View Full Version : After you've gone .....

Hazell B
20th October 2009, 16:07
.... what do you want doing with your body?

Also, what do you do with the body of a pet?

I ask because of two things. The first is Stephen Gately (hope I spelled him right!) and his dislike of being alone, leading his bandmates to spend the night with his body before the funeral. The second is my Hunter pony Sovereign died suddenly last weekend and I had no problem at all sending his body to the local maggot farm.

You see, it's nice that Ronan Keating, et al, wanted to be with their friend after his death. I respect that and am happy they knew him well enough to act with confidence in a way they knew he'd like. On the other hand, my horse had no idea about his mortality, so why should I buy a plot of land and bury him, or have him cremated? I repected him during our 12 or so years together - he had a damned good life and loads of fun - and I tried to save him at the end with the best care possible, so what's the problem? I had two other horses standing over a cooling body to think about, too. Their welfare was the first consideration.

Anyway, do you care about what happens to you after you've gone?

20th October 2009, 16:29
Sorry for your loss. Hazell. RIP Sovereign.

.... what do you want doing with your body?
Cremated, compressed into a diamond and then launched to space.

Also, what do you do with the body of a pet?
Donate the organs for those in need. Seriously, I don't know, but I'd miss her.

20th October 2009, 16:32
sorry to hear about your pony :(

i've known a few fairly young people who have already got their funeral completly figured out, they already had already planned every from the location to the marker, and even the music to be played at the funeral,

i have never really under stood that becouse its like planning a party and your gonna be the only one there thats dead :s

i dont have any specioal wishes for my funeral or what happens to my body
after i'm dead, if theres a heaven i hope i go there, but other than that, why should i care what happens after i'm dead?

if a loved one died, i would honor whatever wishes they had or try to give them the best funeral i could if they didn't have any specioal wishes

as far as pets, i've had a few dogs to die at the house i used to live at up until 3 years ago, me and my mom had a specioal place in the back corner of the yard where we barried them

Hazell B
20th October 2009, 16:50
Cremated, compressed into a diamond and then launched to space.

Forget the space race - I want that diamond! I'd set it into a nice Eki-shaped earstud :D (Course, then I'd have to kill somebody else to make the pair!)

Thanks for the RIP, but I wasn't looking for sympathy when I posted this thread. I'm okay with the pony's death, sudden and early as it was, because of the complete lack of regret about anything in our years together. He got ill and was gone within only a very few hours, I never knew him to be unhappy in my care and we only did the stuff he enjoyed when he was being ridden (Hunting, show jumping, cross country with zero schooling, dressage or boring stuff). He was reponsible for about 90% of the head injuries in my entire life, which some would envy him for :laugh:

20th October 2009, 16:51
I'd want to annoy people or play some kind of ironic music, like Beef who had the Jam doing Going Underground :D

Pets? Couldn't give a toss, the fish usually end up going over the hedge into the ditch by the school playing field :D

20th October 2009, 20:29
Forget the space race -
No can do. Without that, the Beatles reunited can't do their "Great Gig in the Sky" and play "Eki in the Sky with Diamonds". Or maybe they could launch you to space with those ear-rings?

20th October 2009, 21:23
As I'm a demi-god and therefore immortal I laugh in the face of death! :p :

Although should I choose to kick the bucket I want my hearse to get a speeding ticket as one I read of in my local paper! Brilliant! :D

Easy Drifter
20th October 2009, 21:29
Burn me baby.
Use the ashes as fertilizer. At least they will be of some use then.
If not scatter them (illegally in Canada) at the Chute (turn 4) at Mosport. :vader:
Oh, and the Hearse has to do Donuts! :s mokin:

20th October 2009, 23:53
I'm still undecided. I would hate to be burried and then my grave be forgotten and become unkempt. At the same time I'm not sure I'd want to be cremated or how I'd want my ashes to be scattered.

