averaged 678Mb over the past three months. They went away to see what they could offer me, and came back and said that their best offer is to pay £33 for the handset which is £33 more than the offer on their website for the same deal :up: (600 minutes, 1gb data, unlimited texts).

Three are offering free handset, £38 a month for 1000 minutes, 5000 texts and unlimited data which is a much better deal. Does anyone have any experience of Three, any good?

Definitely don't want a S2 or S3, too big!!

4th May 2012, 14:13
If you are wanting reasonably sized but good then you can't do better than an iPhone 4S in my opinion.

4th May 2012, 14:20
O2 are offering a 2GB data package I think about £32 per month. !

O2 == Arsenal.
What could you expect? :p :

Dave B
4th May 2012, 15:32
I can't wait to leave O2 as their data speeds are a joke here in the South-East. They rang me today offering me an upgrade ahead of time as a loyal customer and the guy was falling over himself to offer me a good deal. Never mind.

4th May 2012, 16:14
Does any provider have a decent data network. I think they all suck?

4th May 2012, 16:33
My data connection on Orange is faster than my home broadband!!!!

4th May 2012, 17:09
My data speed in towns is fine, but living out in the sticks it is sometimes faster to run to a datacentre down south, copy the info to my laptop and then run home again and look at it :s

4th May 2012, 18:25
Just been in and bought an iPhone, so will see how I get on. Expect plenty of questions to appear :s :p :

4th May 2012, 19:25
Well done J4MIE! Which model did you get exactly?

PS Don't forget to download Forum Runner!

4th May 2012, 19:44
Either or. Both have their good and bad points. I'm posting this using Tapatalk which might mean something, or not.

4th May 2012, 19:47
I got a 16Gb IPhone 4S. Free handset and £36 on Vodafone. Woman in O2 when I called for the Pac code could only offer me the same spec for £41 and would send it to me within 3-4 days. I am really, really surprised that they refuse to do more to keep you as a.customer :s

Told the woman in the carphone warehouse that she didn't need to set it up for me as I can do that myself (as you do) so have already cursed at it as I can't get my sim card in it, I forgot to bring a paper clip with me :p :

4th May 2012, 19:49
Remember that you can't port numbers to Vodafone once you already have one.

When I got my iPhone 4 it came with a SIM removal tool but obviously they don't any more. A 1p saving for Apple there.

4th May 2012, 20:25
I thought tapatalk was better? You have to pay I know but forum runner seemed a bit crap if I'm honest.

Once again I agree with you, Tapatalk is a lot better than Forum Runner ;)

ps: I am not paying for tapatalk... are you ? :confused:

4th May 2012, 20:30
I got a 16Gb IPhone 4S. Free handset and £36 on Vodafone.

Great choice mate :up: you will be shocked by sound quality trust me ;)

4th May 2012, 20:51
Tapatalk is £1.99. Forum Runner £1.49

6th May 2012, 17:58
Well, so far I have to say I really like it :up: As mentioned above, it just works. It's really fast compared to my Streak, and it's great to be using a phone one handed again :bounce: Which helps if, say, you have a chilli/ eye related incident :s

8th May 2012, 20:13
...and it's great to be using a phone one handed again :bounce: Which helps if, say, you have a chilli/ eye related incident :s

I thought you talked about one handed not one eyed. ;)

9th May 2012, 08:07
When that happens, you can still post on the forum :D

10th May 2012, 04:38
I like Iphone 4s but I can't afford.hic

15th May 2012, 05:01
Picked up a Droid Razr last week, and don't regret it at all. Initial impression though is that the iPhone is easier to use out of the box, and has a more user friendly interface. I won't be tweaking software at all, though I will do a lot of things to manage the phone to suit my needs. Overall the voice search and commands IMO are at least in line with the iPhone, and overall response is faster. Side by side I think the Droid would be quicker...... but having said that for the person that wants the more "human" and logical inputs and setup the iPhone is still better for ease of use.

Dave B
15th May 2012, 11:19
Picked up a Droid Razr last week, and don't regret it at all. Initial impression though is that the iPhone is easier to use out of the box, and has a more user friendly interface. I won't be tweaking software at all, though I will do a lot of things to manage the phone to suit my needs. Overall the voice search and commands IMO are at least in line with the iPhone, and overall response is faster. Side by side I think the Droid would be quicker...... but having said that for the person that wants the more "human" and logical inputs and setup the iPhone is still better for ease of use.
That's exactly my impression. Apple stuff tends to just work straight out of the box, and for most users it's very very good indeed. But what if you want a better/different browser, or MP3 player, or photo viewer, etc? Android phones can take a while to customise and I can see why that would put people off, but with a modicum of patience you can end up with a far better (IMO) UI.

15th May 2012, 12:00
You can get a different browser for iOS if you want, a few are available.

Dave B
15th May 2012, 12:11
You can get a different browser for iOS if you want, a few are available.
Can you change the setting for default browser without jailbreaking? I was lead to believe that even though you can install others, Safari still makes itself the default.

Dave B
15th May 2012, 13:23
For me as long as there is an address bar, favourites and the ability to copy and paste, any browser is good for my needs. Safari is easy and clean to navigate on my wife's iPhone and does the job.
That's exactly my point: for a huge amount of users iOS is a perfectly good environment. I can't get into the mindset that one OS is "good" and another is "bad" that so many fanbois seem to espouse. I happen to prefer Android, but that doesn't automatically mean that I think Apple are rubbish.

17th May 2012, 09:41
I can't get into the mindset that one OS is "good" and another is "bad" that so many fanbois seem to espouse.
IMO it's part of the marketing of these devices, for a long time mobile devices were rather bland, nameless devices. Nowdays you have Corporate CEO's presenting top of the line models in big product launches. These fanboys are a useful tool or (a fool) for big companies as they provide free marketing.

And it creates traffic in discussion boards so greedy Marks of the world can fly to work in their pink helicopters. ;)

17th May 2012, 10:08
Like I can afford a pink helicopter. Have you any idea how much helicopter paint costs?!

17th May 2012, 21:31
Been very happy with my iPhone since I got it, for me it's an improvement over Android. Still got to get around to sorting the app icons out, mind.

18th May 2012, 01:06
I don't understand the rivalry either Dave. I've used android devices for a few years and am writing this on one now. I just feel I want to step up abit, pay a little more and get a product and service I admire. I may well return to android in the future, who knows? Android certainly do most things an iPhone does, its just a matter of what the individual prefers in terms of quality of product and service.

If not for having a new iPhone around the corner, I might have picked up one of the current models. I got my Droid really cheap, so if I decide to switch I've lost nothing really. I really don't understand the rivalry either, it's a freaking phone. I sometimes think the haters fuel the fanbois to some extent, and people get so wrapped up in it that they won't budge even if they know they are wrong. As long as the user is happy I don't care if they have a string between two tin cans.

On the plus side, the 4G blazes in most areas around here. Yesterday I did a speed test and got almost 22 Mbps download! Not that I expect that as a norm, most places are lower. But my wifi doesn't give me that kind of speed. :)

18th May 2012, 17:26
I have a very cheap Samsung cell phone. I don't really need a sophisticated one, because I only use a cell phone to make/receive calls, send/recieve messages and the alarm clock in the morning.

