View Full Version : let it snow!

17th December 2009, 22:21

17th December 2009, 22:59


17th December 2009, 23:11
Cold white stuff. :p

It's supposed to snow in the south east and London which means it will be all over the news. Heaven forbid that it should snow on the M25. Boring!!!!!

17th December 2009, 23:14
Blizzard conditions here in Kent!

17th December 2009, 23:27
I cannot post how angry I get with all the crap drivers out there that are completely and utterly USELESS at driving in "the snow".

Even when the roads are completely clear and fine and it should be business as usual, they do 30mph all the way along the road just because there is a wee drop of the white stuff on the verges and in the hills in the far distance :mad:

17th December 2009, 23:31
You guys are lying. It can't be snowing. Ever hear of global warming?

Easy Drifter
18th December 2009, 02:24
Tony: Tell that to the people in Minden, Ont. who got 140 cm in 24 hours. Minden gets quite a bit of snow but that was unreal.
It is also where the ice races are held in Ont. starting mid Jan. The fellow who builds the track each year uses a bulldozer. He is also an ice racer. Quite a few drivers store their cars in a gravel pit on his ptty.
He does not expect to get to the pit or doing the track for 2 weeks. The snow is so high, especially with drifting, he is using his dozer as a snowplow to get people's driveways cleared. There are many people who plow private homes and businesses in rural Ont. with 4 wheel drive pick ups but this is too much for them so construction equipment has to be used. Every farmer that has a blower on his tractor is working 15 to 18 hour days. Part of the problem is that is not good farming country.
Here we have about 2 feet and the main roads are clear. Side roads and most in town snow covered except for the main streets. Plowed but with hard pack snow.
Typical winter here.

Fred Basset
18th December 2009, 02:25
Yeah its snowing!


Fred Basset
18th December 2009, 02:29
Welcome to my world


Fred Basset
18th December 2009, 02:32
2 days ago.. theres 3 lanes there somewhere
http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs024.snc3/11136_221361648222_62095288222_4029833_2542817_n.j pg

18th December 2009, 03:15
Welcome to my world

Welcome to mine!!!


Fred Basset
18th December 2009, 03:23
i see a red x there

18th December 2009, 03:34
It's summer over here - I got home last night at 3 in the morning and it was 31 degrees in the house. At least the walk home wasn't cold!

Dave B
18th December 2009, 07:16
Some morons woke me up this morning driving at about 5mph but 6000rpm with their front wheels spinning wildly and the car snaking slowly up my road.

Didn't help that the council are trialling a new grit mixture and therefore "don't have the resources" to grit more than half the local main roads :rolleyes:

My car's under here somewhere:


18th December 2009, 08:43
BBC had over kill on the snow reports this morning. I ended up going to work early as I couldnt bear it anymore. Apparently there is no other news in the country or world worth reporting on because its snowing in the south east. :rolleyes:

Dave B
18th December 2009, 09:46
No other news? They keep banging on about the climate change conference as if anybody gives a toss right now! :p

18th December 2009, 10:02
It has been snowing up here, though not as heavily as down South, judging by Dave's photo. Still, plenty of wheel-spinning giffords crawling away from junctions in 1st gear.

18th December 2009, 10:36
SNOW DAY! No school run today. WOOP!

What I'd love to happen would be for it to belt down with snow at the climate conference so on the last day the collected world leaders can stand on the steps in 20cms of snow and declare their solution to global warming! ;) :p

18th December 2009, 10:41
Oh and on the subject of stupid drivers - I agree. Our road (small side street) is something of a short cut rounds these parts. Its also on a 1 in 3 hill, yet the number of muppets who instead of sticking to the main gritted roads have got stranded is unreal. One particular muppet in a rear drive automatic merc managed to spin into a garden wall a few houses up. IDIOT!

18th December 2009, 10:46
Nothing here in Liverpool (as ever!). It's not just the UK though, there's plenty on the continent apparently. My girlfriend is flying back from Paris tomorrow night and they've already started cancelling flights due to snow :(

18th December 2009, 11:08
Nothing here in Liverpool (as ever!)(

Apparently there was heavy snowall overnight but it was stolen before sunrise.

18th December 2009, 11:41
Apparently there was heavy snowall overnight but it was stolen before sunrise.


18th December 2009, 11:55
Here is still no snow. Only sunny, boring weather.

Weather forecasts were very wrong again and this in such a small country.

