View Full Version : Monte Carlo

23rd January 2010, 10:25
I've been glued to my tv over the last couple of days watching IRC Monte Carlo and wondered if it is planned to bring this rally back into the WRC. This is a classic event and should be part of the WRC. Not sure if the Monte officials want to be part of WRC anymore especially after another exciting IRC event but a rally with both WRC and IRC would be brilliant.

23rd January 2010, 11:38
Well, given that once again there were spectators shoveling snow on the road, I am not at all sure I'd want it back.

23rd January 2010, 13:22
Well, given that once again there were spectators shoveling snow on the road, I am not at all sure I'd want it back.

Yes I was annoyed at these idiots aswell but that sort of thing happens all over the world, whether it be rocks,logs,butter or snow so I don't think it should be excluded for that reason. Were the people that put snow on the road for Ogier French, if they were that was a serious own goal.

23rd January 2010, 13:39
Well, given that once again there were spectators shoveling snow on the road, I am not at all sure I'd want it back.

Agree, driver safety should be the most important thing to focus on, and in this monte has failed for many, many years, not only this snow but other things aswell.

Langdale Forest
23rd January 2010, 15:19
Putting snow onto the road is nothing new, so it should not be a reason that it cannot be in the WRC next year.

23rd January 2010, 16:14
Putting snow onto the road is nothing new, so it should not be a reason that it cannot be in the WRC next year.

Totally unacceptable. That's putting peoples life in danger. should be prosecuted. The rest of the crow should beat the out them and make them lick the road clean.

Langdale Forest
23rd January 2010, 16:16
It would be next to impossible to catch the people throwing the snow.

23rd January 2010, 16:38
To be fair the Monte has always been the same with snow and spectators.

23rd January 2010, 16:49
Yeah it's not like someone decides to import some snow to throw on the roads in Catalunya. That would be unexpected. Snow on the road on the Monte should be expected.

If the snow is on a braking zone with an overshoot meaning a sheer drop then yes that is completely unacceptable, but just throwing a bit of snow here and there isn't endangering lives. Dont understand why people get so worked up.

23rd January 2010, 17:18
Simmi - I get your point, but I still think it's wrong. I would have got seriosuly 'worked up' if Ogier had finished the rally without the alternator problem, closed very close to Mikko (say 20 secs) but lost because of the actions of spectators.
It's all well and good arguing that Ogier should have slowed down assuming danger, but the road didn't have snow on it until the idiots shoveled it onto the road. Thankfully (ironically) Ogier retired so that it wasn't those idiots who stopped him winning.

23rd January 2010, 17:24
To be fair the Monte has always been the same with snow and spectators.

Yeah, I really liked the part that followed after Turini. On the first pass it was nearly clean.. on the second pass it was like 10 cm of snow everywhere :-)
It has been as a part of monte always and experienced drivers slow down when they can see many people. It is so natural there like very slippery wooden bridges in Australia or water splashes in Argentina... it is just artificial version of hazards. And Ogier, he was clearly too fast for that corner. Next time he will be smarter. It has not happened often that Monte is won by pure and raw speed (when snow and ice are on the menu).

Langdale Forest
23rd January 2010, 17:31
Yeah it's not like someone decides to import some snow to throw on the roads in Catalunya. That would be unexpected. Snow on the road on the Monte should be expected.

In Catalunya in 2000, i'm sure there was some snow beside the track on some of the stages.

A spectator could have kicked some snow onto the road if he wanted to get the rally some bad press. :mad:

23rd January 2010, 17:31
This kind of activity, is not only very dangerous but when spectators try to manipulate a rallys outcome so does it not sound very fair either.
And what arguments can you use when trying to stop stone throwing and other simular in some other events, if you let this kind of stuff pass just like nothing had happen?

Langdale Forest
23rd January 2010, 17:36
Distruptive behavior from spectators happens all over the world, not just a Rallye Mante Carlo. A brick was thrown at Matthew Wilson in Mexico 2008, and the year before, a gate was closed infront of him.

Safari 1997 - A wall was built in front of Colin McRae

There was controvesy in 1996 - Stages were blocked in Greece and Argentina, causing drivers to take different routes.

Spectator behavior is nothing new. :mad:

23rd January 2010, 17:41
Spectator behavior is nothing new. :mad:

That still does not make such behaviour acceptable.

