View Full Version : First picture of new USF1 2010 F1 car revealed?

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8th February 2010, 15:45
To my recollection, there was never a complete functional Falcon car. I don't recall it ever progressing beyond the rolling mock up used for the unveiling press conference. I never saw it equipped with an engine, transmission etc...,

I wouldn't underestimate the state of Indycar aerodynamics that long ago either. He was desiginging a car that operates normally at sustained speeds far higher than an F1 car ever acheives. He's also no stranger to F1.

8th February 2010, 16:03
Maybe they could just pick up this kit and be further along.... ;)


FWIW, there were a lot more people involved with the Falcon project than just Anderson. I think there was just a little too much Nascar influence/presence in that project at the time to select them as an IRL supplier in 03.

8th February 2010, 16:29

The 1st thing which comes in mind about this post is that "THEY ARE ENGINEERS with NO VALID DEGREE". :D :D :D

Khushbu Malik
Dodge Steering (http://www.carsteering.com/dodge_steering.htm)

Nick Brad
9th February 2010, 15:04
Ouch, it looks like that CAD man has something severely wrong with his leg. Shouldn't this kind of thing been available months ago?

9th February 2010, 16:34
One things for sure, Takuma Sato wont be at USF1, apparently he's signed a deal to go to Indycars with KV Racing

The article (Its in Portugese, i think)

http://esporte.ig.com.br/grandepremio/formulaindy/2010/02/06/de+volta+do+limbo+sato+disputa+temporada+2010+da+i ndy+pela+kv+9389465.html

Mia 01
10th February 2010, 16:43

Suddenly things went for the worse.

Is this why stefan GP is shipping his car to the first race?
Did they know?

10th February 2010, 17:13
Yes, so US F1 are done, sadly.

Dave B
10th February 2010, 17:17
Suddenly USF1's deadline has shifted back to Bahrain. Do they have a finished car yet, or anything approaching one? It could prove useful in a motor race.

10th February 2010, 17:30

Suddenly things went for the worse.

The little line at the bottom "not for regulatory purposes" leaves a little wiggle room

10th February 2010, 18:28
Suddenly USF1's deadline has shifted back to Bahrain. Do they have a finished car yet, or anything approaching one? It could prove useful in a motor race.

I did have a dream once where I raced round silverstone on foot making all the car noises! Perhaps USF1 think they'll be faster on foot than with horse power.

Mark in Oshawa
10th February 2010, 21:27
Something better hit the track soon...or someone will be visiting lawyers...this is a FARCE...

Dave B
10th February 2010, 21:31
I did have a dream once where I raced round silverstone on foot making all the car noises!
I've actually done that at Brands Hatch :erm:

Saint Devote
10th February 2010, 21:37
One things for sure, Takuma Sato wont be at USF1, apparently he's signed a deal to go to Indycars with KV Racing

The article (Its in Portugese, i think)

http://esporte.ig.com.br/grandepremio/formulaindy/2010/02/06/de+volta+do+limbo+sato+disputa+temporada+2010+da+i ndy+pela+kv+9389465.html

It may not be where he aimed for, but if the report is accurate I think that he will become one of the stars and likely the first Indy 500 winner from Japan.

I remember his F3 days and expected him to go far in F1. Perhaps Japan's Bourdais after all - and that ain't half bad really!

Saint Devote
10th February 2010, 21:47
Bernie is firmly in favor of Stefan F1 and the FIA have put the kabosh on the "3 race" nonsense [good].

Stefanovich has the money, has shown comittement by actually sending assets to Sakhir - which is all far more than USF1 have done.

USF1 are being terribly cagey which will always lead to negative speculation - Windsor ought to be asked to disclose exactly what is happening - open the factory for FIA inspection.

Then a decision taken to either disqualify them or not and so admit Stefan F1. Similarly with Campos.

This is F1 and the speculation is not a positive.

