View Full Version : Nov. 5 Announcement

1st November 2009, 01:41
So I got forwarded this email about an announcement on about a Nov. 5 announcement at the Speedway. Guy wondered if I had any clue as to what it was going.

My bet is Izod and Rio.

Anyone heard anything?

1st November 2009, 02:12
Yawn. Izod excites me as a title sponsor about as much as their clothes...........

2nd November 2009, 15:51
Brazil race location and details.

2nd November 2009, 16:10
scuttlbutt is Rio and Izod...

2nd November 2009, 18:47
It's not so much Scuttlebutt anymore, Curt Cavin says both will be announced on the 5th.

3rd November 2009, 17:48
I'm hearing some chatter about Ryan Hunter Reay to AGR with Izod/Macy's sponsorship in some fashion. I wonder if this will be announced on Thursday as well.

Just speaking from the PR perspective it's always nice to have an unexpected tidbit, and for photo purposes it looks good to have a car there, and from Izod's perspective it would be nice to have all the ducks in a row with their driver being announced in his car for next year with his new team.

3rd November 2009, 17:58
Brazil race location and details.

Was my fault. Resent the invite.

3rd November 2009, 18:16
Yawn. Izod excites me as a title sponsor about as much as their clothes...........

Why the gloom over a title ponsor. Who cares what they are or sell. It helps keep AOWR alive a little longer. Longer than the Shekh that once owned AR1.

3rd November 2009, 21:51
Was my fault. Resent the invite.

I should have bit my tongue! Izod it is. Emailed you back and if the weather good we should be a go.

Tip of the hat for them pulling this off, as it will help quite a bit. The activation and additional spots should help grow IRL brans awareness.

3rd November 2009, 22:23
I'm kind of stumped how this deal came together, it's like the dream deal for the IRL right now. But I have to say, the Izod IndyCar series has a nice ring to it. Could there be a better title sponsor? Sure, but Izod is a fairly classy brand that the public also recognizes. It would be great if RHR got a 2010 deal out of this also, but I haven't seen that reported anywhere as fact.

4th November 2009, 16:28
At this point, I'll take whatever we can get!

4th November 2009, 16:40
So on December 6th, who is going to go buy an Izod product? Who will be emailing Izod to thank them for supporting us.

4th November 2009, 17:01
So on December 6th, who is going to go buy an Izod product? Who will be emailing Izod to thank them for supporting us.

I'm not waiting that long, I am going on Nov 6th. (Sorry I couldn't resist!)


4th November 2009, 17:18
I'm not waiting that long, I am going on Nov 6th. (Sorry I couldn't resist!)


LOL! My bad.

4th November 2009, 17:29
if it gets announced tomorrow... and even its 1/2 of what is being reported...

it can be spun as nothing but a positive

*with that said.... cant see myself wearing a bright pink polo shirt no matter the logo :)

4th November 2009, 17:32

4th November 2009, 17:52
How solid a company is Izod ?

Well some backround information.....

The brand is wholly owned by Phillips Van Heusen Corporation (NYSE: PVH)

Phillips - Van Heusen Corporation. 200 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016

Last Trade:41.00

52 week low/high 13.04/44.85


5th November 2009, 13:36
LIVE-STREAMING: A live-streaming broadcast of the announcement will be available at http://www.indycar.com

I am evil Homer
5th November 2009, 14:32
How solid a company is Izod ?

Well some backround information.....

The brand is wholly owned by Phillips Van Heusen Corporation (NYSE: PVH)

Phillips - Van Heusen Corporation. 200 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016

Last Trade:41.00

52 week low/high 13.04/44.85


A share price is no indication of "being solid". I would have though Enron or Lehman Brothers taught you that already ;)

5th November 2009, 14:39
I'm kind of stumped how this deal came together, it's like the dream deal for the IRL right now. But I have to say, the Izod IndyCar series has a nice ring to it. Could there be a better title sponsor? Sure, but Izod is a fairly classy brand that the public also recognizes. It would be great if RHR got a 2010 deal out of this also, but I haven't seen that reported anywhere as fact.

remember back a few years ago when cheever was running 3 cars, had the fueding with buddy and thomas? IZOD was a secondary sponsor on his red bull cars. Cheever brought IZOD to indycar.

5th November 2009, 14:41
Red Bull Cheever Racing�s new marketing partnership with Phillips-Van Heusen Corporation, for the fashion sportswear label IZOD, is an innovative deal designed to bring together the fashion and motorsports industries. The partnership between Red Bull Cheever Racing and Phillips-Van Heusen kicked off at this year�s Indianapolis 500.

Click READ MORE for the full story.

I want to welcome Phillips-Van Heusen and Izod to their first season in the action-packed world of IndyCar Series racing,� team owner Eddie Cheever Jr. said. �Personally, IZOD is a label I have always loved to wear. Professionally, fashion and motorsports have always mixed well together, so I am looking forward to building a successful partnership with IZOD.�

The partnership includes branding on the No. 51 and No. 83 Red Bull Cheever Racing Toyota IndyCar Series cars, and clothing will be provided, for various occasions, for drivers Alex Barron, Patrick Carpentier and owner Eddie Cheever Jr.

"We want to be associated with world-class sports platforms. When we met Eddie, and he introduced us to Red Bull Cheever Racing and the IndyCar Series, we saw this as a great fit," said Mark Weber, President and incoming CEO for Phillips-Van Heusen.

5th November 2009, 15:57
The announcement will be at 2 p.m. today

5th November 2009, 16:09
It's not so much Scuttlebutt anymore, Curt Cavin says both will be announced on the 5th.

I was WRONG about this being about Brazil, but today's annoucement will only be about IZOD.

5th November 2009, 16:16
I was WRONG about this being about Brazil, but today's annoucement will only be about IZOD.

no Brazil?

5th November 2009, 21:25
It's a $10 million a year multi-year contract. It's not Proctor and Gamble, but its a solid company that should be able to fulfill the terms of its contract, which would be a first for the series. Thought there would be/should be a little more rejoycing about this. One positive announcement down, three more to go!

For the record I like the new look:

Chris R
5th November 2009, 21:31
This is GREAT news - I know Izod might make many of us think of alligators and preppies - but it is a solid, reputable, respectable company.... hopefully this is the beginning more good news!!!

5th November 2009, 21:58
Good news. I am happy for Indy, these are very tough times for motorsport and in my opinion if Indy survives now, it will survive forever.

5th November 2009, 22:30
And best of all, Izod is a consumer facing company, not a B2B! If they activate this sponsorship as I think they might, this is a HUGE step forward.


6th November 2009, 00:19
Well, I work in NYC and went by the big Macy's store there a few times. Izod did major activation for IndyCar last May, big in-store displays and stuff on the outside displays as well, and they've also had some big billboards up in Times Square with Hunter Reay and now the Izod IndyCar series one that was put up today. I know someone that went to an Izod outlet store around 6 months ago and the employee was well aware of the IndyCar association with Izod and showed where the branded clothing was. Izod also had a significant presence at the Watkins Glen 09 race I went to. I don't know exactly what Izod sees in the series, but they certainly seem to be an ideal partner that can and will activate. Still haven't seen the exactly numbers one way or another, but I give a lot of credit to talkin Terry for getting this deal done.

6th November 2009, 01:48
It's my understanding that in these deals part of the total dollar amount mentioned is money spent on TV commercials and promotional activities, so it's not like Indycar now has that much more money to spread around. It's still great news and is way more important than the Brazil race.

6th November 2009, 03:57
Curt Cavin said on the trackside show tonight that the $10 million number is wrong, that it's between $15-20 million annually. That includes activation $$ though, so he said that the $10 mill going back to the series each year is a real amount after the marketing spend. If true, that's a $60 mill deal in profit for the IRL over the 6 years for title sponsorship, along with an extra 5-10 mill a year in marketing.


6th November 2009, 05:00
Well, after reading about the deal, I have to say this is the best news to come out of open wheel racing in this country in quite some time. Hopefully this will kick start some other things happening, like the direction the series is going to go with chassis and engine. Tons of work still to do, but that talk is for another day. Tonight I'll enjoy that something positive has happened to Indycar racing.

Thank you Izod for taking this gamble on Indycar. If it pays of for you, then everyone in Indycar will benefit.

Mark in Oshawa
7th November 2009, 03:53
The ole girl aint dead yet....good lord we have a real sponsor.

To the start of a new and beautiful relationship.....

7th November 2009, 04:15
It's a $10 million a year multi-year contract.

I don't believe this is correct, but if you have some evidence...

7th November 2009, 14:27

^the second to the last paragraph is very interesting

Mark in Oshawa
7th November 2009, 14:42

^the second to the last paragraph is very interesting

It certainly is a dark cloud on the horizon to be sure. What kind of sponsorship deal is it if they lose it after a year because ratings are not up. It all hinges on how realistic IZOD are about what they are getting into. That doesn't sounds like a sponsor with long term thinking in mind if what was said there was true.

7th November 2009, 15:34
Mark, I wouldn't take that as any more than it is, a standard business out clause. Which the IRL by the way also has with Versus. The question is what those out clauses are. If we're to believe that they're contingent on the series ratings/# of races, etc. staying flat or better than 2009, I doubt there's a whole lot to worry about. But if they're contingent on a significant uptick in certain areas, then yes that's a concern. If someone can specify what those requirements are then we can speculate. Otherwise, as I said, these are simply standard out-clauses that even someone like Sprint has with the NASCAR series.

7th November 2009, 15:35
I don't believe this is correct, but if you have some evidence...

The Indy Star quotes it as a minimum of $15 million per year, for 6 years, with an option for 2 more:


7th November 2009, 16:23
From the announcement festival (http://www.indycar.com/news/?story_id=15403):

Q. Can you give us some of the details in terms of the length of the agreement, the amount of money, how it may be allocated?

MIKE KELLY: We're committed to six years plus. We assume everything will be going then. If so, we'll exercise an option. But we're committed to six years right now.

On the money, we don't disclose as a corporation the terms of our deal. Anybody who was around in '09 - I guess all of you were -you saw as a brand we were committed even as the apparel sponsor in our activation, what we spent, while often recorded wrong, was certainly well into the millions. We activated aggressively in major markets and minor markets. We went into markets before a race, three weeks in advance, and we would blitz that market with advertising, with cinema, with additional spot TV, in addition to the media that we were buying, as one of the most aggressive buyers I believe on both ESPN, ABC and VERSUS.

This year as the title sponsor, in the years to come, we're committed to that and then some. We expect to be very aggressive in our spending.

THE MODERATOR: Yes, the specifics, exactly.

TERRY ANGSTADT: I'll certainly say what we can say out of respect of our new partner and their position as a public company. I know Mike has spoken to the term. We're so proud of a six-year term with an option. So I think everyone would recognize in today's landscape, that's just an unbelievable commitment of confidence and the willingness to build for the future. So the term is fantastic.

It is multi-million dollars. It is really across a number of platforms. We are going to downstream funds to each and every car participating in the series. There's a significant activation budget that will go toward targeted markets and certainly at venues so we can activate in and around each race market. There is a very big commitment to each broadcast partner so they showcase the new relationship in an appropriate way.

So it really is, it really hits across every important area you would want, a very well, I think, put together and integrated deal as it came together. So it really is something that will raise the entire economy of the IZOD IndyCar Series and our key partners, team owners, drivers, venues, broadcast partners. It's just outstanding on every measure.

Draw your own conclusions...

7th November 2009, 16:41
From the announcement festival (http://www.indycar.com/news/?story_id=15403):

Draw your own conclusions...