Fred Basset
18th December 2009, 12:12
It has been snowing up here, though not as heavily as down South, judging by Dave's photo. Still, plenty of wheel-spinning giffords crawling away from junctions in 1st gear.

and no snow plows in sight i'll bet. Every truck has a plow here and when it snows they just keep pushing it out the way. 4wheel drive SUV, thats the way to get through all the snow

18th December 2009, 13:08
We're getting some later today (Friday), so it'll be plenty tonight, and all day tomorrow. :)

Mark in Oshawa
18th December 2009, 14:01
Hardly any where I am. Drifter pointed out there is snow to the north of me. Thanks for the update Drifter, it is why I live here nice and cozy to Lake Ontario which protects me....in theory.

IT's winter...gotta love it because in Canada you cant avoid it. I will say this. If I lived in the UK, I just would pass on going into to work if the road was snow covered. Correction...if I lived in Scotland I would be ok. You Scot's tend to be more logical about this winter stuff, but the English or Welsh? Yikes....I would walk, although I suspect the sidewalks wouldn't be safe with all the dumb dumbs out there.

18th December 2009, 16:36
I certainly wouldn't mind a meter of snow,
i'm looking for to get on my skiis and do some workouts, it's too cold and dark for cycling in the evenings.

Brown, Jon Brow
18th December 2009, 17:47
You guys are lying. It can't be snowing. Ever hear of global warming?

Showing more lack of intellect here. Are you trying to suggest that the globe isn't warming when it is almost a given fact? Or are you one of those dumb people who think global warming means it will get warmer everyday? In fact many climatologists think global warming would cause the UK to get colder winter due to changes to the Gulf Stream.

We had the perfect amount of snow for sliding around on last night when I had one too many beers. Ended up on arse a few times too.

Had I driving scare earlier when I almost slid into the road when approaching a T-juction. Got an ABS overload.

18th December 2009, 17:51
Showing more lack of intellect here. Are you trying to suggest that the globe isn't warming when it is almost a given fact? Or are you one of those dumb people who think global warming means it will get warmer everyday? In fact many climatologists think global warming would cause the UK to get colder winter due to changes to the Gulf Stream.

Another "OPEN-MINDED" Liberal!!!!!!!!!

Brown, Jon Brow
18th December 2009, 18:08
Another "OPEN-MINDED" Liberal!!!!!!!!!

Incorrect again as I don't count myself as liberal or conservative. But if you think...............oh i'm not even going to bother. Words are wasted on some people.


18th December 2009, 23:34
Incorrect again as I don't count myself as liberal or conservative. But if you think...............oh i'm not even going to bother. Words are wasted on some people.


So typial of a Holier-than-Thou, Pretentious Liberal. Insult those who dare question their beliefs.

Funny how that map of the horrible melting Greenland icecap is only up to 2002 and only covers 10 years.

Actually it is scary that somebody who considered themselves smarter than those who disagree with him would think that 10 years of temperatures signifies a significant trend. A 7 year old trend at that.

Here is some more up to date data for you to get all "outraged".


So go and find some other insults to throw at me. It is comical.

18th December 2009, 23:56
Hey, chill (see what I did there ;) ). This is a thread about the simple childish delight in waking up and seeing a white out, there's a global warming thread for this....

Sonic (self appointed mod) :p

19th December 2009, 00:36
Hey, chill (see what I did there ;) ). This is a thread about the simple childish delight in waking up and seeing a white out, there's a global warming thread for this....

Sonic (self appointed mod) :p
You are right. We shouldn't be arguing while my northern brothers are suffering.

As a show of solidarity I will refrain from using an umbrella in my Daiquiri this weekend at the beach.

Actually we are in for a chill down here. Temps to drop to the mid-50's overnight this weekend. My thin Caribbean blood could barely handle it.

Easy Drifter
19th December 2009, 01:56
Poor Baby!
We used to race/test at West Palm Beach (Moroso) in late Feb./early March.
The Floridians would be wearing ski jackets, toques and gloves and complaining about the cold. High 50's/low 60's.
Having just arrived from 10 to 20 below 0F. we would be in just tee shirts and shorts. :D

19th December 2009, 02:58
Poor Baby!
We used to race/test at West Palm Beach (Moroso) in late Feb./early March.
The Floridians would be wearing ski jackets, toques and gloves and complaining about the cold. High 50's/low 60's.
Having just arrived from 10 to 20 below 0F. we would be in just tee shirts and shorts. :D

Yea, Life is a bitch when in Paradise.
We use to make fun of you Snowbirds when you all showed up at Moroso for the same reason. We were freezing(and rightly so) and you guys thought you were in Margaritaville.

What years did you go to Moroso?

