View Full Version : George Bush Snr

5th October 2009, 03:49
Just got back to hotel in Boston tonight after a trip to Kennebunkport.George Bush Snr was in residence,AND he came down to his boat with police security in a police launch , to accompany his boat and friends who were going out fishing.Old and gray he walks now with a stick,but must be in his 80s

5th October 2009, 06:14

Mark in Oshawa
5th October 2009, 06:33
He is pushing 90. Not as spry as he once was.....on his 80th birthday, he went sky diving so there you go....

5th October 2009, 08:52
There's no tension or climax in your story. What happened next, after the fishing?

5th October 2009, 14:36
Fine, I'll go a similar but different direction. Years ago I had a boss that was a big, local political wannabe. He knew all the players and they all knew him. He liked to make all the political functions and fundraisers and would drag me with him to these events because he didn't want to go alone. Believe me, you can get a better meal at a Luby's than you get at one of those $1000 a plate fundraiser dinners. I was married at the time and she worked near me so we would sometimes ride together although the uncertainty of my working hours made it impractable to do it all the time. She was a homebody that enjoyed reading biographies about the English Royals, American political figures, and Hollywood people.

One day, The boss started paging me frantically and since I had just picked up the wife and was still downtown, I stopped back by the office. Turns out there was a reception we JUST HAD TO ATTEND going on RIGHT NOW! Wife is furious, but we go. She has never been to one of these and doesn't like being dragged to this one. The old "If you'd have driven your own car instead of insisting on riding with me, you'd be home now." didn't help either. When the elevator door opened at the penthouse, the wife went from angry to angry, awestruck, and scared. There was all the local TV media packed in the hall along with various local personalities that we commoners only see on TV. The boss was on "the list" and our names were added to the 2 blank "and guests" lines to the side of his. The wife was frozen and I took her purse and handed it to the Secret Service man for inspection after his first polite request went past her unhearing ears. He inspected it and we went inside. The wife was in total shock now so I got her a little plate of snacks, a drink, and parked her in a secluded chair while promising to lose the boss as soon as possible and we'd go ahead and go and leave the boss here. That was standard operating procedure, the boss just didn't like going in alone. I was back in 15 minutes and the wife was back to angry and awestruck and asked if we could go now. I should point out that the wife had read one of Barbara Bush's books and had just ordered her latest one, C. Fred's Story, tales of the First Family from the dog's point of view. I told the wife "give me a couple of minutes to tell Mrs. Bush you don't have time to meet her today, and we'll leave." The wife looked at me, mouth open, "Mrs. Bush? The President's wife? Barbara? THE FIRST LADY?". "Yup, that's the one" I told her. "I met her a few minutes ago and told her you enjoyed her books and she asked to meet you but I'll tell her you can't fit her in your schedule."

I pulled her along, trying to calm her down...your make up is fine, no, that's a very nice looking dress, Mrs. Bush doesn't care about your shoes, etc. When we came around the partition, Mrs. Bush stood up from the table desk she had been sitting at, came around to shake the wife's hand, and led her over to a couple of easy chairs. I left to grab some high dollar snacking material and something that looked like a cocktail. Next thing I know the wife is back by my arm but no longer angry, scared, or awestruck, but still ready to leave. I looked at my watch, she had been in there for 30 minutes. "Whatcha got there?" I asked her. Although the wife had a copy on order, Mrs. Bush had given her a copy of the new book and had written a personal message to the wife inside.

Mrs. Barbara Bush is the only one out of the Bush herd that I've met and I can tell you she is a fine, gracious, generous lady whose charm and manner put my wife completely at ease. "She's just like normal folks" - wife.

Driving home I asked the wife what she thought of political receptions now. "I still don't like them." she said "And neither does Barbara."

5th October 2009, 16:52
great story Fiero. I have heard the same about the Bush's even the most hated one. I have a very good friend who has met them all. But as you say Barbara is exceptional.

Dave B
5th October 2009, 17:06
Most politicians are charming and courteous - it's pretty much a requirement of their job after all. I'm sure that the Bush family is no exception. That didn't stop two generations of them from screwing your country though.

5th October 2009, 18:06
Most politicians are charming and courteous - it's pretty much a requirement of their job after all. I'm sure that the Bush family is no exception. That didn't stop two generations of them from screwing your country though.

5th October 2009, 19:35
Most politicians are charming and courteous - it's pretty much a requirement of their job after all. I'm sure that the Bush family is no exception. That didn't stop two generations of them from screwing your country though.

Ahhh jeeeezzzz!!!

Give it a rest will ya. It is old, tired and 100% wrong.

BTW Your country is no shinning star of success and freedom.

5th October 2009, 21:49
Ahhh jeeeezzzz!!!

Give it a rest will ya. It is old, tired and 100% wrong.

