View Full Version : Berlusconi is bloodied by attack

13th December 2009, 21:18
in my opinion the attacker should be immediately taken to the nearest town square and beat to death for all to watch - This would help to prevent such actions in the future!

13th December 2009, 23:01
Give the guy a medal

13th December 2009, 23:08
One report says that it was a pretty blonde girl with breast implants and a Swedish accent, swinging a golf club, that did this. Any truth to that? :D

13th December 2009, 23:10
Two polar opposites views if ever I saw them.

As corupt and unliked Berlusconi is getting hit in the face with a metal object isn't on.

Azumanga Davo
14th December 2009, 01:06
Two polar opposites views if ever I saw them.

As corupt and unliked Berlusconi is getting hit in the face with a metal object isn't on.

Plus one. Anyway, verbal bashing of politicians is more fun anyway. ;)

14th December 2009, 02:44
Give the guy a medal
Then you wonder why nobody takes you serious.

14th December 2009, 20:00
got to be the bravest activist/protester ever, the "family" won't take kindly to such actions

14th December 2009, 20:17
Could have happened to a nicer guy.

Garry Walker
15th December 2009, 15:49
Why oh why couldnt it have been the mouths of all left-wingers that were bloodied.

15th December 2009, 15:50
Why oh why couldnt it have been the mouths of all left-wingers that were bloodied.
Because there are no left wingers involved in as much corruption as Berlusconi.

Garry Walker
15th December 2009, 16:25
Because there are no left wingers involved in as much corruption as Berlusconi.


15th December 2009, 16:28
Come on Garry, let's be realistic though. The guy owns a huge sector of the media in the country. As much as people made jokes about GWB at least the media in the country was free to say what they wanted to about him. As crap a leader as GWB was he was never up on charges of corruption like Berlusconi.

15th December 2009, 18:46
Il Duce 2 looked so scary when they dragged him in to the car, really funny to watch.

15th December 2009, 22:09
Because there are no left wingers involved in as much corruption as Berlusconi.

There aren't?

What about Mugabe? Kim Il Jung? The Castro Brothers? Chavez? Correa? Papandreou? Putin? Your buddy Saddam?

15th December 2009, 22:14
There aren't?

What about Mugabe? Kim Il Jung? The Castro Brothers? Chavez? Correa? Papandreou? Putin? Your buddy Saddam?

I mean in the civilised world. Those people you mention are not left wingers, they're r soles.

Mark in Oshawa
15th December 2009, 22:21
Daniel, just because you don't agree with a politician who was elected in a democracy doesn't EVER justfy violence against him. ARen't you lefties all for freedom of speech? I keep hearing that, but apparnently bashing people you don't like is ok. Weird...I thought you were civilized.

15th December 2009, 22:32
Daniel, just because you don't agree with a politician who was elected in a democracy doesn't EVER justfy violence against him. ARen't you lefties all for freedom of speech? I keep hearing that, but apparnently bashing people you don't like is ok. Weird...I thought you were civilized.
What can I say? I like to be accomodating towards people of Berlusconi's calibre? I think he deserves special treatment. I wonder when the "Whack Silvio over the head with the model of a cathedral" flash game will be out?

15th December 2009, 22:46
There aren't?

What about Mugabe? Kim Il Jung? The Castro Brothers? Chavez? Correa? Papandreou? Putin? Your buddy Saddam?
As far as I know, Putin doesn't claim to be a left winger anymore. You right wingers have it easy, your heroes Bush, Berlusconi, Batista, Pinochet et al are openly looking after #1 so they can't go wrong. That's just what they're expected to do.

Mark in Oshawa
15th December 2009, 22:52
What can I say? I like to be accomodating towards people of Berlusconi's calibre? I think he deserves special treatment. I wonder when the "Whack Silvio over the head with the model of a cathedral" flash game will be out?

He is an elected official of a civilized nation. I aint asking you to like the guy, but I am asking you to accepting slapping, punching, shooting, beating or downright Ar$ekicking a politician in a democracy is wrong, whether it be that dork George Galloway or George W. Bush. With this mentality, it would be like saying a woman deserved to be raped because she was wearing a low cut top and short skirt. THAT sort of reasoning I would expect from Eki......not you...

16th December 2009, 02:56
As far as I know, Putin doesn't claim to be a left winger anymore. You right wingers have it easy, your heroes Bush, Berlusconi, Batista, Pinochet et al are openly looking after #1 so they can't go wrong. That's just what they're expected to do.

Putin is extreme Left wing and Batista was Left Wing as well.

Easy Drifter
16th December 2009, 03:44
I assume Eki, and Daniel. that if someone was to slam the President of Finland in the face with an iron bar that would be OK?

Mark in Oshawa
16th December 2009, 06:48
Putin is extreme Left wing and Batista was Left Wing as well.

Batista left wing? I thought Corrupt was its own wing? Didn't the mob have their hooks into him?