Easy Drifter
19th December 2009, 04:04
Through most of the 70's.
One year there was this guy with striking blue eyes in a Datsun 510. Initials PLN on roof.
Some years we just tested and didn't race. 75 was one of those when my shoe tested the B29 Chevron. We had tentativly ordered one when at the factory in Jan. but wanted to try it. The late Jim Crawford did most of the testing and hit a large rattler on the back straight. The car won but Jim was a little shook up. Splitter sort of cut the snake up. :eek:

19th December 2009, 04:47
Through most of the 70's.
One year there was this guy with striking blue eyes in a Datsun 510. Initials PLN on roof.
Some years we just tested and didn't race. 75 was one of those when my shoe tested the B29 Chevron. We had tentativly ordered one when at the factory in Jan. but wanted to try it. The late Jim Crawford did most of the testing and hit a large rattler on the back straight. The car won but Jim was a little shook up. Splitter sort of cut the snake up. :eek:

At least you didn't hit a Sandhill Crane. I saw one car nail one. Went straight through the windshield and messed up the cockpit and left a bloody mess.

Luckily nobody has hit a wild boar.......yet. I worked there for a year and a couple of times we would wait for a quiet night and pick one off.......great BBQ

Easy Drifter
19th December 2009, 05:02
If we were racing as well as testing we had a Winnie there. Weren't many quiet nights with Pratt & Whitney testing jet engines.
Used to be armed skin divers (knives)) at end of back straight and I think one other corner because of fear of gators and chances of cars in the water. Actually more likely to cut seat belts.

Mark in Oshawa
19th December 2009, 05:40
Ah yes, Canada. Isn't that the country with 10 months of winter and 2 months of bad sledding?

I was lucky to get a flight back home from Utah today before the weather got us here on the east coast. It's snowing as I type this and the forecast is for (depending on which station you believe) anywhere from 10 inches to 2 feet of snow by tomorrow night. Spoke with a relative in Richmond, VA a little while ago and they already have 7 inches there.

We have had one snow so far, maybe 3 inches of wet snow..which froze up with a hard freeze a day or so later.

Where I am we don't get a huge amount. The area along the north shore of Lake Ontario doesn't get lake effect and major storms go north or south often.

I have had about 5 Green Christmas's in the last 10 years. That said, it never really has been warm on Christmas, but I do remember Christmas 1994 I was walking around with a windbreaker in 10 C (in the 50's) conditions. Next day, got 13 inches...lol..

We don't have long long winters in Southern Ontario really, but we do like to whine about them...

Easy Drifter
19th December 2009, 09:43
I remember one trip to West Palm when I95 was down to a crawl around Washington. There had been 2 or 3 inches of snow and they were 'plowing' the Interstate with a front end loader! After a short run, stopped, turned 90 degrees and dropped load over guardrail. Backed up and repeated process.
Up here we usually get snow in mid Nov. but it doesn't stay until mid/late Dec. Last snow that stays normally early April. This year early Dec.
Worst year was early Nov. till early May in mid 90's. There was still snow in the bush until first week in June.

19th December 2009, 14:04
If we were racing as well as testing we had a Winnie there. Weren't many quiet nights with Pratt & Whitney testing jet engines.
Used to be armed skin divers (knives)) at end of back straight and I think one other corner because of fear of gators and chances of cars in the water. Actually more likely to cut seat belts.

That was way back in the day. later they added berms and barriers to keep the cars from entering the canals and yes the knives were for belts not the Gators.

We had one gator that loved to eat French Fries.

19th December 2009, 17:40
That was way back in the day. later they added berms and barriers to keep the cars from entering the canals and yes the knives were for belts not the Gators.

We had one gator that loved to eat French Fries.

yea the 357's were for gators. The problem with gators is they have never seen a leg they don't like :p

19th December 2009, 18:03
15 to 22 inches for the Washington Metropolitan area before nightfall. Presently falling, looks nice. :)

Mark in Oshawa
20th December 2009, 07:43
Glad I am NOT out there to see it....

20th December 2009, 10:35
Finally snow here and it is still snowing. :)

20th December 2009, 11:07
Finally snow here and it is still snowing. :)
lucky duck!

tommorw its going to be 33 and then 35 (YUK! :( ) - but it will a georgeous 25 on Christmas Day but I would love one year were I spend christmas somewhere where its snowing!

Mark in Oshawa
20th December 2009, 18:22
lucky duck!

tommorw its going to be 33 and then 35 (YUK! :( ) - but it will a georgeous 25 on Christmas Day but I would love one year were I spend christmas somewhere where its snowing!

Lots of places up here will be white for Christmas. I would suggest buying a ticket for British Columbia and getting a villa in Whistler or maybe over to Banff in Alberta for a white christmas in the mountains.....

Brown, Jon Brow
21st December 2009, 10:21
Not quite the same amount on this side of the Atlantic but I woke up to 6inches this morning and it is still coming down. Not seen this much snow since I moved down from the hills.


21st December 2009, 10:25
I woke up to 6inches this morning


Brown, Jon Brow
21st December 2009, 10:32


Mark in Oshawa
21st December 2009, 17:04
Not quite the same amount on this side of the Atlantic but I woke up to 6inches this morning and it is still coming down. Not seen this much snow since I moved down from the hills.


More snow than I have seen in my part of Ontario so far this year. Go two hours north to where Easy Drifter lives tho, and that is about an hour and half's worth of snow...lol. He can keep it too....

At least in England, you can rely on the southern US's approach to snow removal. God left it for you, and he can take it back. It will melt in a week or so if not sooner....unlike Canada, where when winter comes, it is here for a prolonged stay often....

21st December 2009, 21:40
Snowman. :)

Make one today. :D

23rd December 2009, 08:28
Finally getting some proper amounts snow here, went skiing yesterday. Lovely white scenery, or it would have been if I had actually been conscious enough to notice. According to to my heart rate monitor out of 55 minutes of exercise, 45 minutes was over 150 bbm, mostly between 165 and 180. Might have to go again today. :D

23rd December 2009, 17:20
-25C this morning and only a couple of inches of snow. The dry, fluffy stuff.
Since my carbon footprint is too small, I removed the snow with a 2-stroke leaf blower instead of a shovel....does a great job and makes a lot of noise, too!
Beautiful crisp clear blue sky with fresh snow all around.
Looks serenely beautiful.

Mark in Oshawa
23rd December 2009, 17:24
-25C this morning and only a couple of inches of snow. The dry, fluffy stuff.
Since my carbon footprint is too small, I removed the snow with a 2-stroke leaf blower instead of a shovel....does a great job and makes a lot of noise, too!
Beautiful crisp clear blue sky with fresh snow all around.
Looks serenely beautiful.

You Bad Canadian.....it is all our fault there is global warming didn't you know? The rest of the world hasn't figured out we are tired of freezing to death 6 months of the year....

Brown, Jon Brow
23rd December 2009, 18:53
Why do people tailgate you when the roads are covered in snow!?!?!?! :mad:

Mark in Oshawa
23rd December 2009, 19:18
Why do people tailgate you when the roads are covered in snow!?!?!?! :mad:

That may be because they are stupid. Or Near sighted. Maybe bet on the former moreso than the latter.....

Easy Drifter
23rd December 2009, 22:38
Tailgating???? I am just trying to keep up with the Pace Car.
Actually why do people ever do it?

23rd December 2009, 22:39
We've just had a couple of inches of snow and I think we're going to get a load more. Meant to be driving down to London/Kent tomorrow morning but I have a nasty feeling that's not going to happen.

23rd December 2009, 22:42
Oh and I almost saw someone crash on my street into an idiot whos parked on the outside of the corner, glad we moved our cars to the inside of the corner!

Mark in Oshawa
24th December 2009, 13:48
Christmas Forecast for Toronto and the GTA (Greater Toronto Area)...RAIN. I am dreaming of a green Christmas apparently......

24th December 2009, 13:51
Daniel - most of the snow in Kent has now gone because of rain. All the roads are fine, but congested.

24th December 2009, 16:38
Yeah we got down fine. In London atm.

24th December 2009, 20:00
Not had much more here but the hills are still white, may head out tomorrow to take some photos but to be honest I think as usual I won't quite get around to it ;)

Do fancy going to try snowboarding on Monday, heading up into the highlands but maybe good just for a scenic drive and taking photos :)

29th December 2009, 21:22
What, what's this snow? Once again the weather in the west country is different to the rest of the country :p : All we get is the ice :(

Langdale Forest
31st December 2009, 21:56
Snowing again here.

Easy Drifter
1st January 2010, 00:54
Local Forecast:
Fri. Flurries, afternoon squalls high 0 low -6
Sat. Squalls high -7 low -13
Sun. Squalls high -10 low -18
Mon. flurries and squalls high -12 low -19
Tues Sunny breaks. Squalls high -6 low -10
Wed. Squalls high -4 low -7

Flurries mean 1 to 2 cm.
Squalls mean 3 cm to oh my god! Usually 5 to 30 cm but more possible.

I'm getting too old for this c--p.

Langdale Forest
1st January 2010, 08:49
It always snows in Canada.

6th February 2010, 17:09
been snowing since early friday, and still going. Up to 20+ inches and could go higher. :s

6th February 2010, 17:17
we got about half a foot of snow here in the Nashville area last week, heres the snowman we built at my house
