View Full Version : If you were Sordo?

26th October 2009, 03:19
I'm curious to know what you would do if you were Danni Sordo. Would you be happy to stay at citroen, after all you will never be allowed to win a rally when Seb is still running.

It must be hard for him as I'm presuming he like everyone else at this level has a big ego and having to play second fiddle must beginning to grate.

He doesn't seem to have the speed to beat Mikko or Jari in a straight fight on gravel and given citroen's consistent reliability it doesn't seem that he will win on tarmac unless Seb makes a mistake, highly unlikely even though that is.

What is his current contract with citroen, does he have a drive with them for next year?

Team orders play such an important part of citroen's stategy, ie, there can only ever be one winner in the team, one could even say this years championship was decided by ford nat having team orders in Sardinia, 2 extra points for Mikko?

26th October 2009, 03:21
What is his current contract with citroen, does he have a drive with them for next year?

Who else could he drive for?

26th October 2009, 03:29
Who else could he drive for?

Petter's team?

26th October 2009, 05:08
Petter's team?

Lol, sure yes, change a workseat for a private 1, that would be the most stupid thing to do.

26th October 2009, 06:18
Lol, sure yes, change a workseat for a private 1, that would be the most stupid thing to do.

Sorry I forgot to add that sarcasm thingy :)

26th October 2009, 07:07
Haha, I believe he will be able to win a round or two next season!

But as said before in these forums, he's signed the contract and told the rules and be the supporting driver for the success of the team and the number 1 driver.

Langdale Forest
26th October 2009, 08:41
If I werre Sordo, I would not be very happy with Citroen. :uhoh:

26th October 2009, 08:58
Sordo's situation reminds me of one certain Rubens Barichello in Ferrari.

26th October 2009, 09:00
Sordo's situation reminds me of one certain Rubens Barichello in Ferrari.

Altough Barrichello was more competitive than Sordo. Every now and then Barrichello was able to outpace Schumi...

Langdale Forest
26th October 2009, 09:06
The reason why I am not a loeb fan is because he should NOT have won in spain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

26th October 2009, 09:23
In this situation as we have yust two official factory teams he would be a big fool to leave the team because he is a clear number two.
Nevertheless, he is paid by Citroën, he makes a lot's of tests-in the other private teams we know how things stand...

26th October 2009, 09:30
... I will be happy that I have a paid job in the worst era of the WRC and I will stay there until the next best alternative comes up.

In the meantime if I think that I can match Loeb and Hirvo, I would try to win some events at the very beggining of the 2010 where the "big bosses" would find it difficult to justify team orders in favour of my team mate.

26th October 2009, 09:33
If i were Sordo i would stay. Why leave Citroen??

He has a superb car, a superb team, a superb team and a secure seat for next seasons.

26th October 2009, 10:38
Sordo must be very happy to keep his seat at Citroen, Ogier could easily take his place...

26th October 2009, 10:50
Haha, I believe he will be able to win a round or two next season!

But as said before in these forums, he's signed the contract and told the rules and be the supporting driver for the success of the team and the number 1 driver.

Well, I think he was able to win events already in 2007. It's frustrating to see a waste of talent who can never claim the number one spot as long as Loeb is around. And even when Loeb is gone, you probably have Ogier in his place.

But of course, what else could he do since there aren't (m)any options left. He's still driving in a number one team with a spectaculair reliable and fast car. I wouldn't leave...

Let's just hope 2011 will shake things up a bit, because this routine is obviously starting to get painful.

26th October 2009, 10:55
I realise he is in a good position, I'm just curious as to how he deals with his frustrations, as I said before he must have a fairly large ego to have got this far, how do you think you would cope if you were in his place?

26th October 2009, 11:11
I realise he is in a good position, I'm just curious as to how he deals with his frustrations, as I said before he must have a fairly large ego to have got this far, how do you think you would cope if you were in his place?

Well, nobody can ever know, since Sordo hardly shows emotions. And interviews are always the same, they do what is best for the team. If he has such an ego, he probably could have shown some balls and win a rally or two. But that's just the lack of characterism we see in nowadays WRC.

Sordo could have easily won in Spain, and it would have been a nice gesture from Citroën to let him stay in front of Loeb and take a win in front of his home crowd, since Sordo always respected Citroën tactics so many times before. Yes, Loeb would probably have lost the title, big whoop, he had won 5 already and Citroën would have won the manu championship anyway.

26th October 2009, 11:23
Sordo is a perfect number 2 driver for Citroen sport, a nice guy, at leas in the media...

But I must say I am impressed with his driving on the loose stuff. He has improved a lot over the last two years. Cred for that Sordo !!

26th October 2009, 11:45
Sordo could have easily won in Spain,

I'am not sure with that.

26th October 2009, 12:10
Sordo could have easily won in Spain, and it would have been a nice gesture from Citroën to let him stay in front of Loeb and take a win in front of his home crowd, since Sordo always respected Citroën tactics so many times before. Yes, Loeb would probably have lost the title, big whoop, he had won 5 already and Citroën would have won the manu championship anyway.

A drivers' title is a big whoop? Excuse me while I boggle.

Why are people so sure that Sordo would have won in a straight fight in Spain, anyway? Still, I think he'll win next year and Citroen will be happy for him to do so unless it's at the closing stages of a very tight championship.

26th October 2009, 13:51
A drivers' title is a big whoop? Excuse me while I boggle.

Why are people so sure that Sordo would have won in a straight fight in Spain, anyway? Still, I think he'll win next year and Citroen will be happy for him to do so unless it's at the closing stages of a very tight championship.

I don't think Loeb would've been devistated if he didn't got the title this year. And even if he came 2nd in Spain, at that moment, he was still in contention for the title.

Sordo obviously eased off after a great start and as far as I remember, Loeb thanked Sordo afterwards for giving him the oppertunity to win. But of course, he will win next year. Only that we've said this already in 2006, 2007, 2008 and again this year. Well, I hope he can break the routine, but I'm not counting on it.

26th October 2009, 14:37
Sordo has a future in the sport he will be in the spotlight when Loeb reitres....

to those who say he should move...you people are not very smart....to put it gently

Leave a team where he gets paid and gets a top car and testing for every event just because he is no2 just because he supports one of the best drivers the sport has ever seen???

are you mentaly handicapped ?????

26th October 2009, 15:14
In the "most podiums without a win" statistics Sordo is in a dominant lead I guess? In a way it's kinda odd that he has never won - I mean if you are so often on the podium, you'd expect to get lucky at least for once! For instance Hirvonen has got several inherited wins with the help of Loeb's misfortunes, but whenever Sordo is right behind Loeb (mostly on tarmac), Loeb has never retired. Even Latvala, who has finished behind Sordo in overall standings in the last two years, has won a rally in both seasons.

Langdale Forest
26th October 2009, 17:10
Sordo's first win would probably be on gravel after everyone else have retired.

27th October 2009, 02:19
.......to those who say he should move...you people are not very smart....to put it gently

are you mentaly handicapped ?????

Show me one post where anyone has seriously said he should move teams??

As for being mentaly handicapped, insults are the last resort of a feeble mind! :)

(ignore mode 'ON')

27th October 2009, 05:02
What is his current contract with citroen, does he have a drive with them for next year?

His contract has been signed again (with even more money) right after Spain rally. Says it all.