Dave B
24th May 2012, 10:02
Been very happy with my iPhone since I got it, for me it's an improvement over Android. Still got to get around to sorting the app icons out, mind.
Yeah but... you had a Dell Streak. A toy calculator would have been an improvement :p

Dave B
10th June 2012, 20:58
For me as long as there is an address bar, favourites and the ability to copy and paste, any browser is good for my needs. Safari is easy and clean to navigate on my wife's iPhone and does the job. I customized my phone interface a lot when I first had it and found myself changing widgets and icons around a lot, but the novelty wore off for me personally. I quite like the way the iPhone is laid out over 4 screens and the use of folders so that would serve my own needs.

I can't disagree with you more on that point ... but the main thing is you are getting out of it what you want. :)


11th June 2012, 02:34
Checked out the mobile hotspot on the Razr today. I can easily and quickly toggle it on to let the laptop run off Wifi... this will be great to use on the road for work. :D

11th June 2012, 09:17
Yeah can do the same thing on the iPhone, works pretty well :)

11th June 2012, 09:22
WWDC keynote tonight i.e. where Apple announce stuff. Traditionally they've announced the new iPhone here, but last year they didn't and it's not expected they will this year either. Expect to see iOS 6 and a new range of iMac's.

11th June 2012, 16:46
Checked out the mobile hotspot on the Razr today. I can easily and quickly toggle it on to let the laptop run off Wifi... this will be great to use on the road for work. :D It's pretty stuff helpful on the road, In a previous job I used to get a VPN connection through my Nokia with the laptop's and phone's bluetooth. Now when lot of phones have w-lan capabilities software like Joikuspot are a great way if one needs to connect more devices in one internet access.

11th June 2012, 20:51
So far at least, it seems like my iPod Touch 4 will be included in the update to iOS 6, which sounds interesting. But I'll be curious to know what I'll have to do to get it, since I didn't do the iOS 5 update. If I decide to go for it, hopefully I can go from 4 to 6 without any major hassles.

Nothing on the rumored Apple "iTV" though... just a software update for the set top box device. I just had an older HD TV repaired so that I could either take a serious look at the Apple TV (if it happens next year) or just go with a good plasma set.

12th June 2012, 08:57
So far at least, it seems like my iPod Touch 4 will be included in the update to iOS 6, which sounds interesting. But I'll be curious to know what I'll have to do to get it, since I didn't do the iOS 5 update. If I decide to go for it, hopefully I can go from 4 to 6 without any major hassles.

Should be fine, as Apple updates usually wipe the device before the new install. The only difference is that if you had iOS already you could probably do it without iTunes.

Nothing on the rumored Apple "iTV" though... just a software update for the set top box device. I just had an older HD TV repaired so that I could either take a serious look at the Apple TV (if it happens next year) or just go with a good plasma set.

Many people reckon that won't even happen.

Rather disappointed by iOS 6, the features they showed were all rather weak, and they just didn't put in a lot of obvious stuff like live widgets etc.

Dave B
12th June 2012, 10:39
The only surprise with the iOS6 announcements was the amount of times I found myself thinking, "doesn't it already do that?" or "haven't I seen that before somewhere?"

Dumping Google Maps is a big-balled move, they must be pretty confident that their own offering is extremely strong otherwise they're going to have a lot of disgruntled users, especially if as expected they block Google's own application from their app store and stifle choice.

Dave B
12th June 2012, 10:41
Nothing on the rumored Apple "iTV" though... just a software update for the set top box device. I just had an older HD TV repaired so that I could either take a serious look at the Apple TV (if it happens next year) or just go with a good plasma set.
I think they've missed the boat on that one. There are plenty of excellent quality sub-£1000 smart TVs which Apple couldn't hope to compete with on price without taking a massive hit on their traditional margins.

12th June 2012, 12:47
Why not?
An overpriced rebagged Foxconn iTV is exactly what I'm looking for! :laugh:

12th June 2012, 14:36
Apple TV does nothing anyway. You can watch YouTube and pay for view films, big deal. There's AirPlay, which might be useful, but £99 is still too much, if it was £49 then perhaps.

18th June 2012, 08:41
Has anybody tried the Galaxy S3 yet?


18th June 2012, 19:39
I think they've missed the boat on that one. There are plenty of excellent quality sub-£1000 smart TVs which Apple couldn't hope to compete with on price without taking a massive hit on their traditional margins.

Yes, but it's hard to compare existing smart TV's to a product that only exists in the rumorshpere right now. Like most of Apple's other products, it's success or failure will likely depend on the user interface, content offerings and software features, more so than the hardware specs. And no one has any real idea of what any of those would be like right now. But one thing that I believe represents a roadblock: the content providers and cable/satellite companies are just too powerful (at least here in the U.S.), and I think Apple is seeking a way to "cut the cable". That represents a disruptive threat to the powerful cable/satellite industry. So I think that Apple is going to have a very hard time making a deal to offer that which they'd like to offer... in the way they'd probably like to offer it.

Let's say that I could get an Apple "iTV" with a Tivo based (or Tivo like), Siri supported user interface. Let's say it would allow me to pick & choose the networks and shows that I tend to watch the most, and I could do this without needing DirecTV. If instead of $100 a month to receive hundreds of channels, the majority of which I never watch, I could pay maybe $60 per month on average to get just the channels and/or shows I want, I would likely pay a $1000 premium for such a TV. In two and a half years of ownership, I would be back to even, versus a set that would not allow me to cut the cable. But the cable and satellite companies (some of which are also content providers, like Time Warner and Comcast/NBC) aren't going to let this happen.

The only way I can really see this happening is if Apple buys a major content provider or two.

18th June 2012, 20:24
Guy at work has one and it looks very very nice. If the next iPhone is only 4" as rumoured I may be tempted to get a Samsung. But switching away will be difficult due to the number of apps I have.

19th June 2012, 17:50
I had a go with one yesterday and am seriously considering this as my next upgrade. Its considerably cheaper than the present iPhone and is packed with features. I loved the big screen too. I can keep my Android apps which would be a bonus. I don't like the blue version though on a purely aesthetical basis. It looks cheap and feels cheap for some reason but is stunning in white. :)

Interesting! I had a go at one myself the other day, and also had my friend's iPhone 4S for a week. I'm definitely gravitating more towards getting the Galaxy S3, as all the apps I need for my work are available for Android. Plus the Android 4.0 ICE seems much more customizable than the iOs.

I was looking at specs of the Nokia Lumia 900 as well, and boy, do Nokia and Apple overcharge for much less hardware performance! iPhone 4s, Lumia 900 and Galaxy S3 are priced pretty much in the same ballpark, and when it comes to performance, the S3 blows both of them out of the water. Seems like a no-brainer to me. Plus a quad core processor and NFC capabilities make it sort of future-proof as well.

About the color, and this is down to personal preference, I find the pebble blue on Galaxy S3 to be better looking, but I have only seen pics of it. The phone I tried out was the white one and looked alright. I'm guessing the blue isn't as impressive in reality. Will have to check on that one.

19th June 2012, 20:06
What does the group here think of the Microsoft Surface announcement... hero or zero?

19th June 2012, 20:30
i heard about Apples new trademark. its called iCrack™ http://i.imgur.com/nl1D4.gif

@ JAG, i think it will be a good and successful product,
imo the built in "kick stand" is a very good idea.

