View Full Version : Windows Vista is krap

Valve Bounce
3rd October 2009, 10:42
Here is the link: http://www.google.com.au/ig?hl=en#max3

You may have to do a little search when/if you get there. You have to search for "Hitler on Windows Vista"
and for those who like footy, Hitler on Fevola is good for a laugh too. :D

3rd October 2009, 11:19
I'm not watching it, but they take the footage from the movie Der Untergang which is a pretty good film. Kind of a moot point to bash Vista now that Windows 7 is getting very good reception.

Valve Bounce
3rd October 2009, 11:26
I'm not watching it, but they take the footage from the movie Der Untergang which is a pretty good film. Kind of a moot point to bash Vista now that Windows 7 is getting very good reception.

So you think Hitler is sane?

3rd October 2009, 13:02
Yes, write an article about it. I'm not Bernie so nobody cares what I say. Apple is more evil than Hitler and Microsoft combined though.

4th October 2009, 04:20
Yes, write an article about it. I'm not Bernie so nobody cares what I say. Apple is more evil than Hitler and Microsoft combined though.

Google is worse than all three combined.

4th October 2009, 08:52
Yes, write an article about it. I'm not Bernie so nobody cares what I say. Apple is more evil than Hitler and Microsoft combined though.

Why because their stuff works and works well. Vista is a POS and I heard Windows 7 is just a attempt to clean the toilet. I find it interesting the crap that Microsoft users put up with. It is simply amazing. Actually I am worried about the education of people worldwide who use this when OSX is available. Also there have been many failures of Microsoft in crucial security areas - make you really wonder.

Valve Bounce
4th October 2009, 12:28
Why because their stuff works and works well. Vista is a POS and I heard Windows 7 is just a attempt to clean the toilet. I find it interesting the crap that Microsoft users put up with. It is simply amazing. Actually I am worried about the education of people worldwide who use this when OSX is available. Also there have been many failures of Microsoft in crucial security areas - make you really wonder.

hey fousto!! I was actually thinking of you when I posted the OP. :p :

4th October 2009, 15:06
Vista certainly is krap, that's why I use Ubuntu. Boy this thing is fast once you get it up and running. :s pin:

4th October 2009, 15:37
I'm bored with ignorant people.........

4th October 2009, 16:36
It is crap indeed, last week I had to add some files to Cod3's mod folder, but due to the infinite stupidity of Vistas file system, that particular folder is invisible to My Computer. Oh, the folder is there, but how do I move files into it?

Well, apparently by finding the folder first with Irfanview, then moving the files over the right folder icon in Irfanviews "open files" box.

It's a pretty effing sad day when programmers think that it's a good idea to make a feature that makes some folders bloody invisible, not all, just some.

4th October 2009, 16:40
It is crap indeed, last week I had to add some files to Cod3's mod folder, but due to the infinite stupidity of Vistas file system, that particular folder is invisible to My Computer. Oh, the folder is there, but how do I move files into it?

Well, apparently by finding the folder first with Irfanview, then moving the files over the right folder icon in Irfanviews "open files" box.

It's a pretty effing sad day when programmers think that it's a good idea to make a feature that makes some folders bloody invisible, not all, just some.
I'm sorry Janneppi but that functionality has been around for a long long time. At since least 98.

1) Open up My Computer
2) Alt-t
3) Click on folder options
4) Click on the view tab
5) Click on the option that says "Show hidden files and folders"

Sorted :)

4th October 2009, 16:46
Why because their stuff works and works well. Vista is a POS and I heard Windows 7 is just a attempt to clean the toilet. I find it interesting the crap that Microsoft users put up with. It is simply amazing. Actually I am worried about the education of people worldwide who use this when OSX is available. Also there have been many failures of Microsoft in crucial security areas - make you really wonder.

I agree actually Fousto! The things we Windows users put up with!!!!!!!


Great driver support for almost anything I choose to buy for my PC
Prices which aren't hideously inflated for hardware
The ability to choose what components you want in your computer
An endless array of software for our PC's
Computer games without having to use bootcamp

I could go on.