As for Putin, well he is a thug. I don't think he cares what you call his political philsophy just as long as you acknowledge his power and don't tell him he is wrong....but yes, he is from the left at least originally.

Mark in Oshawa
16th December 2009, 06:49
I assume Eki, and Daniel. that if someone was to slam the President of Finland in the face with an iron bar that would be OK?

Careful now, Eki may not like the President of Finland....

Remember, people who are attacked Eki doesn't agree with don't deserve human rights and decency. So when W allegedgly was a torturer that wasn't alright, but if the US gov't arrested W and waterboarded him, then Eki would be onside....

It is tough trying to keep up to all of this, but I have tried anyhow...

As for Daniel, well he just likes to bash ole Silvio.

16th December 2009, 07:19
Maybe there's something else that what we believe...

Watch this:

16th December 2009, 07:29
I assume Eki, and Daniel. that if someone was to slam the President of Finland in the face with an iron bar that would be OK?
In what post did I say beating up Berlusconi was OK?

Mark in Oshawa
16th December 2009, 07:31
Maybe there's something else that what we believe...

Watch this:

Chuck Norris wouldn't lay a beating on Silvio. He would just scare him into submission.

Mark in Oshawa
16th December 2009, 07:34
Could have happened to a nicer guy.

Eki, I will take this rare opportunity and defend you. You never said you approved. That said, I don't see you leading that vigorous condemnation of someone attacking a head of state of a civilized democracy with an iron bar, as the above quote shows. So we know YOU might not be hitting Berlousconi with the club....but you tacitly think it isn't a bad thing. See...if you just would come out and say, I hate the guy but this is wrong, I would really think you at least had some principle of morality towards politicians. Of course, pigs might fly too....

16th December 2009, 08:08
Putin is extreme Left wing and Batista was Left Wing as well.

And you are extremely insane.
Is there anybody in the world who isn't Left wing beside you and your terrorist buddy, or is he left wing too?

16th December 2009, 08:35
See...if you just would come out and say, I hate the guy but this is wrong,
That's basically what I meant. Hitting Berlusconi is wrong, but I won't shed any tears for it.

16th December 2009, 08:55
Careful now, Eki may not like the President of Finland....

Remember, people who are attacked Eki doesn't agree with don't deserve human rights and decency. So when W allegedgly was a torturer that wasn't alright, but if the US gov't arrested W and waterboarded him, then Eki would be onside....

It is tough trying to keep up to all of this, but I have tried anyhow...

As for Daniel, well he just likes to bash ole Silvio.
You have gotten me all wrong. Waterboarding W would seem like divine justice, but it would be just as wrong as hanging Saddam.

16th December 2009, 09:23
Batista left wing? I thought Corrupt was its own wing? Didn't the mob have their hooks into him?

As for Putin, well he is a thug. I don't think he cares what you call his political philsophy just as long as you acknowledge his power and don't tell him he is wrong....but yes, he is from the left at least originally.

I think that attempting to pigeonhole someone as either left wing or right wing is just plain silly these days. One could argue that Stalin and Hitler were at opposite ends of the political spectrum but they sure had a lot of common "interestests" which ranged from violent elimination of the opposition, ethnic cleansing and grabbing land which was never theirs.

All evil ****ard rulers are cut from the same cloth tbh, it just depends what their aims are and whether their country has the means to fulfil the madman's desires.

16th December 2009, 09:39
I think that attempting to pigeonhole someone as either left wing or right wing is just plain silly these days. One could argue that Stalin and Hitler were at opposite ends of the political spectrum but they sure had a lot of common "interestests" which ranged from violent elimination of the opposition, ethnic cleansing and grabbing land which was never theirs.

True, this left wing/right wing stuff seems to be reserved for North American posters these days, nobody else really cares about that. It's more about Green/not Green these days in reality.

Rudy Tamasz
16th December 2009, 10:56
True, this left wing/right wing stuff seems to be reserved for North American posters these days, nobody else really cares about that. It's more about Green/not Green these days in reality.

What's the opposite of Green, I wonder?

16th December 2009, 12:16
What's the opposite of Green, I wonder?
Brown or gray, I'd guess.

I think both George W Bush and Stalin were the opposite of Green. They both put industry and growth first, f**k the environment.

16th December 2009, 14:03
Mrs Berlusconi must've thought Christmas came early

16th December 2009, 15:12
Mrs Berlusconi must've thought Christmas came early

Lol yes, bad for her they let him home today :)

16th December 2009, 15:16
I dislike Berlusconi as much as the next man but you can't justify violent assault.

16th December 2009, 16:06
I dislike Berlusconi as much as the next man but you can't justify violent assault.
Ah come on, he's only got a broken nose and a couple of dodgy teeth. I wouldn't advocate assassination or anything but Silvio has done a lot of bad to Italy and he's just reaping what he's sewn.

