View Full Version : Sport hybrids you'd enjoy watching?

Hazell B
26th January 2010, 20:06
If you could make a cross between two sports and invent a far better sport hybrid, what would they be?

Mark in Oshawa said the other day that any woman who likes to blow things up gets his vote. A rugby player I was talking to recently was insulted by my comment that rugby's for girls and polo is a real mans game (thanks to danger, not glamour), and those two incidents got me wondering about what sort of new sport I'd like to watch and play.

Rugby on Horseback springs to mind.
Faster than humans running, more contact than polo, the chance of being trampled then tackled ..... well it's just perfect!
I'm almost at the stage of picking my four man squad if anyone fancies having a bash :D

Failing that, something that involves diving (which I love to watch) and bombs :p :

Mark in Oshawa
26th January 2010, 20:09
Hazell, you are a dangerous woman...

I would love to see personally is football (American/Canadian) played on a hockey rink...have a few major collisions on skates..that would be interesting...lol

Captain VXR
26th January 2010, 20:14
Nascar football would be interesting (European football, not the yank/canuck fake Rugby)
Motorsport decathlon?

Easy Drifter
27th January 2010, 02:28
Snowmobiles up a bobsled run.