View Full Version : Mercedes Benz take over BRAWN

16th November 2009, 12:18
...and end association with McLaren

http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/Business/Mercedes-Benz-Takes-Over-Brawn-GP-Racing-Team/Article/200911315454646?lpos=Business_Carousel_Region_4&lid=ARTICLE_15454646_Mercedes_Benz_Takes_Over_Braw n_GP_Racing_Team

16th November 2009, 12:20
apologies,didn't realise this was part of the Button thread

16th November 2009, 15:55
I didn't see that one coming. I knew they were going have an association with Brawn I didn't expect them to buy them outright!

It's a pity really, I liked that Brawn was independent.

16th November 2009, 16:01
hopefully they will do better than BMW

16th November 2009, 16:17
as far as i understand Macca will still have Merc engines in their rears until 2015. Rosberg is said to be the lead driver, with Heidfeld or Glock likely to be in the other seat. this leaves Button most probably at Mclaren, and Kimi err, in the wilderness. yes, arguably one of the top 3 drivers in F1, without a seat next year in a top car, unless he goes to renault or sauber. (on his way to rallying then)

Now to me, im disappointed that Brawn will be no more, just the wonder of 2009 before being turned into what undoubtably will be the silver arrows. and it looks a very german team at that.

so, Mclaren is likely to be all british, Merc all german and Ferrari though no italian drivers, an italian team. so in many ways, we may have the battle of the titans on next year. also, what colour will macca be now? stay silver? vodafone red? ha, unlikely. white and vodafone red, marlboro style? or british racing green?

questions questions. 2010 will have alot of new spice to get used to......

(my concern about this all is, what happens if merc dont win? they give up, or do they stick with it, unlike BMW or Honda? hopefully id like to seem them in 50 years time be every much an F1 institution as Ferrari. i have my doubts though)

Easy Drifter
16th November 2009, 16:41
My thoughts are Button will now stay with Brawn/Mercedes as there should be more money available for him.

16th November 2009, 16:56
yes, I think that thy will keep button, now and kimi will come to his senses, otherwise Rosberg will be driving that 2nd mercedes.

The fact that Brawn has not announced Rosberg yet, leads me to beleive that nothing is done there yet.

Ass to Ross brawn, It now seems that he was only a placeholder owner as he doesn't seem interested in running a team at all. In 2009 they got full honda support, now in 2010 they have been bought by mercedes.
It was never an ind pendant team and we will never find out how they would have managed as one now. All this fairy tail stuff about 2009 is rubbish IMO. It was a well funded team with a car that was developed by Honda as probably the most expensive R&D ever and then coasted to victory when funds started running low.
They never secured a major sponsor, seemed to be cheap about driver compensation and now get bailed out by Mercedes.

16th November 2009, 18:08
While it's all a bit bemusing to me, there are three good things that we will see come out of this:

1. Brawn's future as a team in F1 is secure

2. We will see Button vs Hamilton in all probability

3. Heidfeld will finally get a competitive car (hopefully) in which he can challenge for victories on a regular basis

What's a bit strange now though, is that Brawn GP will technically have existed for just one year, in which they won both championships. This is something that we will probably never see again.

16th November 2009, 18:17
(my concern about this all is, what happens if merc dont win? they give up, or do they stick with it, unlike BMW or Honda? hopefully id like to seem them in 50 years time be every much an F1 institution as Ferrari. i have my doubts though)

Thats my question too, lets not forget that shareholders and just about everyone else who isn't an F1 fan looked favourably upon Honda, BMW then Toyota pulling out of F1. Why is Merc different? They had a situation with McLaren where they could have walked away from it all with minimal fuss had they needed to. They've done that but did the unexpected, buying up another team and increasing their commitment to F1.

I hope Merc succeed but I do wonder why they feel they aren't subject to the same factors as the other manufacturers.

16th November 2009, 18:21
What will Mercedes think as team owner,with Nick Fry I presume,(or does he go) ,and Mclaren whip them next year,AND does Ross and Nick own the 25% between them?
Also does Honda get any return on their investment Pre 2009 ?

16th November 2009, 19:18
This move has been obvious since this past summer. Now it finally happened and I might even support Mercedes again as they are the only German manufacturer involved in F1 if only Audi would get in too now that the costs are being brought back to Earth.