Linux? Don't make me laugh.

4th October 2009, 16:48
I'm not on my computer at the moment, but IMO that's not the deal here, it's the bleeding UAC virtual folder thingy. I know disablebling UAC should have been the first move to make, but how was I supposed to know they have feature designed to impair computer usage. :(

4th October 2009, 16:56
I'm not on my computer at the moment, but IMO that's not the deal here, it's the bleeding UAC virtual folder thingy. I know disablebling UAC should have been the first move to make, but how was I supposed to know they have feature designed to impair computer usage. :(
Ah I think I know what you mean :) I'll have to do a google search on the forum to find one of my old posts.

4th October 2009, 16:58
This is what I was thinking about :)


4th October 2009, 17:56
I agree actually Fousto! The things we Windows users put up with!!!!!!!


Great driver support for almost anything I choose to buy for my PC
Prices which aren't hideously inflated for hardware
The ability to choose what components you want in your computer
An endless array of software for our PC's
Computer games without having to use bootcamp

I could go on.

Linux? Don't make me laugh.

OSX is Mac
Cheap is not alway the answer
I will agree for games the PC is the best
Some people have to work and run a business.
Mac has the same array of software
Mac has way better connectivity to networks and wireless
Mac has no viruses
Macs usually stays running
Macs are much easier to use and most things are well thought out
There is a reason Mac are now around 50% or greater of the market in upscale universities

I will agree with the linux comment.

4th October 2009, 23:40
I agree actually Fousto! The things we Windows users put up with!!!!!!!


Great driver support for almost anything I choose to buy for my PC
Prices which aren't hideously inflated for hardware
The ability to choose what components you want in your computer
An endless array of software for our PC's
Computer games without having to use bootcamp

I could go on.

Linux? Don't make me laugh.

You forgot the BSOD feature! :laugh:

When you think about it, it's really sad that the vast majority of Windows users know what BSOD is.

4th October 2009, 23:53
Linux? Don't make me laugh.
Here many schools has started to use linux ubuntu in their pc's.

5th October 2009, 05:40
Here many schools has started to use linux ubuntu in their pc's.

Not surprising that you would support you fellow Finn.

Mark in Oshawa
5th October 2009, 06:15
I think after reading this, I am going to become a Luddite.....but Windows has driven me to it...and I have XP which by Microsoft standards, almost works pretty well.

5th October 2009, 10:23
Linux? Don't make me laugh.

You just can't get it up and running :D

I actually have both Vista and Ubuntu and ever since I installed Ubuntu, I've very rarely used Vista since it's so so slow even with the effects disabled. You need to know a little bit about computers with Linux, what hardware to use etc. but in every day use, this is just soooooo much nicer. And really I couldn't care less about Linux being Finnish.

Valve Bounce
5th October 2009, 13:16
Hey guys!! the OP is a spoof - I was just funning. I don't hate Vista - I'm still using XP home edition on my almost 6 year old PC, which I have been informed by both DELL and Cyberscrub that my PC is supposed to be dead. Then I downloaded ASHAMPOO's HDD Control for a trial and it tells me my PC is excellent. The only problem is that the hard drive is running at 62 degrees C.

Valve Bounce
5th October 2009, 13:19
Yes, write an article about it. I'm not Bernie so nobody cares what I say. Apple is more evil than Hitler and Microsoft combined though.

I would love to be able to edit the subtitles in that Hitler skit in the OP to refer to both Bernie and Max. Now that would be a gem!!

5th October 2009, 14:37
then again, Betamax was better than VHS in all respects, and how did that particular competition turn out? VHS outselling Beta by a mile, all because there were more units on the shelves where you could choose from, and the ease of replacement of parts because of their availability and interchangeability. All of this leads to lower cost of unit production.

Beta was the opposite, and this led to its marginalisation in the overall market.

In some ways, it is the same way with the Windows/Mac competition, where you have several makers of PC's, and all the choices of what you want, versus being, virtually, locked into Apple's high cost, soup-to-nuts world.
And, as we can see by the overall sales numbers, still hasn't caught up to the number of Windows-based machines.

