View Full Version : NASCAR rated 5th best drug testing in sports

Lee Roy
14th November 2009, 14:46
After reading the "Mayfield FAILED Drug Test" thread below, there were numerous "experts" who said that NASCAR's drug testing proceedures were not sufficient. Lo and behold, the Wall Street Journal seems to feel differently:

From Jayski:

NASCAR rated with 5th best Drug Testing in sports: The Wall Street Journal examined antidoping policies of 22 major sports or governing bodies and gave them a "clarity quotient" based on the presence of a policy, its accessibility to the public, severity of sanctions for offenders and administration of the code itself. A score of 100 is the gold standard, below 50, insufficient. NASCAR's policy is rated 5th of 22 with a score of 90.
NASCAR: Has nine racing series with close to 2,000 drivers. The misuse or abuse of any drug or alcohol is a violation. Even prescription drugs and over-the-counter drugs that may cause a driver "to have a competitive advantage or diminished or impaired ability to perform" on the day of the event are banned. Competitors are subject to out-of-season testing, preseason testing, random testing and testing for cause. Positive test result means an indefinite suspension. Competitors are offered a treatment program to undergo and afterward may seek reinstatement. No drivers' union to contend with and an obligation to protect spectators allow for strict policy.
The four sports ahead of NASCAR: International Boxing Federation / U.S. Boxing Association; International Olympic Committee; International Tennis Federation; International Association of Athletics Federations (track & field).(Wall Street Journal)(11-14-2009)

The link to the Wall Street Journal article.


Note who came in 10th!!!

14th November 2009, 15:43
Now that's an eye-opener.

14th November 2009, 16:55
it is. shows how well NASCAR does, especially when compared to F1 and other very high profile sports/leagues in their respective nations like NBA and the FA Premier League (very low scoring for that one)

certainly made for an interesting read. thanks for sharing

Mark in Oshawa
14th November 2009, 17:34
NASCAR is deadly serious about what they are doing, and they didn't farm this out to some mom and pop organzation. Glad to see where they stand in the pecking order. I suspect they are the only racing organization testing crewmembers as well as drivers as well. Well, asking the teams to test their members...NASCAR doesn't do it directly but allows the teams to set up a program that they approve of to do the testing.

14th November 2009, 18:11
Nascar and all forms of auto racing should be up there, they should be right up there with the Olympic committee. For a driver in any series be on something while racing is a serious risk to every other driver in that race.

F1 is still ahead of the NBA, NHL, and MLB at least

14th November 2009, 20:40
You think Brian is CLEAN??

16th November 2009, 08:56
Nascar and all forms of auto racing should be up there, they should be right up there with the Olympic committee. For a driver in any series be on something while racing is a serious risk to every other driver in that race.

F1 is still ahead of the NBA, NHL, and MLB at least

I don't think drugs have anything do with driving ability, that's probably the reason why racing drivers don't have to use anything. NHL and others on the other hand are a whole different ball game. For example: It's really strange that many Finnish NHL players have gained a lot of weight in a year after they've migrated to NHL, and we know that the training over here is actually better than in the NHL. Anybody who goes to the gym knows that gaining massive amounts of muscle is a very slow process indeed (without anything extra.)

17th November 2009, 05:10
It's called a cheeseburger, Dexter.

I don't trust an article that ranks MLB ahead of NCAA.

17th November 2009, 05:24
I don't think drugs have anything do with driving ability, that's probably the reason why racing drivers don't have to use anything. NHL and others on the other hand are a whole different ball game. For example: It's really strange that many Finnish NHL players have gained a lot of weight in a year after they've migrated to NHL, and we know that the training over here is actually better than in the NHL. Anybody who goes to the gym knows that gaining massive amounts of muscle is a very slow process indeed (without anything extra.)

I dont believe Nascar is worried about Roids, they are testing for narcotics that can be a danger to another driver.

Mark in Oshawa
21st November 2009, 03:32
I don't think drugs have anything do with driving ability, that's probably the reason why racing drivers don't have to use anything. NHL and others on the other hand are a whole different ball game. For example: It's really strange that many Finnish NHL players have gained a lot of weight in a year after they've migrated to NHL, and we know that the training over here is actually better than in the NHL. Anybody who goes to the gym knows that gaining massive amounts of muscle is a very slow process indeed (without anything extra.)

How you know your training is better? You think it is drugs in North America? I think there is more than people want to admit BUT in the case of hockey, I don't think it is that much. Hockey is one sport where it requires anerobic training. THat is strength AND stamina. If you build too much muscle, you lose on the stamina.

Will say tho the 4 professional sports leagues in North America are a joke when it comes to testing tho. NASCAR has no issue with getting tough because there is no loss of image or face by catching someone. Pro leagues are after performance enhancers to...so any positive test is seen as PR hit and THAT is why they are naive and reluctant to give up the control of the process. Which is why they have NO credibility in it....

29th November 2009, 06:57
Did they include alcohol in that, because alcohol is a drug, legal or not, major sponsor or not...

Jayski & Wall Street Journal, properties of Disney and NewsCorp respectively, the two broadcasting entities for NASCAR. I suppose instead of PR News it's just a product of plain ol' journal-ism

Lee Roy
30th November 2009, 12:52
Did they include alcohol in that, because alcohol is a drug, legal or not, major sponsor or not...

Jayski & Wall Street Journal, properties of Disney and NewsCorp respectively, the two broadcasting entities for NASCAR. I suppose instead of PR News it's just a product of plain ol' journal-ism

Usually your comments are pretty stupid, but I think you've outdone yourself this time.

1st December 2009, 04:19
Did they include alcohol in that, because alcohol is a drug, legal or not, major sponsor or not...

Do you think all the drivers need to submit to a pre-race field sobriety test?

Mark in Oshawa
3rd December 2009, 06:23
Usually your comments are pretty stupid, but I think you've outdone yourself this time.

Naah..he has said some really dumb things in his time. I am still trying to figure out where he is going on this one.
Other dumb things he has said I KNOW are dumber than this...

22nd December 2010, 02:48
I think Nascar doing their job therefore they are honored as the 5th best drug testing in sports. Good job Nascar!

Rusty Spanner
22nd December 2010, 12:55
Note who came in 10th!!!

Suspect F1 would now rank higher. Since the article was written F1 now operates under WADA code and the minimium penalties now start and two years.