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4th December 2009, 18:11
Anyone got their tree up yet??!

I've seen alot of lights and trees up already. I'm thinking people just need something cheery after a difficult year maybe.

I've done all my shopping aside from a secret santa gift and some cards, and looking at how busy the city is when I'm on my way home from work I'm glad that I don't have to suffer the crowds in December. :)

Dave B
4th December 2009, 19:19
No decorations up chez Brockman yet, and to be honest we're away all over xmas and New Year so we're probably not going to town on the tinsel.

Most of the shopping's done (online) so I shouldn't have to brave too many shops and crowds.

Weirdly there's not many people in my neighbourhood with their decorations up yet (at least not outside, I'm not a burglar!), but I'm sure the local pikeys will soon have several kilowatts of B&Q's finest nailed to their roofs.

4th December 2009, 20:08
i have my tree up, but i haven't finished putting all the ornimants on it yet,

my mom still needs to do the decorating outside

4th December 2009, 20:14
My tree is up - looks very nice :D

Its been difficult to get the Christmas spirit this year for alot of people Id say

Now ive seen Chrismas lights and have the tree up it starting to feel like Christmas

Hazell B
4th December 2009, 20:19
We won't be docorating the house, but the shop ones will go up next week if I have chance.

We've sold masses of cat toys (including some great clockwork mice that a Judge and I were playing with one sunday morning!) and dog treats already. It seems everyone's buying presents for their animals this year. :up:

Easy Drifter
5th December 2009, 01:02
We had our first snow yesterday and today but nothing stayed. Last year we were up to our buttinskys in snow and all the ski areas were open. None this year and it has been too warm to make snow. Forecast is for snow/rain for next week with some sun. Probably cold enough for resorts to make snow.
This after one of the coldest summers in years.
Whistler in BC, site of Olympics, has had record snow.
My trees are up but I do not decorate them. They are up year round as they grow in my yard. :D
Notice Wade makes his mother do the outside work. :eek:

5th December 2009, 11:26
Tree up. Dec's on. Just about to go up the ladder to do the outside lights. ITS CHRISTMAS!

5th December 2009, 21:34
i went to a christmas parade today

it was pretty cool as always :D

there was alot of time between some of the floats though, and some people got tired of waiting, and got in their cars and tryed to leave, driving down the road the parade was on torwed the floats that had just went by and the police had to get them off the road so they wouldn't end up in the middle of the perade

the whole thing was very entertaining :D

Mark in Oshawa
6th December 2009, 00:25
Bah Humbug!!! I don't get excited about Christmas til about the 10th at the earliest. Don't want to see a tree in my house til about the 15th. I should start shopping tomorrow, but I think my day is spoken for and I am going to a hockey game tomorrow night.

That said, my Mom had her tree up on November 30th. It is amazing how ambitious people are when they are retired!!!! When my folks were working, that tree was up no earlier than 5 to 10 days before Christmas and it stayed up until New Year's Day.

6th December 2009, 05:06
Bah Humbug!!! I don't get excited about Christmas til about the 10th at the earliest. Don't want to see a tree in my house til about the 15th. I should start shopping tomorrow, but I think my day is spoken for and I am going to a hockey game tomorrow night.

That said, my Mom had her tree up on November 30th. It is amazing how ambitious people are when they are retired!!!! When my folks were working, that tree was up no earlier than 5 to 10 days before Christmas and it stayed up until New Year's Day.

Our tree was up on the 29th, and we aren't retired. I even had all the outside stuff done too.

My wife does loads of stuff in the house and gets into it early. So this year I beat here to the punch and got the stuff down on Black Friday, and then got my outside stuff done before she could get impatient.

Mark in Oshawa
6th December 2009, 06:11
Putting the outside lights up in November I get. Especially up here in the land of actually getting Winter. Doesn't mean I need to see the lights actualy on Nov. 1 like I did this year...

