View Full Version : Upgrading to Windows 7

Valve Bounce
21st October 2009, 23:12
OK!! how many guys will be upgrading to Windows 7? Is it worth it? Will my MechWarrior 4 with the MEKTEK upgrades still work on Windows 7?

What if my 6 years' old PC dies? :(

Just checked: the new Dell computers are already offered with Windows 7. :)

21st October 2009, 23:37
Good question.
I just purchased a new laptop for the missus that came with Vista. She wants it removed (obviously) and replaced with W7. There's little else loaded on the machine yet, but should she hold off on installing any other software until W7 is installed?

21st October 2009, 23:43
This from a computer lightweight, but from what I've read, if you have Vista, your upgrade experience won't be so incredibly bad. But if you have XP, best of luck to you...

I'm not upgrading s###!

Valve Bounce
22nd October 2009, 02:46
Good question.
I just purchased a new laptop for the missus that came with Vista. She wants it removed (obviously) and replaced with W7. There's little else loaded on the machine yet, but should she hold off on installing any other software until W7 is installed?

If you can return it and get your money back, then that is the option. New computers are now selling with Windows 7 - I just checked it on the DELL website.

Valve Bounce
22nd October 2009, 02:48
This from a computer lightweight, but from what I've read, if you have Vista, your upgrade experience won't be so incredibly bad. But if you have XP, best of luck to you...

I'm not upgrading s###!

I guess we'll just have to wait until Daniel gets unbanned (after Abu Dhabi) to let us know. I certainly won't be paying AUD$160 just to upgrade - I may as well wait till my PC dies and then get a new PC. It's working OK right now - and I even dare to say that because I'm not afraid if it dies. :D

22nd October 2009, 04:20
Good question.
I just purchased a new laptop for the missus that came with Vista. She wants it removed (obviously) and replaced with W7. There's little else loaded on the machine yet, but should she hold off on installing any other software until W7 is installed?

I would stick with Vista for her laptop until W7 gets its first SP, probably a year from now.
But if you are bound and determined to upgrade ASAP, then you have to ensure that a) you are fully able to restore Vista (and all drivers) should your upgrade go awry, and b) you have ALL of the drivers needed by the laptop that are supported in W7.

Valve Bounce
22nd October 2009, 05:42
I would stick with Vista for her laptop until W7 gets its first SP, probably a year from now.
But if you are bound and determined to upgrade ASAP, then you have to ensure that a) you are fully able to restore Vista (and all drivers) should your upgrade go awry, and b) you have ALL of the drivers needed by the laptop that are supported in W7.

Maybe this will help: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTUfd_ENYSo

22nd October 2009, 06:27
Maybe this will help: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTUfd_ENYSo


22nd October 2009, 07:01
I would say load it as fast as you can. Vista was/is horrible. Win7 copied many of the mac features plus hopefully by now they have some security built it. If you have a older computer however you need to pay attention to the processor and memory. They newer operating systems need much of both.

As far a comp to XP you really need to get going because of the new things coming. So may sure you can run it and then get er done!!

22nd October 2009, 08:03
I've been running Windows 7 in a virtual environment on my mac for a couple of weeks now and I can say it is a huge improvement over Vista. Much faster, less of the annoying 'Are you sure you want to run this program? are you REALLY sure?' dialog boxes and so far I've not had a problem with any of my applications. If you're running Vista, I'd upgrade straight away. If you're running XP, then maybe I'd put off upgrading.

I did a clean install in my virtual environment and it was painless, however the BBC have mentioned a few problems in this article: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/8317005.stm

I didn't have any of the problems mentioned in that article, but of course every PC is different.

I don't want to praise Microsoft too much (as I mentioned, I'm a mac geek!) but they have learned from the mistakes in Vista. They've worked with a lot of hardware manufacturers to help them build drivers for Win7. With Vista it was pretty much a closed door, so on launch day the hardware manufacturers were playing catch up.

Win7 features a 'Windows XP mode' (not sure if that is in all versions of Win7) which is a useful feature. I've not had to run an app in XP mode yet, but when I went to the technical launch of Win7 they gave a demonstration of this.

22nd October 2009, 08:18
Win7 features a 'Windows XP mode' (not sure if that is in all versions of Win7) which is a useful feature. I've not had to run an app in XP mode yet, but when I went to the technical launch of Win7 they gave a demonstration of this.

It isn't. So if that's what you want to do, check carefully before buying Windows 7.

As for schmenke's issue, then yes, I'd avoid doing anything with Vista you want to keep until you get Windows 7. The simple reason being that installing an operating system from scratch, wiping everything is much easier and much less error prone, than attempting to upgrade.

22nd October 2009, 08:37
A sort of user's guide to upgrading to 7: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/8317005.stm

The Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=1b544e90-7659-4bd9-9e51-2497c146af15) is a good program to see what's compatible and what isn't. You'd have to check with the software makers to see if they support Windows 7, but if it works under Vista it's quite likely to work in 7 too.

You can upgrade from Vista > 7 if you have a similar version, so Vista Home Premium to 7 Home Premium for most people. If you're on XP you'll need a clean install.

22nd October 2009, 08:40
A sort of user's guide to upgrading to 7: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/8317005.stm

The Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=1b544e90-7659-4bd9-9e51-2497c146af15) is a good program to see what's compatible and what isn't. You'd have to check with the software makers to see if they support Windows 7, but if it works under Vista it's quite likely to work in 7 too.

You can upgrade from Vista > 7 if you have a similar version, so Vista Home Premium to 7 Home Premium for most people. If you're on XP you'll need a clean install.

Indeed, I'm let to believe that if Vista runs ok then W7 will run ok too. If Vista chugs a little then W7 might just run that bit better.

But you do need an absolute minimum of 2GB of RAM.

Valve Bounce
22nd October 2009, 08:59
I think I'll wait until my PC dies completely, then buy a new PC with Windows 7 already installed. Paying to upgrade XP in an old PC is just a waste of money, especially when I only have 1 gig of memory.

22nd October 2009, 09:08
Sounds like a plan Valve :bounce:

22nd October 2009, 09:18
I think I'll wait until my PC dies completely, then buy a new PC with Windows 7 already installed. Paying to upgrade XP in an old PC is just a waste of money, especially when I only have 1 gig of memory.

I'd certainly agree with that. As long as it continues to do what you want it to do, if it ain't broke don't fix it. If it is broke don't fix it, throw it away and buy a new one :D

Valve Bounce
22nd October 2009, 12:35
Here is the article: http://www.news.com.au/story/0,23599,26245515-2,00.html?from=igoogle+gadget+compact+news_rss
and if you scroll down to the bottom of the article you will find a price comparison.

It will cost you AUD$449 for a standalone windows & professional in Oz.

BUT you can buy a DELL Inspiron 545 upgraded to Windows 7 Professional for just AUD$734.20

Now, what I want to know is, can someone buy a Windows 7 through a friend in the US and then have the CD's sent out here, and use that in their PC?

22nd October 2009, 12:55
Why do you want to install a new OS (when it possibly is at its worst, stability/defectiveness wise) unless you have some applications that will refuse to run on the older OS.

As long as XP runs on your machine, run it. Thats what I would do and am doing.

Valve Bounce
22nd October 2009, 13:16
Why do you want to install a new OS (when it possibly is at its worst, stability/defectiveness wise) unless you have some applications that will refuse to run on the older OS.

As long as XP runs on your machine, run it. Thats what I would do and am doing.

I don't. As my post above says. But there are obviously people who just must have the thing, and they are being ripped off. Personally, I will keep my 6 years old Dell going until, like forever. It does everything that I want it to do.

22nd October 2009, 14:51
If you can return it and get your money back, then that is the option. ....

Thanks. The missus just checked with the store from where it was purchased, and they said that we can return it and they'd install W7 for $30.00 (a "service fee" they call it :rolleyes: )

22nd October 2009, 14:52
That sounds reasonable!

22nd October 2009, 14:52
Why do you want to install a new OS (when it possibly is at its worst, stability/defectiveness wise) unless you have some applications that will refuse to run on the older OS.

As long as XP runs on your machine, run it. Thats what I would do and am doing.

Like VB, our home PC is a ~6yr old Dell installed with XP, and it's running fine for all our needs. I have no intention of mucking about with it.

22nd October 2009, 17:42
I like how it's being promoted in Japan... with a Burger King tie-in.


are ya hungry? :D

Valve Bounce
23rd October 2009, 03:03
I understand that Windows 7 had already been selling in Beijing days before Microsoft's release for around $5, and they even come in a box. :p :

26th October 2009, 20:32
and now, something we'd never thought we see...


take a deep breath before clicking, now... ;) :p :

27th October 2009, 06:16

27th October 2009, 09:13
I like Windows 7, and fortunately I had the pleasure to skip the Vista part in all this. :)

Valve Bounce
27th October 2009, 23:15
I like Windows 7, and fortunately I had the pleasure to skip the Vista part in all this. :)

OK!! Just treat me like a computer dummy, which I am, and I still use XP, and know absolutely nothing, nada, zero about Windows 7.