BTW Your country is no shinning star of success and freedom.
The American Empire is only a shadow of what the British Empire once was.

donKey jote
5th October 2009, 22:02

5th October 2009, 22:25
The American Empire is only a shadow of what the British Empire once was.
But still, IMO the biggest sin of George Bush Snr was that he didn't use any contraceptive when George W Bush was conceived.

5th October 2009, 22:42
President Clinton came to town 11 years ago for the G8 summit and it was more hasstle than it was worth. I was out drinking with friends when he had a token pint in a nearby pub. The amount of security was stupid and ended up annoying everyone who were just out for a good drink and really couldn't have given a hoot if one or all the former presidents were close by. The CIA destroyed the glass he drank from for secuirity reasons afterwards and the pub proudly displays a fake glass as the glass he drank out when he visited. :s

Dave B
5th October 2009, 22:55
But still, IMO the biggest sin of George Bush Snr was that he didn't use any contraceptive when George W Bush was conceived.

Eight bloody years you've been here and that's the funniest thing you've posted :laugh: :up:

6th October 2009, 01:31
President Clinton came to town 11 years ago for the G8 summit and it was more hasstle than it was worth. I was out drinking with friends when he had a token pint in a nearby pub. The amount of security was stupid and ended up annoying everyone who were just out for a good drink and really couldn't have given a hoot if one or all the former presidents were close by. The CIA destroyed the glass he drank from for secuirity reasons afterwards and the pub proudly displays a fake glass as the glass he drank out when he visited. :s

The CIA? HAHAHAHA......Sorry toots. The CIA has better things to do than to destroy some glass to keep it from being sold on E-bay.

6th October 2009, 08:21
Personally I couldn't give a crap if they smashed the glass or not. It's not particually a good pub and I hope I don't have the pleasure of an American President ruining a good night out ever again with their stupidly large security. Please Mr Obama and Co...stay in London when you visit. Thanks.

6th October 2009, 13:50
The CIA? HAHAHAHA......Sorry toots. The CIA has better things to do than to destroy some glass to keep it from being sold on E-bay.
Probably they destroyed it because they thought someone could extract his fingerprints and/or his DNA from the glass and use them for some shady purpose , like staging him for some crime or something.

6th October 2009, 13:52

Love it! :) :) :)

6th October 2009, 15:25
As Bush Snr was the lesser of two evils (relax it's a figure of speech) and has been 'retired' many years, I guess it would be interesting to meet him regardless of personal political views... how often doe one get to meet in person the people who shape our world

Mark in Oshawa
6th October 2009, 16:56
But still, IMO the biggest sin of George Bush Snr was that he didn't use any contraceptive when George W Bush was conceived.

Eki...you usually are obnoxious...but that is just poor taste. Then again, I keep being told by libreals how they are the caring ones in society...and yet this one writes this.

Jokes like that are typical, and while I may not agree with the politics of a politician, I would never personally wish them ill health or harm. Then again I should expect it from you EKi, you spent about a year and a half telling me that Saddam Hussein was right to do what he did....

Dave B
6th October 2009, 16:58
That's different to wishing harm on the man. If somebody had hypothetically never existed, they could never be harmed. :)

Mark in Oshawa
6th October 2009, 17:01
That's different to wishing harm on the man. If somebody had hypothetically never existed, they could never be harmed. :)

Believe me Dave, he would wish harm on the man. If he was shot tomorrow, Eki would be saying it was a good thing for mankind. I have no doubts....

6th October 2009, 20:12
Then again I should expect it from you EKi, you spent about a year and a half telling me that Saddam Hussein was right to do what he did....
No, I was telling you I understood the motives why he did what he did. It's not the same as agreeing with them or accepting them. Without his harsh methods, he would have been overthrown by his enemies years earlier than he was. If his goal was to stay in power, his methods were probably correct, which is not the same as morally right. I didn't accept his doings any more I accepted Bush Jr's doings. I just expected more moral back bone from Bush Jr than from Saddam. That's because he claimed to be a "world leader" or the leader of the "free world", Saddam never did that. Bush Jr was a bigger hypocrite IMO than Saddam, and I find hypocrites a bit obnoxious.

6th October 2009, 20:20
Believe me Dave, he would wish harm on the man. If he was shot tomorrow, Eki would be saying it was a good thing for mankind. I have no doubts....
THAT's where you're wrong. Wishing harm on people is not what I do. Besides, shooting him now would be quite irrelevant for the mankind since he's no longer in power. Putting him in front of an international war crimes tribunal would however be a good thing for the mankind. It would send the message that you can't do whatever you like and avoid justice, not even if you're the President of the USA.

donKey jote
6th October 2009, 22:19
Eki...you usually are obnoxious...but that is just poor taste. Then again, I keep being told by libreals how they are the caring ones in society...and yet this one writes this.

Eki a liberal?
Now that is poor taste :laugh: