View Full Version : Texting and driving

28th October 2009, 03:34
Who does it and why?

I do it because it saves me time by multitasking by talking to customers while I'm driving through traffic.

Can't believe states are going to make my business suffer because i can't text and call while driving because the politicians want to outlaw it.

Anyway, i just signed a petition to try and remove the ban:


Valve Bounce
28th October 2009, 04:19
Who does it and why?

I do it because it saves me time by multitasking by talking to customers while I'm driving through traffic.

Can't believe states are going to make my business suffer because i can't text and call while driving because the politicians want to outlaw it.

Anyway, i just signed a petition to try and remove the ban:


Well, don't come here for sympathy when you are caught and fined. And if you hit someone while texting, and land in jail, please let us know so that we can drink to your incarceration.

Easy Drifter
28th October 2009, 04:36
A ban on the use of any hand held device while driving came into effect in Ontario on Monday. That includes texting, Phones, DVDs, computer use and non mounted GPS.
Hands free phone are legal. Exempt are 911 calls. Also exempt are cops, firemen and ambulance/paramedics.
Studies have shown that use of these devices increases the chance of an accident dramatically. Actually the studies have shown the use of hands free phones is almost as dangerous.

Since it came into effect in driving about 80k on lightly travelled 2 lane highways I have seen 2 people still on phones. Both were women.

28th October 2009, 05:26
anyone who texts while driving is a blooming idiot and should be removed from the road. End of story !! I have my life threaten from the fact some people try to work the radio let alone texting. Anyone who thinks they have the ability to operate complex devices while driving is only kidding themselves and where do I sign to permanently remove their drivers license!!!!

28th October 2009, 06:03
Who does it and why?

I do it because it saves me time by multitasking by talking to customers while I'm driving through traffic.

Can't believe states are going to make my business suffer because i can't text and call while driving because the politicians want to outlaw it.

Anyway, i just signed a petition to try and remove the ban:



28th October 2009, 06:18
Who does it and why?

I do it because it saves me time by multitasking by talking to customers while I'm driving through traffic.

Can't believe states are going to make my business suffer because i can't text and call while driving because the politicians want to outlaw it.

Anyway, i just signed a petition to try and remove the ban:


I see...because it saves you time, by doing that everyday you are threating other lives. I must be dreaming because this can't be true :s hock: :crazy:

28th October 2009, 06:43
It saves you time? well you can probably text all you want from your hospital bed someday then....

28th October 2009, 07:16
Reading and writing text while driving endanger your life and others. It's not good to talk on mobile while driving but in city drive of low speed I think you still can do it, as long as you can drive handy...

28th October 2009, 08:05
This is a joke, right?

28th October 2009, 08:24
You would hope so.

28th October 2009, 08:36
Who does it and why?

I do it because it saves me time by multitasking by talking to customers while I'm driving through traffic.

Can't believe states are going to make my business suffer because i can't text and call while driving because the politicians want to outlaw it.

Anyway, i just signed a petition to try and remove the ban:


You're an idiot. Maybe when you are just saving some time one day you'll just run over someone, perhaps a small child. Then you'll feel like a right tit for signing some stupid petition. Cars are dangerous things mate and they need full attention when being driven, you business on the other hand could probably wait a few seconds while you pull over to use the phone instead of being a t**t

28th October 2009, 10:21
Who does it and why?

I do it because it saves me time by multitasking by talking to customers while I'm driving through traffic.

Can't believe states are going to make my business suffer because i can't text and call while driving because the politicians want to outlaw it.

Anyway, i just signed a petition to try and remove the ban:



Dave B
28th October 2009, 10:37
I used to, and at the time didn't see anything wrong with it. However, a lapse in concentration followed by the five-minute floaty-high feeling when the adreneline rush kicked in made me realise how stupid and dangerous it is.

It's now illegal in the UK, and that's a good thing. Sorry bruce, I won't be signing your petition. I'll send flowers to your hospital though...

28th October 2009, 10:40
hehehe... if you insist to drive while talking on mobile, use headset...