Last month we cycled up Black Coombe in the Lake District. On a good day from the summit you can see Snowdon, the Isle of Man, Scotland as well as bloody good view of Cumbria. At the top my other half had wanted to stand on the summit marker holding his bike above his head like we'd seen in a recent magazine article. To be fair I think it would have been impossible to get the cool picture anyway but the summit was full of tributes and cards that people had left for loved ones. We didn't actually want to move them to even attempt to get the picture. I read some of the cards and it seemed like the place was a favourite of those all these memorials were for but at the same time it kind of made me feel a bit depressed. I can see why they do it but for me you should take only memories and leave only footsteps. It all seemed a bit weird and wrong.

21st October 2009, 08:03
Sorry guys, I know it's supposed to be a sad thing but I can't stop laughing. Because I'd probably be buried on orthodox tradition that usually astonish foreigners. They can't understand that family and friends should stay by the coffin for 3 days, that the coffin is uncovered, that young unmarried dead girls are dressed as brides, that family pay professional mourners to cry / this custom is only on rural places), that you should untie the bonds of dead's feet and hands, that those who were close to the dead kiss the corpse at the end of the religious service, the custom to throw money at each crossroad of the cemetery, the after funeral meal, etc.

21st October 2009, 08:09
Wood chipper, Fargo-style!

Dave B
21st October 2009, 08:56
When I'm gone, I'm gone. I couldn't give a stuff what happens to me.

In fact it would me most convenient if I could die on a Monday. The binmen come on Tuesday mornings.

21st October 2009, 09:02
When I'm gone, I'm gone. I couldn't give a stuff what happens to me.

My thoughts exactly!

21st October 2009, 09:12
I'm an organ donor, so that's easy to solve (if there's something worth of course...)
Then the pire.

I wouldn't like people to be especially sad but I can't force them to throw a party.

And about animals, well as sad as it is, they're animals....

21st October 2009, 09:32
My thoughts exactly!
Yes, I couldn't give a stuff what happens to Dave either.

21st October 2009, 13:18
Mine me of any organ of any use to anyone and then burn me and scatter me. It's the natural way :)

21st October 2009, 13:34
I'm still undecided. I would hate to be burried and then my grave be forgotten and become unkempt. At the same time I'm not sure I'd want to be cremated or how I'd want my ashes to be scattered.

You can always come back as a ghost and scare friends and family

'This is what you get for not visiting and looking after my grave - WHHHOOOOOO! WHAAAAAA! ERRRRRRGHH!'


21st October 2009, 15:19
Every time I see this thread I'm reminded of the wise words of Sir Henry Rawlinson:

I don't give a toss what you've done with me when I've shrugged off m' mortal coil... Shove a bit of flex up m' back passage, stick a lightbulb in m' mouth and stand me in the hall. (sniff) Mind you, if you're using electricity you'll have to dry me out first!

Brown, Jon Brow
21st October 2009, 15:42
.... what do you want doing with your body?

Also, what do you do with the body of a pet?

I want to be buried at Westminster Abbey or St.Pauls then have an enormous statue of me built in Trafalgar Square.

My brother buried his first ever sheep dog in the sheep pens. It was nice to let him rest somewhere where they had worked together.

22nd October 2009, 07:21
I try to stop or lessen my habit on smoking, this may help me saving some organs may be useful for others some day if I no longer need it. This may also help me to have beautiful age besides model of my life is done naturally and more relax, perhaps my organs are perfectly used up on my day-end. However I'd prefer help others other than that way.

I'd be more than happy to see my children life more successful than me. I just want procession is properly done according to my belief, hoping my kids and grandchildren come to clean off my grave and put great smell of flowers on it periodically. I'll be smiling in my long rest then. :)

22nd October 2009, 09:13
I'll be cremated in an electric oven n my ashes will be immersed in the ganges river...

22nd October 2009, 09:19
it may be poisonous for the fish on the river ... ;)

22nd October 2009, 09:21

why would i care ;)

22nd October 2009, 09:55
ganga is holy river, are you sure goddess will accept your ashes... ;)

22nd October 2009, 12:26
I'll be cremated in an electric oven n my ashes will be immersed in the ganges river...
That reminded me of an old joke:

Finnish foreign minister and prime minister had been drinking heavily and woke up in a hotel room. They had no idea where they were. The foreign minister went to look for a toilet and asked a maid who said "Auf der anderen Seite des Ganges." (= "On the other side of the corridor" in German). He came back and said they were in India. The prime minister asked "How do you know?" The foreign minister replied: "When I asked where the toilet is, the maid said it's on the other side of the Ganges."

Mark in Oshawa
24th October 2009, 05:39
Sorry for your loss. Hazell. RIP Sovereign.

Cremated, compressed into a diamond and then launched to space.


Here here, I agree Eki, Sorry to hear about losing your pony Hazell.

AS for you Eki, I wonder how much pressure it would take to make a diamond out of you??? lol...I suspect to make a diamond, the amount of carbon in the human body would have to be compressed to just stupid amounts to produce a grain of a diamond.

Hazell, I have given it a lot of thought, and I think I just want to be interred....I let my kid help me decide where. Being cremated just doesn't seem right to me....

24th October 2009, 05:42
Sorry guys, I know it's supposed to be a sad thing but I can't stop laughing. Because I'd probably be buried on orthodox tradition that usually astonish foreigners. They can't understand that family and friends should stay by the coffin for 3 days, that the coffin is uncovered, that young unmarried dead girls are dressed as brides, that family pay professional mourners to cry / this custom is only on rural places), that you should untie the bonds of dead's feet and hands, that those who were close to the dead kiss the corpse at the end of the religious service, the custom to throw money at each crossroad of the cemetery, the after funeral meal, etc.

They have similar traditions in the Phillipines. I don't think they do the wedding dresses, but people stay with the body. I don't think any professional mourners take part, but it isn't unusual for family and friends to take a lot of photos around the (still open) casket.

As for me I've decided I want to be cremated and the ashes spread in the ocean. Simple to do, and I hope that my daughter will remember me when she sees the ocean.

24th October 2009, 05:49

24th October 2009, 09:48
AS for you Eki, I wonder how much pressure it would take to make a diamond out of you??? lol...I suspect to make a diamond, the amount of carbon in the human body would have to be compressed to just stupid amounts to produce a grain of a diamond.

You could try asking these people, they're in the business:



For the space part:


Mark in Oshawa
24th October 2009, 16:46
EKi...I thought you were kidding..lol...

I suppose if I wasn't just going to be worm food, being made into a gem would be kind of interesting...

Hazell B
24th October 2009, 22:00
Glad most people aren't too worried about their body's handling after they're gone.

After they've had any bits of me they want for testing/transplants/whatever, I don't care either. It'd be nice to get carted to a student doctor's party dressed in scrubs and a silly scarf before they release my body, but I don't mind missing out on that too much :p :

Brown, Jon Brow
24th October 2009, 22:24
Glad most people aren't too worried about their body's handling after they're gone.

After they've had any bits of me they want for testing/transplants/whatever, I don't care either. It'd be nice to get carted to a student doctor's party dressed in scrubs and a silly scarf before they release my body, but I don't mind missing out on that too much :p :

What do people think about being a donor when they had died. If my organs could save the life of someone who genuinely needs then that would be great. I wouldn't want my liver though to go to an alcoholic such as George Best who failed to look after their own. But when you're dead what does it matter?

I'd like to have fat dead person arse cheeks. I bet they are sooo comfortable to sit on!

25th October 2009, 01:25
Glad most people aren't too worried about their body's handling after they're gone.

After they've had any bits of me they want for testing/transplants/whatever, I don't care either. It'd be nice to get carted to a student doctor's party dressed in scrubs and a silly scarf before they release my body, but I don't mind missing out on that too much :p :

Just remember Hazell, you really won't have any choice in the matter since you'll be dead. Your family may decide to make your burial and handling a grand affair. :)

Though I say that mostly jokingly, we did not honor all of my mothers wishes after she died. She did not want any kind of viewing, yet we decided to have one as many people had not seen here in years and wanted a chance at a last goodbye.

Easy Drifter
25th October 2009, 02:52
Eki's worst nightmare.
Being reincarnated as George W Bush's nurse and having to really care for him! :D
Oh those bed pans! :eek:

Mark in Oshawa
25th October 2009, 14:41
Eki's worst nightmare.
Being reincarnated as George W Bush's nurse and having to really care for him! :D
Oh those bed pans! :eek:
Eki will out live Dubya....so THAT wont happen. Just the idea of it made me think...you are one MEAN ole man ya know? lol

25th October 2009, 17:37
Eki will out live Dubya....so THAT wont happen.
In that case, my worst nightmare is that George W Bush will reincarnate as MY nurse. Although he probably deserves it.

Easy Drifter
25th October 2009, 21:07
Even worse You might get me! :eek: :D

I doubt we will ever agree on much but at least we can still joke with each other sometimes.

25th October 2009, 21:35
Even worse You might get me! :eek: :D

NOW I'm scared.

Hazell B
27th October 2009, 17:33
In that case, my worst nightmare is that George W Bush will reincarnate as MY nurse. Although he probably deserves it.

At least he wouldn't be your wet nurse ... and I'm sure he'd look real sexy in the uniform :laugh:

I don't mind who gets my organs. My partner knows about the wish (he is the same, too) and knows to tell them I don't expect to be transplanted as much as used for practice, being a smoker.

30th October 2009, 23:56
I loved a remark by Jeremy Hardy on the News Quiz on Radio 4 the other week: "I've made arrangements. When I die, I want to be scattered. Not cremated, just scattered".

Incidentally, one of the funniest things I have ever seen was both death and car-related. I forget which paper this was in, years ago, but it shows the dangers of letting a computer sort things for you:

'AUSTIN ALLEGRO 1300HL, Taxed, MoT, radio, £395. AUSTIN PRINCESS 2000HL, Taxed, MoT, excellent condition, FSH, £1095. AUSTIN, Cyril, forever in our thoughts, Ivy, Jim and family.'

31st October 2009, 09:06
I loved a remark by Jeremy Hardy on the News Quiz on Radio 4 the other week: "I've made arrangements. When I die, I want to be scattered. Not cremated, just scattered".

Incidentally, one of the funniest things I have ever seen was both death and car-related. I forget which paper this was in, years ago, but it shows the dangers of letting a computer sort things for you:

'AUSTIN ALLEGRO 1300HL, Taxed, MoT, radio, £395. AUSTIN PRINCESS 2000HL, Taxed, MoT, excellent condition, FSH, £1095. AUSTIN, Cyril, forever in our thoughts, Ivy, Jim and family.'
Maybe the car's name was Cyril, and it was much loved by its owners?

31st October 2009, 09:16
After I am gone no one will give a Sh!t except a few beautiful women. !!! Not a bad way to go out. Burn me Bury me I don't really care.

Hazell B
4th November 2009, 22:10
Burn me Bury me I don't really care.

Do you mind if we wait until you die, though? :p :

Easy Drifter
4th November 2009, 22:34
There are probably some on here that do not want to wait.
(I am not one of them!) :vader:

5th November 2009, 06:14
After I am gone no one will give a Sh!t except a few beautiful women. !!! Not a bad way to go out. Burn me Bury me I don't really care.
How can you play around with women if you don't have any shape after cremated? I'd prefer buried, stay in the coffin and remains handsome... :)

5th November 2009, 12:31
I'd prefer buried, stay in the coffin and remains handsome... :)
What are you, Dracula?

6th November 2009, 02:46
What are you, Dracula?

no, mummy... heheh