I don't know what you're trying to point out there. They reportedly spent over $5 million last year on the series and activation just as the "apparel sponsor". I'm not sure why you'd assume other reports like the Indy Star's $15 mill a year are wrong. Simply because Izod is not giving out exact numbers themselves?

8th November 2009, 01:15
Mark, I wouldn't take that as any more than it is, a standard business out clause. Which the IRL by the way also has with Versus. The question is what those out clauses are. If we're to believe that they're contingent on the series ratings/# of races, etc. staying flat or better than 2009, I doubt there's a whole lot to worry about. But if they're contingent on a significant uptick in certain areas, then yes that's a concern. If someone can specify what those requirements are then we can speculate. Otherwise, as I said, these are simply standard out-clauses that even someone like Sprint has with the NASCAR series.

your correct... standard out-clause...but lets look at the speciifc metrics mentioned

but car count steadily dwindled for both CC and the IRL leading up to merger...took a collective hit for 2008.. and was stable for 2009...but the trend has been in decline...

Attendance will take a hit... marlboro has announced its dropping its frre ticket program and ISC has dropped track packs....

TV ratings.... well we all know what happened in 2009... but what is scary is that 3 of the lowest rated races all year were the last races... including a .15 for the championship round...

and schedule.... brazil is TBA, Toronto is shaky... 4 ISC tracks have contract end after 2010.... and Laguna seca has recently stated they would like a date but the ICS sanctioning fee is too high....


reason to take it seriosly... yes as well

8th November 2009, 03:42
your correct... standard out-clause...but lets look at the speciifc metrics mentioned

but car count steadily dwindled for both CC and the IRL leading up to merger...took a collective hit for 2008.. and was stable for 2009...but the trend has been in decline...

Attendance will take a hit... marlboro has announced its dropping its frre ticket program and ISC has dropped track packs....

TV ratings.... well we all know what happened in 2009... but what is scary is that 3 of the lowest rated races all year were the last races... including a .15 for the championship round...

and schedule.... brazil is TBA, Toronto is shaky... 4 ISC tracks have contract end after 2010.... and Laguna seca has recently stated they would like a date but the ICS sanctioning fee is too high....


reason to take it seriosly... yes as well

I agree with you, but once again, without any specifics, one cannot state factually one way or another what to Izod is a legit "out" clause. Remember, they started as a significant sponsor in mid-08 and increased that role in 09, and now have significantly increased their role for '10. They've been following the metrics, and despite what we may see as a decline during those years, they see something that's not only good, but an opportunity that they're interested in putting a LOT more money into. So to say that they're going into this blind, and are going to split when a moderate decline happens here or there, is I think naive. They've been around long enough that they know where the IRL is at this time and in this economy. Yes, we never know exactly what went on behind the scenes. And for all we know, they may look at 10 as a trial period to see whether they get the traction they were looking for. Or maybe instead they see the 6 year deal as a more typical long-term corporate title deal, where they're not looking for immediate results but will start judging results by the 50% mark. Who knows. Without any specifics and a "general" out clause that every sponsor in this situation would have, I think it's useless to try and guess if or when they would be looking for the exit.

8th November 2009, 04:22
TV ratings.... well we all know what happened in 2009... but what is scary is that 3 of the lowest rated races all year were the last races... including a .15 for the championship round...

Do you think that Izod didn't take notice of these numbers PRIOR to signing this deal?

I think this goes a long way toward what a lot of us have been saying all along, specifically the ratings suck BUT they are within the range of the expectations of all parties involved for the first year of this TV deal. If not why the hell would Izod be inking this sort of deal?


Mark in Oshawa
8th November 2009, 06:37
Ken you keep saying Toronto is shaky. Either state that is your opinion, or provide something that that is the situation. I read everything on racing out of the Toronto press and there is no indication the race is going anywhere. Which isn't to say it couldn't be promoted better, but again, it isn't going anywhere that I know of. IT isn't SHAKY. When you state that, it is saying there is doubt the event will be around next July.