Fred Basset
28th October 2009, 11:23
Who does it and why?

I do it because it saves me time by multitasking by talking to customers while I'm driving through traffic.

Can't believe states are going to make my business suffer because i can't text and call while driving because the politicians want to outlaw it.

Anyway, i just signed a petition to try and remove the ban:


your an idiot and i hope you lose business because of what you do. You should send me your tel no so i can get a family up here to call you and explain what they think of you considering they lost a family member crossing the road that was run down by an idiot like you that was texting business and driving...

28th October 2009, 11:28
Texting+Driving=Idioting Crashing.

I think my point is clear....


28th October 2009, 11:48
I assume the OP is trolling. But it's an important point all the same. I have actually texted when driving and attempted to do various things with my phone and been shocked at just how little attention I was paying to the road while I was doing it. Therefore I've never been tempted to try it again!

Valve Bounce
28th October 2009, 12:10
I assume the OP is trolling. But it's an important point all the same. I have actually texted when driving and attempted to do various things with my phone and been shocked at just how little attention I was paying to the road while I was doing it. Therefore I've never been tempted to try it again!

If you look at the number of posts the guy has posted, you will eventually figure out that he is one of our guys in disguise doing a beat up on the rest of us.

But it is a good lesson for everyone - even changing the radio station can cause an accident.

28th October 2009, 12:51
I'm assuming the OP doesn't mind being driven by his missus whilst she's doing her making up.

28th October 2009, 15:55
A ban on the use of any hand held device while driving came into effect in Ontario on Monday. That includes texting, Phones, DVDs, computer use and non mounted GPS.
Hands free phone are legal. Exempt are 911 calls. Also exempt are cops, firemen and ambulance/paramedics.
Studies have shown that use of these devices increases the chance of an accident dramatically. Actually the studies have shown the use of hands free phones is almost as dangerous.

Since it came into effect in driving about 80k on lightly travelled 2 lane highways I have seen 2 people still on phones. Both were women.
thats sad, that was a pretty dumb move to ban hand held devices,

most people talk on their phone while driving, from time to time, and to make that illegal, is sad :(

28th October 2009, 16:07
I read messages while I'm driving, so to see if the message is important enough to warrant me pulling over to reply, although I have a touch screen phone that is in a holder in fingertips reach of the wheel so my hand never leaves it, just a glance at the screen is usually just enough.

Doing anything but driving, whilst driving is bad. Bluetooth headsets aren't expensive these days, and I'm sure your customers would appreciate it more if you spoke to them anyway

28th October 2009, 16:17
thats sad, that was a pretty dumb move to ban hand held devices,

most people talk on their phone while driving, from time to time, and to make that illegal, is sad :(

Most people are stupid though Wade. The problem with talking on the phone is that the other person can't judge the conversation according to road conditions. Passengers in a car will shut up at a tricky junction so it's possible for a driver to maintain concentration.

28th October 2009, 16:28
Most people are stupid though Wade. The problem with talking on the phone is that the other person can't judge the conversation according to road conditions. Passengers in a car will shut up at a tricky junction so it's possible for a driver to maintain concentration.
but talking on the phone from time to time while driving, is unavoidable, becouse if someone calls you have to answer

28th October 2009, 16:47
but talking on the phone from time to time while driving, is unavoidable, becouse if someone calls you have to answer

I keep thinking that you're a multi but comments like that are surely too stupid for someone to think they could get away with.

Fred Basset
28th October 2009, 16:52
I read messages while I'm driving, so to see if the message is important enough to warrant me pulling over to reply, although I have a touch screen phone that is in a holder in fingertips reach of the wheel so my hand never leaves it, just a glance at the screen is usually just enough.

Doing anything but driving, whilst driving is bad. Bluetooth headsets aren't expensive these days, and I'm sure your customers would appreciate it more if you spoke to them anyway

To kill a child? Yes i agree

Its a lot to carry with you for the rest of your life that you killed a child because you glanced at a scree on your phone

Fred Basset
28th October 2009, 16:54
but talking on the phone from time to time while driving, is unavoidable, becouse if someone calls you have to answer

Who says you "have" to answer?

28th October 2009, 17:08
I read messages while I'm driving, so to see if the message is important enough to warrant me pulling over to reply, although I have a touch screen phone that is in a holder in fingertips reach of the wheel so my hand never leaves it, just a glance at the screen is usually just enough.

Doing anything but driving, whilst driving is bad. Bluetooth headsets aren't expensive these days, and I'm sure your customers would appreciate it more if you spoke to them anyway

As long as you choose when you read those messages w.r.t where you are on the road and the traffic situation around you...fair enough i reckon

Easy Drifter
28th October 2009, 17:11
If you 'have' answer pull over safely and stop and then answer.
What the h--l did everyone do before all the cell phones and texting?
We sure survived.
I personaly think even the hands free should be banned. You are still distracted. As mentioned, in car conversations usually stop when things develop.
I on occasion will drink a coffee while driving but never on a multi lane or even busy road. The only time I even take a drink of it is when there are no cars around. I do end up with a few cold coffees!
Last year I picked one up on my way to Mosport. I still had a half cup of cold coffee when I got there 2 hours later.

28th October 2009, 17:22
Who says you "have" to answer?
becouse it might be a important call

Fred Basset
28th October 2009, 17:25
becouse it might be a important call

Whats more important Wade, your call or a persons life.. not yours obviously as you have no regard for your own life or anyone elses it would seem

Easy Drifter
28th October 2009, 17:33
More important than killing someone? :mad:
Pull over and answer. If you miss the call almost all phones have a feature showing you who called.
Since you don't work, and don't even attend a school I very much doubt you ever receive an 'important' call.
We survived without cell phones until a few years ago.
I have never used a cell phone in a car.
I have used two way radios. They are bad enough.
I have also been driving for over 55 years and at times up to 50,000 miles a year.

Fred Basset
28th October 2009, 17:40
More important than killing someone? :mad:
Pull over and answer. If you miss the call almost all phones have a feature showing you who called.
Since you don't work, and don't even attend a school I very much doubt you ever receive an 'important' call.
We survived without cell phones until a few years ago.
I have never used a cell phone in a car.
I have used two way radios. They are bad enough.
I have also been driving for over 55 years and at times up to 50,000 miles a year.

OMG is Wade one of Obamas children? No need to work Wade, just sponge off society for the rest of your life for all those handouts your gonna get

28th October 2009, 17:49
More important than killing someone? :mad:
Pull over and answer. If you miss the call almost all phones have a feature showing you who called.
Since you don't work, and don't even attend a school I very much doubt you ever receive an 'important' call.
We survived without cell phones until a few years ago.
I have never used a cell phone in a car.
I have used two way radios. They are bad enough.
I have also been driving for over 55 years and at times up to 50,000 miles a year.
the thing is, talking on a cell phone while driving has always been a prety normal thing,

its done everyday by alot of people, and most of the time, it doesn't result in a accadent

28th October 2009, 17:52
OMG is Wade one of Obamas children? No need to work Wade, just sponge off society for the rest of your life for all those handouts your gonna get
theres no reason for me to work right now sence i'm only 18 years old :p i gradurate from my homeschooling acadimy, early next year, and my mom wants me to go to college next fall, and i'm fine with that plan :)

Fred Basset
28th October 2009, 17:52
the thing is, talking on a cell phone while driving has always been a prety normal thing,

its done everyday by alot of people, and most of the time, it doesn't result in a accadent

But when it does result in accident it can result in death Wade.. your a bit of a dimwit arn't you... oh your from TN LOL

28th October 2009, 17:52
To kill a child? Yes i agree

Its a lot to carry with you for the rest of your life that you killed a child because you glanced at a scree on your phone

So by your reckoning I'm not allowed to glance at my mirrors either?

Fred Basset
28th October 2009, 17:54
theres no reason for me to work right now sence i'm only 18 years old :p i gradurate from my homeschooling acadimy, early next year, and my mom wants me to go to college next fall, and i'm fine with that plan :)

Lets hope you live that long and your mum doesn't end up burying you first or having to go to the State Pen to visit you when your doing life without parole for killing someone, just because you wanted to take that call..

jim mcglinchey
28th October 2009, 17:56

this would make an ideal christmas prezzie for you, check out the comments

Fred Basset
28th October 2009, 17:57
So by your reckoning I'm not allowed to glance at my mirrors either?

Did i say that? Don't think i did.. if your going to be a smartass, try harder.

I've seen what fools like Wade can do to a family that lose someone (lost 2 people actually) because that driver thought he was invincable and that it would never happen to him.. thing was, it did and 2 people died, just cos he looked at his smartphone for a split second

Feel free to carry on being the dimwit, its your life.. or someone elses

28th October 2009, 17:58
Whats more important Wade, your call or a persons life.. not yours obviously as you have no regard for your own life or anyone elses it would seem
i have alot of regard for my life (i have hopes for a great life someday), but i'm very confdent in my driving abilitys,

although i dont often recive calls while driving, i would never consider just letting the phone ring and not answer :s

28th October 2009, 18:03
... i would never consider just letting the phone ring and not answer :s

Why not? I do it all the time. :mark:
When I get to my destination I simply retrieve the voice message(s).

Fred Basset
28th October 2009, 18:06
i have alot of regard for my life (i have hopes for a great life someday), but i'm very confdent in my driving abilitys,

although i dont often recive calls while driving, i would never consider just letting the phone ring and not answer :s

and your 17 :laugh: You don't know nothing kid LOL

28th October 2009, 18:09
Why not? I do it all the time. :mark:
When I get to my destination I simply retrieve the voice message(s).
i would rather not wait,

i dont know anybody who would wait until they reached their destanation, my friends and family also always just answer

28th October 2009, 18:14
the thing is, talking on a cell phone while driving has always been a prety normal thing,

its done everyday by alot of people, and most of the time, it doesn't result in a accadent

Rape and pillage used to be an everyday sort of thing, kinda frowned upon these days though. Likewise driving without wearing a seatbelt.

I quite often receive phonecalls while driving but always pull over before answering or wait and call back. The other day I tried to put my phone on loudspeaker when someone called and very nearly got T-boned as a result of the split second looking at the phone, lesson learnt for me and thankfully the easy way.

I like to think I'm an okay driver (who doesn't) but when you aren't concentrating on the road or your surroundings it doesn't matter if you're an 85 year old blind lady or Michael Schumacher.

28th October 2009, 18:20
well, i think its best just to go ahead and answer the phone,

i mean it may be some kinda emergancy, someone my really be needing to get touch with you,

28th October 2009, 18:21
Rape and pillage used to be an everyday sort of thing, kinda frowned upon these days though. Likewise driving without wearing a seatbelt.

I quite often receive phonecalls while driving but always pull over before answering or wait and call back. The other day I tried to put my phone on loudspeaker when someone called and very nearly got T-boned as a result of the split second looking at the phone, lesson learnt for me and thankfully the easy way.

I like to think I'm an okay driver (who doesn't) but when you aren't concentrating on the road or your surroundings it doesn't matter if you're an 85 year old blind lady or Michael Schumacher.
i personally dont often recive phone calls while driving but when i do, i just go ahead and answer the phone ;) and i am confident i can do it without crashing

28th October 2009, 18:37
i am confident i can do it without crashing

You can't and you're an idiot if you think that. I really hope that you don't end up hurting someone else by having that attitude, feel free to hurt yourself though.

If anyone really, absolutely, desperately needs to contact you then they should understand that you shouldn't answer a phone when driving. Unless someone is being attacked then nothing is so important that it can't wait 5 minutes or so for the driver to pull over and answer the phone safely.

28th October 2009, 18:42
You can't and you're an idiot if you think that. I really hope that you don't end up hurting someone else by having that attitude, feel free to hurt yourself though.

If anyone really, absolutely, desperately needs to contact you then they should understand that you shouldn't answer a phone when driving. Unless someone is being attacked then nothing is so important that it can't wait 5 minutes or so for the driver to pull over and answer the phone safely.
well, i know most people answer their phone without pulling over,

otherwise, you see cars pulled over on the side of the road more often,

and you see alot of people driving while talking on their cell phone, and if they can do it without crashing, then so can i :)

Fred Basset
28th October 2009, 19:13
well, i think its best just to go ahead and answer the phone,

i mean it may be some kinda emergancy, someone my really be needing to get touch with you,

well heres hoping you wreck your motor on the way home tonight to get you off the road.. minor injuries of course

28th October 2009, 19:14
well, i know most people answer their phone without pulling over,

otherwise, you see cars pulled over on the side of the road more often,

and you see alot of people driving while talking on their cell phone, and if they can do it without crashing, then so can i :)

And they are all stupid idiots.

A lot of them do crash as well, not all of them but that's beside the point. If you are on the phone or looking at your phone then it's a risk, you won't crash every time you answer the phone but it's always a chance and with so many other cars on the road, and people on the pavement, it's a stupid and pointless risk to take for the sake of a conversation or saving a few minutes.

If you think otherwise then you're a t*** and I have no time for you.

28th October 2009, 19:28
if you think i would ever do somthing that i thought was gonna endanger my life, you are wrong,

useing a cell phone while driving has never been frowned upon by any of my family or friends nor is it frowned upon by me

and none of my family or friends have ever had a accadent due to useing a cell phone while driving :)

28th October 2009, 19:43
if you think i would ever do somthing that i thought was gonna endanger my life, you are wrong,

useing a cell phone while driving has never been frowned upon by any of my family or friends nor is it frowned upon by me

and none of my family or friends have ever had a accadent due to useing a cell phone while driving :)

You really are pig headedly stupid. Just because something hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it won't happen. Also it being frowned upon is of no relevance, speeding isn't always frowned upon but that doesn't mean that it isn't dangerous. Regardless of what you think using a mobile phone while driving is endangering your life, sadly I think that you are too dumb to learn it any way other than the hard way, I just hope you don't hurt anyone else when you find out.

Easy Drifter
28th October 2009, 21:04
All teenagers should leave home while they are still teenagers. That is when they know everything.
Every study shows you are far more likely to have an accident when on a cell phone or texting. Most say 4 times as likely.
I do not know about the show 'Worst Driver' in other countries but we are now on our 5th year. Every year demonstrates that people cannot drive and multi task. In language that maybe Wade can understand that means talking on the phone among other things.
Mind you, at least here, none of them should ever have received a licence!

Valve Bounce
28th October 2009, 21:44
but talking on the phone from time to time while driving, is unavoidable, becouse if someone calls you have to answer


Valve Bounce
28th October 2009, 21:46
As long as you choose when you read those messages w.r.t where you are on the road and the traffic situation around you...fair enough i reckon

Yeah!! who cares if you plow through a dozen Indians while doing it - they can always jump in the Ganges and either recover or go to heaven.

Valve Bounce
28th October 2009, 21:46
becouse it might be a important call


Valve Bounce
28th October 2009, 21:48
theres no reason for me to work right now sence i'm only 18 years old :p i gradurate from my homeschooling acadimy, early next year, and my mom wants me to go to college next fall, and i'm fine with that plan :)

Better learn to spell real fast before then.

28th October 2009, 22:00
Yeah!! who cares if you plow through a dozen Indians while doing it - they can always jump in the Ganges and either recover or go to heaven.

To be fair though, using a handheld device whilst driving is a little subjective.

Obviously, using it whilst driving past a school at kicking out time isn't advisable, but what about when your sitting in traffic with the handbrake on (which is still illegal - at least in the UK).

I'm not saying that using a phone or whatever whilst driving is a good idea. But the danger it poses depends upon a lot of things like the road/traffic conditions. I've already said I've done it, but I never take my eyes of the road to look at my phone when its going to pose a risk to myself or others, for example when approaching traffic lights or a queue of traffic - only when I feel safe to and as a driver I believe its up to me to make that decision.

Fred Basset
28th October 2009, 22:06
its not subjective at all Liam and if you think it is, then your as bigger idiot as Wade

Brown, Jon Brow
28th October 2009, 22:31
We can just hope that a policeman pulls wade91 over for talking on his phone before he crashes and hurts someone.

I can imagine that wade91 is one of those people that thinks oh it's okay to drink and drive, everyone does it.

28th October 2009, 22:32
I can see LiamM's point and will admit to using my phone in certain circumstances but never whilst actually driving or while in regular traffic. For example I was driving down to Basingstoke two weeks ago when all three lanes of the M5 were shut due to a multiple car pile up. From whatever local radio station I was listening to at the time I found out that I was somewhere in a 7 mile traffic jam. It didn't take long for me to get bored so watched a couple of hours daytime tv on my IPhone to pass the time. When your stuck for two hours on your own and going nowhere it doesn't take long for you to reach for the phone. Circumstances like those would be the only time I would condone using a phone whilst driving.

28th October 2009, 22:36
its not subjective at all Liam and if you think it is, then your as bigger idiot as Wade

No, what I'm saying is I agree that it does distract you from your driving, but as a driver I only touch my phone when I believe the conditions around me render it 'safe' to do so, in health and safety terms its like doing a risk assessment before doing anything - if I believe the risk is low enough I will do it. I don't dive for my phone immediately after its gone off.

But it doesn't matter Fred, you've obviously made you're mind up and not listen to anything I'm saying

28th October 2009, 22:58
Yeah!! who cares if you plow through a dozen Indians while doing it - they can always jump in the Ganges and either recover or go to heaven.

can you atleast read the original post by LiamM for which i've given this explanation too before jumping to wild conclusions.
I'm not condoning messaging from the phone...but If I can know who gave me a missed call when I'm stuck @ the traffic signal or in a traffic jam,I will do that.

not texting / taking a call while driving though....

29th October 2009, 01:01
No, what I'm saying is I agree that it does distract you from your driving, but as a driver I only touch my phone when I believe the conditions around me render it 'safe' to do so, in health and safety terms its like doing a risk assessment before doing anything - if I believe the risk is low enough I will do it. I don't dive for my phone immediately after its gone off.

But it doesn't matter Fred, you've obviously made you're mind up and not listen to anything I'm saying

You mean like straight piece of road that's empty?

I'm guilty as charged using sat nav devices under those circumstances.

Easy Drifter
29th October 2009, 02:15
In many ways it is the lowest common denominator. Sometimes it may be safe to use a electronic device behind the wheel. Such as stuck in a non moving traffic jam. Possibly on an open stretch of highway when you can see for miles and there is no traffic.
In a built up zone those conditions do not apply. Where I live there is never a safe time. Spring and fall we have wild Turkeys flying across the highway. Up to 30 pounds of solid bird. Deer and Moose are a threat all year long. You hit a Moose the score is at the best Moose 1 you 1. Usually it is Moose 1 you zip. Spring and fall look out for bear.
However because of too many idiots the authorities have to pass laws to ensure common sense.
It seems Wade91 is one of those the law has to protect from himself. If that was the only problem who would care? I wouldn't.
Trouble is he is likely to affect many other lives with his sheer moronic stupidity.
Sorry Mods and Wade if you feel I have gone too far but I have seen too many corpses because of stupidity! Also just spend a few days in Emerg. to see what I mean.

