View Full Version : Jury Duty

5th December 2009, 15:32
Anyone done it? Anyone enjoy it?

5th December 2009, 15:47
Have not done it,BUT I would find it interesting.
My grandfather over 40 years ago got called for Jury service,and even though he had to neglect his own business and go, he found it very traumatic,as it was a murder trial,and in those days there were not as many murders as there are now. He then got excused of ever being called again.

5th December 2009, 15:49
I would not want to do it

5th December 2009, 16:13
Anyone done it? Anyone enjoy it?


the other times i should have stayed home and choked the ..........

anyway in the time i did enjoy......they were picking the jury

one guy said to the Judge he would give a man probation if he had some real big concerns about whether he was really guilty, but otherwise no...

then they finally asked if anyone knew or was related to the criminal defendant who was on trial.....and this old man who could barely walk (probably Easy when he was much younger) stood up and said "not related, but i know him for the thief he is, as I caught him stealing my weedeater out of my garage and he ran off with it before i could catch him, so i want him arrested before he can run off again...."

Anyway old man gets escorted out of the courtroom, and judge does a jury admonishment about disregarding those comments and setting it aside.....one guy said he had no problem with that, as he could understand about the weed eater, since the defendant probably needed the money to pay his lawyer....then the judge told all of us to GO HOME!!!!

The other times were totally boring :rolleyes:

5th December 2009, 17:06

As homer says, Getting out of jury duty is easy. The trick is to say you're prejudiced against all races.

Did it once myself a few years back - so very very dull waiting to be called and then when we finally got on a Jury we couldn't get a conviction.

5th December 2009, 17:10
I've done it once - had 2 cases that lasted a couple of days each. Wasn't that interesting.

5th December 2009, 17:17
Only been called once but managed to get out of it as I had moved house in the meantime.

Mark in Oshawa
6th December 2009, 06:15
I am 44 and have never been asked. My Dad was on Jury duty 3 times by the time he was 50. Never dodged it either. Felt it was his duty and the union contract he worked under would pay 60% salary for the first week, 90%for any weeks after so it wasn't going to kill him to serve if asked. Two times he was in the pool, never was sent up to be selected for a trial, the last time the jury pool was asked to provide 12 members at random for a citizen's fact finding tour of public facilities in the area. Got to go behind the scenes and inspect the maintainence rooms, behind the scenes rooms, kitchens and the like of nursing homes, arenas, city hall, fire halls, the police station. Basically verify for the taxpayers at large that the idiots running the area are not wasting the public money. Dad thought it was interesting....

8th December 2009, 18:55
I'd never been into a court room since my job this year required it and since I've been visiting fairly regularly I actually quite like the whole court thing so I'd be far more open to it now than I was a year or so ago. I guess it all depends on the case...

Easy Drifter
8th December 2009, 22:46
I was called this year but let off as I have to take a water pill. They don't need jurors calling a halt to proceedings ever 1/2 hour or so for a p-- break.
I can miss about 3 days but then ------ :eek: