View Full Version : Which song is (Arggh!) stuck in your head today?

13th November 2009, 19:43
The Ramones version of Spiderman. And it's driving me nuts! Someone please make it stop
Every day it is a different song. Arggh!

13th November 2009, 22:34
The Ramones version of Spiderman. And it's driving me nuts! Someone please make it stop
Every day it is a different song. Arggh!

I will admit that song is not the Ramones best but they do ROCK.

just be lucky it isn't this song.


14th November 2009, 14:57
I have Crazy Bitch in my head by Buckcherry.

I really wish I didn't like the song because the lyrics are pretty obscene... but I can't help but like the tune! (Same with other songs I like actually... but they happen to be some of my fave's. Not sure what that says about me. :eek: ) Argh!

Mark in Oshawa
14th November 2009, 15:11
For some reason, I keep hearing "In a Big Country" by Big Country. Not sure why, and there are worse songs to have stuck in your head....

14th November 2009, 17:06
ive got a lovely bunch of coconuts has been going round by head recently, no idea why....

18th November 2009, 14:48
That "Boom-bee-yadda, boom-bee-yadda..." Discovery Channel jingle :dozey:

18th November 2009, 15:54
I've got 2; Little Boots - Stuck On Repeat (Fake Blood Remix) and Skream - Blue Eyez. Both are cool so I don't mind :)

18th November 2009, 21:43
That "Boom-bee-yadda, boom-bee-yadda..." Discovery Channel jingle :dozey:

That is "Heart and Soul"

18th November 2009, 22:05
"Saatanan syvältä" ( = (Your CDs) so f***ing suck) by Klamydia:


18th November 2009, 22:26

25th November 2009, 01:12
A banner day (ugh)
Bits & Pieces (Dave Clark Five) morphed into Copacabana (Barry Manilow) morphed into Do,a deer (Sound Of Music)
God help me