Mark in Oshawa
16th December 2009, 18:25
Ah come on, he's only got a broken nose and a couple of dodgy teeth. I wouldn't advocate assassination or anything but Silvio has done a lot of bad to Italy and he's just reaping what he's sewn.

So if someone punches your lights out because he doesn't like what you think; that will be ok then?

16th December 2009, 18:29
So if someone punches your lights out because he doesn't like what you think; that will be ok then?
Mark, this is more than a difference of opinion, I disagree with you, Fousto, Tony and a lot of other people on here on a lot of issues. But neither you nor I are in positions of power as Silvio so it's an entirely different kettle of fish.

Mark in Oshawa
16th December 2009, 18:33
Mark, this is more than a difference of opinion, I disagree with you, Fousto, Tony and a lot of other people on here on a lot of issues. But neither you nor I are in positions of power as Silvio so it's an entirely different kettle of fish.

So politicians are open to physical assault if you don't like them? So If I punch George Galloway in the head repeatedly, you will be making sure Scotland Yard isn't arresting me? Come on...you really are being silly now....

16th December 2009, 18:39
So politicians are open to physical assault if you don't like them? So If I punch George Galloway in the head repeatedly, you will be making sure Scotland Yard isn't arresting me? Come on...you really are being silly now....
I never said people should get away with it. I just think that people who are involved in corruption are going to have to accept that some people aren't going to like it and are going to take to using phsyical violence as their way of getting their message across.

There's a difference between someone having opinions you don't like and someone being of unquestionably unsuitable to be in charge of a country.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silvio_Berlusconi#Wiretaps_and_accusations_of_corr uption_through_the_exploitation_of_prostitution

Mark in Oshawa
16th December 2009, 18:49
I never said people should get away with it. I just think that people who are involved in corruption are going to have to accept that some people aren't going to like it and are going to take to using phsyical violence as their way of getting their message across.

There's a difference between someone having opinions you don't like and someone being of unquestionably unsuitable to be in charge of a country.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silvio_Berlusconi#Wiretaps_and_accusations_of_corr uption_through_the_exploitation_of_prostitution

Daniel, it is indefensible to assault another man in an civilized nation, whether it be a politician or a man in a pub who looked at your wife with a leer. And it is YOUR opinion that Silvio is a jerk and slimeball, but last time I looked, that was a criminal offense. Italians can elect him again, or dump him and get someone else. Still doesn't change the fact it is wrong to assault a politician because you think he is a slimeball.

16th December 2009, 18:51
Daniel, it is indefensible to assault another man in an civilized nation, whether it be a politician or a man in a pub who looked at your wife with a leer. And it is YOUR opinion that Silvio is a jerk and slimeball, but last time I looked, that was a criminal offense. Italians can elect him again, or dump him and get someone else. Still doesn't change the fact it is wrong to assault a politician because you think he is a slimeball.
Come on Mark, read the stuff on the link I've sent you, read up about the charges against him. I don't think he's a slimeball, I know he is one.

16th December 2009, 19:46
Come on Mark, read the stuff on the link I've sent you, read up about the charges against him. I don't think he's a slimeball, I know he is one.

Oh! So now you are Judge and Jury?
Actually you are just a hypocrite.

16th December 2009, 19:49
Oh! So now you are Judge and Jury?
Actually you are just a hypocrite.
How am I a hypocrite? I don't sleep with prostitutes and I'm not corrupt :confused:

Mark in Oshawa
16th December 2009, 19:57
Come on Mark, read the stuff on the link I've sent you, read up about the charges against him. I don't think he's a slimeball, I know he is one.

I read all of that crap. You are the one missing the point. Just because he is a slimy guy doesn't mean it is legal or even moral to beat on the guy with a metal club. That is assault. You are ok with it because you don't like him or his ethics. Italians elected him, he is THEIR problem, but last time I looked, still doesn't make it morally or ethically right to beat on a politician, no matter how tempting.

16th December 2009, 20:06
I read all of that crap. You are the one missing the point. Just because he is a slimy guy doesn't mean it is legal or even moral to beat on the guy with a metal club. That is assault. You are ok with it because you don't like him or his ethics. Italians elected him, he is THEIR problem, but last time I looked, still doesn't make it morally or ethically right to beat on a politician, no matter how tempting.
At what point does it become OK to do harm to a man because he's a scumball? Does he have to be a Berlusconi? A Milosevic? A Saddam?

Mark in Oshawa
16th December 2009, 20:40
At what point does it become OK to do harm to a man because he's a scumball? Does he have to be a Berlusconi? A Milosevic? A Saddam?

Elected leaders of civilized nations are off limits. Dictators who mind their own business no matter how despicable are likely not to be targets unless they provoke or theaten the outside world. Assaulting Silvio is wrong. Someone attacking Kim Il Sung or Raul Castro wouldn't be very smart, but I can at least understand the motives considering their regimes. Last time I looked, no one Italy was being persecuted as a political prisoner or shot.

Daniel, you have such a hate on for this guy that you are completely getting caught up in one of your moral relativist rants. I could say I hate Gordon Brown's politics or think he is a slime ball, but If I was over in the UK and jumped out of a crowd and assaulted him, that would be ok in your eyes? Come on....you are playing politics here. If Silvio was a great and honest politician of the center left, would you be having this discussion with me? I think not. Have some consistency if you want to be taken seriously.

16th December 2009, 20:46
Elected leaders of civilized nations are off limits. Dictators who mind their own business no matter how despicable are likely not to be targets unless they provoke or theaten the outside world. Assaulting Silvio is wrong. Someone attacking Kim Il Sung or Raul Castro wouldn't be very smart, but I can at least understand the motives considering their regimes. Last time I looked, no one Italy was being persecuted as a political prisoner or shot.

Daniel, you have such a hate on for this guy that you are completely getting caught up in one of your moral relativist rants. I could say I hate Gordon Brown's politics or think he is a slime ball, but If I was over in the UK and jumped out of a crowd and assaulted him, that would be ok in your eyes? Come on....you are playing politics here. If Silvio was a great and honest politician of the center left, would you be having this discussion with me? I think not. Have some consistency if you want to be taken seriously.
You could say Brown is a slimeball, but what PROOF do you have? What credible allegations are out there to support your view?

I don't give a **** if Berlusconi is supposedly on the left, right or even on the flipping ceiling for Petes sake!!!! He's a corrupt slimeball and I can't say I was too unhappy that he got whacked in the face.

Some people are so repulsive and unlikeable that they deserve to have eggs and little mini sculptures of cathedrals thrown at them

Mark in Oshawa
16th December 2009, 20:56
You could say Brown is a slimeball, but what PROOF do you have? What credible allegations are out there to support your view?

I don't give a **** if Berlusconi is supposedly on the left, right or even on the flipping ceiling for Petes sake!!!! He's a corrupt slimeball and I can't say I was too unhappy that he got whacked in the face.

Some people are so repulsive and unlikeable that they deserve to have eggs and little mini sculptures of cathedrals thrown at them

So politicians who have been convicted in the press if not in their court system are fair game for a beating? ok, does this mean I can go lay a beating on a BNP MP? I would love to call him a slime ball, and then slap him around with a cricket bat, but it still wouldn't be legal. You obviously think you are judge and jury over these matters. It is a slippery slope Daniel. I never ONCE said I would vote for a Berlousconi, nor that I agree with how he carries himself, and I wouldn't shed a tear if he was removed from office through either an election or some form of impeachment. Still doesn't mean I approve of attacking the man with a weapon. YOU DO. THAT my friend is the difference. You would advocate assaulting any politician that had any accusation against them? Or would you wait for a trial and then have someone randomly selected to kick the guy's @ss? I am just trying to figure out who died and made you the final arbiter on beating on politcal leaders.

16th December 2009, 21:35
Daniel, it is indefensible to assault another man in an civilized nation, whether it be a politician or a man in a pub who looked at your wife with a leer. And it is YOUR opinion that Silvio is a jerk and slimeball, but last time I looked, that was a criminal offense. Italians can elect him again, or dump him and get someone else. Still doesn't change the fact it is wrong to assault a politician because you think he is a slimeball.
I also thought it was indefinsible to invade another country in a civilized world just because you think their leader is a slimeball, but George W proved me wrong.

16th December 2009, 21:40
Some people are so repulsive and unlikeable that they deserve to have eggs and little mini sculptures of cathedrals thrown at them

Well, I'd draw a line between eggs/rotten tomatos/cakes/shoes and heavy metal objects with sharp edges.

16th December 2009, 21:43
Well, I'd draw a line between eggs/rotten tomatos/cakes/shoes and heavy metal objects with sharp edges.

Same here. IMO what the crazy man did to Berlusconi is disgusting.

16th December 2009, 22:09
Well, I'd draw a line between eggs/rotten tomatos/cakes/shoes and heavy metal objects with sharp edges.
It wasn't metal Eki! It was Alabaster :p

Garry Walker
16th December 2009, 22:10
Come on Garry, let's be realistic though. The guy owns a huge sector of the media in the country. As much as people made jokes about GWB at least the media in the country was free to say what they wanted to about him. As crap a leader as GWB was he was never up on charges of corruption like Berlusconi.

There has always been corruption in italy. I am not a fan of Berlusconi, but I am liking him more and more every day seeing how much the rabied lefties hate him.

Daniel, just because you don't agree with a politician who was elected in a democracy doesn't EVER justfy violence against him. ARen't you lefties all for freedom of speech? I keep hearing that, but apparnently bashing people you don't like is ok. Weird...I thought you were civilized.

Lefties are for tolerance and freedom of speech only when it suits their agenda. The reality is that they are the biggest fascists around.

Ah come on, he's only got a broken nose and a couple of dodgy teeth. I wouldn't advocate assassination or anything but Silvio has done a lot of bad to Italy and he's just reaping what he's sewn.

Only a broken nose? So if I decided that you have posted a lot of idiotic sh!t on this forum (thereby hurting this forum) and attacked you, breaking your nose in the process, it would be okay, afterall, only a couple of dodgy teeth and a broken nose? I will remember that.

Langdale Forest
16th December 2009, 22:10
What about throwing burgers at people?

16th December 2009, 22:10
So politicians who have been convicted in the press if not in their court system are fair game for a beating? ok, does this mean I can go lay a beating on a BNP MP? I would love to call him a slime ball, and then slap him around with a cricket bat, but it still wouldn't be legal. You obviously think you are judge and jury over these matters. It is a slippery slope Daniel. I never ONCE said I would vote for a Berlousconi, nor that I agree with how he carries himself, and I wouldn't shed a tear if he was removed from office through either an election or some form of impeachment. Still doesn't mean I approve of attacking the man with a weapon. YOU DO. THAT my friend is the difference. You would advocate assaulting any politician that had any accusation against them? Or would you wait for a trial and then have someone randomly selected to kick the guy's @ss? I am just trying to figure out who died and made you the final arbiter on beating on politcal leaders.

I think there's a sort of sliding scale Mark, being a xenophobic bugger means you get eggs and rotten food, being a slimeball of unimaginable scale means you get an alabaster cathedral in the face.

Langdale Forest
16th December 2009, 22:12
Clarkson woul;d like to throw food a people if he could.

Garry Walker
16th December 2009, 22:15
What about throwing burgers at people?

okay, as long as they are not McDonalds burgers.

16th December 2009, 22:16
There has always been corruption in italy. I am not a fan of Berlusconi, but I am liking him more and more every day seeing how much the rabied lefties hate him.

Lefties are for tolerance and freedom of speech only when it suits their agenda. The reality is that they are the biggest fascists around.

Only a broken nose? So if I decided that you have posted a lot of idiotic sh!t on this forum (thereby hurting this forum) and attacked you, breaking your nose in the process, it would be okay, afterall, only a couple of dodgy teeth and a broken nose? I will remember that.
If you only like Berlusconi because people you see as "lefties" dislike him then you're a bigger idiot than I thought.

Having a different opinion to someone is vastly different to being immensely corrupt and doing the things Silvio does.....

Langdale Forest
16th December 2009, 22:21
okay, as long as they are not McDonalds burgers.

McDonald Burgers are good

Garry Walker
16th December 2009, 22:34
If you only like Berlusconi because people you see as "lefties" dislike him then you're a bigger idiot than I thought. When an obvious nobody and a loser like you considers me an idiot, I can only take it as a compliment.

Having a different opinion to someone is vastly different to being immensely corrupt and doing the things Silvio does.....

So what crimes has he committed?

Brown, Jon Brow
16th December 2009, 22:50

We do you see people with a different political opinion to you as enemies? It is almost like you on auto pilot to form an opinion based solely on what a right wing person would think without even considering both sides of the coin.

You might see me and Daniel as 'rabid lefties' when, yes we might be on the left on certain topics, but sometimes we are on the right. You seem to let a political ideology overrule your ability to think for yourself.

16th December 2009, 23:02

We do you see people with a different political opinion to you as enemies? It is almost like you on auto pilot to form an opinion based solely on what a right wing person would think without even considering both sides of the coin.

You might see me and Daniel as 'rabid lefties' when, yes we might be on the left on certain topics, but sometimes we are on the right. You seem to let a political ideology overrule your ability to think for yourself.
Rather. Tbh I'm actually more right than a lot of people think. I originally supported the invasion of Iraq at the time, I quite like seeing a good climate/credit crunch protestor having their shins smashed with a baton (though I don't like seeing innocent people pushed over and having heart attacks I might add!!!!). I'm really a rightie at heart, it's just that I'm not as far to the "right" as some people would want me to be before they call me one of their own.

16th December 2009, 23:05
And you are extremely insane.
Is there anybody in the world who isn't Left wing beside you and your terrorist buddy, or is he left wing too?

Lets see:
Nationalization of Industries.
Hike in Tariffs
Suppression of Media

And why isn't he Left wing?

16th December 2009, 23:06
What's the opposite of Green, I wonder?


16th December 2009, 23:08
How am I a hypocrite? I don't sleep with prostitutes and I'm not corrupt :confused:

How do we know you are not corrupt?

"Daniel is Corrupt" So now with your logic you are guilty and should be smashed in the face.

Brown, Jon Brow
16th December 2009, 23:10

Many university studies have shown that members if the Green Party have higher I.Q's than members of right-wing parties.


16th December 2009, 23:26
Back on topic, Mark I always enjoy a discussion with you, you form your opinions in a rational way and although I don't always agree with you I almost always respect what you say! Be assured that I'm not the type to actually go out and do any harm to anyone like this guy did to Silvio and neither am I the sort to go and egg Nick Griffin. Heck I'd probably be deported to Australia if I did any of those things!

Garry on the other hand, dude, all you do is see things in black and white and people in left and right and make your judgements and statements accordingly and that is tiring and just means that people don't listen to you most of the time so if you do say something intelligent it falls on deaf ears. It's like Eki and his often silly statements which mean that people ignore a lot of the stuff he says. You seem to have issues with anyone with a differing opinion as well and I do wonder why you bother participating on a discussion forum with that sort of attitude. Perhaps something like www.stormfront.org (http://www.stormfront.org) where everyone shares pretty much the same views would suit you better. Now I'm not accusing you of being a white supremecist, I'm just saying that you have issues with anyone whose opinion differs from yours so perhaps you should go where everyone thinks the same.

At the end of it all it's just opinions and I really don't bear any grudges against someone just because they disagree with my opinions and if any of you were in the UK I'd happily meet up with you if only to put a face to the username.

16th December 2009, 23:27
How do we know you are not corrupt?

"Daniel is Corrupt" So now with your logic you are guilty and should be smashed in the face.
Well I've done a **** job of being corrupt I'll tell you! I live in a 2 bedroom bungalow and have a few hundred pounds in the bank :laugh:

17th December 2009, 04:44
Well I've done a **** job of being corrupt I'll tell you! I live in a 2 bedroom bungalow and have a few hundred pounds in the bank :laugh:
never said you were good at it.

17th December 2009, 04:49
Many university studies have shown that members if the Green Party have higher I.Q's than members of right-wing parties.

Consider the source...........University and academic types would never publish a paper saying that they are dumb would they?

When in fact University and academic types are usually people who couldn't cut it in the real world.

A perfect example is Paul Krugman. Here is a man who won the Nobel Prize in Economics and spends his time bashing free markets and capitalism and yet has never even spent a moment running a business or having a real job.

Mark in Oshawa
17th December 2009, 05:53
Back on topic, Mark I always enjoy a discussion with you, you form your opinions in a rational way and although I don't always agree with you I almost always respect what you say! Be assured that I'm not the type to actually go out and do any harm to anyone like this guy did to Silvio and neither am I the sort to go and egg Nick Griffin. Heck I'd probably be deported to Australia if I did any of those things!


Daniel....you did have me wondering if Eki was double posting...but even he I know is baiting me half the time. At least, I like to think so...

I don't pretend to always be right, but I hate anyone who doesn't grasp that free speech, free thought, democracy mean you might have to face the reality your philosophy on a topic isn't popular, or you have to debate for your ideas in a fashion to gain acceptance. That is why anyone attacking a world leader of a nation where rule of law and democracy are the way to go is abhorrent. Silvio, scumball or patriot, it doesn't matter. He was elected in a Western Democracy, and his office deserves respect if nothing else.

17th December 2009, 09:30
Daniel....you did have me wondering if Eki was double posting...but even he I know is baiting me half the time. At least, I like to think so...

I don't pretend to always be right, but I hate anyone who doesn't grasp that free speech, free thought, democracy mean you might have to face the reality your philosophy on a topic isn't popular, or you have to debate for your ideas in a fashion to gain acceptance. That is why anyone attacking a world leader of a nation where rule of law and democracy are the way to go is abhorrent. Silvio, scumball or patriot, it doesn't matter. He was elected in a Western Democracy, and his office deserves respect if nothing else.
The thing is that Silvio doesn't believe in free speach in his own company. Come on, do you know how much of the media he owns in Italy? If he was charged for his corruption do you think it's going to get blanket coverage on his tv stations? Do you think the coverage is going to be accurate? Do you honestly think that the elections in Italy were free and fair when Silvio owns so much of the media? In Australia they have laws against any one person owning more than a certain proportion of the media so as to stop this sort of thing happening. I don't think Silvio's office deserves 1% of the respect you think it does.

Brown, Jon Brow
17th December 2009, 11:39
Consider the source...........University and academic types would never publish a paper saying that they are dumb would they?

When in fact University and academic types are usually people who couldn't cut it in the real world.

A perfect example is Paul Krugman. Here is a man who won the Nobel Prize in Economics and spends his time bashing free markets and capitalism and yet has never even spent a moment running a business or having a real job.

This doesn't prove anything. Just because someone is at university doesn't mean that they are a lefty are eco-mentalist. They aren't proving themselves to be more intelligent at all. You get just as many right wingers at university as well.

Paul Krugman hasn't done that bad for himself considering he can't cut it in the real world. :laugh: Come on Tony! He's achieved in life more than he probably could have wished for.

