View Full Version : Terror Storm

16th October 2009, 23:45

Throughout history, criminal elements inside governments have carried out terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them. TerrorStorm reveals how, in the last hundred years, Western leaders have repeatedly murdered their own citizens while posing as their saviors.


17th October 2009, 03:25
It is sad that there are people who actually believe this crap

17th October 2009, 13:53
It is sad that there are people who actually believe this crap

I thought it was interesting, nothing more...Oh but it is sad that people actually believe the crap that is spewed out by FOX news.

Brown, Jon Brow
17th October 2009, 15:51
Terror Storm is old, I first watched those videos about 3 years ago. It's interesting how in the past religion has been used to control the masses, but people who believe 9/11 was an inside job really have too much time to think.