Can you tell me in fairly simple non geek terms what Windows 7 does and why it is better than XP?

28th October 2009, 02:48
i'll give it a go. hopefully it's more stable than xp.

Valve Bounce
28th October 2009, 03:32
i'll give it a go. hopefully it's more stable than xp.

Does it work with those fancy finger/hand movements like Apple? instead of using a mouse?

28th October 2009, 08:08
OK!! Just treat me like a computer dummy, which I am, and I still use XP, and know absolutely nothing, nada, zero about Windows 7.

Can you tell me in fairly simple non geek terms what Windows 7 does and why it is better than XP?

Haha! You've asked the "what does it do?" question. That's a question ever since XP came out that nobody has been able to answer! Apart from "well it's new and it's.. shiney"

30th October 2009, 23:00
I bought and downloaded the Windows 7 upgrade for my 2 year old PC with Vista Home Premium last Saturday. The compatability check told me to remove Google Toolbar and the interface for my Canon camera software because it couldn't upgrade with them installed. I duly did this and set the install going at about 9pm. By 1am on Sunday it was finished. The Canon software was reinstalled the following day and all is working smoothly.

Dave B
31st October 2009, 09:23
^ Ha, so Windows claims to not like the Google toolbar, and Wave has a hissy fit if you try and run it in IE even though there's no good reason.

Gotta love it when two giant corporations get bitchy...

31st October 2009, 17:29
OK!! Just treat me like a computer dummy, which I am, and I still use XP, and know absolutely nothing, nada, zero about Windows 7.

Can you tell me in fairly simple non geek terms what Windows 7 does and why it is better than XP?

Well, I'm not buff either, but here goes.

Since I haven't really used Vista (at least not on my computer), I can't tell you why Windows 7 is so much better. The general complaint about Vista is that it's too demanding for your computer, and that's something I haven't experienced with W7 so far, so in that way it's similar to XP.

I like that W7 doesn't use endless text tabs on your main toolbar anymore. Instead, it are pictograms (like the internet explorer logo), and when you have more of it running (like 3 internet pages), it devides itself in layers. Once you put your cursor on it, all the screens appear in small format and then you can choose which one you like to open. Defenitly a pleasent upgrade.

Other reasons to upgrade: Fresh design (could be nice after years of XP), better for future (windows) upgrades one day or another, not at all complicated and pleasent to use.

But to be honest, I didn't upgrade to W7, I simply bought a new computer which ran W7 already. I wouldn't upgrade if XP is still running fine.

1st November 2009, 01:34
According to the overclockers and otherwise guru's that follow all the hot PC stuff, there is little that Win 7 has that Vista doesn't. Several people on one forum I check out did a bunch of benchmarks and said Win 7 isn't really any faster, but manages the same speed using slightly less resources while doing so.

Which would be great if people hadn't already gone to 2 gigs of memory or more just to run Vista quickly! :laugh:

I've only had Vista for 6 or 7 months, and in terms of functionality it really has very little that XP wouldn't do. A few new bells and whistles and eye candy, but they do little for performance. It's been solid except for the fact it won't properly install the SP2 update.

1st November 2009, 20:25
I have been using w7 since the beta version came out, very happy with it, well its definitely faster than vista i'll tell you that with full eye candy, graphics seem much better aswell, the one thing over XP is that it is a 64-bit OS so can go over the 3 GB RAM bit..
pretty happy with, no driver issues, everything seems to be compatible with it, one of my overclocker buddies has been running it since he got his new machine and is very happy with it.. i would definitely suggest it over vista..

1st November 2009, 21:34
I'm not all that impressed with what I've seen of Win7 tbh. It's slightly faster but pretty much the same as Vista.

Valve Bounce
2nd November 2009, 01:02
Here's joke that you guys can appreciate. I went to the DELL counter (a minuscule counter along the lower walkway) at Chadstone, and asked the guy about Windows7. The guy tells me they don't have it on their PC. :rolleyes:
So they can't show me how it works at all.

Then I go upstairs to the APPLE store, a large store with lotsa staff, and they are just happy to welcome me, and ask what I'd like to know about Apple and they get me one of their knowledgeable geeks to show me anything I'd like to know.

Totally different service. The DELL geeks were simply not interested in me; somebody here must have told them my 6 years' old PC is still working fine, and I'm not ready to buy a new PC yet! :p :

2nd November 2009, 06:50
Totally different service. The DELL geeks were simply not interested in me; somebody here must have told them my 6 years' old PC is still working fine, and I'm not ready to buy a new PC yet! :p :Guilty. :(

Now buy an Apple or get out!