View Full Version : Just say NO! ... to electricity bills

Hazell B
8th December 2009, 19:59
Got my first electricity bill for the new shop over the weekend. It was somewhat more than I had been led to believe it would be. "Somewhat" being about three times :eek:

So I rang British Gas this morning and said I wouldn't pay.

They instantly cut my standing charge by just under two thirds and the power cost by almost half. Then backdated the savings two months, to the day I opened the shop.

They also offered me a discount on my home's electricity (which is already with them anyway).

See, if you don't ask, you don't get! It just goes to show even large power companies will happily barter given the chance :up:

8th December 2009, 20:02
Wow. You're good!

Hazell B
8th December 2009, 20:18
There was zero skill involved, for once, in the bartering :p :

I just said "Hello. I think I'm paying too much for my shop's electic ...." and the call centre woman cut me off half way through the word and started making offers! It really is that easy!

The number to call is on your last bill. Try it.

8th December 2009, 20:19
That works with almost ALL your bills. Try it, you'll like the results. Ain't the free market grand?

8th December 2009, 20:22
Good for you! I do the same every year - 5 mins on the phone does far more that confused.com or whatever.

Brown, Jon Brow
8th December 2009, 20:39
Will this technique work with car insurance quotes for an under-21 year old male driver?

8th December 2009, 20:48
Just ask for the loyalty team come renewal time Jon. Give it a whirl....

Mark in Oshawa
8th December 2009, 23:39
What I am reading here is all the reason I need to confirm that the free market solution is better than most for just about any service and commodity.

Easy Drifter
9th December 2009, 00:01
Here if you try to comlpain to Ma Bell or the gas company you get 10 minutes of automated replies and numbers to push and finally get the call centre in Mumbai with somebody you can't understand and they can't understand you.
Once when we lost our phone (a business line) they said go next door and this after I said the whole street was out.
I said what if it is an emergency. Then they said well go to the next street over. After I came down off the ceiling I pointed out the next steet over was more than a mile away. Besides it was a business and we were losing calls. I discovered I was talking to Bangladesh just before they just hung up!

Azumanga Davo
9th December 2009, 02:56
Got my first electricity bill for the new shop over the weekend. It was somewhat more than I had been led to believe it would be. "Somewhat" being about three times :eek:

So I rang British Gas this morning and said I wouldn't pay.

They instantly cut my standing charge by just under two thirds and the power cost by almost half. Then backdated the savings two months, to the day I opened the shop.

They also offered me a discount on my home's electricity (which is already with them anyway).

See, if you don't ask, you don't get! It just goes to show even large power companies will happily barter given the chance :up:

Someone there must have this forum bookmarked. "Oh no, not that mad Hazell wifie!" they say... :p :

Hazell B
10th December 2009, 22:06
Someone there must have this forum bookmarked. "Oh no, not that mad Hazell wifie!" they say... :p :

I do believe you have something there :p :

Which reminds me ... I have another thread to start :)

11th December 2009, 10:35
Will this technique work with car insurance quotes for an under-21 year old male driver?

No reason why it shouldn't. You just have to ask.