20th June 2012, 08:58
One thing you do have to remember when comparing the S3 to the iPhone 4S is the fact the 4S is quite old now and the S3 is the next generation of mobile. Its going to be packed with the latest features and cant really be compared realistically to a phone 12 months old IMO. The iPhone 5 is due out in the autumn and it'll be interesting how it stacks up against the S3 in terms of hardware. Apple still at this moment in time have the trump card of having a nice to use operating system which is well polished. My wife will be getting the iPhone 5 as it makes sense as she has a MacBook Pro and an iPad. If I get the S3 I will have the best of both worlds and be able to compare a little more impartially than most.

The reason I compared the S3 with the 4S is because of the price factor. Even the 1 year "old" 4S is in the same price bracket as the S3, and the hardware on the S3 is a huge leap. So, I expect the iPhone 5 to be much more expensive. I anyway preferred the much cheaper Galaxy S2 over 4S, and so Galaxy S3 comes as a nice surprise for me.

What I'm saying is that Apple does tend to grossly overprice its products, and I expect the iPhone 5 to be somewhere around the $800 to $1000 range. I'm sure all the Apple fans are still gonna buy it, but I'll wager a bet that it's gonna be beaten this time, like the Galaxy S2 nearly did, UNLESS Apple can match the hardware specs and a big HD screen at a competitive price. Which I highly doubt, as most of the money is gonna go in making flashy ads like the one with the new iPad to convince people to buy tablets they don't need. :p

And the S3 equipped especially with Android 4.0 ICS, you can customize your phone in so many ways that you can't with the iOs. I am still gonna wait before upgrading to see what the iPhone 5 with iOS6 offers. Also, there's an Android update in autumn too, code named Jelly Bean. So, I guess it's worth waiting a few months to see just what the heck those two offer.

The blue does look nice in the pics I agree but in reality it looks and feels rather cheap IMO. Although the white has exactly the same build quality, the colour white just feels alot more expensive IMO and I think that is thanks to other mobile phone manufacturers releasing their products as limited edition in such colours in the past. Apple for one have done this on every iPhone and white phones have become as desirable as black. I know Samsung used to have metalic blue phones in their range in the past along with pink, but they were usually at the bottom end. Its all personal preference and if by the time I upgrade they release a black version, I will be torn between the two but at least I know blue is out of the equation.. :)

I just hate the white color on phones, dunno why, maybe because I'm afraid it might look dirty with smudges and dirt after long term use or while traveling. That's why I always go with black. I'll have to see the pebble blue version in reality to make up my mind. :)

20th June 2012, 09:17
What does the group here think of the Microsoft Surface announcement... hero or zero?

Looks like a competitor to the iPad, especially if Microsoft can sell a better spec hardware at competitive price. I've lost interest in the tablet market really, unless a few years into the future where they can cram laptop performance into a tablet, which they will ultimately. Until then, I'll use my money for better things than buying a puny 64 GB low-performing slate. I mean what's the point if you still have to attach a physical keyboard if you wanna write long emails?

The only tablet that caught my eye, IF (and that's a HUGE IF) ASUS can pull it off, which I doubt, would be the PadFone. - ASUS - Mobile- ASUS PadFone (http://www.asus.com/Mobile/PadFone)


It's a great idea, and lays a solid foundation for the future. It's got pretty much the same or better hardware as the new iPad, 8 MP camera and Android 4.0 ICS. The only problem is that ASUS is not a major player in the phone-tablet arena, and so the skepticism is high on this. I'd love to see what other manufacturers can do with this.

Still, why would I throw $1000 on a phone-tablet thingy, which ultimately turns into a low performance laptop, when I can buy a freaking gaming laptop with the same money. :p

20th June 2012, 10:57
What does the group here think of the Microsoft Surface announcement... hero or zero?


20th June 2012, 11:00
So, I expect the iPhone 5 to be much more expensive.

No. Everyone always says this before the launch of new Apple products but it's never the case. They are usually priced exactly the same as the outgoing product, with the old one getting a price reduction.

Expect the iPhone 5 to cost £499 for the 16GB version, exactly the same as the 4S and the 4.

20th June 2012, 12:01
Love so much my iPhone 4s that I ve already preordered the iPhone 5 :p :

20th June 2012, 12:09
How can you preorder something which hasn't even been announced yet, Apple haven't even confirmed there will be a new iPhone released ever!

20th June 2012, 12:21
I've lost interest in the tablet market really, unless a few years into the future where they can cram laptop performance into a tablet, which they will ultimately. Until then, I'll use my money for better things than buying a puny 64 GB low-performing slate. I mean what's the point if you still have to attach a physical keyboard if you wanna write long emails?
Simple. You don't have to. For example the iPad on-screen keyboard is perfectly adequate for writing short or long emails. It may take a little getting used to, but once that's done you're set. Adding a physical keyboard simply makes it what you're used to not what it actually is.

Still, why would I throw $1000 on a phone-tablet thingy, which ultimately turns into a low performance laptop, when I can buy a freaking gaming laptop with the same money.
Ultimately that's what it's about. Choice. If a tablet doesn't do what you want it to do then don't buy one. That doesn't mean a tablet isn't suitable for others.

20th June 2012, 12:38
Love so much my iPhone 4s that I ve already preordered the iPhone 5 :p :

I see a lot of people, here, who buy an iPhone (lets say 1200) sell it for 1000 weeks before next generation's release... And buy the new one.

I still see many auctions for the iPhone 4 going at 700+.
I might sell my 4S and do the same for the 5, if it's not too big to fit my pockets that is. :p

20th June 2012, 12:43
How can you preorder something which hasn't even been announced yet, Apple haven't even confirmed there will be a new iPhone released ever!

Preordered in my mind whilst waiting for the official announcement ;)

20th June 2012, 12:49
What does the group here think of the Microsoft Surface announcement... hero or zero?

Looks great, with the i5... The price will be the deciding factor.

Would have bought myself an HP Slate, but last I checked it was more than twice the price of other tablets (it has come down significantly since). Couldn't justify it really, with Windows 8 perhaps I could the Surface.

20th June 2012, 12:58
Simple. You don't have to. For example the iPad on-screen keyboard is perfectly adequate for writing short or long emails. It may take a little getting used to, but once that's done you're set. Adding a physical keyboard simply makes it what you're used to not what it actually is.

I have used tablets over a couple of weeks to do simple things like prepare word documents and type out 4-5 pages, and NO, the on-screen keyboard simply isn't a match, NOR a replacement for a physical one. Accuracy and speed go for a toss as well and you end up wasting double the time on something which would be much easier with a physical keyboard, and that is the reason why all tablet makers are offering physical keyboard attachments now.

Ultimately that's what it's about. Choice. If a tablet doesn't do what you want it to do then don't buy one. That doesn't mean a tablet isn't suitable for others.

I'd like to see what a tablet can do for the same price of a laptop, that the laptop can't, and vice versa. They can run almost the same kind of apps that a sub $300 netbook can. Tablets can only go up to 64 GB at the moment, while on a laptop you can go up to 1 TB AND increase it with external hard drives or even cloud storage as long as you're in city limits.

You can find everything on Windows 7 that is available for iOs or Android. Portability and the ability to make calls is a moot point since current tablets are too big to fit even in a coat pocket, so you need a small bag anyway (unless you are willing to wear those ridiculous chest strap thingies). And when it comes to running anything higher spec, you need to have a better computer. So then, what's the point?

Until tablets can run the same applications smoothly that a laptop can, and provide 10 times the storage, and the user is not forced to "cloud store" their files, tablets will remain what they are now: impractical toys to swipe your pictures and browse Facebook.

20th June 2012, 13:48
I have used tablets over a couple of weeks to do simple things like prepare word documents and type out 4-5 pages, and NO, the on-screen keyboard simply isn't a match, NOR a replacement for a physical one. Accuracy and speed go for a toss as well and you end up wasting double the time on something which would be much easier with a physical keyboard.
My experience of using a tablet in the last 18mths is entirely different. Dismissing them as "impractical toys to swipe your pictures and browse Facebook" is, in my view, underestimating their capability. But, as they say, the customer is always right and we're both customers :s mokin:

Until tablets can run the same applications smoothly that a laptop can, and provide 10 times the storage, and the user is not forced to "cloud store" their files...
Then they'd be a laptop and you'd be happy :)

20th June 2012, 15:52
I have used tablets over a couple of weeks to do simple things like prepare word documents and type out 4-5 pages....

You have been using a device for something that it was never intended. I understand your frustration. To alleviate this, in the future use a laptop :)

...Until tablets can run the same applications smoothly that a laptop can, and provide 10 times the storage, and the user is not forced to "cloud store" their files ...

This will never happen, so don't sweat it.
Use a laptop :)

Sounds like the Captain wants to his apples comparable to his oranges :)

20th June 2012, 16:01
Preordered in my mind whilst waiting for the official announcement ;)

LOL! In that case I've preordered it too!

20th June 2012, 16:06
As ever you need to use the correct tool for the correct job ;) .

The advantages of tablets, portability, they are a lot lighter and smaller than the vast majority of laptops - sure there are exceptions but in the main this holds true.

And for their size the battery also lasts much longer than a laptop.

I'm not sure I get the point about having to buy a keyboard, you have to buy a keyboard with your PC and with your laptop (it's in the price!), the only difference with a tablet is that it's possible to do without on, but you don't have to!

That said for serious work the only thing that will do is a proper desktop machine with a desktop OS with a massive monitor or two.

20th June 2012, 17:21
I certainly wouldn't use our iPad for typing up word documents, what's the point? LOL.

I don't either, I have my desktop PC for that, and if I'm away, my Dell laptop. I merely wanted to try how much serious work I could get done on a friend's tablet. Turns out not much! ;)

My experience of using a tablet in the last 18mths is entirely different. Dismissing them as "impractical toys to swipe your pictures and browse Facebook" is, in my view, underestimating their capability. But, as they say, the customer is always right and we're both customers

:D But then what more do they do? The only argument in their favor is portability and battery life. You still need a bag to carry them around. Why not buy a bigger bag and put a kickass laptop in it for the same price? :p

Then they'd be a laptop and you'd be happy

They damn well at least should perform closer to a laptop for the money they ask!

You have been using a device for something that it was never intended. I understand your frustration. To alleviate this, in the future use a laptop.

Like I replied to Henners above, I don't use a tablet for my work. I tried the new iPad out for a few weeks, as MAYBE a future replacement, and found it an utter waste of money. It does half the things a laptop does, and is pretty much sold at the same price. :)

This will never happen, so don't sweat it.
Use a laptop

It will. With manufacturers making thinner chips with the latest architecture, don't be surprised if 5-6 years down the line, tablets are as good as the laptops. If they can cram a quad core chip in the current models, the future looks bright. :)

20th June 2012, 17:22
Sounds like the Captain wants to his apples comparable to his oranges.

More like comparing polished turd with good, sweet, value-for-money apples. :)

The advantages of tablets, portability, they are a lot lighter and smaller than the vast majority of laptops - sure there are exceptions but in the main this holds true.

And for their size the battery also lasts much longer than a laptop.

These are pretty much the only pluses in favor of tablets. For the rest of it, they seriously lag behind even a half-decent laptop.

That said for serious work the only thing that will do is a proper desktop machine with a desktop OS with a massive monitor or two.

True and agreed 100%. I guess when I start earning more money, I can afford to throw $500 on a toy to scroll Facebook or play Angry Birds while sitting on the crapper, because a laptop is too "heavy". :D

20th June 2012, 18:19
I see alot of people moaning about the price of Apple products in comparison to Android, and Windows equivilents but when there is an established desirable brand, they can control it in anyway they wish. I would like to go to Tesco in a Ferrari and do my weekly shop, but do I whinge Ferrari don't produce a reasonable priced family car? No, because they don't need to in their particular chosen market and Apple don't need to produce products that are affordable by all. There are plenty of alternatives depending on affordability, personal preference etc and Apple fall into a catagory where a certain type of person will buy their products. Its not really for anybody to judge because as an individual you will buy what you want.

That's a wrong comparison IMO.

Ferrari make very well engineered performance cars, which are at least on par if not better than its competitors like Lamborghini, Mclaren etc. And they charge a premium partly because it's an established marquee, has rich racing history, the cars look good and have the performance to boot.

Apple makes overpriced, under-performing products by making them pretty and selling it to gullible customers with flashy TV and print ads and by having futuristic looking showrooms (Ooh, everything is white, don't bring dirt in). Its main competitors don't get the same love when they put much better performing hardware on the table at lesser or around the same price. They are deemed cheap because they don't have the bitten apple logo on them.

Case in point Galaxy S2 vs iPhone 4S. Galaxy S2 has a faster processor, double the RAM, extendable memory, bigger screen and the same quality camera, which BTW was also judged smartphone of the year 2011 by majority of the reviewers. And it's CHEAPER than the iPhone. Apple fanboys still don't mind paying the extra $150. Why? Just because of the brand name or iOS?

Android 2.3 and 4.0 are as good, if not better, than the iOS 5 at least in my opinion, and give you limitless freedom on customization, whereas iOS is pretty much what it is out of the box. But no Apple, please shut up and take my money.

Nobody is disputing that. My desktop at work is faster than my laptop, why do I need the laptop in that case? I could put the desktop on a trolley, hook it up to a car battery and get connectivity through a 3G connection and laugh in the faces of people using laptops could I not with my super fast personal computer. Seriously dude, don't worry about the 'fools' wasting their money on tablets :p

No offense Henners, but you would look quite stupid lugging around a desktop PC on a trolley. :p

Again, wrong comparison. There's a huge weight difference between a desktop PC and a laptop, at least around 20 kilos. Is there such a huge weight difference between a laptop and a tablet? NO. Maybe maximum 1.5 kilos.

I don't wanna get into how much more you get with buying a laptop again. But until current tablets can do some serious multitasking and help me do my work, my opinion on these expensive "toys" remain the same. ;)

Having said that, hey, if I was bicycling to camp in a forest every weekend and wanted to play Bejeweled for 5 hours or check my Facebook (but how would I? There's no internet in the forest), then I definitely won't mind throwing away $500 on a brand spanking new tablet. :)

20th June 2012, 18:39
But then what more do they do?

Social Media[/*:m:3vhei2kb]
Magazines / newspapers[/*:m:3vhei2kb]
Instant messaging / online phone calls[/*:m:3vhei2kb]
Alarm clock[/*:m:3vhei2kb]
Word processing[/*:m:3vhei2kb]
PDF viewing[/*:m:3vhei2kb]
Financial management[/*:m:3vhei2kb]
Musical instruments / composing[/*:m:3vhei2kb]
Drawing / painting[/*:m:3vhei2kb]

20th June 2012, 20:21
That's a wrong comparison IMO.

