View Full Version : Help With Autographs

9th December 2009, 13:26
hi ive been collecting rallying autographs since 1981, ive met 99% of drivers that i have signatures off, like

the Mcrae,s , Rohrl ,Tiovionen, Roger Clark, Erik Carllsson, Mouton etc i have a 126 last check,

i tend to write to drivers especially ones from 70,s and 80,s im trying to track down Jean -Claude Andruet and his co Driver " Biche" , as well as Jean Pierre Nicholas, if anyone can guide me in general direction id be vry gratful cheers andy :)

9th December 2009, 13:55
as a general direction I'd try France... (sorry)!

Contacting Citroen WRC team might be a good start.

9th December 2009, 14:32
yeah ..........but usless you know where they live, or what they do now,its difficult also Citroen used to be great at sending stuff , not so nowadays , i managed to track down Joghinder Singh, thanks to east african safari classic, but aas for the french no joy

9th December 2009, 15:19
Did you get Michelle Mouton's autograph in person? If so where/when?

9th December 2009, 16:48
i tend to write to drivers especially ones from 70,s and 80,s im trying to track down Jean -Claude Andruet and his co Driver " Biche" , as well as Jean Pierre Nicholas, if anyone can guide me in general direction id be vry gratful cheers andy :)

J-P Nicholas is a Motorsport Development manager for IRC as you can see from this document http://www.ircseries.com/html/uploadedFiles/PDF/pressArchive/09-023-IRC_Kit%20Press_2009_V4.pdf . In that document there is contact info for IRC press officer, I'm sure he can help you to get in touch with J-P Nicholas.

9th December 2009, 17:20
i got Michele,s twice Simmi at scrutineering during 82 Lombard R.A.C, and then again at Goodwood festival of speed, thanks DonJippo, will do that thanks, i will list all my signatures at some point, got /met people like Loeb,Burns,Makinen,Mikkola Munari most on one programme

9th December 2009, 18:11
Worked with Henri Toivonen,Harri Toivonen,and Pauli too
Also ran Jean-Pierre Nicolas on the 78 RAC,and Jumbo likes Meat Pies too
I have a picture that Henri signed for me as Henri P.Toivonen,out of curiosity what did he sign on yours?

9th December 2009, 18:28
wow brilliant times,Paulie too,i remember you mentioned that before about the P in his name , he just wrote Henri Toivonen, he was eating a 99 ice cream at the time :)

9th December 2009, 19:47
I have a picture that Henri signed for me as Henri P.Toivonen,out of curiosity what did he sign on yours?

I'm quite sure "P" stands for Pauli, after his fathers name of course.

Great that you guys have those kind of autographs.

9th December 2009, 23:36
thanks Josti, its great to meet the older drivers, Erik Carlsson was amazing , kept telling me about rallying in the 60,s etc, thats why i love doing it, i take my programme to most places :)

id like to get Miki Biasion and Fabritzio Tabaton too if anyone can help with these as well :D

10th December 2009, 06:37
>>hi ive been collecting rallying autographs since 1981,
>>ive met 99% of drivers that i have signatures off, like

I started 1976 collecting Autographcards and other PR-stuff...
I have a few...

Some of the best rallying memories are from those situations...

10th December 2009, 11:11
i agree , one of my proudest moments was Juha Kankunen, signing it in Spain 1999, and saying you have the history of our sport in here.that!!! was brilliant, you must have some great names , id have loved to seen a rally circa 76 amazing

10th December 2009, 11:28
I should have been getting autographs probably on reflection.

I remember in 2005 in Jyvaskyla in the lobby and then outside a hotel within a five minute period I saw Ari Vatanen, Luis Moya, Mikko Hirvonen, Tommi Makinen, Petter Solberg and Chris Atkinson.

And I didn't get a single damn autograph!!!

10th December 2009, 12:04
doh!!!!!!!!! ))

10th December 2009, 12:08
i saw Luis Moya when he walked away from stricken toyota in margam park in 98, i didnt ask him for an autograph, cos i think he would have told me where to shove my pen lol )

10th December 2009, 20:11
Correct Josti "P" was for Pauli,after his father,Dont know if Harri has also the same middle name,but he has not said so.
Have serviced for Hannu when Suttons team did not turn up ,and also had breakfast with Hannu and Arne in hawick on the Scottish
Had a drink with Stig,Per and Markku and Henri in Douglas
Been in a road car with Malcolm,Dessie and Ronnie McCartney too in Ireland
life used to be busy!

10th December 2009, 22:59
Over the past few years I've managed to get autographs of a number of the surviving 'greats'. Couldn't be in the right place to get Colin Mc's autograph at Goodwood but I'm just about to frame five 12.5 x 17.5 cm photos I've taken signed by Aaltonen, Mikkola, Waldegard, Loeb and Solberg (P). I know Rauno wasn't a world champ but he would have been had such a competition existed then.
I also got my Rally Ireland shots autographed by the top six crews at the Rally Catalunya start (having already got Petter and Phil to sign while they were assembling on the Salou promenade).
After the finish of Catalunya I was walking back to my car when I saw a guy in t shirt and shorts talking to friends next to a Scooby they appeared to be about to get in to.

Jari-Matti signed this shot I took of him on Tempo stage in 2007, perfect end to a great 5 days

11th December 2009, 11:13
I remember in the shakedown in Catalunya 2000. Everybody was around Carlos Sainz so it was very easy to get the autographs of Auriol, Burns, KKK, Colin McRae, Makinen, Grönholm, Rovanperä, Loix and their codrivers in less than 10 minutes. All but Sainz and Moya of course.

11th December 2009, 12:50
Maybe we should kick off a signed Photo and autographs thread where people can scan them in and post them...

I have a whole load of signed photo's...

11th December 2009, 13:28
good idea turves, i kinda started this threrad asking for help, but have enjoyed reading everybodies driver encounters , id like to see photos, ive just got Harry "Sputnik" Kallstrom :D very happy

11th December 2009, 13:31
good idea turves, i kinda started this threrad asking for help, but have enjoyed reading everybodies driver encounters , id like to see photos,and other signatures, ive just got Harry "Sputnik" Kallstrom :D very happy and Antione L Stade sent me his from Canada

11th December 2009, 15:57

I'm an autograph collector too. Please, someone can give some information of how I could get the contact from Waldergaard, Mikkola and Blomqvist? I know that is a very hard request, but will mean much if I could receive some information about, because I'm a fan of these former champions, and would be great if I had autographs from these drivers.

11th December 2009, 21:24
Dont know where Waldegard lives now ,but i am sure Hannu lives in Florida now and Stig in Auckland NZ
Probably David Sutton could help

11th December 2009, 22:49

I'm an autograph collector too. Please, someone can give some information of how I could get the contact from Waldergaard, Mikkola and Blomqvist?

The Chatsworth Rally Show 2010 is celebrating 30 years of the Quattro. would be surprised if they haven't been asked to attend...

12th December 2009, 00:30
goodwood festival of speed is a safe bet that you,d meet Hannu , he,s gone ,for the past 4 years , as he has designed rally stage, both Stig &Bjorn, regally attend, its in june just go to http://www.goodwood.co.uk and click on motorsport festival of speed for 2010.

at the 2009 show they had loeb,mikkola,rohrl, arne hertz,stig, kris meeke,terry kaby,brian culcheth russel brookes, mark higgins and rauno aaltonen, so you can see it is worth going

also raceretro is worth a look also, hope this helps :)

12th December 2009, 08:47
Also Rally Legend San Marino in October is a good place.
This year you could meet Biasion, KKK, Tabaton, Liatti, Aghini or Grönholm.
Also in the past Blomqvist, Allen, Munari and others have been there.

Ral·li Costa Brava Historic has seen J.P. Nicolas, Munari, Blomqvist, Waldegard, Rhorl and Ragnotti in the last editions.

12th December 2009, 14:31
Have Walters autograph from the year he did the Manx in the Porsche 911,and only just got beaten by Pond ,as Walter did not know the night stages as well as Tony,who lived there.
Plus all Walter had for service was an estate car,with a few spares in.At service Walter laid back in the Porsche with his legs out the window,it was a very low key private entry

12th December 2009, 15:01
i have that rally on tape, he didnt finish did he. he brilliant to meet.

Steve Boyd
13th December 2009, 12:31
According to "25 Years of the Manx Rally" by Doug Baird & Gordon Kniveton, Rohrl retired with a broken driveshaft 500 yards from the end of the last stage while lying 3rd, 54s behind Jimmy McRae who was 46s behind Pond. These two finished first and second with a gap of 37s. Malcolm Wilson was third over 10 minutes behind. Rohrl set a number of fastest times & had been leading at the end of the first section but lost time on the Friday evening & night stages due to lack of local knowledge and a recce that had been limited to three days! The year was 1981 & Rohrl was reigning World Champion.

14th December 2009, 22:26
I met Walter at the check in desk at the rally headquarters on Douglas sea front,cant remember the name of the hotel.I asked for his autograph and will scan it and post it when i locate it after a house refurbishment, and a very nice honest,obliging guy too

15th December 2009, 19:28
Does anyone know if i can have contact on email with Drivers like Liatti , Puras , Bugalski , Makinen , Feghali , Katajamaki , Martin , Panizzi , Delecour and other drivers from the end of the 90's and beginning 2000 . I have several pictures i want to have signed by them and i want to contact them by mail to ask if i can send the pictures by post to signe .

Thanks for the help

15th December 2009, 20:32
Roger Feghali: http://www.rogerfeghali.com

He sent me last year two signed photos of his Lancer when I asked for it. Use 'contact me'.

Philippe Bugalski has a fanclub: http://pagesperso-orange.fr/rallye03/frames.htm. Maybe they can help you?

16th December 2009, 07:34
Roger Feghali: www.rogerfeghali.com (http://www.rogerfeghali.com)

He sent me last year two signed photos of his Lancer when I asked for it. Use 'contact me'.

Philippe Bugalski has a fanclub: http://pagesperso-orange.fr/rallye03/frames.htm. Maybe they can help you?

Thanks for the help

16th December 2009, 10:57
for Tommi Mäkinen try


16th December 2009, 13:53
I'm looking for contct on mail for these drivers :


F. Delecour , C. robert , D. Auriol , G. Panizzi , F. Morel , JC Torre , JP Manzagol , Armando Perreira , F. Chatriot , F. Dor , PC Baroni


S. Canellas , A. Galanti , J. Puras


VP Teuronen , T. Klemets , J. Kangas , J. Pykalisto, J. Pirttinen


N. Schneider , S. Haaf , A. Kremer , E. Weber , O. Dobberkau , A. Werner ,D. Liebenhenchel

Great Brittain

A. Ginley , N. Wearden , a. Rowe , N. Mc Shea


A. Mortl


P. Svan , D. Carllsson , K. Eriksson


A. Broccoli , P. Liatti , D. Cerrato , A. Aghini , F. Tabaton , M. Ceccato

Who can help me

16th December 2009, 15:05
I'm looking for contact on mail for these drivers :

K. Niwa , T Cserhalmi , S. Yaziki , H Al Wahabi , S Mazlan , M. Ligato , S. Gryazin , H. Lundgaard , K. Poulsen , M. Martin , G. Manfrinato , L. Cecchettini , Macaluso , L. Pedersoli , A. Maselli , C. Bos , D. Llewellin

16th December 2009, 15:36
Chiel Bos: http://www.chielbos.com, unfortunately he hasn't a contact or guestbook there.
Kristian Poulsen: [email:pw0s5ns4]kristian@poulsenmotorsport.com[/email:pw0s5ns4] website: http://www.poulsenmotorsport.com
Olaf Dobberkau: [email:pw0s5ns4]info@prorallye.de[/email:pw0s5ns4] website: http://www.prorallye.de
Sven Haaf: [email:pw0s5ns4]sven@svenhaaf.de[/email:pw0s5ns4]
Daniel Carlsson: [email:pw0s5ns4]info@danielcarlsson.com[/email:pw0s5ns4] website: http://www.danielcarlsson.com
Henrik Lundgaard: http://www.henrik-lundgaard.dk try to mail his webmaster.

17th December 2009, 14:40
Chiel Bos: www.chielbos.com (http://www.chielbos.com), unfortunately he hasn't a contact or guestbook there.
Kristian Poulsen: kristian@poulsenmotorsport.com website: www.poulsenmotorsport.com (http://www.poulsenmotorsport.com)
Olaf Dobberkau: info@prorallye.de website: www.prorallye.de (http://www.prorallye.de)
Sven Haaf: sven@svenhaaf.de
Daniel Carlsson: info@danielcarlsson.com website: www.danielcarlsson.com (http://www.danielcarlsson.com)
Henrik Lundgaard: www.henrik-lundgaard.dk (http://www.henrik-lundgaard.dk) try to mail his webmaster.

Thanks for all the help

22nd December 2009, 17:04
Pictures are send or gonna be send to Kleinschmidt , Kahle , Bos and Schelle .

Hope to get them back soon

31st December 2009, 20:17
just wanted to say thanks to Donjippo, i did as you suggested, and recieved a signed photocard today , cheers and a happy new year

antonio zannini and jean claude andruet are next targets :D

omer yetis
1st January 2010, 10:10
Serkan Yazici - TURKEY

the web site will soon be ready; http://www.serkanyazici.com/

24th February 2010, 22:13
Ihad lot of pictures back signed from the drivers .

D. Sola & A. Romani
P. Bugalski
R. Baumschlager
G. Basso & M. Dotta
F. Duval
G. Goudezeune
M. Stenshorne
F. Pons

Pictures send to
A. Mc Rae
M. Rowe
M. Kahle
A. LLovera
S. Vallejo
J. Kleinschmidt
J. Paasonen
K. Sohlberg
H. Lundgaard