View Full Version : TIRE President

19th November 2009, 16:49
Nice job guys

is the tire's answer to Dumbo and porky pig all in one!!
Bush has to feel better after seeing this guy!!

19th November 2009, 18:12
Dumbo and porky pig all in one!!

I don't know, Fousto. Looks more like Elmer Fudd to me.

19th November 2009, 18:19
Hey I can live with that one to but check the ears out - makes airbus look pale in comparison :)

19th November 2009, 19:13
The chimp in this picture (on the right) has the face of George W Bush but the ears of Van Rompuy:


19th November 2009, 19:28
Given the consequences of the rise of nationalism, and the subsequent scuffles during the 20th Century, I wonder what alternatives to the EU that Fousto would propose, given that the EU is a subject of ridicule for him.

19th November 2009, 20:33
Given the consequences of the rise of nationalism, and the subsequent scuffles during the 20th Century, I wonder what alternatives to the EU that Fousto would propose, given that the EU is a subject of ridicule for him.
Fousto is fousto. He shouldn't be taken seriously. I think it says so on the label.

19th November 2009, 21:13
Fousto is fousto. He shouldn't be taken seriously. I think it says so on the label.

He should also be man enough to post a mug shot of himself so we can all presumably have a giggle.......... :)

Easy Drifter
20th November 2009, 03:40
Defintely since Eki posted a picture of himself.
Hint: He is not the one on the left.

I know he will get me for that one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: :D

20th November 2009, 04:58
Call me an idiot, but what is a TIRE? I presume its not the things that make pretty smoke when torque overcomes grip.

20th November 2009, 05:09
Call me an idiot, but what is a TIRE? I presume its not the things that make pretty smoke when torque overcomes grip.

A tired out old joke by Fousto,

"The Islamic Republic of Europe" :)

Dave B
20th November 2009, 08:01
I.... can't be bothered feeding the troll anymore.

Mark in Oshawa
21st November 2009, 03:07
Dave...you need to buck up. Don't be so sad. Fousto loves the fun and games. He isn't taking himself THAT seriously really...

21st November 2009, 06:25
Yea Brockman don't run off I will send you a Koran!! Or Islams guide to free elections aka how to make plastic explosive!!

21st November 2009, 06:37
Given the consequences of the rise of nationalism, and the subsequent scuffles during the 20th Century, I wonder what alternatives to the EU that Fousto would propose, given that the EU is a subject of ridicule for him.

well Rollo I like it before you guys F___Ked it up. the countries and currencies were really cool. Now you are trying to make it into one big melting pot and you are. All identities are lost except the dominant one, Muslims. Based on the direction you are heading I can't imagine they are banning Marlboro!! you need something besides a doilie and a burka

I have had countless great visits to Europe and hope to have more but I can clearly see the direction and am amazed that you guys just roll with the pashima!

21st November 2009, 13:25
A tired out old joke by Fousto,

"The Islamic Republic of Europe" :)

Ahh well that makes sense now, I could not work what the T was for seeing as though, from memory, no other country in the world actually has "the" capitalised in its name.

Which silly thought this up and why didn't his parents make him finish school?

Its a bit rich to call it an Islamic republic when most have secular governments and most have Muslim populations below 10%. Otherwise we would have been calling it the Catholic Republic of Europe. ie CRE or TCRE if you did not finish school.

Mark in Oshawa
21st November 2009, 16:38
Ahh well that makes sense now, I could not work what the T was for seeing as though, from memory, no other country in the world actually has "the" capitalised in its name.

Which silly thought this up and why didn't his parents make him finish school?

Its a bit rich to call it an Islamic republic when most have secular governments and most have Muslim populations below 10%. Otherwise we would have been calling it the Catholic Republic of Europe. ie CRE or TCRE if you did not finish school.

He believes this Rah because while your demographic assertions are correct, the point has been made by many, mostly on the American right that the European governments have their head in the sand about the influence of Islamic immigration to Europe.

Conservative pundit Mark Steyn wrote a book about this and has taken a lot of flack for it, but his points on how France has ignored their Islamic minorities, the much higher birth rates of the Islamic community, and the willful looking the other way to some of this by the poltically correct crowd will lead to siginficant issues from a very united Islamic community inside of Europe demanding things like Sharia law, Islamic codes of law enforcement, and for the free press maybe not to be so free. One only has to look at the silliness of the Danes taking a beating over some political cartoons depicting Mohmammed to understand how intolerant some Muslims can be towards freedoms of the press and free speech.

21st November 2009, 17:12
Rah if you are so Fu____g smart why don't you put your country flag by your name it is real easy

22nd November 2009, 05:40
Rah if you are so Fu____g smart why don't you put your country flag by your name it is real easy

Sorry mate, don't like my flag so I don't put it up. I am from Australia if that helps.

22nd November 2009, 07:25
here you go Fousto, this is the flag of Australia:



23rd November 2009, 02:02
no other country in the world actually has "the" capitalised in its name.

The People's Republic of China?
Although stylistically it should be The Lebanon, The Ukraine, The Maldives, and The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, The Commonwealth of Australia etc.

I also wonder if in principle you can have a republic whose constituent members include monarchies.

Its a bit rich to call it an Islamic republic when most have secular governments and most have Muslim populations below 10%. Otherwise we would have been calling it the Catholic Republic of Europe. ie CRE or TCRE if you did not finish school.

With reference to the First Amendment to the US Constitution, does that mean by fousto's reckoning that it should be the Seclarum Republic of America? or SCRAM?

23rd November 2009, 05:04
Nice try Cameltoe

you are probably trying to hide the fact the national bird of your country is the "Fly"

23rd November 2009, 05:59
Nice try Cameltoe

you are probably trying to hide the fact the national bird of your country is the "Fly"

If that's supposed to be an insult, it doesn't work very well. The "Australian Salute" is famous, and more people probably know the words to "Louie the Fly" than the second verse of the national anthem (and dare I say it the first).


23rd November 2009, 06:43
oh boy next you will be coming out with "Ahab the Fly"