29th October 2009, 02:34
have a look at this texting and driving ban fail video:


Valve Bounce
29th October 2009, 03:49
have a look at this texting and driving ban fail video:


Have a look at the videos below the one you linked. They show some dumbasses texting and crashing. I think you've made your point. :eek:

But just in case you missed that message, here is another one for all those who believe it is safe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJyU3h0dNT0&NR=1&feature=fvwp

Easy Drifter
29th October 2009, 04:08
Horsefeathers. Glancing at an overhead sign when your periphrial (sp) vision is still seeing the road ahead is far differnet than looking down to text.
If you drive properly you also glance in one of your mirrors at least once every 15 seconds.
When you text you are not paying attention to your driving.
Checking highway signs and your rear view mirror is paying attention to your driving.
If you are busy texting you just might miss that overhead sign that in Toronto on the 401 is telling you traffic is stopped in 500 metres!
It also might be an Amber Alert that tells you that the very car in front of you has a licence plate saying there is an abducted child in it!

Valve Bounce
29th October 2009, 05:16
Horsefeathers. Glancing at an overhead sign when your periphrial (sp) vision is still seeing the road ahead is far differnet than looking down to text.
If you drive properly you also glance in one of your mirrors at least once every 15 seconds.
When you text you are not paying attention to your driving.
Checking highway signs and your rear view mirror is paying attention to your driving.
If you are busy texting you just might miss that overhead sign that in Toronto on the 401 is telling you traffic is stopped in 500 metres!
It also might be an Amber Alert that tells you that the very car in front of you has a licence plate saying there is an abducted child in it!

Actually, I have on several occasions noticed a car in front of mine being driven erratically, weaving about, slower than the traffic stream, and not at constant speed. The driver is on a mobile phone (cell phone) looking ahead but in a seeming trance, not full aware of the traffic around her (or him),, just smiling and heavily engaged in conversation. These are not isolated cases, I might add. If you follow a car with the driver using a cell phone, very often you will see the car being driven erratically.

Now, I am glad that bruce 99 gave us that link, because if you follow up on more videos after that link's, then you will see the danger of using a mobile phone (cell phone) while driving.

29th October 2009, 05:49
Who says you "have" to answer?

Mobile phones have a feature "missed calls" for exactly that.

29th October 2009, 07:13
Driving a car is a privilege, and to continue to earn that privilege involves maintaining a responsibility for the other people on the road.

There are enough distractions that drivers have to be alert for without allowing for idiots who text.

Any one who says that they can text and drive is admitting that they are not competent to be able to drive in the first place.

It is impossible to drive responsibly and text.

Dave B
29th October 2009, 09:39
If we're posting YouTube clips, how about the "Cow" film that a school in Gwent made on a shoestring budget:

( :!: Fairly graphic scenes, but that's kind of the point )


Valve Bounce
29th October 2009, 10:44
If we're posting YouTube clips, how about the "Cow" film that a school in Gwent made on a shoestring budget:

( :!: Fairly graphic scenes, but that's kind of the point )


I hope that bruce99 and Wade 91 will take the time to look at the video and learn something.

Actually, I do have to also thank bruce99 because it was his link which then followed up with some other videos of people getting hurt while using a mobile phone.

So! thank you bruce99. Your post and that of Dave Brockman could some day save lives. I hope this will be a lesson to both of you.

29th October 2009, 17:35
If we're posting YouTube clips, how about the "Cow" film that a school in Gwent made on a shoestring budget:

( :!: Fairly graphic scenes, but that's kind of the point )

there was a thread on here a while back regarding this video, the discussion in that thread was also was a debate about the use of cell phones while driving,

i personally dont text a whole lot though, so there for, i'm never faces with the problem of trying to text while driving

29th October 2009, 17:41
there is currently NOT a ban agaienest talking on hand-held phones here in Tennessee (however there is one ageinest texting)

heres a list of which US states have which bans http://www.ghsa.org/html/stateinfo/laws/cellphone_laws.html

29th October 2009, 18:05
there is currently NOT a ban agaienest talking on hand-held phones here in Tennessee (however there is one ageinest texting)

heres a list of which US states have which bans http://www.ghsa.org/html/stateinfo/laws/cellphone_laws.html

christ - texting in Tennessee - you would run out of highway !!