View Full Version : Who do you want to win the 2009 drivers title?

17th October 2009, 17:21
Hope you like this poll... I thought it would be interesting to see.

Who do you want to win the 2009 drivers title?

I'm not asking who you think deserve it most, or who you think is the better driver. Simply, in your gut, who do you want to win (Assuming a straight competitive fight in GB)?

Mikko Hirvonen
Sebastien Loeb

If you feel like, please comment why. And also, who do you want to win rally GB?


(If a moderator could please consider making this a poll?)

17th October 2009, 19:02
I want Petter to win GB and Mikko to win the driver title.

This thread will self destruct in the next 3 posts with trolls flame war.

17th October 2009, 19:04
I want Sebastien Loeb to win.

I want Petter to win GB and Mikko to win the driver title.

This thread will self destruct in the next 3 posts with trolls flame war.


This thread is now protected :) .

serial jeff
17th October 2009, 19:07
I want to win. I realize its unlikely, since I don't have a car and I'm on a different continent.

17th October 2009, 19:07

17th October 2009, 19:08
Mikko will win the championship, JM will win the rally.

1. Latvala
2. Hirvonen
3. P. Solberg

Loeb suffers a minor off on day two while correcting a pacenote. Most cars would have been destroyed but Loeb's miracle luck prevents bad damage and he can continue.

17th October 2009, 20:00
Another great thread, not. ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....

17th October 2009, 20:14
Another great thread, not. ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....

Yet you find this thread interesting enough to comment. Can you say paradox? ;)

17th October 2009, 20:18
Yet you find this thread interesting enough to comment. Can you say paradox? ;)

I think he's right. Besides there was a similar thread not that long ago so why make another.

17th October 2009, 20:18
Miko obvious. Why not Loeb? Just because he's Loeb ;)

17th October 2009, 21:48
Answered for that question already in another thread. :p :

17th October 2009, 22:32
Oh no this must be the third or fourth...

Win the best anyway.

18th October 2009, 00:09
I want Petter to win GB and Mikko to win the driver title.

This would be a great out come.

18th October 2009, 07:31
Another great thread, not. ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....
Well, I understand some people will feel this is boring. But not everyone has time or desire to live on this forum and read every post in every thread. I think this actually is a required and fun vote, if we could just have it as a proper poll. The main purpose is not to have the discussion, but to see the poll result.

I think you should pay more respect to any poster who makes and honest effort, or has different interests than yourself.

18th October 2009, 09:54
I believe Mikko will win G.B. and the championship!!
Can't wait for the rally...

18th October 2009, 10:13
Mikko ! Mikko ! Mikko !

18th October 2009, 11:25

18th October 2009, 12:31
I want mikko to win the championship because Loeb is very lucky all these years and driving the best car.

I want Loeb to win the championshipp because Mikko never showed that he can beat Loeb fair apart from his back yard

good enough...???

18th October 2009, 12:42
Im devidied on this one. I want both to win for different reasons. Mikko really start to impress this year. Finland was exellent drive!
But still the best team, car and driver is Citroen+Loeb combo and should win simply because of that fact. It would feel wrong otherwise.

Stage wins:
Seb= 79
Mikko= 44

Twice as many almost....

I hope Seb win the last round in GB.. Not sure he will thou. Mikko have more to prove and is likely hungrier.

18th October 2009, 12:43
I want mikko to win the championship because Loeb is very lucky all these years and driving the best car.

I want Loeb to win the championshipp because Mikko never showed that he can beat Loeb fair apart from his back yard

good enough...???

It's the first time you say asomething good about Mikko!!!
That's a miracle :)
Although,I'm happy you admit that Loeb runs with the best car...

18th October 2009, 12:45
It's the first time you say asomething good about Mikko!!!
That's a miracle :)
Although,I'm happy you admit that Loeb runs with the best car...

Yeah but Loeb beated Gronholm with a super old xsara, and the Finn had a new and way more competitive car!!!!

18th October 2009, 15:42
Sébastien will write the History for the Sixth Time in a Row.

18th October 2009, 16:18
Sébastien will write the History for the Sixth Time in a Row.

Don't be so sure mate!!
Mikko can make the surprise and take this championship ;)

Langdale Forest
18th October 2009, 19:48
Hirvonen, of course!!! :)

19th October 2009, 00:15
Don't be so sure mate!!
Mikko can make the surprise and take this championship ;)

Ok, There're always possibilities unless mathematically the chance is gone. But, I was sure even when Loeb was sitting with a broken arm, and winning against the Bosse. He is used to these kind of situations, and I think He's even more hemctocryal in doing his profession than those Finnish guys who have a well-accepted reputation at this field.

