View Full Version : A Man's Home is his Castle?

22nd October 2009, 18:13
seems not, you couldn't make this up!

http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/World-News/US-Man-Facing-Indecent-Exposure-Charges-After-Brewing-Coffee-Naked-In-His-Own-Kitchen/Article/200910315410967?lpos=World_News_Carousel_Region_4&lid=ARTICLE_15410967_US%3A_Man_Facing_Indecent_Exp osure_Charges_After_Brewing_Coffee_Naked_In_His_Ow n_Kitchen

I really have to ask what the hell the woman was doing walking arround at 5:30am with her son?

22nd October 2009, 19:29
thats sad, people should have certan rights in their own home,

i do think he could have been a little more carful with the windows open, but i think it was just an accadent

22nd October 2009, 20:00
Regardless of the requirements of the charges, most jurisdictions take a dim view of this sort of thing if your nudity can be seen from public property. Now, if these windows were blocked from public view by shrubs or something and you had to be on the property to see into the window, no charges would have been filed.

There is probably more to this though. Either the police observed him for sometime themselves and decided he was trying to cause a reaction from those that saw him or they went to talk to him about it and he got all irate and obnoxious about the whole thing. Other than that, they would have just warned him to be more careful.

22nd October 2009, 22:22
I really have to ask what the hell the woman was doing walking arround at 5:30am with her son?

Interesting story. If a man is found outside a residence at 5:30AM observing a naked woman in her residence, he's a perv and gets charged as a peeper. But if a woman is creeping around at 5:30AM obseving a naked man in his residence, he's a perv and gets charged as a flasher. :rolleyes:

Brilliant. Makes perfect sense. Clear as mud. But that's Fairfax County and the Fairfax County Barney Fife Police Dept. for you.

That is exactly why I like living where I live now. Generally speaking, people here mind their own f'ing business!

23rd October 2009, 03:57
with all the problems in the world right now. The cops could have called or just a knock on the door. This is total bullsh!t. This country is on a mission to incarcerate as many people as they can. Actually in many cases prison should be for violent criminals. But this is a stupid case of people being idiots. But in this country men pay and pay to see tits and go to jail if they buy a piece of ass. But this craziness won't end in my lifetime.

23rd October 2009, 08:53
That’s what distinguish woman from man, if it happened the other way around, that’s the man who walk through the window and found naked woman inside, he may be silent and enjoy what was happening … ;)

23rd October 2009, 10:08
FFS. Things are getting bad when you can't even air your balls in your own home, next they'll make scratching illegal :rolleyes:

23rd October 2009, 10:15
I guess the woman called the police because the man called her in... :laugh:

23rd October 2009, 12:18
Interesting story. If a man is found outside a residence at 5:30AM observing a naked woman in her residence, he's a perv and gets charged as a peeper. But if a woman is creeping around at 5:30AM obseving a naked man in his residence, he's a perv and gets charged as a flasher. :rolleyes:

I completely agree. It's ridiculous.

Garry Walker
23rd October 2009, 12:20
Interesting story. If a man is found outside a residence at 5:30AM observing a naked woman in her residence, he's a perv and gets charged as a peeper. But if a woman is creeping around at 5:30AM obseving a naked man in his residence, he's a perv and gets charged as a flasher. :rolleyes:

Thats "equality" for you.

23rd October 2009, 17:29
"Oh little Amy look at the Johnson - how disgusting. Make sure you never get around one of those unless it is attached to tall dark and handsome with a lot of money" Lets call the police this one doesn't even have enough money to buy a decent house!

Mark in Oshawa
24th October 2009, 06:18
Sad....in one's house you would think he would have some amount of freedom...even if it is to be an idiot...

24th October 2009, 17:02
In Spain it's not illegal to be naked. Anywhere. I have seen naked people walking down the street in Barcelona. The world didn't stop. This case is ridiculous. But then again, maybe there's more to it...

24th October 2009, 17:18
Anywhere. I have seen naked people walking down the street in Barcelona.
are you sure they are not persons of unsound mind? ;)

Mark in Oshawa
24th October 2009, 17:32
In Spain it's not illegal to be naked. Anywhere. I have seen naked people walking down the street in Barcelona. The world didn't stop. This case is ridiculous. But then again, maybe there's more to it...

Well, Virginia isn't Barcelona. I suspect nakedness on the streets is still not really acceptable anywhere for the most part. The problem was, this guy was in his house at 530 AM. Who the hell is up at that hour to be peaking in a window? Maybe the guy should have kept his blinds shut, but lets face it, at that time of the day, most people are looking for a coffee shop, not an eyefull.

25th October 2009, 21:33
Police wouldn't release the incident report or the name of the mother who filed the complaint. FOX 5 has learned she is a respected member of the community, and just happens to be the wife of a Fairfax County Police officer. (*well, call me shocked & amazed!* :rolleyes: )

FOX 5 also spoke with some of Williamson's roommates, and they said they believed Eric was drunk on Monday morning when they were all leaving for work around 5 a.m. The alleged exposure happened around 8:30 a.m. Williamson, however, says he was drinking on Sunday night, but was not drunk on Monday morning.

http://www.myfoxdc.com/dpp/news/local/102109_naked_man_arrested_after_making_coffee_upda te

The nannies might have passed a law that you can't get drunk in your own house either.

I despised every second of my being when I lived in Northern VA. This just reminds me why!

26th October 2009, 03:05
Reminds me of the joke about the little old lady calling the police to complain about a man living across the alley that exposes himself to her every morning. They finally send two officers to investigate and they wait, with the lady, in her bedroom. Sure enough, the bathroom light across the alley comes on and the man comes in, removes his bathrobe and begins to shave. The old lady becomes excited and says "See? I told you he was exposing himself!" The officer tells her "Ma'am, only the upper part of his body is exposed. The lower part of the window has a shade and curtains on it so he isn't exposing himself." Slightly miffed, the old lady agrees that he isn't being offensive now and then blurts out "But if you stand on your tip toes on this chair and look down, then you can see everything...."

No charges filed.