8th November 2009, 12:42
Ken you keep saying Toronto is shaky. Either state that is your opinion, or provide something that that is the situation. I read everything on racing out of the Toronto press and there is no indication the race is going anywhere. Which isn't to say it couldn't be promoted better, but again, it isn't going anywhere that I know of. IT isn't SHAKY. When you state that, it is saying there is doubt the event will be around next July.

I have repeatedly stated it's my opinion.....

8th November 2009, 12:44
Do you think that Izod didn't take notice of these numbers PRIOR to signing this deal?

I think this goes a long way toward what a lot of us have been saying all along, specifically the ratings suck BUT they are within the range of the expectations of all parties involved for the first year of this TV deal. If not why the hell would Izod be inking this sort of deal?


a .15 for the series final race... a .25 average.... and a 60% drop in a single season

IMO there is no way that met or exceded anyone's expectations.....clearly you disagree

8th November 2009, 14:03
a .15 for the series final race... a .25 average.... and a 60% drop in a single season

IMO there is no way that met or exceded anyone's expectations.....clearly you disagree


Clearly IZOD is putting forth 10 to 15 million "I disagree"'s next year.

8th November 2009, 15:46

Clearly IZOD is putting forth 10 to 15 million "I disagree"'s next year.

why must the two be exclusive

8th November 2009, 17:34
Certainly the best news for the IRL in a very long time. And considering what Izod seems prepared to do on the marketing front, I would say that next year will truly be stand & deliver time for the series. No more excuses. With performance metrics in place, the IRL will now have to meet the goals set by this new partner. If not, and the sponsorship decreases or goes away, only the man in the mirror can be blamed, IMO.

8th November 2009, 23:43
TV ratings.... well we all know what happened in 2009... but what is scary is that 3 of the lowest rated races all year were the last races... including a .15 for the championship round...

Why is that Ken? Could it be because Versus lost 18 million homes households because of the spat with DirecTv? Could it be because one of the races was shown at 11:00pm from Japan and another at 10:00pm eastern?

What happens is the Comcast takeover of NBC is completed?

9th November 2009, 03:16
a .15 for the series final race... a .25 average.... and a 60% drop in a single season

IMO there is no way that met or exceded anyone's expectations.....clearly you disagree

Then why would Izod sign the deal they just did? Do you HONESTLY expect that the conversation in the board room was along the lines of "Well we were expecting much better numbers this year, but they didn't come close to what we expected. But lets go forward anyway and commit to the deal."


9th November 2009, 10:17

Alfa Fan
9th November 2009, 13:45
.14...my numbers smaller than yours Ken. What you going to do now?

9th November 2009, 16:22

So??? What does that have to do with my question? Why would IZOD sign the deal if they had higher expectations for this past years numbers?


9th November 2009, 17:02
So??? What does that have to do with my question? Why would IZOD sign the deal if they had higher expectations for this past years numbers?


I have no idea what they expected...

but the question was..

didn't you?

seriosly Gary...didn't you

9th November 2009, 17:43
Mark, I wouldn't take that as any more than it is, a standard business out clause. Which the IRL by the way also has with Versus.

your correct... standard out-clause...but lets look at the speciifc metrics mentioned


TV ratings.... well we all know what happened in 2009... but what is scary is that 3 of the lowest rated races all year were the last races... including a .15 for the championship round...

Do you think that Izod didn't take notice of these numbers PRIOR to signing this deal?

I think this goes a long way toward what a lot of us have been saying all along, specifically the ratings suck BUT they are within the range of the expectations of all parties involved for the first year of this TV deal. If not why the hell would Izod be inking this sort of deal?

a .15 for the series final race... a .25 average.... and a 60% drop in a single season

IMO there is no way that met or exceded anyone's expectations.....clearly you disagree

So??? What does that have to do with my question? Why would IZOD sign the deal if they had higher expectations for this past years numbers?

I have no idea what they expected...

but the question was..

didn't you?

seriosly Gary...didn't you

We weren't talking about me or my expectations. When did that become the question? Oh wait I know, when you couldn't answer the ACTUAL question contained in the thread of posts quoted above. The question was about IZOD. Please note the item I underlined and made bold. Since when is Izod not a part of the collective term "anyone"???


9th November 2009, 17:54
We weren't talking about me or my expectations. When did that become the question? Oh wait I know, when you couldn't answer the ACTUAL question contained in the thread of posts quoted above. The question was about IZOD. Please note the item I underlined and made bold. Since when is Izod not a part of the collective term "anyone"???


my apolgies gary... i had asked a question of another poster on another forum and got you/them confused...

anyhow... to answer your question

because they have higher expectations going forward...

dont we all?

9th November 2009, 18:00
It is good news that the IRL has finally secured a title sponsor......


The numbers being thrown about is about the same as it would be to sponsor One top NASCAR Sprint Cup team.
Still a long way to go.

9th November 2009, 18:50
It is good news that the IRL has finally secured a title sponsor......


The numbers being thrown about is about the same as it would be to sponsor One top NASCAR Sprint Cup team.
Still a long way to go.

Gary I think Ken is just looking to troll, fwiw. As far as I can tell, his first post on the subject was to try and find some negative way to construe it, which is really a stretch, even for him.

But I agree with the above point completely. The numbers the Izod deal is bringing in are pretty good news for IndyCar, but my guess is that they looked at either a single NASCAR team sponsorship for the year, or a title sponsorship for IndyCar, and saw more value in the IRL. But clearly, there's a big discrepancy when you can have a single car in another series be as valuable as the entire title sponsorship in another.

9th November 2009, 20:08
The fact that the ICS finally signed a title sponsor is a big step. That it is with a large, respected corporate sponsor wanting to make an impact on their investment is huge. And IZOD's marketing expertise and what they've stated their committed to doing makes this a good deal even if no money changed hands. There's no way the ICS could even try or expect NASCAR-type numbers for numerous reasons and I would imagine most recognize that. A comparison of the two is pointless other than for chest-thumping as it's not even an apple-to-apple discussion. The hope is that now with a title sponsor the series can seriously start addressing the other key issues holding the series back....namely attendance, television ratings and a new set of rules that abolishes 'spec' cars and motors and invites innovation and experimentation.

I applaud the signing of IZOD.

9th November 2009, 21:27
The fact that the ICS finally signed a title sponsor is a big step. That it is with a large, respected corporate sponsor wanting to make an impact on their investment is huge. And IZOD's marketing expertise and what they've stated their committed to doing makes this a good deal even if no money changed hands. There's no way the ICS could even try or expect NASCAR-type numbers for numerous reasons and I would imagine most recognize that. A comparison of the two is pointless other than for chest-thumping as it's not even an apple-to-apple discussion. The hope is that now with a title sponsor the series can seriously start addressing the other key issues holding the series back....namely attendance, television ratings and a new set of rules that abolishes 'spec' cars and motors and invites innovation and experimentation.

I applaud the signing of IZOD.

Good post. I agree with that. One point though, when people say NASCAR, it's important to distinguish between the various NASCAR series: Sprint Cup Series, the Nationwide Series and the Camping World Truck Series. But I think you meant Sprint Cup, and you're right: to compare the IRL to Sprint Cup is like comparing your local Realtor to Donald Trump.

I took a quick glance around to get an idea of some other title sponsorship values. And with that, this Izod deal really is nothing to sneeze at. I have no idea what the opt out clauses are, but on the face, if the rumored numbers are at all accurate, the IRL has nothing to be ashamed of.

I wouldn't expect the IRL to even be in the same conversation with someone considering Sprint Cup or the Natiowide Series. From the ratings, it seems that the IRL slots in somewhere around or above the truck series. And this deal seems to reflect that. So it seems like a fair enough deal.