19th October 2009, 10:47
I absolutely understand what you mean and respect it but a little disagree!
Before the end noone knows the result so let's wait for the best rally of the last years... :)

19th October 2009, 10:51
I hope that Mikko take the championship! He totally deserves it.

19th October 2009, 12:07
I absolutely understand what you mean and respect it but a little disagree!
Before the end noone knows the result so let's wait for the best rally of the last years... :)

Ok Mate, that's my wish then :)

19th October 2009, 15:02
I want Mikko to win, because de maFIA penalysed in Australia to Loeb only with one minute, and to he Ford's in Portugal with 5 mins.

And Citroën ordered to slow to Rautenbach, Novikov, etc... and Loeb got some points, I don't remember in which rallye.

Miko deserves it!!

19th October 2009, 16:10
As a person, Mikko.. But the world champion should be the best driver, which is Loeb.

Doesn't matter to me really :p

Brother John
19th October 2009, 16:22
As a person, Mikko.. But the world champion should be the best driver, which is Loeb.

Doesn't matter to me really :p

Why is Loeb the best driver?
Because he has the best car?

Let the driver without technical problems win the championship this year.
I hope that it will be Mikko Hirvonen. ;)

19th October 2009, 22:19
For variety, would be good to see Mikko win it. But I think he deserves it too, based on this year.

20th October 2009, 12:01
Mikko dosen't deserve it, a driver with 3 wins champion????


20th October 2009, 14:15
Mikko dosen't deserve it, a driver with 3 wins champion????


Well, 4 wins actually (could make it 5 in GB), and there have been several drivers who took a championship with less.

Mikko Hirvonen has been very solid this year, only one retirement which wasn't on him to blame, plus he always finished on a podium position. Loeb on the other hand, did take 6 wins, but he made avoidable mistakes.

20th October 2009, 15:48
I have a slight difficulty with Mikko myself, but not so much for the points.
1 retirement due to overheating
2 3rds
4 2nds
5 1sts
(if he can make GB)
That's a pretty respectful season, even if you flip the Australia result either way. I believe also Loeb has got a few more "assisted" points this season than Mikko, although I haven't counted. The problem I have with accepting Mikko though is his lack of fighting spirit when he faces resistance. He doesn't seem to enjoy to drive at the very edge, unless he is within very few seconds of the lead. Seems to lack braveness and confidence and gives up too easily. So it's not really the personality I want to see in a champion. But ok, I accept that he is on a progressive curve, and I think most will agree he has not reached his potential yet. And it's not a plan that is failing so far. It's a bit boring to approach it so carefully, but perhaps that's the best way for him. So if he pulls off GB with a full-speed performance, I will have no problem with it. Even though it will be a victory more on Loebs mistakes, than on his own speed. Ok, he may get the gold, but that's how it will be remembered, so no problem for me. Loeb himself was well known to settle for 8 pointers early on, instead of going for a crazy all or nothing approach. So now he get perhaps a taste of his own medicine.

I think also it will be interesting to see how Mikko progress in 2010 if he has the support of the title behind him. So also for sake of next year, I want more competition at the top, and Mikko's win should pull him another notch up.

And Mikko does seem to have the ability to throw his brain out sometimes, if there is a clear goal in his reach. So I really hope he will surprise us this weekend.

20th October 2009, 16:15
I voted Mikko for champion, he has been competitive on gravel this season, but i dont think Loeb or Mikko will win rally GB, both will drive fast but safe and Latvala is the likely winner, Sordo might do a good rally as well.

20th October 2009, 17:06
Why is Loeb the best driver?
Because he has the best car?

I think it's difficult to prove who has the better car (no not difficult: impossible)

It is my opinion that Loeb is the better driver (specially on tarmac, they are quit equal on gravel IMO). You can have yours ;)

serial jeff
20th October 2009, 17:19
Well, 4 wins actually (could make it 5 in GB), and there have been several drivers who took a championship with less.

Mikko Hirvonen has been very solid this year, only one retirement which wasn't on him to blame, plus he always finished on a podium position. Loeb on the other hand, did take 6 wins, but he made avoidable mistakes.

It's not quite fair to compare the number of wins to previous seasons, since there used to be a lot more drivers who could win rallies... in 2003 there were like eight drivers who could have won, and six who did.

Anyway though, I totally agree that Mikko has shown better performance so far this year. As has been mentioned before, Loeb's been given a couple points by team orders and has had a flawless car, whereas Mikko's engine failure in Argentina cost him at least 8 points. Without that, he'd have the championship in the bag already.

Still, rallying is all about 'what if's, so I say whoever wins will fully deserve it.

20th October 2009, 21:25
I just want it to go to the last stage...... with Loeb and Hirvonen on the same second!...

...i'll be watching the big screen in the Walters Arena (Rheola) in anticipation! (for Mikko to take it! ;) )

Who's with me? It will be a special place in the Walters if it goes down to the last stage because its the only place on the stages where we'll know what happens, as it happens!

Can't wait for Thursday evening when I pick my mate up from Wrexham and head to Myherin with food, beer and so much excitment!

21st October 2009, 01:04
Personally I would like to see Loeb winning, though agree that both may not necessarily fight for the win as it is too much of a risk, so gives others a chance to go for it and take as many risks as they want in order to win. But whatever happens, I will congratulate the winner and it's a fantastic climax to the season :up:

21st October 2009, 03:22
73% of the people on this board are going to be disappointed.

21st October 2009, 11:29
73% of the people on this board are going to be disappointed.

Totally Agree :)

21st October 2009, 12:07
73% of the people on this board are going to be disappointed.

No , only 68.75% going to be disappointed . :p :

21st October 2009, 12:11
I don't really care who wins it.. It been a 2-3 people challenge all year.. Maybe next year it will be a 4-6 people challenge.. And 10+ people challenging in 2011??
But it's going to be exiting... No doubt!!

Brother John
21st October 2009, 12:15
No , only 68.75% going to be disappointed . :p :

Or 30% will be dissatisfied and dissappointed? :D

21st October 2009, 20:43
Mikko Hirvonen for me being a Ford fan, plus the WRC needs a change of champion!

21st October 2009, 22:16
Super Seb of course.... ;)

22nd October 2009, 02:46
I'd like Mikko to win, but that's not going to happen.

Loeb is going to take the title and I'll yawn with boredom.

I don't really care who wins it.. It been a 2-3 people challenge all year.. Maybe next year it will be a 4-6 people challenge.. And 10+ people challenging in 2011??
But it's going to be exiting... No doubt!!What kind of hallucinogenics do you guys have in Norway?

22nd October 2009, 03:07
I think it's difficult to prove who has the better car (no not difficult: impossible)

It's not impossible. Just ask to those who have tried both cars. Until now, everybody (Aava, Galli, Mikkelsen, Solberg...) have said the same thing: the C4 is the better.

22nd October 2009, 07:38

22nd October 2009, 21:07
Mikko as Champ leader is 1st on the road during Friday, on the 2nd run through Hafren he unaccountably slows at the approach to a hairpin and as Loeb is shaping to pass Mikko veers into his path putting them both out of the running! It worked in F1, why not WRC :D

23rd October 2009, 01:54
Mikko as Champ leader is 1st on the road during Friday, on the 2nd run through Hafren he unaccountably slows at the approach to a hairpin and as Loeb is shaping to pass Mikko veers into his path putting them both out of the running! It worked in F1, why not WRC :D I like your style...hehehe

23rd October 2009, 05:13
I'd like Mikko to win, but that's not going to happen.

Loeb is going to take the title and I'll yawn with boredom.

Are you stuck on spanish timezone or something ?? They're rallying on gravel. Surely Mikko have a slightest chance of winning. Even a tiny one. No?

I find it amusing folks here think Mikko doesn't have a chance against Sebastien in a rally they both have won.

23rd October 2009, 05:49
Ok, so 69% of forum-goers stand to be disappointed.
That's down from a high of almost 75%. Good work people!

Are you stuck on spanish timezone or something ?? They're rallying on gravel. Surely Mikko have a slightest chance of winning. Even a tiny one. No?

I find it amusing folks here think Mikko doesn't have a chance against Sebastien in a rally they both have won.I'm trying my best to be pessimistic. In actuality I am just bursting at the seams with excitement. I just don't want Mikko to pull a Duval and careen off the road at the first turn. Just trying to downplay all of the emotion for the time being.

23rd October 2009, 06:09
:laugh: ok.

Mikko has already proved to be from another planet than Duval. I wouldn't mind Mikko making off due his pushing too hard at all. My biggest fear is he would take it too easy. This is the time to maximum attack.