Ferrari make very well engineered performance cars, which are at least on par if not better than its competitors like Lamborghini, Mclaren etc. And they charge a premium partly because it's an established marquee, has rich racing history, the cars look good and have the performance to boot.

Apple makes overpriced, under-performing products by making them pretty and selling it to gullible customers with flashy TV and print ads and by having futuristic looking showrooms (Ooh, everything is white, don't bring dirt in). Its main competitors don't get the same love when they put much better performing hardware on the table at lesser or around the same price. They are deemed cheap because they don't have the bitten apple logo on them.

That's a rather broad (I would say, largely inaccurate) generalization in regard to Apple's market success. It over-simplifies and dismisses far too many of the underlying reasons for that success.

But... in the same way that Apple products are "overpriced", so are those from Ferrari, McLaren, etc. Ferrari is an established marque, and so is Apple. In fact, the Apple brand ranked higher than Ferrari in a global brand survey a couple of years ago. Other highly placed brands in the survey were Louis Vuitton, Hermes and Gucci. Ferrari has a rich racing history and Apple has a rich computing history. And like Apple, Ferrari charges a generous premium (around 15%, which is pretty well unheard of in automotive)... and they get it because the demand is there - same with Apple. And let's be honest, though I wouldn't mind having a Ferrari 458, for the $220K they charge, I could buy three nicely optioned Corvette Z06's. And the Ferrari isn't 3x the car that the Corvette is. It isn't 3x as fast (top speed), 3x as quick on a road course, isn't 3x the quality and doesn't stop in 1/3 the distance. Now, I could probably pick up 3x as many siliconed, botoxed, mini-skirted, 20-something mall rats with the Ferrari. But I don't see that as a compelling enough reason to buy into that club. Just like with some Apple products and the Apple logo, with Ferrari you pay a premium for the prancing horse logo. And like Ferrari, Apple products tend to hold their value much better than most competing brands.

In looking hard and close at various computers last year, what I found with Apple was that their machines had very high quality and performance rankings from objective sources ( ;) ), were extremely well engineered and were quite versatile and easy to set-up and use. The customer service was also top ranked. As I've mentioned here previously, I'll happily spend a weekend working on a car. But I have no desire to tinker with a computer for more than about 20 minutes. And what I found with more than a few other computer brands was good spec sheets but a cobbled together, cheap feel, when it came to materials, design and assembly. Mind you, that wasn't across the board for all other brands, but I saw it enough that I elected not to take a chance. So Apple's current popularity within the enterprise suggest that it is more than just Apple fanbois buying these things. For the past two quarters or so, Apple computers have been the only personal computers to show meaningful sales growth. And many have been PC converts (like myself).

But as has been said here in relation to various tablets, people have to review the data and make whatever decision they feel is appropriate for them. The only person who truly knows your needs is you.

20th June 2012, 20:48
Social Media[/*:m:308760lf]
Magazines / newspapers[/*:m:308760lf]
Instant messaging / online phone calls[/*:m:308760lf]
Alarm clock[/*:m:308760lf]
Word processing[/*:m:308760lf]
PDF viewing[/*:m:308760lf]
Financial management[/*:m:308760lf]
Musical instruments / composing[/*:m:308760lf]
Drawing / painting[/*:m:308760lf]

That question was clearly a joke, and hence the :D smiley before that. ;) But let's compare these things against a laptop or a smartphone in the same price range:

1. Social Media - Can be done better on a smartphone that fits in your pocket. Can be done MUCH better on a laptop while you enjoy multitasking.

2. Magazines / newspapers - Good point and a plus in favor of the tablet.

3. Instant messaging / online phone calls - Much better on a smartphone that fits in your pocket. Very impractical and inconvenient to make calls from a tablet for daily use.

4. Email - MUCH better with a smartphone, better portability, fits in your pocket.

5. Books - Cornea bursting bright screen makes it impossible to read for long hours. Kindle or an actual book much better and cheaper.

6. Music - Better with a smartphone. Fits in your pocket, has awesome sound quality these days, and offers the same storage capacity.

7. Films - Much better on a laptop. Good luck trying to fit all you wanna watch on an entry level iPad with 16 GB storage.

8. Podcasts - Smartphones, a 10 year old iPod much better options.

9. TV - I guess I can see the use of that.

10. Alarm clock - Pfft! A Motorola brick can set alarms.

11. Radio - Yeah, sure, I wanna listen to radio. *See Music

12. Photography - Yep, it's a pigeon eating a drunk guy's puke. Let me whip out my 10 inch iPad to take a picture. *See Music.

13. Word processing - Crappy apps. Will take thrice the time whether you're typing or editing a word document. MUCH better on a laptop.

14. Spreadsheets - *See above

15. Presentations - If your laptop takes the same time to boot as an iPad, then you need a new laptop.

16. PDF viewing - $500 to view PDFs? No thanks.

17. Financial management - I guess if someone has $500 to throw on a tablet, they do need financial management. :p

18. Games - Are you kidding me? Same quality games that you can play on a Windows PC? Nope.

19. Musical instruments / composing - I doubt any serious musician composes using a tablet.

20. Drawing / painting - That is one thing that is a plus in favor of a tablet.

You're welcome. :)

20th June 2012, 21:13
I find that statement rather insulting. My wife is a very good graphic designer (head of Marketing now for one of Europes leading medical firms) and is very intelligent. She doesn't buy Apple products because she is gullible or stupid I can assure you. She prefers the hardware and software to anything else on the market and why is she wrong in her personal opinion simply because you think another option is better?

Chillax dude, it wasn't meant to be a personal attack, nor am I doubting your wife's talent, and if I have offended you or her somehow, I apologize. It was purely my opinion and you shouldn't take it too seriously. I guess I made the mistake of generalizing, as we all do, because the biggest crowd I have seen using Apple products have been googly-eyed teenagers who know squat about smartphones or tablets. They just don't wanna lose out in the game of one-upmanship in front of their colleagues. The other crowd that I have seen are rich kids with rich parents who don't have to worry about choosing their next phone carefully.

I have loads of friends who are programmers, professional web/graphic designers, video editors, and hardly any of them use Apple products or want to. Maybe the video editors have to, as they require Final Cut Pro on Mac. Some of the designers have to use Android phones and tablets, Windows phones and iPhones and iPads because their jobs require them to do so, as they design apps for them. Very few programmers I have seen using Apple products, or even Windows for that matter.

Apple don't force people to buy their products and it has nothing to do with being an 'Apple Fanboy'. Thats a childish generalisation to try and devalue the opinions of consumers with a different preference IMO. I'm not an 'Android fanboy' because I've owned a few Android devices, at least I hope I'm not considered as such. You seem to list things you like about Android which I entirely agree with, but you are not willing to accept people might have preferences with Apple products? You can customize your iPhone if you so wish and no its not straight out of the box as you suggest. You get blank screens to which you can fill with whatever apps you wish. You don't get battery draining widgets like you do on Android but thats a preference only for some.

Can you overclock or underclock your A5 processor or install an OS mod or replace the firmware on your phone like you can do with Android? Can you completely change the look and feel of every single aspect of your phone OS? No. Apple doesn't let you. It's like not even turning a single page of a book of what's possible.