Langdale Forest
23rd January 2010, 17:51
I read in a thread a few years ago that spectators are not allowed to visit the main forest stages in Japan?

That is sad but that is the only way you can stop unruly spectators.

23rd January 2010, 17:54
I read in a thread a few years ago that spectators are not allowed to visit the main forest stages in Japan?

That is sad but that is the only way you can stop unruly spectators.
there is things called marchals, that are supposed to be at the stages too.

Langdale Forest
23rd January 2010, 17:57
But they cannot stop the worst things from happening, on the Gale Rigg stage of the Trackrod Rally in 2007, a digger with spikes on the front almost stabbed David Higgins' car!

23rd January 2010, 23:04
Well, given that once again there were spectators shoveling snow on the road, I am not at all sure I'd want it back.

Some people need to get a grip.......spectators have been putting snow on the road on the Monte for years its just now that the modern drivers are cry babies that all thats changed!!!!!!!!

serial jeff
23rd January 2010, 23:18
Some people need to get a grip

lol, good one :D

24th January 2010, 01:26
A brick was thrown at Matthew Wilson in Mexico 2008, and the year before, a gate was closed infront of him.

If I can remember correctly the driver in front of hem went wide in the left hand turn and hit that gate knocking it loose and it was swinging freely when Wilson got to it.

In Monte was this environmental terrorist protesting the rally or just people acting stupidly?

24th January 2010, 07:31
If I can remember correctly the driver in front of hem went wide in the left hand turn and hit that gate knocking it loose and it was swinging freely when Wilson got to it.

In Monte was this environmental terrorist protesting the rally or just people acting stupidly?

Yeah, they were climate warming "terrorists". They thought that clean (black) tarmac is warming faster than white snow and therefore decided to cover all the black stuff to avoid further warming .-P

24th January 2010, 07:50
Yeah, they were climate warming "terrorists". They thought that clean (black) tarmac is warming faster than white snow and therefore decided to cover all the black stuff to avoid further warming .-P

You can't be serious?

Protesters ruined Rally Australia last year, canceled a stage because of it

24th January 2010, 09:00
You can't be serious?

Protesters ruined Rally Australia last year, canceled a stage because of it

White stuff (snow) reflects almost all warmth coming from the sun whil black tarmac accumulates all warmth..

Of course I am joking. You know, when it is -32 degrees outside then such kind of jokes are easy to come :-)

Langdale Forest
24th January 2010, 09:03
You can't be serious?

Protesters ruined Rally Australia last year, canceled a stage because of it

Didn't enviromentalists cancell a stage in Greece in 2007?

24th January 2010, 09:56
it was the forestry commission

Langdale Forest
24th January 2010, 12:15
Why was that?

24th January 2010, 13:23
Why was that?

I think it was very dry and they were afraid of possible forest fire. Even in Estonia there are some very dry periods in summer when it is not allowed to go to the forest because of very dry conditions and risk of forest fire.

Langdale Forest
24th January 2010, 15:46
The rally would have been safe to go ahead unless Duval was entred! :rolleyes:

Langdale Forest
24th January 2010, 17:00
Yeah, they were climate warming "terrorists". They thought that clean (black) tarmac is warming faster than white snow and therefore decided to cover all the black stuff to avoid further warming .-P

When enviromentalist go to those levels to stop global warming, they are just there to cause problems.

24th January 2010, 17:01
When enviromentalist go to those levels to stop global warming, they are just there to cause problems.
Has your sarcasm detector broken?

Langdale Forest
24th January 2010, 17:03
Some enviromentalist are so obsessed and stupid, anything can happen.

24th January 2010, 17:05
Has your sarcasm detector broken?

no i think the damage is more permanent than that....

24th January 2010, 17:08
To return to the the thread - the most famous and prestigious Rally in the world needs to be in the Premier championship - WRC!!
While Eurosport gave it great coverage, it was still virtually ignored here in UK. Something needs to happen, would ISC/North One allow them to run Tues - Fri night? What about the LiveTV coverage?? The WRC/IRC really needs sorting out.

Langdale Forest
24th January 2010, 17:09

24th January 2010, 17:14
it was still virtually ignored here in UK.

if the material is available and there, dont you think you should blame your tv companies, instead of the sport.

24th January 2010, 17:26
Why was that?

i think that the forest of that area was considered a protected area and they thought that the animals would get scared with the noise and all....

Of course the next year the Athenian pigdogs burned the forest to build expensive houses....as it happens in every 3rd world country.

yay !!!!

Langdale Forest
24th January 2010, 17:27
Has that stage been lost for good now?

24th January 2010, 17:28
Some enviromentalist are so obsessed and stupid, anything can happen.
This has been happening on the Monte for years, it's nothing to do with environmentalism for petes sake!

Langdale Forest
24th January 2010, 17:29
I have said that it is nothing new, so you already realise that I do know!

24th January 2010, 17:33
if the material is available and there, dont you think you should blame your tv companies, instead of the sport.

I don't blame the sport - it shouldn't change for TV. I meant the majority of papers had very little in about the Monte in them, even one of the car magazines only mentioned Kubica retiring, and not who was winning. Saying that, even Le Mans gets little coverage nowadays - here in UK, Motorsport is F1!!

24th January 2010, 17:39
I don't blame the sport - it shouldn't change for TV. I meant the majority of papers had very little in about the Monte in them, even one of the car magazines only mentioned Kubica retiring, and not who was winning. Saying that, even Le Mans gets little coverage nowadays - here in UK, Motorsport is F1!!

Thats because you have competitive drivers in f1 and not in rally, this year here will be the opposite, less f1 and more rally than last year, because only 1 driver in f1 and he in a crap car, only normal i think.

24th January 2010, 17:47
A Mini team would do the sport a lot of good in the UK. It can't come soon enough. They then need to throw in Meeke and Wilks. Although I feel PSA should throw Meeke a bone, especially if he can win the IRC again this year. Factoring in his test work for Citroen, they should help him out.

Anyway I think it's safe to say we all wished we lived in Finland for its rally coverage.

Langdale Forest
24th January 2010, 17:48
How much rally coverage do they get in Finland?

24th January 2010, 17:51
they :eek:

24th January 2010, 17:54
a few hours from every wrc events, much is mtv3 material as well, also from our own championship and f-cup.

Buzz Lightyear
24th January 2010, 17:55
To return to the the thread - the most famous and prestigious Rally in the world needs to be in the Premier championship - WRC!!
While Eurosport gave it great coverage, it was still virtually ignored here in UK. Something needs to happen, would ISC/North One allow them to run Tues - Fri night? What about the LiveTV coverage?? The WRC/IRC really needs sorting out.

The Monte Carlo doesnt need to be in WRC.

Eurosport has set the bar way too high for WRC.

North One could not finance the coverage the Eurosport provided for Monte.

24th January 2010, 18:02
The Monte Carlo doesnt need to be in WRC.

Eurosport has set the bar way too high for WRC.

North One could not finance the coverage the Eurosport provided for Monte.

Neither can Eurosport, this year like last coverage was paid by Albert...

24th January 2010, 18:16
Neither can Eurosport, this year like last coverage was paid by Albert...
I'd be interested in seeing just how expensive this coverage is. WRC has had live eye in the sky coverage before and I really don't see how live incars are going to be that much more expensive considering that you can then show the sport LIVE rather than just having coverage in the evening.

24th January 2010, 18:19
I'd be interested in seeing just how expensive this coverage is. WRC has had live eye in the sky coverage before and I really don't see how live incars are going to be that much more expensive considering that you can then show the sport LIVE rather than just having coverage in the evening.

dont u have the incar special from wrc in uk?

24th January 2010, 18:26
I know for sure that they are now planning to do live stages, it would offcourse be cheaper to do parts of the stages incar, and the best spots with normal cam technic. actually the only way to do live stage is like this, or 100% incar.

24th January 2010, 19:10
I know for sure that they are now planning to do live stages, it would offcourse be cheaper to do parts of the stages incar, and the best spots with normal cam technic. actually the only way to do live stage is like this, or 100% incar.

They could just even revert to the old style live format of just running the last quarter of the stage live with lots of exterior cameras. That way all cars are given equal viewing. I've posted this before but I believe this is the benchmark for live coverage.


To start with maybe dont try to spread yourself so thin which Eurosport do with long stages. Just try a couple of shorter tests but do them properly.

24th January 2010, 19:14
They could just even revert to the old style live format of just running the last quarter of the stage live with lots of exterior cameras. That way all cars are given equal viewing. I've posted this before but I believe this is the benchmark for live coverage.


To start with maybe dont try to spread yourself so thin which Eurosport do with long stages. Just try a couple of shorter tests but do them properly.
Awesome :) loved the 206 in that livery :)

Helicam and incar or just pure out of car coverage, it doesn't matter! Live coverage is a must now.

24th January 2010, 19:16
They could just even revert to the old style live format of just running the last quarter of the stage live with lots of exterior cameras. That way all cars are given equal viewing. I've posted this before but I believe this is the benchmark for live coverage.


To start with maybe dont try to spread yourself so thin which Eurosport do with long stages. Just try a couple of shorter tests but do them properly.

that would be good, but im not sure whatkind of resourses they have, it takes many cams and people.

24th January 2010, 19:39
To return to the the thread - the most famous and prestigious Rally in the world needs to be in the Premier championship - WRC!!
While Eurosport gave it great coverage, it was still virtually ignored here in UK. Something needs to happen, would ISC/North One allow them to run Tues - Fri night? What about the LiveTV coverage?? The WRC/IRC really needs sorting out.

I would rather say that the "premier" championship needs to have the most prestigious rally, not the other way round.

As for the coverage, I don't think it would have been any better in the UK had it been in WRC, perhaps to opposite as in IRC the UK has a couple of front line drivers and not just Malcolm's boy.

As for it being broadcaster's fault that they do not show all the available WRC footage.. It should be the promoter's job to create enough interest around the series such that a broadcaster wants to show it

24th January 2010, 21:33
Didn't enviromentalists cancell a stage in Greece in 2007?

Yes they did and don't forget about the eco idiots throwing dangerously large rocks on a stage in Australia last year as well. Also ending in a canceled stage.

24th January 2010, 21:37
Yes they did and don't forget about the eco idiots throwing dangerously large rocks on a stage in Australia last year as well. Also ending in a canceled stage.
If people like this REALLY cared about the environment they'd put a plastic bag over their heads for a few minutes. After that they'd be carbon neutral :)

Langdale Forest
24th January 2010, 21:38
Most people who supposidly 'care' about the enviroment only talk about themselves as being 'green', to hide the 'not so green things' that they do. Such people pretend to be green so that they can annoy other people.

Throwing rocks into a stage is totally dangerous and I hope they got prosecuted. :mad:

Langdale Forest
24th January 2010, 21:41
If people like this REALLY cared about the environment they'd put a plastic bag over their heads for a few minutes. After that they'd be carbon neutral :)

I heard a rumor a few months ago that 48% of greenhouse gas emissions are caused by VOLCANOES, thats almost a half. It's not just down to people.

24th January 2010, 21:53
It is also a fact that cows produce more greenhouse gases than human activtiy too. Furthermore cows produce more harmful gases like methane. Man-made global warming or climate change is nonsense. NONSENSE I SAY.

We may be speeding up the problem, but it is always going to happen. There were ice ages and interglacial periods in the earth's history and this is no different. 10 years, 50 years, 200 years. Who cares? I want to enjoy life now and not slowly suffer until the inevitable happens.

Sorry - that was a bit off topic...

24th January 2010, 22:22
I heard a rumor a few months ago that 48% of greenhouse gas emissions are caused by VOLCANOES, thats almost a half. It's not just down to people.

Yeah, it is half true. I can confirm as one of the many IPCC authors that all climate models are continuously ignoring the most important greenhouse gas, which is water vapor. There is no need to further explanation about their trust level. But anyway. This topic belongs to another thread. Monte is the topic right now and AFAIK current promoter is taking big effort to bring Monte back to WRC. Everybody want the rally that pays most of its promoting+tv coverage bills on its own.

27th January 2010, 15:56
I heard a rumor a few months ago that 48% of greenhouse gas emissions are caused by VOLCANOES, thats almost a half. It's not just down to people.

Plus the fact that CO2 levels haven't risen no more than >1/1000 parts in the atmosphere since the industrial revolution began and knowing that the earth has been through at least three different ice ages so it has a natural heating and cooling cycle and we don't know why this is to begin with. So no one knows our impact. Good news is it looks like we should be going into a ten year cooling trend and Monte should have lots of snow and ice patches for the global warming people to throw onto the stages in protest of global warming! :)