But I feel confident Mikko feels confident in a way he felt in Finland. I truly hope we can celebrate a new world champion after this weekend.

I think Pentti said it best when he said; Aja kovaa Mikko !!!! :up:

23rd October 2009, 06:27
My heart says Mikko, my head says Seb.

A.F.F, your absolutely right about them both having won & this being Mikko's favoured surface. My problem is with all of the pressure that will be on him (Mikko) this weekend will he be able to do the job, we know Loeb can. Look at it this way, does a driver that has the pace & mental strength required to win a championship settle for second on a rally that he should quite easily win (Australia).

23rd October 2009, 12:26
I have voted, and you easily guess for who... ;)

23rd October 2009, 12:44
I want to win. I realize its unlikely, since I don't have a car and I'm on a different continent.


23rd October 2009, 16:39
whoever wins i just want him to be by drving and not mechanical or other issues.

cut the b.s.
23rd October 2009, 17:05
whoever wins i just want him to be by drving and not mechanical or other issues.

Congratulations Mr/Ms NOT, after 10,415 posts you have finally made a sensible post, your punctuation and spelling may still be a bit off, but thats okay. I hope you enjoyed the experience and are able to repeat the feat more often in the future.

Langdale Forest
24th October 2009, 17:46

So do I!!!!!!!!! :)

25th October 2009, 11:30
whoever wins i just want him to be by drving and not mechanical or other issues.

Loeb is going to win the title because:
-Mikkos' engine expired in Argentina
-he was gifted points in Poland by Citroen drivers
-he was gifted a win by Sordo in Spain
-there was no team orders in Ford team (Italy)

And remember that C4 is better car than Focus (every driver who have driven both cars admit that).

And hey, Loeb is already a 5 times world champion - it means something. I expect him to win his 6th title in fight on stages - not thanks to questionable 'tactics'.

I still keep fingers crossed for Mikko. However it seems unlikely now... :(

25th October 2009, 12:29
Or 30% will be dissatisfied and dissappointed? :D


No hard feelings Brother John , and give my regards to pitstop forum :p

Congrats to Loeb & Elena for winning another championship !

And congrats for Mikko for making 2009 a nice rally year !

Loeb is the best thats all ;)

25th October 2009, 17:58
Loeb is going to win the title because:
-Mikkos' engine expired in Argentina
-he was gifted points in Poland by Citroen drivers
-he was gifted a win by Sordo in Spain
-there was no team orders in Ford team (Italy)

And remember that C4 is better car than Focus (every driver who have driven both cars admit that).

And hey, Loeb is already a 5 times world champion - it means something. I expect him to win his 6th title in fight on stages - not thanks to questionable 'tactics'.

I still keep fingers crossed for Mikko. However it seems unlikely now... :(

If the champ is to be decided on the stages, the 2009 verdict look like this:

Loeb 88 stage wins
Mikko 51 stage wins.


The champ is usally on top or close. 2006 was different due to Loebs abscence from the last 4 rallies

25th October 2009, 18:41
If the champ is to be decided on the stages, the 2009 verdict look like this:

I wrote on stages and not by number of stages won.
Was Loeb faster in Poland and Spain than other Citroen drivers on stages?? They were told to let him past.

If you ensure me that they were going flatout on all this stages and doesn't count sss - it could mean something. But drivers preserve tires, back off, meet wild horses...

Lets look at GB stats:
Loeb - 9
Miko - 7
Based on splits it would be 8 to 8 if not the open bonnet.

And if we taking about stage wins - do you know Markku Alen?

25th October 2009, 18:59
ah great the crybabies have started.....move along there is nothing to see here.

25th October 2009, 19:10
As much as I would have wanted Mikko to win the title, I agree with N.O.T.
Mikko had his chances but Sebastien won, that's it. Next year please!

25th October 2009, 19:34
As much as I would have wanted Mikko to win the title, I agree with N.O.T.
Mikko had his chances but Sebastien won, that's it. Next year please!

exactly, no point to whine, every year comes a new chance to beat Loeb or who ever is the current champ.

Langdale Forest
25th October 2009, 19:48
Now is not the time to look back in anger at WRC 2009.

Latvala proved that if he stayed on the road what a good driver he can be. :)
Sordo proved that he could have won a rally if it was not for team orders. :)
Loeb achievd his 50th WRC win in Cyprus. :)
Ogier proved that he is a replacement for Loeb by coming 2nd in Greece. :)
Petter Solberg might be winning next year now that his in a better car. :)