Every year, people do the Christmas thing earlier and earlier. I am willing to be the only thing stopping XMAS decorations from hitting the stores in October is Halloween....

Easy Drifter
6th December 2009, 08:36
Wrong Mark. A few stores had stuff out mid Oct.

6th December 2009, 17:04
no tree up yet. can't be arsed with xmas yet.

6th December 2009, 17:21
Our £1.00, 30cm high Asda tree is up in the kitchen as we speak (typical students I guess..)

Lights have been on around Liverpool since the start of November, although I completely avoided hearing Xmas songs until the start of December which makes a nice change.

7th December 2009, 01:47
My wife had the tree up before Thanksgiving! :D

I put the outdoor lights up this afternoon. :)

Brown, Jon Brow
7th December 2009, 11:40
My wife had the tree up before Thanksgiving! :D

I put the outdoor lights up this afternoon. :)

Will it not go brown before Christams?

7th December 2009, 14:43
Will it not go brown before Christams?

Nah, it's the same color it was last year seeing as it's artificial. :p :

But even if it was live, it wouldn't make a difference. Almost all trees (here anyway) are cut in early November. My business partner's other business is distributing Christmas trees. Every year he starts bringing in trucks about a week before Thanksgiving from Oregon, Canada, North Carolina, and Michigan. He then grades, organizes, tags and separates out the individual orders and ships them all back out. This year, the first incoming truck arrived on Nov. 17. Thanksgiving week you ship out like crazy because everybody wants trees on their lots starting the weekend after Thanksgiving, Everything was gone and the office closed down by December 3. 40,000 trees sold in 15 days(not to mention garlands, wreaths, and other greenery along with stands, etc.) It's pretty intense.

7th December 2009, 15:26
I work in retail, I officialy hate Christmas. :mad:

Parents probably wont have the decorations up until about mid December.

8th December 2009, 14:06
I dont have time to fit Chrismas in right now. :s I have purchased a total of two Christmas presents and wont be doing Christmas decorations this year. I'm in the middle of buying a new house so I will probably spend time between Christmas and new year decorating. I've also been given the task of writing this years Christmas speach for my works Christmas party. The Christmas speach is legendary and I'm busy trying to pull out all the stops for that with a few contributions from the sporting and entertainment world. This is a stressful time of year!

8th December 2009, 18:51
Gridgirl- buying yourself a house will be the ultimate christmas pressie... best of luck with that!

I put our tree up at the weekend and it looks awesome even if I do say so myself. :) All my presents are wrapped and under the tree so I'm all set.

Brown, Jon Brow
8th December 2009, 18:55
I'm not feeling Christmassy at all yet. I wish I was still 6 years old. Christmas Day was life changing back then!

8th December 2009, 19:01
I'm not feeling Christmassy at all yet. I wish I was still 6 years old. Christmas Day was life changing back then!

I hear you... The christmas holidays seemed to last forever, but now it's always a bit of an anti-climax and the day itself is over so fast.

Still, I love all the build up to it... and I love getting presents for the people I care about most and all the decorations. :)

Brown, Jon Brow
8th December 2009, 19:38
I hear you... The christmas holidays seemed to last forever, but now it's always a bit of an anti-climax and the day itself is over so fast.

Still, I love all the build up to it... and I love getting presents for the people I care about most and all the decorations. :)

Getting the decorations is usually quite a masculine moment in our house. This is because we keep them on the loft.

The thing about lofts is that only the men in the house are allowed to go into them. It is far too dangerous for a women to go up into the loft. Even when a woman wants to put something onto the loft (for example old clothes that she can't fit into but wants to keep them to remind herself that she used to be able to) she must leave it next to the loft and we'll take it up during our next visit.

When it comes to Christmas decorations time the womans role is to stand at the bottom of the loft ladder to retrieve decorations that are passed down.

Langdale Forest
30th December 2009, 23:03
Christmas is almost over!