View Full Version : Unified Cyprus

Ian McC
7th December 2006, 17:25
Is this ever likely to get solved?

No time soon I should think


8th December 2006, 10:15
Well it was looking like it was going to be at least partially solved a couple of years ago, the agreements were all drawn up and the main parties agreed to it. Then it was rejected in a referendum.. so the present instability remains.

Ian McC
8th December 2006, 16:27
Indeed, the people on the Greek side still believe they will reclaim the land and property they lost after the war. It seems to me that unification is very unlikely.

8th December 2006, 16:52
Indeed, the people on the Greek side still believe they will reclaim the land and property they lost after the war. It seems to me that unification is very unlikely.

As long as people have a "midle age" way of thinking it will be hard to get an agreement between them.

8th December 2006, 20:10
It depends on how much pressure Turkey come under from the international community. People reclaiming lost land is not an impossible barrier to overcome (Wait til the Castro regime falls in Cuba - that's where the fun will really happen on that front).

I don't know much about the situation. Can anyone explain why Turkey supports the "pseudo-state"?

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8th December 2006, 20:24
Why can't both sides live together happily.

I don't know much about the situation, I take it the Turks invaded the Island, and both sides are too stubborn to either share the land or give up the fight.

Like said, seems very middle-age