10th February 2010, 22:28
Today the Lopes Manager told to press that all depends on crash test. If they pass (15 February) they will be testing 20 if not there's no plan B (this reminds me there is no spoon).

11th February 2010, 03:29
Today the Lopes Manager told to press that all depends on crash test. If they pass (15 February) they will be testing 20 if not there's no plan B (this reminds me there is no spoon).

:p Testing what? The company car? Even if they fail the crash test they should still run the dam thing - what am I saying, they don't have anything anywhere near running.

Alfa Fan
11th February 2010, 04:12
The little line at the bottom "not for regulatory purposes" leaves a little wiggle room

Your obviously not familiar with FIA press releases. That's a standard clause that appears on every announcement on their site.

11th February 2010, 11:39
I've actually done that at Brands Hatch :erm:

:laugh: GP or Indy?

11th February 2010, 17:55
Your obviously not familiar with FIA press releases. That's a standard clause that appears on every announcement on their site.

I am indeed familiar - that's the point. Since when has the FIA saying something meant it won't happen? As has already been mentioned it could simply result in a slap on the wrist.

12th February 2010, 06:50
Buddy emailed me this:

"I just found this on a thread on Grassroots Motorsports. If there is any truth to this I am really disappointed BUT not surprised at all. I can't wait to see what happens in the next few weeks!


Re: USF1: Crash-Test Dummies, or just DUMMIES?

Postby MikaPup on Sun Feb 07, 2010 4:57 pm
Via Atlas, from the (now disgruntled) supposed employee. If true, it looks like Anderson can add one more unfinished project to his resume. And Windor? My guess is that he wouldn't want to return to Speed, even if they let him.

What an embarrassment.

CompositeKen wrote:It got hot in the kitchen for a while because of my posts, but the situation is now so chaotic and the lying taking place borders on complete fraud.

The car is easily 2 months away from being complete--and thats if they had the money and manpower to complete it and they gave decision making to the appropriate people.
Ken couldn't make payroll at the end of January and finally paid everyone 1/2 of what they were owed this past Monday, the 2nd half is promised this Monday--I'm not holding my breath. About 2/3rds of staff are showing up semi-regularly…who can blame them..there is little to work on.

Everything is hand to mouth -- all of the suppliers are on COD terms if they will supply at all. We haven't seen a Cosworth because they still owe 2.5M euros for them. We have no materials to turn into parts--but assumes that we'd have drawings to produce parts from Anderson Jr….another complete incompetent that barely got his High School diploma!

The boys in the carbon shop don't have the drawings or the tooling they need to produce the tub, let alone the entire car. The tub alone is weeks away from being able to send for FIA testing. At least they don't have to worry about making the suspension pieces--they are all going to be crafted from steel! No wheels, tires or brakes are in the shop, the transmission hasn't been seen either.

Poor Pechito…he shows up yesterday and there is no tub for him to sit in or to get a seat fitting in. He's told--"thats what happens when the money comes in late"

Like it's his fault…Peter and Ken are perhaps the worst managers F1 has ever seen. Peter and Ken convince themselves that they are brilliant businessmen, when they don't understand the basics of an org chart, chain of command, delegation of responsibility..not a single person knows their role, responsibility or job function and if they are--they aren't allowed to do it. The basics of management require that in order to make people accountable, they must have the authority and the financial ability to make decisions in their area of responsibility---Ken will have none of that!.

Ken makes every decision himself despite being surrounded by real F1 engineering, production and marketing & communications experts that would do a much better job if left to do it. When challenged on any decision or direction, your job is usually threatened or he leaves for Starbucks to avoid the confrontation. We were all told the team had 3 years funding and Ken professed he wanted to be, "the dumbest guy in the room", nothing could be further from the truth…the whole adventure has been built on one lie after another and tightly controlled by Ken and his flavor-of-the-day believers.

When he can't make payroll…he goes to Daytona to try and drum up money from unsuspecting gentleman racers who think they are "investing" in something…the dream has turned into a con job.

We think Bernie is on to them and Hurley must be at this point too. Any reasonable person could see how mis-managed the whole operation is.

Its all so sad--the opportunity lost, the dream investor scammed….. dream to nightmare due to extreme mismanagement and the egos of K & P.

If the cancer were removed, real management and investment installed-we could make a go of it--but not until Spain……at the earliest.

I can't wait to see what kind witch hunt transpires from this post! Screw them--getting the truth out will hopefully create some transparency to their scheme.

Others at the shop are talking too http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/ ... 28&page=12 "

Easy Drifter
12th February 2010, 08:51
That has been bouncing around several forums since the 7th. It is questionable if the poster really is an employee.
There has been silence from him since the 7th on the forum it was originally posted on.
Whatever, the silence from USF1 for the last while is disturbing. So is the lack of any pictures of anything like a complete car.
Supposedly the car or tub is going to the UK for final crash testing next week. Should it not pass the chance of making the race will be negligible as the test tub will be useless and any others need changing and crash testing.
It appears reality may have hit home.

12th February 2010, 08:53
deja vu

12th February 2010, 09:56
I know Peter Windsor worked at Williams. How was his reputation over there? I remember when he did the trackside reporting for Fox Sports his interactions with the drivers seemed kinda awkward compared to say, Jon Beekhuis at a CART event.

12th February 2010, 14:35
I know Peter Windsor worked at Williams. How was his reputation over there? I remember when he did the trackside reporting for Fox Sports his interactions with the drivers seemed kinda awkward compared to say, Jon Beekhuis at a CART event.

Here's an interesting story about what happened to him when he worked at Williams.......


13th February 2010, 14:52
Interesting read. I can't see this project working out. But I can see StefanGP possibly get themselves in.

16th February 2010, 01:04
The cracks are getting bigger, how much longer before it all comes tumbling down!?

16th February 2010, 04:25
The cracks are getting bigger, how much longer before it all comes tumbling down!?

I'd say about a year or two according to the Mayans. :p

16th February 2010, 04:41
As much as I hate to say it, it appears that the fat lady may have sung.




Easy Drifter
16th February 2010, 05:37
Much as I feel USF1 are up the brown creek without a paddle that means zilch.
The building is for sale but note it is leased until 2014.
As far as I know USF1 leased the premises so the purchaser just assumes the existing lease.
However I sure wouldn't purchase the bldg. counting on said tenant keeping up his rent payments right now!

16th February 2010, 05:55

Thanks for the heads up on that. I missed the note that the building is leased until 2014. You are correct this listing has no bearing on the status of the USF1 team. Sorry to have degraded the signal to noise ratio of this thread any further than it already was.


Saint Devote
16th February 2010, 11:22
I do wish USF1 well - Peter Windsor is one of the most knowledgeable commentators and it will be sad to see his dream of owning an F1 team end.

The rumours circulating must be known by the team - one would have thought the team would be anxious to quell such stories with solid evidence that there is at LEAST a car in existence.

16th February 2010, 12:24
2 ways to look at IMO, either they have a car, all the omeny they need, all the contracts signed and are happy with their progress and have no need to refute speculation, and will turn up and race


they have nothing to dispel the rumours and saying/showing nothing is better than adding fuel to the fire without having a finished project.

i hope the former, i fear the latter

16th February 2010, 17:54
Seriously, both Campos and USF1 need to stop lying about their development.

Both teams are stagnant and there hasn't been a trickle of news to the opposite. If they can't get to Bahrain, then let another team that is willing, and has the funds, to go ahead and accomplish their racing aspirations.

16th February 2010, 20:28
Seriously, both Campos and USF1 need to stop lying about their development.

Both teams are stagnant and there hasn't been a trickle of news to the opposite. If they can't get to Bahrain, then let another team that is willing, and has the funds, to go ahead and accomplish their racing aspirations.

