View Full Version : Iraq's Giant Oil Fields Go on Auction Block

14th December 2009, 09:05


Bush has won his war. He has achieved what had set out to achieve, to de-nationalize Iraq's oil reserves, to remove control of Iraq's oil from the Iraqi people, and steal Iraq's oil by privatizing it and giving it away to corporations who were behind the push for war against Saddam Hussein. Both the leader of Iraq, Nouri al-Maliki, and his oil minister, are Bush plants, puppets for the United States who represent the best interests of the U.S. and Britain over that of the Iraqi people who are being screwed. The irony of all of this is that these oil contracts are, by international law, simply illegal. Treaties and agreements were signed by most nations, including the United States and Britain, that strictly prohibit an occupying power, or agents of that occupying power, which are clearly the international oil companies, to negotiate any treaties or contracts with the nation that they are occupying, and that included SOFA, the Status of Forces Agreement, and these oil contracts. These oil contracts also guarantee that the U.S. will never remove their occupying forces from the country. Obama means to maintain a minimum force of approximately 50000 American troops in Iraq after 2011 in the guise of advisers to the Iraqi army and police force, and that number does not even include, most probably, at least an equal number of armed private contractors. Even if Obama were to remove all forces from Iraq, we will most probably maintain a large force on permanent alert along the border of Iraq, ready and willing to re-invade the country if the Iraqi government is taken over by anyone that we don't like, or doesn't like us, either by a coup or by legal elections. I contend that the great majority of the non-suicidal car bombings in Iraq are being perpetrated covertly by U.S. and/or British forces special op forces as a way to maintain disorder and fear in that country, to give the U.S. government, whoever the president is, an excuse to maintain a large occupying force in Iraq for as long as we want. Someone, outside of the Iraqi army and police force, has to protect the oil fields from sabotage as well as the oil workers themselves, as well as that illegal abortion of an American embassy that we built in Baghdad.

14th December 2009, 13:46
Let me get this straight.

Opening up the Oil Fields to competitive bids so 1000's of Iraqi's can be employed and revenues being added to their budget is bad?

Oil profits going directly into the back accounts of Saddam and his cronies and jobs parceled out as political favors is good?

What we have here is a sever case of Bush Derangement Syndrome.

14th December 2009, 18:21
Didn't I hear somewhere that Shell won the contract. I don't think Bush is Dutch.

14th December 2009, 18:53
Didn't I hear somewhere that Shell won the contract. I don't think Bush is Dutch.

Yeah i see where you are coming from, but this was the idea..for the west to get its hands on the oil.....No matter which company won the contracts.

14th December 2009, 19:26
Yeah i see where you are coming from, but this was the idea..for the west to get its hands on the oil.....No matter which company won the contracts.

So Bush started a war so a Dutch Company can make money?

Wow....Talk about a stretch.

14th December 2009, 20:10
Oil is the payoff, not the primary reason.

15th December 2009, 01:07
Yeah i see where you are coming from, but this was the idea..for the west to get its hands on the oil.....No matter which company won the contracts.

The Dutch are considered as part of the "west". If you really wanted to say that Bush and Blair did the war thing to keep the oil for themselves, they would have done so.

Mark in Oshawa
15th December 2009, 22:05
Yeah i see where you are coming from, but this was the idea..for the west to get its hands on the oil.....No matter which company won the contracts.

Steve, I read the article, expecting some left wing rant. I read tho that American firms are NOT even trying to get in there. So explain to me what would be in Bush to spend Billions to get Iraq to open up their oil fields to European companies? Your lack of logic is frightening...

Here is the point: Before Saddam was deposed HE kept it all and gave crumbs out to the people. NOW foreign companies come in, pay good wages for Iraqi's to work in the oil fields and pay the gov't of Iraq a fee for each and every barrel plus a fee to have the rights. I keep trying to see the dark side...I aint seeing it sorry.

What Iraq is doing is what the Saudi's did, what most nations who don't have the wherewithal to develop the oil fields themselves often do. Venezuela did that until Chavez got elected and decided he wanted it all. Don't see the people there living better now than they did 8 years ago. I guess no one wants to point THAT out?

What Iraq is doing is capitalism. last time I looked Steve, you lived in a society that is a capitalistic one with one of the highest standards of living anywhere. IT WORKS.

As per usual, the blame George Bush crowd is grasping at straws....

That man is GONE, HISTORY.....now we can have the blame Obama era....

15th December 2009, 22:12
Steve, I read the article, expecting some left wing rant. I read tho that American firms are NOT even trying to get in there. So explain to me what would be in Bush to spend Billions to get Iraq to open up their oil fields to European companies? Your lack of logic is frightening.

My lack of logic is frightening? Mark did i slam Bush or go off on any anti american rants? No, i simply posted a news article.....

Mark in Oshawa
15th December 2009, 22:15
My lack of logic is frightening? Mark did i slam Bush or go off on any anti american rants? No, i simply posted a news article.....

Your first post was saying how awful all of this was....
I read it...did you not post that or write it?

Mark in Oshawa
15th December 2009, 22:17
Yeah i see where you are coming from, but this was the idea..for the west to get its hands on the oil.....No matter which company won the contracts.

And while this quote is NOT an anti-Bush rant, it is making the assumption that a state run oil company is better? We had one around here....it was a joke...