It's a glorified minority, but still a minority... ;)

5th October 2009, 14:55
OSX is Mac
Cheap is not alway the answer
I will agree for games the PC is the best
Some people have to work and run a business.
Mac has the same array of software
Mac has way better connectivity to networks and wireless
Mac has no viruses
Macs usually stays running
Macs are much easier to use and most things are well thought out
There is a reason Mac are now around 50% or greater of the market in upscale universities

I will agree with the linux comment.

Yes cheap is not the answer which is why none of the PC's I ever build is cheap. This means they're almost always very reliable.

Software? Same array? Give me a break.

Better connectivity? Bollocks.

Viruses? Well viruses are out of fashion tbh, it's more malware and trojan horses these days.

My PC runs 24/7 and I only switch it off when we go away for the weekend or something. It does this flawlessly.

Macs are easier to use? Perhaps Mac's are more simple but simplicity isn't necessarily everything you want in a computer. I'll admit that some things in Windows aren't perhaps very well thought out sometimes though.

50% of the universities in the US run Mac's? So basically what you're saying is that Apple has probably sold Macs to 50% of the universities in the US at a loss or perhaps even paid them to take them so as to attempt to induct people into the Mac way of life. In my 6 years of working out in the wild I've probably worked alongside a few thousand people through various companies and I think perhaps a dozen of those people were using Mac's in a work environment. Why would I want to go to university and be forced to use something which is hugely different to what most companies are using? This is the same reason why Linux will never be hugely widespread, there aren't enough end users in the workplace using them to convince a huge amount of schools to get kids using them at an early age so there's no point in workplaces moving to Linux for most things.

5th October 2009, 15:03
You just can't get it up and running :D

I actually have both Vista and Ubuntu and ever since I installed Ubuntu, I've very rarely used Vista since it's so so slow even with the effects disabled. You need to know a little bit about computers with Linux, what hardware to use etc. but in every day use, this is just soooooo much nicer. And really I couldn't care less about Linux being Finnish.

Well I've used Redhat in a work environment but it was always crashing on me. To be fair this was more down to hardware as they were running it on Pentium 2's but then again this is the cause of 99.99% of crashes on Windows PC's. I'd like to try Linux on a PC at home more as a server than anything and when I upgrade to a new PC in perhaps a year or two's time I'll play around with it.

Vista runs fine on all but the cheapest and nastiest PC's and decent PC components are quite cheap these days so you don't need to have a slow PC :)

5th October 2009, 15:29
M$ is evil :devil:

5th October 2009, 15:31
M$ is evil :devil:
Shaddaup Macboi :p

5th October 2009, 15:34
Yes cheap is not the answer which is why none of the PC's I ever build is cheap. This means they're almost always very reliable.

Software? Same array? Give me a break.

Better connectivity? Bollocks.

Viruses? Well viruses are out of fashion tbh, it's more malware and trojan horses these days.

My PC runs 24/7 and I only switch it off when we go away for the weekend or something. It does this flawlessly.

Macs are easier to use? Perhaps Mac's are more simple but simplicity isn't necessarily everything you want in a computer. I'll admit that some things in Windows aren't perhaps very well thought out sometimes though.

50% of the universities in the US run Mac's? So basically what you're saying is that Apple has probably sold Macs to 50% of the universities in the US at a loss or perhaps even paid them to take them so as to attempt to induct people into the Mac way of life. In my 6 years of working out in the wild I've probably worked alongside a few thousand people through various companies and I think perhaps a dozen of those people were using Mac's in a work environment. Why would I want to go to university and be forced to use something which is hugely different to what most companies are using? This is the same reason why Linux will never be hugely widespread, there aren't enough end users in the workplace using them to convince a huge amount of schools to get kids using them at an early age so there's no point in workplaces moving to Linux for most things.