Anyway, these things are not for the casual user, and I can understand that and respect that everyone will eventually buy what they want to. What I can't come to terms with is paying more for inferior hardware. That has always been my gripe with Apple products.

It was a ridiculous comparison I made there but that was the point. Theres a huge difference between a laptop and a tablet without weight even coming into it. I can see myself and others here are not going to convince you a tablet is very different to a laptop because after so many differences and explanations being pointed out, you are still determined to suggest you should be able to do your work and multitask on a tablet!! Ahh!! lol..... You'll be waiting a very long time for a tablet to completely replace a laptop because I doubt manufacturers are going to push away from the ethic of a tablet to suit a minority of people and it will merge into a market it doesn't need to IMO.

The paths of a tablet and a laptop will cross eventually. It is inevitable. While tablets provide a midway solution, they still have a long way to go. You can see the tide changing already. Apple had to yield and put a better processor and HD screen for the ridiculous price they were asking for the iPad. Why? Because people complained. New tablets are now supporting multitasking, USB and HDMI ports, because of the huge complaints, and also offering physical keyboard docking stations, hell, Microsoft launched the Surface with a physical keyboard solution already.

Would these changes have been made if people didn't complain? No.

20th June 2012, 21:30
That's a rather broad (I would say, largely inaccurate) generalization in regard to Apple's market success. It over-simplifies and dismisses far too many of the underlying reasons for that success.

But... in the same way that Apple products are "overpriced", so are those from Ferrari, McLaren, etc. Ferrari is an established marque, and so is Apple. In fact, the Apple brand ranked higher than Ferrari in a global brand survey a couple of years ago. Other highly placed brands in the survey were Louis Vuitton, Hermes and Gucci. Ferrari has a rich racing history and Apple has a rich computing history. And like Apple, Ferrari charges a generous premium (around 15%, which is pretty well unheard of in automotive)... and they get it because the demand is there - same with Apple. And let's be honest, though I wouldn't mind having a Ferrari 458, for the $220K they charge, I could buy three nicely optioned Corvette Z06's. And the Ferrari isn't 3x the car that the Corvette is. It isn't 3x as fast (top speed), 3x as quick on a road course, isn't 3x the quality and doesn't stop in 1/3 the distance. Now, I could probably pick up 3x as many siliconed, botoxed, mini-skirted, 20-something mall rats with the Ferrari. But I don't see that as a compelling enough reason to buy into that club. Just like with some Apple products and the Apple logo, with Ferrari you pay a premium for the prancing horse logo. And like Ferrari, Apple products tend to hold their value much better than most competing brands.

Again, I'm not saying Apple is completely useless or that their products are bad. Why Apple products are so grossly expensive is my gripe. Saying that the Galaxy S2 was a better phone than an iPhone was my opinion. Doesn't necessarily mean that it would be a better phone for everybody.

Ferrari might not be 3X the car Corvette is, but will it beat the Corvette in a drag race or run circles around it on a track? You betcha, and by a big margin too. So, you are getting "SOME" thing for that big premium that you pay.

Galaxy S2 beat iPhone 4S on all benchmark tests done by any respectable phone reviewing website, and Android was voted better than iOS and Windows Phone 7. The Galaxy S2 is also around $150 cheaper than the iPhone 4S. What am I getting in the iPhone for that extra $150? The bitten Apple sticker? I can buy that for $0.20. :D

In looking hard and close at various computers last year, what I found with Apple was that their machines had very high quality and performance rankings from objective sources ( ;) ), were extremely well engineered and were quite versatile and easy to set-up and use. The customer service was also top ranked. As I've mentioned here previously, I'll happily spend a weekend working on a car. But I have no desire to tinker with a computer for more than about 20 minutes. And what I found with more than a few other computer brands was good spec sheets but a cobbled together, cheap feel, when it came to materials, design and assembly. Mind you, that wasn't across the board for all other brands, but I saw it enough that I elected not to take a chance. So Apple's current popularity within the enterprise suggest that it is more than just Apple fanbois buying these things. For the past two quarters or so, Apple computers have been the only personal computers to show meaningful sales growth. And many have been PC converts (like myself).

But as has been said here in relation to various tablets, people have to review the data and make whatever decision they feel is appropriate for them. The only person who truly knows your needs is you.

Are Apple products easier to set up and use for the majority of the people? Yes. Are they stylish? Maybe.

Do they deserve the extra money? NO.

20th June 2012, 21:37
Can you overclock or underclock your A5 processor or install an OS mod or replace the firmware on your phone like you can do with Android? Can you completely change the look and feel of every single aspect of your phone OS? No. Apple doesn't let you. It's like not even turning a single page of a book of what's possible.

I've used Android for several years now. I didn't like Apple's business model with the iPhone so I went for the Desire then the Sensation S.

My next phone will be an iPhone even though I still do not like Apple's business model. Why? Because despite having bought a top of the line Android handset less than a year ago it cannot handle ice cream sandwich without serious lagging and frequent crashes which have persisted despite a system reset and a cleanup of non-essential apps and files. I don't want to think about how less well equipped phones handle ice cream sandwich, and I note that some companies like Sony are refusing to allow the ICS upgrade on their phones for exactly this reason. Unfortunately for Google my experience with their new OS is so poor they've lost a customer. I'd have been happier without it or with a less ambitious but usable reliable upgrade.

This kind of nonsense is exactly why I use Apple computers. I don't give a damn whether my phone or PC is the latest and best. I just want reliability and I don't want to waste time tinkering with them to get them working. Nor do I want to customise anything and everything about my phone or computer, I am no longer a teenager nor am I a geek. As an ignorant gullible punter I'm glad to sacrifice the freedom to over clock blah blah for reliability thanks.

I bought my wife her first Mac last week, I had reservations as to whether she'd like it. A couple of days ago she said something that summarised the Apple experience to me. She said that she doesn't think about the Mac at all, she just thinks about what she wants to get done on it. Isn't that what most normal people really want their computers to be like?

20th June 2012, 21:43
Your friends in IT/programmers would not use Apple products and I'm not surprised at that to be honest. I can assure you in the Graphic Design industry at the moment everything is shifting back to Mac, at least it is in the UK and US from what I have experienced. Most of the jobs I see lately are Mac based whereas a few years ago it was going the opposite way. Product Design is still primarily PC orientated as programmes like SolidWorks, SolidCAM and AutoCAD don't run on Mac and these companies don't need to invest to convert to such systems. There are departments within my company which solely use Mac's however.

Likewise in my field within medicine just about everyone I know has switched to a Mac due to a particular type of software being available for free which costs literally thousands for a licence on the PC.

20th June 2012, 22:02
All of the above are IMO much much better on a tablet in comparison to a smart phone.

Please explain how is instant messaging, email, music, podcasts etc. better, convenient and practical on a 10 inch iPad versus let's say a 4.8 inch Galaxy S3?

Also, very intrigued to know which iOS games are better than PC games?

Its very clear you have very little use of any of the above on a tablet because I don't believe for a second you would have made some of the comments with experience I'm afraid.

Nice assumption there henners. I could also assume that you have never once used a top of the line laptop the way you go ga-ga over tablets.

The books one made me laugh with your explanation of a cornea bursting bright screen lol. You might want to do a bit of research and rethink that one.

No need. Had to use eye drops after I read three F1 Racing mags back to back on the new iPad with the retina raping screen.

If you can provide a link to all the apps currently in the App store that are available on PC I would be very grateful.

You must be kidding, right? First of all, over 70% of the apps for both iOS and Android are based off of Windows applications, for example

1. Internet browsers.
2. Email clients
3. Instant messengers
4. Currency calculators
5. Language translators
6. Google Maps (wow, what amazing invention by Apple)
7. Google Earth (I think I first saw it in 2005 when I still had Windows XP, back when not even the first iPhone was launched).
8. Cloud storage clients like Dropbox, FTP Clients.
9. GPS (let's thank Apple for that too!)
10. Windows 7 gadgets for news, RSS feeds, twitter feeds.
11. Dictionary apps.
12. Photoshop Express (the good for nothing ******* child of Adobe Photoshop for PC)
13. Adobe PDF reader (another iPhone exclusive! :eek: )
14. Oh and Adobe flash, which Apple for some reason took a hell of a long time with. Is it still properly optimized for the iOS? What do I know? I'm just talking crap from my imagination.
15. Radio
16. Instagram (Take a picture and throw a filter on it. Wow, how would it have been possible without Apple??)

Why did all these transition from Windows to iOS and Android? Because surprise, surprise, Windows was there first, and people wanna do things on their phones which they do on their computer. The rest of them are specific OS and phone based apps which wouldn't work on Windows and vice versa.

I'm showing this around work tomorrow as I discussed this on my lunch hour today with a few of my colleagues and this thread is developing some gems. :)

Happy to know I'm providing entertainment Henners. :) Although sounds like quite a sad place to work if this thread makes people at your work laugh. :(


20th June 2012, 22:21
I've just read the post on my phone and do you know what? I do have answers for all of the above but I've reached the stage where I don't care whether you listen to me or not lol. Plus you can't quote and modify easily on Android so that doesn't help. I've said everything I've wanted to for now, take it how you will, but goodnight and happily laptopping...

Sent from my HTC Incredible S using Tapatalk 2

You mean to say all those long ass replies weren't typed on your tablet?? :mad:


You can't quote or modify easily on iOS either, especially on that dinky 4S screen. :D

G'night from my side too. I think the discussion of Mac vs PC, Apple vs Sensible Products :p is eternal and will only go in circles. And while it's so much fun, unfortunately it's late and I have a crappy work schedule for the rest of the week. Enjoy your tablets. :)

20th June 2012, 22:38
I've used Android for several years now. I didn't like Apple's business model with the iPhone so I went for the Desire then the Sensation S.

My next phone will be an iPhone even though I still do not like Apple's business model. Why? Because despite having bought a top of the line Android handset less than a year ago it cannot handle ice cream sandwich without serious lagging and frequent crashes which have persisted despite a system reset and a cleanup of non-essential apps and files. I don't want to think about how less well equipped phones handle ice cream sandwich, and I note that some companies like Sony are refusing to allow the ICS upgrade on their phones for exactly this reason. Unfortunately for Google my experience with their new OS is so poor they've lost a customer. I'd have been happier without it or with a less ambitious but usable reliable upgrade.

Are you sure it wasn't a shady app? :p JK. My friend's Nexus with ICS 4.0 has been running smooth as silk ever since he bought it last year. My Galaxy S2 with the ICS 4.0 update with touchwhiz interface also has been running trouble free, not one freeze or hang up or lag of any kind. Maybe it has to do with your phone's hardware, incompatibility or probably Samsung's touchwhiz integration lends itself well to the Android OS and that's why it's a chief competitor to Apple.

This kind of nonsense is exactly why I use Apple computers. I don't give a damn whether my phone or PC is the latest and best. I just want reliability and I don't want to waste time tinkering with them to get them working. Nor do I want to customise anything and everything about my phone or computer, I am no longer a teenager nor am I a geek. As an ignorant gullible punter I'm glad to sacrifice the freedom to over clock blah blah for reliability thanks.

I bought my wife her first Mac last week, I had reservations as to whether she'd like it. A couple of days ago she said something that summarised the Apple experience to me. She said that she doesn't think about the Mac at all, she just thinks about what she wants to get done on it. Isn't that what most normal people really want their computers to be like?

So, Apple is pretty much a convenience brand. You pay extra so someone else makes sure your computer runs fine.

Yeah, not for me. I usually pay half the money for PC components compared to a Mac, do the assembling and tinkering myself, takes 2 hours max to install the OS and all the other applications I need.

The PC I'm using right now, my current Win 7 and antivirus installation was done in 2009, with regular updates and small, puny maintenance, it has been running error free now for 3 years with at least a 100 applications and 2 TB occupied. No blue screen errors, no lags, nothing. Same goes for a Dell Inspiron laptop purchased at the beginning of 2011.

It isn't rocket science. All it takes is a little research and trial and error, but I can understand when people don't wanna waste time with that kind of thing. Apple have identified this client base and have done a pretty good job of it so far.

I'll stick to the last line of my previous post, so G'night and have fun with your apple!

21st June 2012, 00:42
You guys really can talk a lot about the same topic. Just going in circles again and again and again.
Let's put it simple. I rarely, very rarely, saw anyone on this board change their mind about anything, so I think you lot are losing your time.

21st June 2012, 05:36
Are Apple products easier to set up and use for the majority of the people? Yes. Are they stylish? Maybe.

Do they deserve the extra money? NO.

There is a very large chunk of the market that doesn't agree with the statement about the extra money. And the market speaks volumes about the reality of the business world.

I switched jobs recently, and they provided me with a laptop. I would have gladly paid the price difference for an iPad, and may just purchase one out of pocket for work. I know quite a few people doing the same, and we all have good and capable phones. Can I type as fast on an iPad as I can on a laptop or desktop PC? No... certainly not. But for the average work related email or anything I'd consider doing on a laptop 99% of the time I could have it done quicker on the iPad. Push a button and go to the task at hand. No boot time, no recharges mid day, and much more portable.

Everyone has options, and if you like a laptop stick with a laptop. I'm sure it won't bother anyone here, and it certainly won't bother anyone at Apple.

21st June 2012, 08:48
Each device has different uses:

Smartphone: Out and about
Tablet: Sat on the sofa
Laptop: Sat at the kitchen table
Desktop: At work

Indeed not even Apple will try and tell you an iPad is good for everything, they want you to buy an iPhone, MacBook Pro and iMac too ;)

Dave B
21st June 2012, 11:45
I can't quote captainraiden but I can't believe we are STILL discussing the benefits of a laptop over a tablet!! Don't waste your time worrying about the differences and why they are justified. Life is far too short and who do you need to convince? You know what you want and that's all you need to worry about. Comparing the two types of devices on here is just a complete waste of line space because different devices appeal to different people, end of. I have both and use both for different applications. I certainly wouldn't use our iPad for typing up word documents, what's the point? LOL.

You can buy a bluetooth keyboard - full-size or miniature - for any table which supports USB, and get the best of both worlds. I have to say I played with an iPad the other day and was massively underwhelmed. I understand now why they say "sequence shortened" in the adverts: it's certainly not the slick UI I'd been expecting. My 18 month old phone was more responsive. Plus I still believe that once you get to that screen size it's inexcusable not to have a 16:9 widescreen ratio, otherwise about a third of the screen is wasted when viewing media content unless you zoom or distort the picture.

Dave B
21st June 2012, 12:28
I'm surprised your experience of the iPad consisted of it being slow or unresponsive compared to an older phone, not sure why that would be?
Not slow, just not quite as responsive as I'd been lead to believe it would be. It's still a damn impressive bit of kit, but it didn't wow me in the way I'd expected.

I've watched quite a few films on it so far with no issues concerning HD quality or screen size affecting my viewing, but again I can't see the positives for Sky having better sound than the BBC on another topic.. :p

:p indeed! When you watch widescreen media (ie almost everything produced in the last 6 years, and pretty much every film ever) on an iPad or similar you've got 3 choices: (a) put up with letterboxing, the black lines at the top and bottom which effectively waste nearly a third of the screen's capability; (b) crop the sides of the picture and lose about a quarter of the view; or (c) distort the ratio of the picture. None of these solutions is ideal, and to me personally it seems strange for Apple to produce a 4:3 device but make such a big deal about its media capabilities.

21st June 2012, 13:36
Daniel is watching :wave:

21st June 2012, 14:31
Daniel is watching :wave:

But not posting because he finds borlocks infuriating :p

21st June 2012, 14:46
Borlocks here only not in F1 or WRC :p :

21st June 2012, 15:23
...people wanna do things on their phones which they do on their computer. ...

They do? :cornfused:

21st June 2012, 15:24
Smartphone: Out and about
Tablet: Sat on the sofa
Laptop: Sat at the kitchen table
Desktop: At work



21st June 2012, 16:04
But not posting

That's where you're wrong :D

21st June 2012, 16:05
They do? :cornfused:

Yes, I often do worky type things, including maintaining this forum on my phone, which it isn't best suited for tbh

21st June 2012, 17:54
In the last 3 months I have only used my iPhone to post, edit and moderate this forum. So far it's been an easy job even with such a small screen :p : The only thing that irritates me is that I can't use quotes with Tapatalk :mad:

21st June 2012, 18:14
Other than e-mail, I can't think of a single worky type task that I can reasonably accomplish via a phone or tablet. Even using a laptop is less than ideal.
In the office my company laptop is docked with a full keyboard, mouse and two monitors :mark: .

race aficionado
21st June 2012, 18:48
In the last 3 months I have only used my iPhone to post, edit and moderate this forum. So far it's been an easy job even with such a small screen :p : The only thing that irritates me is that I can't use quotes with Tapatalk :mad:

Hola Pino.
Yes you can.
double click on the quote you want to quote and three options will appear:
Quote - Share - More.

Give it a try.

race aficionado
21st June 2012, 18:50
Don't double click - just once and voilá,
Commenting on a quote has been achieved via Tapatalk.

Sent from my iPhone

ejem . . . that didn't work . . . . :dozey:

it does give the option though . . . .

21st June 2012, 19:21
What henners said race amigo :)

race aficionado
21st June 2012, 20:15
What henners said race amigo :)

Looks like we can quote with the ForumRunner app.

21st June 2012, 20:23
Looks like we can quote with the ForumRunner app.

I know that but I still prefere Tapatalk :crazy: ;)

21st June 2012, 20:31
Again, I'm not saying Apple is completely useless or that their products are bad. Why Apple products are so grossly expensive is my gripe. Saying that the Galaxy S2 was a better phone than an iPhone was my opinion. Doesn't necessarily mean that it would be a better phone for everybody.

That, quite simply, is a function of the free market. Products (with an elastic demand) are sold for the highest possible price, until demand is affected. The purpose of a publicly traded corporation is to enhance shareholder value - and that's it. So if Samsung could sell their phones and other devices for more than they currently are, they'd do that. If they didn't, then they wouldn't be serving their shareholders, as they should. Their current price points reflect demand, not some desire to give consumers a break. Corporations are not that altruistic.

Ferrari might not be 3X the car Corvette is, but will it beat the Corvette in a drag race or run circles around it on a track? You betcha, and by a big margin too. So, you are getting "SOME" thing for that big premium that you pay.

Depending on which test you look at, the Ferrari 458 is marginally faster than the Corvette Z06 in the quarter mile (4-5 tenths in most tests) and about 4 mph faster in top speed. I haven't seen tests where both cars have run on the same road course, so I don't know which is faster there, but yes, I would assume the 458 is faster. But if one wants a true road burner for MUCH less money than the Ferrari 458 (has a higher top speed than the 458, is faster 0-60 and equals or bests it in stopping distance 60-0), he can buy a Corvette ZR1 for half the price of the Ferrari, still buy a Z06... and buy a very nice family car and still have enough left over for a nice dinner at Ruth's Chris steak house. So, here again, I don't find it so difficult to find cars that can easily equal or better the Ferrari 458 in performance... but they don't have that Ferrari badge (or price premium). You're paying for that prancing horse badge. It's a great car, but that badge carries a hefty premium once relative, objective performance parameters are considered. And if I was in the market and had a choice, I would take the Ferrari. Why? That badge, man. We all want that badge in our driveway.

But most high performance cars never see a race track or drag strip. People tend to buy them as fashion statements. And from my experience, that's especially true of Ferraris. At an autocross event several years ago, I saw a guy in a modified pickup truck beat the smiles off a host of Porsche, Ferrari and Corvette owners who were no where near his skill level - the car will get you to the track, but you still have to be able to drive it. And the very same holds true of computers, tablets and phones. Far too often in these threads, I see people posting as if the average user needs a super computer in his pocket, when I know that's not close to being true. Quality aside, most of the higher end phones and OS's are within a whisper of one another. Even the best one doesn't allow you to send texts or talk faster than another phone. People just "bench race" the stats, one to another.

Galaxy S2 beat iPhone 4S on all benchmark tests done by any respectable phone reviewing website, and Android was voted better than iOS and Windows Phone 7. The Galaxy S2 is also around $150 cheaper than the iPhone 4S. What am I getting in the iPhone for that extra $150? The bitten Apple sticker? I can buy that for $0.20. :D

And I can buy a Ferrari badge (made somewhere in southeast Asia) on Ebay for about $3. :D

But then again, I'm not arguing that the Samsung phones or Android, as an OS, aren't good choices for many people. If they weren't, then I assume that people wouldn't be buying them. I'm a great believer in the free market. Demand, not bench racing scores, determine the success or failure of most consumer products. I might go to a smartphone later this year. But currently I use an ancient (10 year old) Motorola flip phone. It does what I need it to do: make calls. But if I go to a smartphone, I'll likely have to exclude any Android offerings because I'm not convinced of the security on the platform. When it comes to tablets, two of the companies that I do work for do not allow Android devices on their networks - so buying an Android tablet would be a waste for me. The security concerns are enough to discourage me. But as most people probably use their smartphones and tablets to mainly post to Facebook and Twitter, watch YouTube vids, send text messages, check the weather or traffic or play Angry Birds, that might not be as much of a concern. If it works for them, then I think that's great. It's not my job to convince them otherwise, because of any personal biases that I might have.

Are Apple products easier to set up and use for the majority of the people? Yes. Are they stylish? Maybe.

Do they deserve the extra money? NO.

What I've found in life is that people tend to get what they deserve - for better or worse. In my opinion, Apple deserves whatever it can get, as does Ferrari, Gucci, Rolex or whomever. ;)