Sprint Nextel: $75 million/year
Nationwide: $25 million/year
Camping World: $5 million/year

Camping World to sponsor NASCAR truck series

Camping World, a recreational vehicle retailer, signed a seven-year deal to sponsor Nascar's pickup truck racing series, replacing the toolmaker Craftsman, which had sponsored the series since 1995.

Camping World's deal is worth about $5 million a year, said a source familiar with the deal who requested anonymity. Sprint Nextel Corp (S.N: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) and Nationwide Insurance pay an estimated $75 million and $25 million a year, respectively, for their title sponsorships in NASCAR's two popular car race series.

The National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing boasts a fan base of about 75 million, a large stable of corporate sponsors and TV deals worth almost $4.5 billion through 2014.

However, attendance, merchandise and concession sales at Nascar events has suffered amid a weak U.S. economy and high gasoline prices.

Lincolnshire, Illinois-based Camping World already sponsors a truck driven by Ron Hornaday Jr., who won the championship last season.

"We feel strongly that this sponsorship will dramatically increase our customer base," Camping World Chief Executive Marcus Lemonis said in a statement.

Craftsman, a unit of Sears Holding Corp (SHLD.O: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz), has sponsored the truck series since it began in 1995. It said last year that 2008 would be its last season as the lead sponsor.

The sponsorship was attractive to Camping World because many NASCAR fans treat trips to the track as mini-vacations, driving long distances and parking their RVs at nearby campgrounds.

"Camping and tailgating is an essential part of the NASCAR race experience," NASCAR CEO Brian France said. "Thousands of RVs pack the campgrounds at every NASCAR event, often for three or four days at a time. This makes Camping World the perfect match."

(Source: Reuters)

10th November 2009, 05:13
my apolgies gary... i had asked a question of another poster on another forum and got you/them confused...

anyhow... to answer your question

because they have higher expectations going forward...

dont we all?

Fair enough. And yes we all have higher expectations going forward. Izod must see something on the horizon and must not be too disappointed by what they saw this year.


10th November 2009, 05:17
Gary I think Ken is just looking to troll, fwiw. As far as I can tell, his first post on the subject was to try and find some negative way to construe it, which is really a stretch, even for him.

But I agree with the above point completely. The numbers the Izod deal is bringing in are pretty good news for IndyCar, but my guess is that they looked at either a single NASCAR team sponsorship for the year, or a title sponsorship for IndyCar, and saw more value in the IRL. But clearly, there's a big discrepancy when you can have a single car in another series be as valuable as the entire title sponsorship in another.

Of course there is a huge discrepency, so what else is new. We have King George and his vision (myopic as it was) to thank for that. But the thing that excites me most about this is not the dollar amount, it is that the deal is with a consumer facing company and not some B2B.


10th November 2009, 06:21
Fair enough. And yes we all have higher expectations going forward. Izod must see something on the horizon and must not be too disappointed by what they saw this year.


Maybe that something is Comcast/NBC?

10th November 2009, 13:43
My perception of Izod is it's geard to the golf and tennis crowd. Izod seems like a good fit at Indy but places like Mid-Ohio, not so much. My speculation is they are ether losing market share with their traditional customers or they are making a play for a more broad based market share.

Winston helped build the NASCAR brand maybe Izod will help build the ICS brand.

If it works, nice stratigic move.

10th November 2009, 15:42
My perception of Izod is it's geard to the golf and tennis crowd. Izod seems like a good fit at Indy but places like Mid-Ohio, not so much. My speculation is they are ether losing market share with their traditional customers or they are making a play for a more broad based market share.

Winston helped build the NASCAR brand maybe Izod will help build the ICS brand.

If it works, nice stratigic move.

I have to disagree about the Mid-Ohio aspect (and not just because it is my home track). I think the demographics of that place, the Glen and other road courses is exactly the market for Izod's clothing.


10th November 2009, 16:09
I agree with Gary.

Road courses are the "wine and cheese" (that always cracks me up) crowd. The IZOD and Van Heusen line goes with that perfectly.

I guess that makes me a cheesy whiner :)