View Full Version : what is an f1 contract worth

7th October 2009, 10:00

F1 : Kimi Raikkonen to Red Bull Racing, Renault to oust Romain Grosjean? (http://www.f1sa.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=17940&Itemid=219)

7th October 2009, 10:55
Ooooo a joke thread ;)

Seriously I do wonder why on earth they bother - so many escape clauses, or if that fails just bung them a few million euros and Bosh......sorted.

7th October 2009, 11:43
The contract is worth money, not a guaranteed drive.

Raikkonen could walk away from F1 at season's end, and get paid during 2010 to prop up the local bar.

Had he not had the contract, he would not have got such a payoff.

So, whilst the drive is not guaranteed, the fee is.

But yes, the links above are most risible.....

7th October 2009, 12:58
At least a contract in F1 has more worth.

In football its no different to tissue paper.

7th October 2009, 13:04
99% of contracts are not worth the paper they are written on. That goes for sport, business etc etc.

7th October 2009, 14:30
I've seen F1 contracts before and they are not that big. I've seen footballer contracts too and they are not much different in actual length. Like 555-04Q2 says they are hardly worth the paper the are written on but you do fell quite alot of satisfaction when you get to rip them up. :D

7th October 2009, 15:09
I've seen F1 contracts before and they are not that big. I've seen footballer contracts too and they are not much different in actual length. Like 555-04Q2 says they are hardly worth the paper the are written on but you do fell quite alot of satisfaction when you get to rip them up. :D

But F1 drivers tend to throw their toys out the pram when contract is up for renewal.

All it takes for a footballer is for their agent saying to them X football club is interested. Footballer spits dummy, throws toys and signs for X for 5years, hold scarf and kisses badge. Couple of years later finds out Y football club is interested - footballer spits dummy, throws toys and signs for Y for 5years, hold scarf and kisses badge.

7th October 2009, 15:32
But still there is no point in contracting a driver if you are considering alternative options. By summer-2008, when Webber's contract was renewed, it was already heavily rumoured that Alonso is going to join Ferrari and Kimi will be out, so if RBR had been so interested in KR, they should have taken notice already back then. Or maybe RBR wanted to give more confidence for Webber in his title bid with a new contract...