And what PROOF do you have that they are lying? That's pretty libelous unless you have something to back it up.


16th February 2010, 20:36
And what PROOF do you have that they are lying? That's pretty libelous unless you have something to back it up.

GaryWhat proof do you have that they're going to be in Bahrain?

Where is USF1's magically designed car?
Where are their drivers?
Where is the equipment that should have already been shipped to the Gulf?

Stop kidding yourself.

17th February 2010, 02:02
Seriously, both Campos and USF1 need to stop lying about their development.

Both teams are stagnant and there hasn't been a trickle of news to the opposite. If they can't get to Bahrain, then let another team that is willing, and has the funds, to go ahead and accomplish their racing aspirations.

Well, Campos wasn't even designing their car, they were buying it. Dallara has a completed car design, but they sure aren't letting Campos have it at this point. I'm sure Dallara has the capacity to build a complete car in a week if need be if someone pays the bill.

17th February 2010, 02:37
it's not uncommon for a team to miss all the winter test and just show up to the first race. I think alot of people feel that becuse lotus and virgin are testing then usf1 should be too. I know testing is important i.e if the usf1 wing fails like virgin's did on the frist practise in Bahrain they probably have to withdraw from the event.

Saint Devote
17th February 2010, 03:28
it's not uncommon for a team to miss all the winter test and just show up to the first race. I think alot of people feel that becuse lotus and virgin are testing then usf1 should be too. I know testing is important i.e if the usf1 wing fails like virgin's did on the frist practise in Bahrain they probably have to withdraw from the event.

Its not uncommon?

I can't recall a team that under the regulations where they are required to participate in ALL grands prix has not tested at all before the season, never mind more than one team.

And given all the time they have had to prepare - it does not exactly shine a positive light on the teams.

Given all the unflattering chatter about USF1, I would think they would seek to clear the speculation that they are going to fail.

17th February 2010, 05:29
One of the most important Paper in Argentina and from near the city where pechito lives bring a bad new for all pechito and USF1 Fans the Team will not be in F1 this Year.

http://mundod.lavoz.com.ar/?q=content/se-cae-el-us-f1-y-%E2%80%9Cpechito%E2%80%9D-lopez-se-queda-sin-equipo-para-la-formula-uno-0http://translate.google.com.ar/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=es&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fmundod.lavoz.com.ar%2F%3Fq%3Dconten t%2Fse-cae-el-us-f1-y-%25E2%2580%259Cpechito%25E2%2580%259D-lopez-se-queda-sin-equipo-para-la-formula-uno-0&sl=es&tl=en

17th February 2010, 06:48
Seriously, both Campos and USF1 need to stop lying about their development.

Both teams are stagnant and there hasn't been a trickle of news to the opposite. If they can't get to Bahrain, then let another team that is willing, and has the funds, to go ahead and accomplish their racing aspirations.

I agree. IMO this may be a big test to see what kind of President Jean will be. He needs to intervene and give the place to Stefan GP.

17th February 2010, 07:09
Here's an article where Lopez talks calmly about possible teammates.


If USF1 hasn't been testing by March 1, then I'll believe they'll miss the season.

Easy Drifter
17th February 2010, 08:38
Motorsport.com is now reporting Brian Boner head of business development has bailed. Further that employees are getting upset about late pay. Not actually confirmed but not looking good.Also seems to back up what the questiionable inside leaks were saying though.

I am evil Homer
17th February 2010, 09:30
I think Campos needs to stump up the cash as the Dallara has passed crash tests, so it's merely a case of "show me the money". USF1 on the other hand started in a blaze of publicity and now deafening silence....

17th February 2010, 12:09
All of this negative speculation would be massively damaging to USF1 and their hunt for investors/sponsors. As such it would be important for them to prove that they are infact alright through press releases explaining the situation and some form of evidence that the car is progressing, photos for example.

The lack of any of this suggests that, quite simple, they're screwed.