View Full Version : The totally random questions thread

24th January 2010, 22:33
Evening all

I was getting my son to sleep tonight and a question popped up in my head, dunno why, maybe I need to get out more, but I thought maybe having a general thread people can ask questions on and maybe someone will know the answer!

So, my question was 'I wonder (roughly) how many people are still alive in the world who were born in the 19th Century (ie before year 1900)?

The way I have been recently there is probably a thread already along these lines. so apologies if there is...

24th January 2010, 22:42
Might be good fun for a thread. My guess would be somewhere near 75?

I didn't edit it, honest ;)

Langdale Forest
24th January 2010, 22:44
I think I will be making alot of posts in this thread! :D ;)

24th January 2010, 22:45
So, my question was 'I wonder (roughly) how many people are still alive in the world who were born in the 19th Century (ie before year 1900)?

A supercentenarian is someone who has reached the age of 110.

We have 75 Supercentenarians (73 Females: 2 Males) on our list

I'd say there'd be roughly 80 in the world, because surely there must be a few in some far flung place for which records do not exist.