View Full Version : Whatcha got planned for the holidays?

18th December 2009, 20:34
Me? Not much.
I've been working like a donkey recently. I work on Monday the 21st, then (hopefully) off until Jan. 4th.
Going to enjoy the time off with the family, skiing 'n such (lord knows we enough snow :rolleyes: ).

Whattabout y'all?

18th December 2009, 20:42
First of all, Merry Christmas to everyone!

You guys in Canadalanda may have enough snow, but I've been hoping for a strong storm to come by again because ours is melting. I have a brand new snowboard and have only taken it up to our local mountains once in unfavorable conditions.

I'll be hanging out with my family as well. I just came back from Mexico and visited my grandpa. Christmas should be fun because we'll all be at home and I'll have to share the cooking duties alongside my mom. Christmas tamales! Nothing better than coming home to that and a loving family.

18th December 2009, 21:00
Watching Football and being Lazy. Got the week between Xmas and New year off for the first time in 14 years

Brown, Jon Brow
18th December 2009, 23:13
Selling Turkeys :(

Apart from that I will be reading Nineteen Eighty-four after I got it from the university library because Rollo kept going on about it.

19th December 2009, 01:37
Roasting a Pig for the 24th then family get-together. Lazy on the 25th then back to work. No rest for the wicked

Easy Drifter
19th December 2009, 02:44
Hibernating and if I get energetic working on my racing novel.

19th December 2009, 22:44
I finish work at 2pm on Christmas Eve, have Christmas Day off and also the following Monday, then New Year's Day off, and that is it.

19th December 2009, 22:53
Roasting a Pig for the 24th then family get-together. Lazy on the 25th then back to work. No rest for the wicked

how come you roast a pig? isnt it turkey there?

20th December 2009, 11:17
Christmas with the family,meals out and BIG new years eve party at daughters ,with 48 guests at their house.THEN 5th january away with the caravan to Spain for 3 months to avoid the sh*t weather here in the UK

20th December 2009, 13:15
Christmas at the Girlfriends, New Years party at my place, Mexican themed :)

Will be plenty of Tequila I wreckon.

In between Xmas and NY working on a new gearbox, plus doing some changes to the workshop.


20th December 2009, 13:30
First of all Very Very Merry Christmas to everyone in Motorsport forums - and especally those who are not well or have to work during the holidays :(

Christmas eve is always at my Nonna's house - dont know the tradition behind it but we dont eat meat on Xmas eve so its lobster and Spagetti Marinara this year! As usual I have dessert making duties with a lemon cheesecake and cream puffs on the menu!

Christmas Day is over my Aunty's house with turkey and all the trimmings!

Boxing day is spending the day with my best mate (know each other since primary school) - who is back from interstate for a short while

20th December 2009, 16:53
Eating, videogames, books, movies, family, a short holiday in the mountain :)

Mark in Oshawa
21st December 2009, 06:01
Well, on the 25th it is off to my wife's cousin's for a traditional Christmas dinner. No drinking for me that day really...will behave. Then on Boxing Day ( the day after Christmas for all you non-Commonwealth nation folk) I will be hosting dinner for my folks and two of my wife's nieces, not to mention my mother-in-law. Again, turkey with all the trimmings, except I will be happy to drink lots of Guinness or other beer (may get something more appealing to my dad who doesn't like the Guinness), watch the Canadian National Jr. Team open their first game of the World Junior hockey tournement ( A Canadian staple over the holidays). That..and probably have the nieces playing on the Wii. I bought Dance Dance Revolution for the wife, who loves the game....

21st December 2009, 21:23
Dont forget to leave the cab heater on in the rig Mark,so when you go back to drive after the hols its warm for you!

22nd December 2009, 11:48
Holidays? Well we don't have those until the summer, do you mean Christmas?

Quite busy.
Christmas Day: My mother in laws house for Christmas lunch
Boxing Day: My grans house
27th Dec: Party for Karen's Birthday
28th Dec: Karens birthday.
29th Dec: Relax!

donKey jote
22nd December 2009, 13:16
not exactly planned, but the way it's going I might be spending the holidays stuck in some froggy airport :p : :s :dozey:


24th December 2009, 04:45
Seems I'll spend holiday this weekend for another closing party rehearsal and any related preparation for our next year program and my own new year resolution...
Hoping this one will be successful as my previous big dinner... :)

Well Merry Xmas to those who celebrate... and Happy new year, Wishing you the best of everything, a very happy and prosperous New Year...