View Full Version : Rally instruction?

22nd November 2009, 11:21
Can anybody recommend a good gravel rally instructor? I have spoken to Mark Higgins who has a rally school in Wales which he runs with his brother David. They can fit me in for a days instruction after Christmas and was going to book that, but then started looking at ice driving in Norway with John Haugland. John has massive experiance with wrc which can only be a good thing, but then lets be honest, with Mark being a 3 time British rally champion he's no novice! Has anyone have any other options?

23rd November 2009, 00:31
Can anybody recommend a good gravel rally instructor? I have spoken to Mark Higgins who has a rally school in Wales which he runs with his brother David. They can fit me in for a days instruction after Christmas and was going to book that, but then started looking at ice driving in Norway with John Haugland. John has massive experiance with wrc which can only be a good thing, but then lets be honest, with Mark being a 3 time British rally champion he's no novice! Has anyone have any other options?

Yes!!You can fly to USA and and ask anybody! They'll say go to Tim O'Neil's school in the state of Nude Hampster. He entered one WRC!
I think the Finns could help us here and look up 1000 Lakes 1990 and tell us just how many stages in WRC he did before his DNF.

And wait, it gets better!!!
Ken Block went there and Ken Block is a RALLY SUPERSTAR who just did the most significant deal in WRC history!!!
And if he taught Block and Block has done some WRC then you know he could teach you, too!
Just look at how Block did:

Rally Mexico 2007:

28R 61 Ken Block Usa Subaru Impreza WRX STI N 16 5:08.14,6
Alex Gelsomino Usa 4 16 1:20.01,3

Only One hour twenty behind the winner and 8th from last!

Rally New Zeeland 2007
56R 74 Ken Block Usa Subaru Impreza WRX STI N 39 5:07.30,9
Alex Gelsomino Usa Rally FaNZ 4 36 1:14.37,0

Even better!! Only one hour fourteen behind the winner, and in a much larger field, 4th from last.

You could probably get one on one instruction and believe you me you come away able to say with new confidence "there's no way to drive on gravel without left foot braking!"

Hope this helps!!!

(One of my customers I've built a nasty Volvo motor for just did the Higgins school in September and said it was fantastic, and they stresses something I had already harped on: the use of brakes, PROPER use of brakes as the single most powerful system in the car, highly recommend it)

23rd November 2009, 09:11
Try one of these:




23rd November 2009, 09:18
Try one of these:




Wow I only knowed the Makinen one!!!!

Bolton Midnight
23rd November 2009, 13:19
Forest Experience at Carno (Higgins) is one of the best places in the UK, Norway is mega money, but if you want to drive on snow at a fraction of the price but still get expert tuition this is the one to go for


23rd November 2009, 18:10
Thanks guy's for all the info, will get busy phoning the schools. Will let you know how I get on.

Thanks again


Bolton Midnight
25th November 2009, 01:03

25th November 2009, 08:48

Looks a lot of fun :D . Spoke ot Pat seems a nice guy so think I may go for it. Thanks so much for all the info.

9th January 2010, 12:37
John Hauglands rally school.jpg (http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=2483&stc=1&d=1263040620)
Try this one1

12th January 2010, 12:51