Quite typical comments for a Windows user. Now tell us your experience with Mac OSX 10.4 or higher.

race aficionado
5th October 2009, 15:38
then again, Betamax was better than VHS in all respects, and how did that particular competition turn out? VHS outselling Beta by a mile, all because there were more units on the shelves where you could choose from, and the ease of replacement of parts because of their availability and interchangeability. All of this leads to lower cost of unit production.

Beta was the opposite, and this led to its marginalisation in the overall market.

In some ways, it is the same way with the Windows/Mac competition, where you have several makers of PC's, and all the choices of what you want, versus being, virtually, locked into Apple's high cost, soup-to-nuts world.
And, as we can see by the overall sales numbers, still hasn't caught up to the number of Windows-based machines.

It's a glorified minority, but still a minority... ;)
V10 - that Betamax comparison has always been spot on.
I was an original Betamax owner -(Sony had the market in Colombia - but soon VHS came in with all it's different brands)

To each his own of course. Many complain about the price of the Macs but in this case you get what you pay for.

Mac has always been good to me.

Steve Job and his team Rocks.
:s mokin:

5th October 2009, 18:45
Not surprising that you would support you fellow Finn.

in what way?

5th October 2009, 18:47
in what way?
I think what Fousto meant to say was "You're Finnish so I'm going to have a dig at you because Eki is from Finland and I don't like him very much" :)

5th October 2009, 18:54
I think what Fousto meant to say was "You're Finnish so I'm going to have a dig at you because Eki is from Finland and I don't like him very much" :)

ahh, i see :)

5th October 2009, 21:04
To each his own of course. Many complain about the price of the Macs but in this case you get what you pay for.
:s mokin:

My beef with the price of Macs is this.

PC's should not be cheap and the high price and usual high quality of Mac's is a good thing, it's just that I can build a better specced PC that is most likely better quality than a Mac for a significant amount less than what Apple charges. Even if the OS is a tad faster that is nullified by the fact that you can have a fast and bigger hard drive, more faster RAM, a faster CPU and a better graphics card for less.

5th October 2009, 21:42
You're both wrong. As a nerd Fousto is, he's very aware of the fact that Linus Torwhatever is a Finn.

I know, I'm awesome. No need to thank me :)

6th October 2009, 05:47
My beef with the price of Macs is this.

PC's should not be cheap and the high price and usual high quality of Mac's is a good thing, it's just that I can build a better specced PC that is most likely better quality than a Mac for a significant amount less than what Apple charges. Even if the OS is a tad faster that is nullified by the fact that you can have a fast and bigger hard drive, more faster RAM, a faster CPU and a better graphics card for less.

Daniel it is just not about all of what your are posting. Macs are better hardware and software and cost more - simple at that. You need to go spend some time on a new mac. I have used windows til I just wanted to puke. I used to build PC's so I could run OpenStep which was NeXTSTep on a PC, Which is now OSX. Most Windows people spout without any experience on a Mac. I have spent countless hours fixing Microsoft junk. My point is go spend some time with a Mac and you will understand the loyality.

Langdale Forest
21st October 2009, 22:00
I have windows vista for two years now and it is good enough for me.

Valve Bounce
21st October 2009, 23:09
I have windows vista for two years now and it is good enough for me.

I posted this thread as a joke, if you check the link in the OP.

21st October 2009, 23:31
My beef with the price of Macs is this.

PC's should not be cheap and the high price and usual high quality of Mac's is a good thing, it's just that I can build a better specced PC that is most likely better quality than a Mac for a significant amount less than what Apple charges. Even if the OS is a tad faster that is nullified by the fact that you can have a fast and bigger hard drive, more faster RAM, a faster CPU and a better graphics card for less.

That's actually a good example. But you have the ability and knowledge (and time) to choose the right parts and put them together to get that optimal result. I know a fellow who built a Cobra replica kit car that will rip any modern Corvette, and most Porsches and Ferraris, to shreds on a race track. But he was set up to do that. Most people aren't... or they just don't have an interest in doing that. And like Pete "The Cobra guy", if your machine doesn't work, you can fix it yourself. Most of us can't do that. We have to take our machines in for repair.

