View Full Version : YouTube Hack??

3rd December 2009, 02:42
A strange thing just happened and I'm wondering if there's any IT security savvy folks out there with any guesses as to what happened and why this strange message bar appeared at the top of the video screen. While viewing a video on youtube the browser crashed. Upon reloading the browser froze yet again, however I managed to grab a screenshot;


Due to past experiences with cyberbullying I no longer post on the internet with a Microsoft OS or with my main computer, all I'm using at the moment is a old POS laptop running Ubuntu on a flash drive that I can easily wipe out and reformat. But I did make the mistake last month of logging into youtube with a portable mobile phone web device, which was instantly beseiged with spam phone calls.

What is the significance of that strange "I call shenanigans" header bar?

3rd December 2009, 03:04
A strange thing just happened and I'm wondering if there's any IT security savvy folks out there with any guesses as to what happened and why this strange message bar appeared at the top of the video screen. While viewing a video on youtube the browser crashed. Upon reloading the browser froze yet again, however I managed to grab a screenshot;


Due to past experiences with cyberbullying I no longer post on the internet with a Microsoft OS or with my main computer, all I'm using at the moment is a old POS laptop running Ubuntu on a flash drive that I can easily wipe out and reformat. But I did make the mistake last month of logging into youtube with a portable mobile phone web device, which was instantly beseiged with spam phone calls.

What is the significance of that strange "I call shenanigans" header bar?
eeeerrrr....could u say that agin in english.....

3rd December 2009, 03:05
look at the pink header bar over the video

3rd December 2009, 03:26
I just tried it (hit on youTUBE gp houston 1999) and it did not do it to me.....But when God speaks to me, he just talks in my left ear without using youtube or other electronic aids

3rd December 2009, 03:33
Out of the pool. This is an adult swim.

3rd December 2009, 03:40
Hey, just trying to help you out....

maybe you should lay off the mushrooms for a couple of days, seems to help out on that sort of stuff.....seriously i tried the utube itself and it went w/o that popping up....so i dunno man.....

3rd December 2009, 04:30
Hey, just trying to help you out....

maybe you should lay off the mushrooms for a couple of days, seems to help out on that sort of stuff.....seriously i tried the utube itself and it went w/o that popping up....so i dunno man.....

Here's a little parable; during the 2006 24 Hours of Le Mans I was watching the race on TV and chatting about the unfolding race on Speed.com when a strange thing happened; a message bar appeared over SpeedTV.com's home page which stated "an ActiveX control was behaving in a malicious manner". Just as I have now I posted a question about it on a forum, and someone responded just as you have; "don't worry about it, you're paranoid, etc, etc". Well, to sum it up I spent the entire morning reformatting and reinstalling XP. So in reply to your drug use accusations and feigned english comprehension issues I reply:

buzz off

3rd December 2009, 09:05
I call shenanigans on Rollo, shenanigans I tells you :D ;)

3rd December 2009, 09:34
I call shenanigans on Rollo, shenanigans I tells you :D ;)

hey, buzz off man......can you not see we are trying to have a serious conversation in the adult swim pool????

Anyway, it strikes me that you should adjust your Window fire wall to block "active x-controls" from entterring into the computer, without your express permission. And remeber thAT YOU MUST TURN THAT CONTROL ON AND OFF for windows updates, sometimes. iT IS IN THE BOX RELATING TO ACCEPTING COOKIES AND INTERNENT SECURITY anD other stuff (god those dam mushrooms spasm out my cap lock key)

Anyway to update windows you must turn on, but after updates from window, turn back off. Through active x control type stuff going through internent, some of the worse virsuses can be transmitted.

oth, it could just be something someone planted to spoof you based on your security settingsm
Do a virus check. Get better software because most spam will be blocked if the settings are right

but my money says, god is watching and speaking to you

3rd December 2009, 10:12