17th December 2009, 12:36
Lets see:
Nationalization of Industries.
Hike in Tariffs
Suppression of Media

And why isn't he Left wing?
Since when has suppression of media been a left wing trait? Right wing has done it too. The communist party of Finland was outlawed until 1944, so were their newspapers and communists were imprisoned because of their opinions. Remember the McCarthy period in the US?


17th December 2009, 12:41
That is why anyone attacking a world leader of a nation where rule of law and democracy are the way to go is abhorrent. Silvio, scumball or patriot, it doesn't matter. He was elected in a Western Democracy, and his office deserves respect if nothing else.
In your reasoning, also Hitler deserves respect, scumball or patriot, it doesn't matter. He was also first elected in democratic elections in a Western European country.

17th December 2009, 12:53
Ah come on, he's only got a broken nose and a couple of dodgy teeth. I wouldn't advocate assassination or anything but Silvio has done a lot of bad to Italy and he's just reaping what he's sewn.

Sorry, I don't support violence. We're not savages.

17th December 2009, 13:20
Sorry, I don't support violence. We're not savages.
So if someone had killed Hitler that would have been wrong?

17th December 2009, 13:38
So if someone had killed Hitler that would have been wrong?

I call Godwin's law.

17th December 2009, 13:39
I call Godwin's law.
Perhaps you should have called it an hour ago when Eki mentioned him?

17th December 2009, 13:44
Perhaps you should have called it an hour ago when Eki mentioned him?

You're both guilty.

Still, you can't justify hitting someone in the face with a miniature cathedral and breaking their nose, just because you don't agree with them.

17th December 2009, 14:34
You're both guilty.

Still, you can't justify hitting someone in the face with a miniature cathedral and breaking their nose, just because you don't agree with them.
Did I ever say that? I said I wasn't bothered that it happened to him because he's a corrupt fool.

17th December 2009, 14:57
Since when has suppression of media been a left wing trait? Right wing has done it too.
While some right-wing leaders have suppressed the media it is a tactic of the left. Especially those elected.

Remember the McCarthy period in the US?

Yep...And history has proven him right.

17th December 2009, 15:00
While some right-wing leaders have suppressed the media it is a tactic of the left. Especially those elected.

Yep...And history has proven him right.
Tony, people both to the left and the right use the same tactics. The goal for these people is to get rich and get what they want. They'll do it by any means possible and supression/control of the media is what everyone does.....

17th December 2009, 15:01
You get just as many right wingers at university as well.

You do? And where is that. It is accepted that college professors are by a vast majority liberal.



17th December 2009, 15:09
You do? And where is that. It is accepted that college professors are by a vast majority liberal.


It's also accepted that hillbillies and rednecks are by a vast majority conservative.

17th December 2009, 20:28
It's also accepted that hillbillies and rednecks are by a vast majority conservative.

It is? Show me the proof!!!!

Really funny though seeing as the state that is home of most Hillbillies, West Virginia has both senators who are left wing liberal Democrats and they went with Obama.

So here is another case where.............. EKI DOESN'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT WHAT HE IS TALKING ABOUT!!!!!!!

18th December 2009, 19:09
Well, I'd draw a line between eggs/rotten tomatos/cakes/shoes and heavy metal objects with sharp edges.

How about cabbage, Eki?
I always thought one was supposed to throw rotten cabbage at scummy politicians. Real old cabbage when it starts to stink, is that OK?

Did you see where one if the big chain grocery stores where Palin, Sarah---not the funny Palin Micheal, was going to give a pep talk, stopped selling tomatoes fort that day?

18th December 2009, 19:49
How about cabbage, Eki?
I always thought one was supposed to throw rotten cabbage at scummy politicians. Real old cabbage when it starts to stink, is that OK?

Did you see where one if the big chain grocery stores where Palin, Sarah---not the funny Palin Micheal, was going to give a pep talk, stopped selling tomatoes fort that day?
Cabbage is OK.

Sarah is kind of funny too. Scary funny.

Mark in Oshawa
19th December 2009, 06:31
The thing is that Silvio doesn't believe in free speach in his own company. Come on, do you know how much of the media he owns in Italy? If he was charged for his corruption do you think it's going to get blanket coverage on his tv stations? Do you think the coverage is going to be accurate? Do you honestly think that the elections in Italy were free and fair when Silvio owns so much of the media? In Australia they have laws against any one person owning more than a certain proportion of the media so as to stop this sort of thing happening. I don't think Silvio's office deserves 1% of the respect you think it does.

He don't own all the media, and he doesn't own the foreign media. The office deserves respect, even if the office holder is a slimebucket.

Mark in Oshawa
19th December 2009, 06:33
It's also accepted that hillbillies and rednecks are by a vast majority conservative.

Eki...if you are going to use bad stereotypes of American's, at least go there for longer than one holiday in New York City....Otherwise you are just being stupid....and as naive and bigoted as those you rip into.

19th December 2009, 18:55
Unless we get a 3rd party in here I can vision major violence between the two existing parties. I often wondered how in the world a country can have a civil war and this is currently being answered right here in this country. United we stand and divided we fall = we are headed to hell in a lead sled!!

Brown, Jon Brow
19th December 2009, 19:14
Eki...if you are going to use bad stereotypes of American's, at least go there for longer than one holiday in New York City....Otherwise you are just being stupid....and as naive and bigoted as those you rip into.

I thought Eki was saying a tongue in cheek comment in reply to tony's statement about universities.

19th December 2009, 20:42
I thought Eki was saying a tongue in cheek comment in reply to tony's statement about universities.
You thought right, and Mark iO wrong as usual.

Besides, there are hillbillies and rednecks elsewhere than in the US too, and I don't remember ever seeing a left wing or liberal redneck or hillbilly, not here or anywhere else.

19th December 2009, 21:20
You thought right, and Mark iO wrong as usual.

Besides, there are hillbillies and rednecks elsewhere than in the US too, and I don't remember ever seeing a left wing or liberal redneck or hillbilly, not here or anywhere else.

right they are too dumb to operate a firearm!

20th December 2009, 00:01
right they are too dumb to operate a firearm!

An awful lot of Lefties killed an awful lot of Righties in the last century.
Matter of fact it seems that one big group of lefties killed about 7 times the righties that our blended near 50-50 societies did.

I fired off thousands upon thousands of rounds when I was a kid....

And reading you taking about---essentially rubbing your hands together---violence and civil war in America....

I hear you're a real big and soft target..8)

20th December 2009, 02:04
yea but for you I'd be a hard target. But your bombs scare the hell out of me.
Because of guys like you I don't accept mail any longer

20th December 2009, 05:58

Mark in Oshawa
20th December 2009, 08:41
Maybe you were being sarcastic Eki, but you have said more prepostrous things and meant it too.

THat said, Even I am not going to go out on the limb with Tony and Fousto...

When a man defends McCarthyism, that is just goofy....

20th December 2009, 17:54

When a man defends McCarthyism, that is just goofy....

Say a lie often enough and it becomes that truth is the mantra of the left.

It is pretty much a given among historians that McCarthy was right.

20th December 2009, 18:11
It is pretty much a given among historians that McCarthy was right.
It wasn't about being right or wrong, right or wrong is a matter of opinion. It was about suppressing and oppressing the opposition. You claim only the left wing does it, when in fact both the left wing and the right wing have done it. And that's a fact, not an opinion.

Mark in Oshawa
20th December 2009, 18:54
Say a lie often enough and it becomes that truth is the mantra of the left.

It is pretty much a given among historians that McCarthy was right.

Tony, most of the time I can at least find a grain of truth in some of what you espouse. There are times I agree with you. That said, McCarthy was on a rampage accusing people of being outright communists and being agents of the USSR when most were just harmless lefties or just left of center types. Last time I looked, in the US you have freedom of thought and religion, even if you were a loon. McCarthy went around ruining people's reputation to enhance his own importance, and in the end, some of the people he accused of being spies for the USSR were just ludicrous.

You want to talk about thought crimes as described by Orwell in 1984, McCarthy was big on the concept. He was a BUFFOON. Show me the historian who thinks he is on the right track. I would love to read more.

Sorry, McCarthy was an idiot, and I am not some trendy lefty attacking him, But I am a fan of freedom of speech and thought, and this guy was just a menace to both.

20th December 2009, 20:09
Say a lie often enough and it becomes that truth is the mantra of the left.

It is pretty much a given among historians that McCarthy was right.

Wrong once again.
Sheer chance would result in you occasionally being right on something, so the amazing record of nearly never being right on anything---except extreme Right-totalitarian political stance---- is pretty amazing.

But just to correct your latest massive blunder/lie (can't say which, I still believe you're a leftie troll) it was you spiritual predecessors Heff Schicklegrüber and Herr Göbbels .
Since you obviously didn't know here: from wiki, so simple

Goebbels came into contact with the Nazi Party in 1923 during the French occupation of the Ruhr and became a member in 1924. He was appointed Gauleiter (regional party leader) of Berlin. In this position, he put his propaganda skills to full use, combating the local socialist and communist parties with the help of Nazi papers and the paramilitary SA. By 1928, he had risen in the party ranks to become one of its most prominent members.

Goebbels rose to power in 1933 along with Hitler and the Nazi party, and he was appointed propaganda minister. One of his first acts was the burning of books rejected by the Nazis. He exerted totalitarian control over the media, arts, and information in Germany. In that position, he perfected an understanding of the "Big Lie" technique of propaganda, which is based on the principle that a lie, if audacious enough and repeated enough times, will be believed by the masses.

You being nothing but a paid propagandist, you should know the master of your trade.