16th November 2009, 21:43
http://www.daimler.com/Projects/c2c/channel/images/744804_1354317_425_283__X3H4094_retusche2_Helm_Car bon.jpg


Mercedes-Benz will enter the Formula 1 World Championship with its own team, beginning with the 2010 season, and Daimler AG and McLaren Group will change their form of cooperation with effect as of 13 November 2009. This was announced by Daimler AG today.


Nobody wasted any time with this one. It seems as though the media people probably already have everything printed in lieu of the next international motor show.

Ross must've known something and that's why he was cagey about his dealings with Richard Branson.

16th November 2009, 22:24
I think I know why Jensen celebrated his WDC by himself now.

Looks like he he found himself sitting in the first floor compartment of a 2 story out house.

16th November 2009, 22:42
I couldn't believe if Mercedes would opt for getting Heidfeld over keeping Button and the number 1 for their debut season... it's just too good marketing wise to be running the world champion next year, and yes, they should have the cash to do it. I rate Heidfeld and Button about the same in ability, so the WC bonus should make the difference, notwithstanding money... but Heidfeld won't drive for nothing, either.

1 - Button / 2 - Rosberg would be a great combo, and look better than 3 - Rosberg / 4 - Heidfeld.

5 - Hamilton/ 6 - Raikkonen would be even greater at McLaren! :cheese:

... or could it be 3 - Raikkonen / 4 - Rosberg at Mercedes?

17th November 2009, 00:16
Unfortunately it looks to have come down to nationality in this situation.

Mercedes seem obsessed with this all-German team, with Rosberg to be the shining light and Heidfeld the loyal lacky. However I think Quick Nick will beat Nico next year, I can just feel it. Plus, he's finally got the drive with Mercedes which should have been his in 2002.

How this is more beneficial than keeping Button I don't know, unless Rosberg would only sign if he became the number one, which he wouldn't have been with Jenson in the team.

Surely the strong cards are with McLaren now. They have a pair of World Champions, surely the second strongest lineup after Alonso and Massa, whereas Brawn now have two German drivers unfamiliar with running at the front, and both without a race victory.

I'm liking both pairings if this happens, but I can't help thinking Brawn (sorry, Merc) aren't being the smartest here.

Saint Devote
17th November 2009, 00:42
I am really sorry that this has happened to the Brawn team. It solidifies the esteem, admiration and affection I have for the Williams team - they have never found the need to sell their soul.

I cannot reconcile a German national team - it is bad enough when teams become national - because I oppose nationalism, period.

On a personal note a team emblazoned with German national colors and trumpeting German drivers and culture would not be acceptable. It is still too soon from World War 2.

If you excuse introducing politics - that Sarkozy on Armistice Day included Germany I find reprehensible.

Its the way it is. There are still people walking around with the numbers from the death camps tatooed on their arms.

Saint Devote
17th November 2009, 00:44
I would love to see Jenson now at Mclaren. I think Hamilton would have the advantage but together in the Mclaren team they would beat the socks off everyone else - and I WOULD support them unequivocally!!

Valve Bounce
17th November 2009, 02:19
apologies,didn't realise this was part of the Button thread

Actually, I see this topic should be a stand alone thread rather than buried in part of the Bunsen discussion. In fact, by week's end it may have nothing to do with Bunsen.

This is a very interesting development in itself - who, in their right mind, would have even suggested 12 months ago that Team Honda would become Team Mercedes in less than a year? However, I can sense that Mercedes would be more intensive with their technical aspect while being more clinical in the management of the team.

Mercedes have been away from F1 as a complete team for over 50 years, and they are in it to win, nothing less. I sense that they see something in Rosberg, and have selected Heidfeld as his team mate on the basis there will NOT be anything resembling the Hamilton vs Alonso fiasco, and Mercedes wanting to win the WCC without the bad press.

And in Brawn, they will have the Brain (sorry for pun) to formulate winning strategies for their races; none of the "OH! we were racing Alonso nonsense" they had to put up with at McLaren.

And Yes! like Mark, I didn't see this coming. I never dreamt that Mercedes would ever have their own team in F1 again.

17th November 2009, 02:38
And Yes! like Mark, I didn't see this coming. I never dreamt that Mercedes would ever have their own team in F1 again.

When I were a wee lad, Mercedes were not involved in motorsport at all. In fact after the events of the 1955 Le Mans 24 Hour Race when Pierre Levegh's Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR crashed and killed 84 spectators, Mercedes (and several nations) withdrew from motorsport period.

Apart from the odd Cosworth 190E and Mercedes entanglement with Sauber, they didn't even enter back into F1 until 1995. Even then the "Silver Arrows" of sorts didn't appear until Marlboro and McLaren fell out in 1995.

For me this is a trip down a Nostalgia Lane that had already been long since boarded up and demolished before I was even born. Whatever the case, both Audi and Mercedes-Benz both list Silberpfeil-Grau, or Silver Arrow Grey as a colour that they sell their road cars in, but as far as GP racing is concerned...

...the Silver Arrows are back.

Valve Bounce
17th November 2009, 03:13
Unfortunately it looks to have come down to nationality in this situation.

Mercedes seem obsessed with this all-German team, with Rosberg to be the shining light and Heidfeld the loyal lacky. However I think Quick Nick will beat Nico next year, I can just feel it. Plus, he's finally got the drive with Mercedes which should have been his in 2002.

How this is more beneficial than keeping Button I don't know, unless Rosberg would only sign if he became the number one, which he wouldn't have been with Jenson in the team.

Surely the strong cards are with McLaren now. They have a pair of World Champions, surely the second strongest lineup after Alonso and Massa, whereas Brawn now have two German drivers unfamiliar with running at the front, and both without a race victory.

I'm liking both pairings if this happens, but I can't help thinking Brawn (sorry, Merc) aren't being the smartest here.

Perhaps Daimler Benz didn't want a "strongest pairing in F1" like they had at McLaren with Lewis Hamilton and Alonso again. While I am puzzled why they didn't choose the hot pairing of Bunsen & Rosberg, I suppose all will be revealed when the drivers' seats are finalised for next year.

I blame it on ioan - he thinks Bunsen is a curbstone, and this must have gotten through to Sgt Schultz, who then reported it to Colonel Klink!! :eek:

17th November 2009, 04:29
I don't base this in any facts or so, but could Kimi be on his way to Mercedes? :) The money would certainly be there if Mercedes felt that he was worth it. They might rank him higher than Button, and need him more than Mclaren does as they don't have Hamilton or Alonso to drive for them.

17th November 2009, 08:00
I don't base this in any facts or so, but could Kimi be on his way to Mercedes? :) The money would certainly be there if Mercedes felt that he was worth it. They might rank him higher than Button, and need him more than Mclaren does as they don't have Hamilton or Alonso to drive for them.

It might not be a money issue. If Kimi had to negotiate with RD or Norbert haug, Id say he´d likely go with Norbert. And its a bit difficult to clearly see what Rons role is in McL today.

So instead of an all-German lineup it´ll be an all-Finnish lineup at MercGP?

Valve Bounce
17th November 2009, 08:09
It might not be a money issue. If Kimi had to negotiate with RD or Norbert haug, Id say he´d likely go with Norbert. And its a bit difficult to clearly see what Rons role is in McL today.

So instead of an all-German lineup it´ll be an all-Finnish lineup at MercGP?

I think this discussion may have been gazzumped by the news of Bunsen's signing with McLaren.

17th November 2009, 08:10
I think this is sad for many reasons. Firstly I had thought that we'd seen the birth of a new team in F1, that Brawn would join the ranks of Williams and McLaren et al at strong independent teams who would carry F1 into the era of less manufacturers. Now they are going to be just another works effort, which is a shame.

And it seems that Button is on his way out, which is crazy really, why wouldn't they want to keep the world champion?

Valve Bounce
17th November 2009, 08:12
Because Mercedes want Nick Heidfeld??

17th November 2009, 08:52
When did Brawn officially come into existance? I make it about 10 months ago? With the possible exception of Lola it must be one of the shortest lived F1 teams!

17th November 2009, 09:30
This is big! Although with the engine deal in place, luckily McLaren don't have any immediate worries..I think Kimi to Mercedes GP is on the cards maybe?
Brawn must have made a huge profit in all this too.

17th November 2009, 09:37
This is big! Although with the engine deal in place, luckily McLaren don't have any immediate worries..I think Kimi to Mercedes GP is on the cards maybe?

I think where Kimi is going to end up is one of the most interesting aspects at the moment. If I were Ross Brawn, I'd want Raikkonen in one of my cars, of course Rosberg has already signed.

Brawn must have made a huge profit in all this too.

I don't doubt it!

17th November 2009, 10:08
I cannot reconcile a German national team - it is bad enough when teams become national - because I oppose nationalism, period.

On a personal note a team emblazoned with German national colors and trumpeting German drivers and culture would not be acceptable. It is still too soon from World War 2.
Oh nooooooo Mercedes Benz people are Nazis!!!??? WTF? Can't 2 gremans be in a team together because of WW II???

Nico is a half finn, if You did not knew this before.

Please dude, wake up! It is 2010 soon ...

17th November 2009, 10:19
On a personal note a team emblazoned with German national colors and trumpeting German drivers and culture would not be acceptable. It is still too soon from World War 2.

Grow a pair and grow up.

17th November 2009, 10:22
In an era when car manufacturers seem shy of being seen to be involved in f1, as it is percieved to be scarring the earth, Mercedes decision is unexpected.
I speculate at to how the AMG brand will fit into the f1 strategy. That brand seems to be less concerned with economy & emmissions when compared with the rest of the Mercedes brand.

From Brawns perspective I think he is a master of timing.
No more Honda money in 2010, no real sponsors in 2010 and a bucket load more competition & windtunnel testing by other teams

17th November 2009, 10:25
On a personal note a team emblazoned with German national colors and trumpeting German drivers and culture would not be acceptable. It is still too soon from World War 2.

Grow a pair and grow up. They're not painting a freaking swastika on the car.

I am evil Homer
17th November 2009, 10:47
Well he thinks Hamilton only got the McLaren drive because he's black too so just ignore the idiot.

17th November 2009, 10:52
Well he thinks Hamilton only got the McLaren drive because he's black too so just ignore the idiot.

Good advise :)

17th November 2009, 11:10
On a personal note a team emblazoned with German national colors and trumpeting German drivers and culture would not be acceptable. It is still too soon from World War 2.

65 years?!

If you excuse introducing politics - that Sarkozy on Armistice Day included Germany I find reprehensible.

The German people suffered as much as the rest of Europe during the war, only through fault of being born there.

Dave B
17th November 2009, 11:27
On a personal note a team emblazoned with German national colors and trumpeting German drivers and culture would not be acceptable. It is still too soon from World War 2.
I know the phrase "WTF?" has become something of a lazy internet cliché, but seriously: WTF? :confused:

When would be acceptable for you? Is it too soon for USF1 because of America's involvement in slavery 200 years ago? Should Renault be banned because the French once set fire to Joan of Arc? (Although it later transpired that Briatore had asked her to set herself on fire in order to gain an unfair advantage in the Hundred Years War).

And don't get me started on Ferrari after what those bloody Romans got up to....

17th November 2009, 11:44
In a way Mercedes' actions are a bit odd...

At a time, when all car manufacturers are downsizing their activities, there is one, who actually increases their presence. Paradoxal? Although arguably MB has gained with that deal by buying a stake from Brawn at a cheaper price than McLaren will pay MB by buying those 40% back.

Secondly, if MB wanted a "German" team (like some want to emphasize :p :) , then why buy Brawn, which is based in the UK and has pretty clear British roots?(BAR/Honda contained really nothing that reminded German) From this point of view BMW-Sauber or Toyota would have made more sense, who are more Teutonic.

Who would have thought that a Honda works team becomes a Mercedes works team just within a year. :p :

Valve Bounce
17th November 2009, 11:47
And to think Bunsen drove for a Japanese team. :rolleyes:
What will the world come to next? :eek:

17th November 2009, 11:49
I know the phrase "WTF?" has become something of a lazy internet cliché, but seriously: WTF? :confused:

When would be acceptable for you? Is it too soon for USF1 because of America's involvement in slavery 200 years ago? Should Renault be banned because the French once set fire to Joan of Arc? (Although it later transpired that Briatore had asked her to set herself on fire in order to gain an unfair advantage in the Hundred Years War).

And don't get me started on Ferrari after what those bloody Romans got up to....

LOL. Way to defuse with humor Dave!

17th November 2009, 11:49
Nico is a half finn, if You did not knew this before.

Well, a half-Finn makes sense, because Finns were their allies. :D (I hope not to open a can of worms!)

17th November 2009, 12:13
Should Renault be banned because the French once set fire to Joan of Arc?

Well it was the British who set fire to Jeanne d'Arc :p

I am evil Homer
17th November 2009, 12:32
In a way Mercedes' actions are a bit odd...

At a time, when all car manufacturers are downsizing their activities, there is one, who actually increases their presence. Paradoxal? Although arguably MB has gained with that deal by buying a stake from Brawn at a cheaper price than McLaren will pay MB by buying those 40% back.

Secondly, if MB wanted a "German" team (like some want to emphasize :p :) , then why buy Brawn, which is based in the UK and has pretty clear British roots?(BAR/Honda contained really nothing that reminded German) From this point of view BMW-Sauber or Toyota would have made more sense, who are more Teutonic.

Who would have thought that a Honda works team becomes a Mercedes works team just within a year. :p :

Well quite...they could buy a team in Cologne and instead bought one based in the highly Germanic town of Brackley :D

17th November 2009, 14:26
I have a bad feeling about all this. Not based on any facts, just a gut check.

17th November 2009, 14:46
Because Mercedes want Nick Heidfeld??

Because Mercedes don't want Jenson long term and do want Seb Vettel as soon as he's available.

I am evil Homer
17th November 2009, 14:59
Very true....keep Nick for a few season till he retires then get Seb in

17th November 2009, 15:42
Why just Seb? I personally think that if Hülkenberg seriously impresses next year at Williams, he could well end up at Mercedes in 2011 and beyond. Meanwhile Vettel is tied to Red Bull until the end of 2011, so MB can't get him that quickly.

17th November 2009, 16:31
Well, you know guys, Nico Rosberg might prove himself as a good driver...

I am evil Homer
17th November 2009, 16:50
Well he has to...excuse time is over. He's in the winning team, now backed by Mercedes.

17th November 2009, 17:03
I rate Nico highly BUT he's been in a team that has been a traditional powerhouse and hasn't won. On the other hand . . .

Seb has won four races in two different teams, and has given each of those teams its first win.

17th November 2009, 19:16
I am really sorry that this has happened to the Brawn team. It solidifies the esteem, admiration and affection I have for the Williams team - they have never found the need to sell their soul.

I cannot reconcile a German national team - it is bad enough when teams become national - because I oppose nationalism, period.

On a personal note a team emblazoned with German national colors and trumpeting German drivers and culture would not be acceptable. It is still too soon from World War 2.

If you excuse introducing politics - that Sarkozy on Armistice Day included Germany I find reprehensible.

Its the way it is. There are still people walking around with the numbers from the death camps tatooed on their arms.

I genuinely find your post ignorant and rather facile. Of the Axis powers no country has done more to atone for their WW2 record than Germany. None of the Mercedes team or any current driver had anything to do with the Nazis, I bet barely any of the management were even alive in 1945. Why should they suffer for what their forefathers did?

I see no mention of Ferrari's use of Italian nationalism despite Italy being the birthplace of Fascism.

Mercedes toying with nationalism to choose its drivers is nothing compared to the overt nationalism chosen by many other teams throughout F1 history. Your post beggars belief, its 2009 not 1946.

17th November 2009, 19:19
I genuinely find your post ignorant and rather facile. Of the Axis powers no country has done more to atone for their WW2 record than Germany. None of the Mercedes team or any current driver had anything to do with the Nazis, I bet barely any of the management were even alive in 1945. Why should they suffer for what their forefathers did?

I see no mention of Ferrari's use of Italian nationalism despite Italy being the birthplace of Fascism.

Mercedes toying with nationalism to choose its drivers is nothing compared to the overt nationalism chosen by many other teams throughout F1 history. Your post beggars belief, its 2009 not 1946.

I agree. It is scandalous and unacceptable to have modern Germany attacked from the past. I actually am against attacking countries because of politics and history at all. Honestly I think that a moderator should interfere, this is hate speech.

17th November 2009, 20:25
I agree. It is scandalous and unacceptable to have modern Germany attacked from the past. I actually am against attacking countries because of politics and history at all. Honestly I think that a moderator should interfere, this is hate speech.

Hate speech ... I would hardly characterize it that way. Talk about throwing gas on a fire. A bit, shall we say, inflammatory on both yours and Saint Devote's part, perhaps?

17th November 2009, 20:47
Why just Seb? I personally think that if Hülkenberg seriously impresses next year at Williams, he could well end up at Mercedes in 2011 and beyond. Meanwhile Vettel is tied to Red Bull until the end of 2011, so MB can't get him that quickly.Pshh. Contracts can be broken like sheets of toilet paper in this business! If Vettel gets a better offer from someone and a better team, then I think it can happen.

On the other hand, I'm not too sure why Vettel would want to leave Red Bull. They're going to be competitive next year. I'm sure that they'll look forward to another prosperous season in 2010.

17th November 2009, 20:53
Hate speech ... I would hardly characterize it that way. Talk about throwing gas on a fire. A bit, shall we say, inflammatory on both yours and Saint Devote's part, perhaps?

Maybe, but I can't agree with the idea that one of the greatest countries in the history of Europe, who gave us great poets, musicians and philosophers, has no right of a national team, no matter how horrific was its role during the biggest slaughter in the history of humanity.

17th November 2009, 21:38
Hate speech ... I would hardly characterize it that way. Talk about throwing gas on a fire. A bit, shall we say, inflammatory on both yours and Saint Devote's part, perhaps?

Are Saint Devote's views shaped by the fact that he is possibly an Israeli (he does fly the flag under his name)? In which case, there is a very strong case to feel hatred towards "Germany".

I thought about reacting to either side, but thought better of it on this basis. The way I read it, a poison card has been played, and the next move by anyone is likely to be wrong.

17th November 2009, 22:18
Pshh. Contracts can be broken like sheets of toilet paper in this business! If Vettel gets a better offer from someone and a better team, then I think it can happen.

On the other hand, I'm not too sure why Vettel would want to leave Red Bull. They're going to be competitive next year. I'm sure that they'll look forward to another prosperous season in 2010.

Contracts can be broken, but I don't foresee Vettel wanting to leave RBR before the end of his contract at least. :p :

17th November 2009, 23:03
Maybe, but I can't agree with the idea that one of the greatest countries in the history of Europe, who gave us great poets, musicians and philosophers, has no right of a national team, no matter how horrific was its role during the biggest slaughter in the history of humanity.

OK, I hear ya on the philosophers and musicians, but poets? Goethe, Schiller, who else? :eek:

Valve Bounce
17th November 2009, 23:44
Are Saint Devote's views shaped by the fact that he is possibly an Israeli (he does fly the flag under his name)? In which case, there is a very strong case to feel hatred towards "Germany".

I thought about reacting to either side, but thought better of it on this basis. The way I read it, a poison card has been played, and the next move by anyone is likely to be wrong.

Not really!! pino could play the next card and do us all a favour. :rolleyes:

18th November 2009, 01:06
Are Saint Devote's views shaped by the fact that he is possibly an Israeli (he does fly the flag under his name)? In which case, there is a very strong case to feel hatred towards "Germany".

I thought about reacting to either side, but thought better of it on this basis. The way I read it, a poison card has been played, and the next move by anyone is likely to be wrong.

I am Jewish, I'll leave it at that.

18th November 2009, 01:44
Venom in this thread.

Mods need to step in.

18th November 2009, 02:21
There is enough going on to keep us well occupied , without dredging the past for nasty memories .
Geez , you guys , let's talk about a major change-up for a major player in F1 .
Dropping out of one team , and taking Brawn to "works" status .
Mercedes hasn't been there since they stripped the paint of the cars , have they ?
And this , in a period of recession , whilst selling luxury cars .

Buy low , sell high .

By the way , those tatooes , were an IBM numbering system , serviced throughout the war , with employees dispatched from home in NY,NY,USA to behind "enemy" lines .
To characterize any one nationality as evil , in any war or major conflict in the last century , is to be a pawn in the game the military industrial complex plays .

Don't play .
That goes for ALL of you .

18th November 2009, 02:54
Oh , yeah .
I forgot to mention that I have a feeling that people are going to be pretty freaked out about who will drive the car .
Haug has said it may surprise .

Valve Bounce
18th November 2009, 05:07
Oh , yeah .
I forgot to mention that I have a feeling that people are going to be pretty freaked out about who will drive the car .
Haug has said it may surprise .

Please, please don't tell me you've put in an application, AGAIN!! :p :

18th November 2009, 07:59
There is enough going on to keep us well occupied , without dredging the past for nasty memories .
Geez , you guys , let's talk about a major change-up for a major player in F1 .
Dropping out of one team , and taking Brawn to "works" status .
Mercedes hasn't been there since they stripped the paint of the cars , have they ?
And this , in a period of recession , whilst selling luxury cars .

Buy low , sell high .

By the way , those tatooes , were an IBM numbering system , serviced throughout the war , with employees dispatched from home in NY,NY,USA to behind "enemy" lines .
To characterize any one nationality as evil , in any war or major conflict in the last century , is to be a pawn in the game the military industrial complex plays .

Don't play .
That goes for ALL of you .

Good advice. I try to judge the person because who and not what he is :)
But back on topic. It seems that Mercedes might HAVE to use two German drivers now that Kimi is leaving and Jenson seems bound to McLaren. Ross Brawn gave an interview and he seems pretty upset by the fact that Button is going to McLaren. IMO it is a bit late for that, he should have gave him enough money and contract which is long enough - something McLaren seems ready to do.

18th November 2009, 08:02
I am really sorry that this has happened to the Brawn team. It solidifies the esteem, admiration and affection I have for the Williams team - they have never found the need to sell their soul.

I cannot reconcile a German national team - it is bad enough when teams become national - because I oppose nationalism, period.

On a personal note a team emblazoned with German national colors and trumpeting German drivers and culture would not be acceptable. It is still too soon from World War 2.

If you excuse introducing politics - that Sarkozy on Armistice Day included Germany I find reprehensible.

Its the way it is. There are still people walking around with the numbers from the death camps tatooed on their arms.

My very last warning to you, keep politics off this forum !!!

18th November 2009, 08:56
did hondaf1 and button get (F)****d over ?

Ross Brawn stands to make £100m profit in 12 months after Mercedez-Benz announced they are taking over the Brawn GP Formula 1 team.

Valve Bounce
18th November 2009, 09:22
Well it was the British who set fire to Jeanne d'Arc :p

Yes! but it was Flab who delivered her to the Poms. :eek: I think it had something to do with the Poms agreeing not to protest at Zinadine Zidane going from Algeria to play for France.

18th November 2009, 10:10
...and please keep it on topic thank you :)

I am evil Homer
18th November 2009, 11:15
I see Merc are making all the same sounds we heard from Toyota and BMW...long-term plan, well funded etc etc. Guess we'll see in a few years time!

18th November 2009, 13:33
I see Merc are making all the same sounds we heard from Toyota and BMW...

Yes... I am afraid so. Their only chance will be if Ross has built a vastly superior car. I doubt it...

I am evil Homer
18th November 2009, 13:50
Well I think they've got a better approach with Ross at the helm but we'll see. With the Button move confirmed does that make Heidfeld the obv choice for the second seat at Merc?

18th November 2009, 15:03
Well I think they've got a better approach with Ross at the helm but we'll see. With the Button move confirmed does that make Heidfeld the obv choice for the second seat at Merc?

I don't think Heidfeld is the obvious choice, If I were them I'd take Sutil over Heidfeld in a jiffy. If I were going out on a limb, I would even take a run at Nakajima for a year too. Stranger things have happened.

18th November 2009, 16:57
I don't think Heidfeld is the obvious choice, If I were them I'd take Sutil over Heidfeld in a jiffy. If I were going out on a limb, I would even take a run at Nakajima for a year too. Stranger things have happened.

Doctor? DOCTOR! This man thinks Nakajima is better than Heidfeld...

18th November 2009, 17:45
I don't think Heidfeld is the obvious choice, If I were them I'd take Sutil over Heidfeld in a jiffy. If I were going out on a limb, I would even take a run at Nakajima for a year too. Stranger things have happened.

Oh, come on, I am not a huge fan of Heidi, but to compare him to the crashaholic Sutil and the ssslow Naka is too much.

18th November 2009, 19:06
Doctor? DOCTOR! This man thinks Nakajima is better than Heidfeld...

Funny, isn't it?

Valve Bounce
18th November 2009, 21:43
Yeah comparing Nick who has the record for most consecutive race finishes (33), to someone who had difficulty using his brakes at turn one, is something I can't logically comprehend sorry dude... :)

Agreed. I think that Rosberg and Heidfeld (if this does come true) will prove to be a very good team next year. If not, then it will be :"Off with his heid" :p :

18th November 2009, 22:35
Yeah comparing Nick who has the record for most consecutive race finishes (33), to someone who had difficulty using his brakes at turn one, is something I can't logically comprehend sorry dude... :)

Are you talking about Hamilton?!