A computer to me is just a tool. I really have no desire to work on them or tweak them. I like to tweak my cars. But I'd just as soon go to the dentist as to have to do anything to fix a computer. I just want something that works and is VERY reliable. I had to upgrade to IE 7 a few months ago, and now the damn thing freezes up at least once a day. I didn't have that problem with IE 6 - but I had to upgrade. I don't know why it freezes. I don't really care anymore. I just deal with it.

I took my IBM Thinkpad in for repairs earlier in the summer. The girl who has been wrenching on my computers for the past 6 or 7 years told me that it was time to stop spending money on the IBM. She had the same situation with her HP laptop: time to let it die a peaceful death. She said she's going to get a Mac next time around - which helped lead me to the same decision. Why? She hates working on something that she's not getting paid to work on... so she's going to get something that she thinks will require less maintenance and tinkering. Like me, I assume she'll keep a Windows box around for certain applications and work. I just want something that runs like a Swiss watch. And the fact that I still have a 25 year old Mac+ that still works says something positive about Apple products to me. I could be wrong. But after having more Windows boxes over the years than I can count, I'm willing to roll the dice.

Right now, the various Apple Macs still occupy a relatively small share of the market. But the Macs captured market share at a faster rate than any other maker, according to a report that I saw on Monday. And AAPL is doing nothing short of kicking ass and taking names with the iPhone, iPod and the new Macs. Part of it is like the Porsche example above: many people tend to go with what has a "market coolness" to it. Right now, Apple is it. And that in itself attracts buyers. Just like Dell used to be the "cool" brand to have.

Anyway, check this out. It's not just about computers. It ranks various luxury brands.

This study establishes a metric that quantifies digital competence (“Digital IQ&#8221 ;) for many of the luxury industry’s iconic brands.

But yeah, if I had the time, knowldge and desire to build the ultimate computer, I'd probably do that. What OS would I run? Like I know what the best one is?! :D Linux, from what the kids seem to brag about?

P.S. I just noticed... Daniel is banned???!!! What the hell?!

Valve Bounce
22nd October 2009, 05:07
P.S. I just noticed... Daniel is banned???!!! What the hell?!

Long story short: http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=707312

and: http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=135541

Go to second link first.

Valve Bounce
22nd October 2009, 05:27
Here is an independent review: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExeyrNZwzwQ

22nd October 2009, 09:24
Don't worry, Daniel likes being banned :p

I certainly share the view that the less tinkering needed, the better. You have a continum with these things, with Linux requiring the most, Windows in the middle at Apple at the top end.

Linux is pretty bad in the tinkering stakes, you can do pretty much nothing with it unless you have some technical knowledge of how to make things work. Not being able to install software because your OS don't have some obsequre component is the normal not exceptional situation.

It's true for phones too, I've had Nokias for years but I'm seriously giving consideration to buying an iPhone next year, basically because every Nokia I've had, has had components which haven't worked properly for whatever reason, especially email. Whereas from what I've seen and heard about iPhones, 'it just works'..

22nd October 2009, 15:41
That's the impression that I've gotten from others too, Mark. I use one of these boxes to trade. When the IE browser freezes up, that can become a rather expensive f'up. I have Mozilla installed, but parts of the trading site that I use don't seem to work right with that browser. I can't really blame that on the OS (or can I?! :D ), but I do look to MSFT when these annoying things happen.

I've actually been happier with XP than any of the other systems they've had. But Vista seemed to be a repeat of the Windows ME situation... just from what I've heard and read. Don't they EVER learn??? This thing will break sooner or later, so I'll eventually end up with something that runs W7... just because I need one functioning Windows box - and I'm not going to buy 2 Macs. ;)

It's not so much that I'm an Apple fanboi... I just want the Honda/Lexus of computers. I do not want (anymore of) the 1974 Jaguar XJ6 of computers... with Lucas electricals. :p :

18th December 2009, 07:02
what are the main problems with vista?

i've never had vista, but sence i'm getting a new computer that comes with vista i'm kinda worried about it, becouse all i've been hearing for the past two years is "vista sucks" :s

should i get the upgrade to windows 7?