View Full Version : IRL adds reverse gear to transmissions

6th January 2010, 22:02
I'm not sure why this wasn't done sooner, but I guess better late than never. The new gear is required for all cars on roads/streets, but will not be available for ovals.


Mark in Oshawa
7th January 2010, 06:25
I am perplexed. Why not the same transaxle/gearbox for both? Hoop, you know any reason for this??

Easy Drifter
7th January 2010, 06:35
I agree Mark. I also wonder how it will work with paddle shifters. Obviously there is a way.
My thought is anti stall (which F1 has) would make as much if not more sense.

7th January 2010, 15:03
I agree Mark. I also wonder how it will work with paddle shifters. Obviously there is a way.
My thought is anti stall (which F1 has) would make as much if not more sense.

Doesn't the anti stall software in F1 work because the clutch is controlled by a computer? I think Indycar would have to make a big step forward in the technology they allow for this to be possible. Not that I'm against it, but I don't think indycar will make that change.

7th January 2010, 16:04
I thought Jay Howard already had reverse. Every time he was on the track it seemed he was going backwards.

7th January 2010, 20:13
Danica will still manage to stall it and cause a full course yellow, while banging on the steering wheel.

10th January 2010, 08:29
I agree that adding reverse was long overdue. With a new chassis and motor 'supposedly' for the future it might be time to open up the debate for on-board starters as well.

I'm hoping that Howard can make a good showing in the few races he's scheduled to run in, not only for himself but also for SFR.

Mark in Oshawa
11th January 2010, 21:24
Danica will still manage to stall it and cause a full course yellow, while banging on the steering wheel.

We didn't see that image much last year tho....she may be figuring out that push the clutch thing in....

Easy Drifter
11th January 2010, 22:17
Well yes, after Michael told her the 3rd pedal was not a foot rest.
To be serious and fair, with all the drivers now being left foot brakers it is much harder to put the clutch in quickly.

11th January 2010, 22:51
Danica will still manage to stall it and cause a full course yellow, while banging on the steering wheel.

You forgot that she will blame somebody else.

Mark in Oshawa
12th January 2010, 01:48
Well yes, after Michael told her the 3rd pedal was not a foot rest.
To be serious and fair, with all the drivers now being left foot brakers it is much harder to put the clutch in quickly.

Funny...Jackie Stewart didn't left foot brake and neither did Alain Prost much......didn't make them slow. I think Left foot braking is great until you make a mistake and then you really are put behind by it...

13th January 2010, 04:06
They went into a little more detail on the transmission/engine changes at today's Indy driver's meeting. I like that they've dropped the fuel knob, and that the push to pass is roughly doubled in power:
