View Full Version : Plus Size Models

Hazell B
2nd October 2009, 19:33
I stupidly used to think that models on catwalks and in magazines should be of average size, or at least not scrawny bags of bones with no muscle tone and legs longer than my horse has.

Now I want stick thin models back, please :(

Over the past few weeks I've been told by assorted complete strangers that I should either "try eating some day", "stop your diet, you're too thin" or similar. Two bloody women in a clothes shop actually told me I should put some weight on and start looking after myself when I asked for a smaller size of fleece sweater. They were lucky not to get punched :p :

For the record, I'm 5ft 2in and a size 6 jeans and 8/10 top. I'm not thin, just toned and not fat. Without exception everyone who's called me too thin is overweight by a good deal more than a living human could be underweight (if that makes sense!) and as I said strangers to me.

It all began when that so-called plus size model was pictured in a magazine with a bit of a belly showing. As she's about 9 inches taller than me and weighs about the same, I wouldn't class her as plus anything :mark: but the media and fat people do. They're annoying me badly :(

2nd October 2009, 19:52
If your happy with the way you are, then thats all that matters at the end of the day. ;)

2nd October 2009, 20:25
my mom thinks i'm a bit to thin, sence i only weigh about 115 pounds, but i like being thin, and i dond give a damn what she thinks about it

Wasted Talent
2nd October 2009, 20:47
I stupidly used to think that models on catwalks and in magazines should be of average size, or at least not scrawny bags of bones with no muscle tone and legs longer than my horse has.

Now I want stick thin models back, please :(

Over the past few weeks I've been told by assorted complete strangers that I should either "try eating some day", "stop your diet, you're too thin" or similar. Two bloody women in a clothes shop actually told me I should put some weight on and start looking after myself when I asked for a smaller size of fleece sweater. They were lucky not to get punched :p :

For the record, I'm 5ft 2in and a size 6 jeans and 8/10 top. I'm not thin, just toned and not fat. Without exception everyone who's called me too thin is overweight by a good deal more than a living human could be underweight (if that makes sense!) and as I said strangers to me.

It all began when that so-called plus size model was pictured in a magazine with a bit of a belly showing. As she's about 9 inches taller than me and weighs about the same, I wouldn't class her as plus anything :mark: but the media and fat people do. They're annoying me badly :(

Picture required..............


2nd October 2009, 21:05
my mom thinks i'm a bit to thin.......

That's much better than her saying you're a bit thick.

2nd October 2009, 21:36
I stupidly used to think that models on catwalks and in magazines should be of average size, or at least not scrawny bags of bones with no muscle tone and legs longer than my horse has.

Now I want stick thin models back, please :(

Over the past few weeks I've been told by assorted complete strangers that I should either "try eating some day", "stop your diet, you're too thin" or similar. Two bloody women in a clothes shop actually told me I should put some weight on and start looking after myself when I asked for a smaller size of fleece sweater. They were lucky not to get punched :p :

For the record, I'm 5ft 2in and a size 6 jeans and 8/10 top. I'm not thin, just toned and not fat. Without exception everyone who's called me too thin is overweight by a good deal more than a living human could be underweight (if that makes sense!) and as I said strangers to me.

It all began when that so-called plus size model was pictured in a magazine with a bit of a belly showing. As she's about 9 inches taller than me and weighs about the same, I wouldn't class her as plus anything :mark: but the media and fat people do. They're annoying me badly :(
LOL. The thing that some people don't get is that some people are just naturally skiny. I'm no fan of bags of bones but some skinny women are attractive because that is their natural build.

3rd October 2009, 04:46
If I had to haul ass I would have to make two trips

Mark in Oshawa
3rd October 2009, 05:42
Three trips for me.....I like the plus sized girls....not FAT ones....

As for you Hazell, you probably look healthy and normal and tell anyone who thinks you are too fast or too thin to take a long walk off the short pier....

3rd October 2009, 06:13
Three trips for me.....I like the plus sized girls....not FAT ones....

As for you Hazell, you probably look healthy and normal and tell anyone who thinks you are too fast or too thin to take a long walk off the short pier....

well said Mark and blimey we have something else in common LOL

3rd October 2009, 13:20
As long as you don't look like a lollypop head ignore then. Lolly popheads freak me out and orange people for that matter. It's just wrong.

3rd October 2009, 14:50

Mark in Oshawa
3rd October 2009, 15:54
well said Mark and blimey we have something else in common LOL

It happens..lol you cant be wrong all the time Steve...

Mark in Oshawa
3rd October 2009, 15:55
you are quite right Gloomy...but Hazell I suspect isn't going to put a cheesecake photo up for the likes of us to drool over. She has proven herself to be far smarter than THAT.

3rd October 2009, 16:39
haha Hazell I have had this problem for yeeeears.

I am a size 6-8. I'm naturally petite- probably about 5ft 4 so fairly short too. My work colleagues are aghast at my very normal eating habits... and slightly more aghast at the amount of chocolate I consume. It seems people can't cope with people being naturally thin so I've often been told to put on weight. Yeah like I don't eat right?

I really couldn't care less about catwalk people. But I certainly wouldn't go up to the fat people I see on a day to day basis and make comments about their body shape the way they do mine. *shrug* I suspect alot of the time it's a jealousy thing Hazell. ;)

Mark in Oshawa
3rd October 2009, 19:43
haha Hazell I have had this problem for yeeeears.

I am a size 6-8. I'm naturally petite- probably about 5ft 4 so fairly short too. My work colleagues are aghast at my very normal eating habits... and slightly more aghast at the amount of chocolate I consume. It seems people can't cope with people being naturally thin so I've often been told to put on weight. Yeah like I don't eat right?

I really couldn't care less about catwalk people. But I certainly wouldn't go up to the fat people I see on a day to day basis and make comments about their body shape the way they do mine. *shrug* I suspect alot of the time it's a jealousy thing Hazell. ;)

I watch everything I eat and still fight my wait. I am jealous..but hey..as a guy I can get away with being a bit stout. Women...well you guys really have a nasty fight on your hands justifying your size. It isn't right,but i find most women attack each other on this. Most men once they gain a little appreciation for life don't fuss over women being bigger....

Easy Drifter
4th October 2009, 00:42
I am not fat. I just have a large Grain storage facility. Especially for grain that has been recycled into booze.
Anybody tried those Lime Beer products? Fairly new here.
Now I know what I will take to the track instead off Vodka Spritzers next year.

4th October 2009, 04:55
It happens..lol you cant be wrong all the time Steve...


5th October 2009, 07:51
I wonder why people care, and feel the need to comment other people's size.

5th October 2009, 16:35
I wonder why people care, and feel the need to comment other people's size.

Well Thumb Dick you see its like this ................ :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

5th October 2009, 16:37
We need Pics - Hell I thought a plus model was a fat bitch in high heels :p

5th October 2009, 16:42
Fousto, why do you feel the need to be vulgar so much of the time?

All the other people have been able to say what they've wanted to without resulting to that sort of language..... this is a family forum after all.

5th October 2009, 16:46
whine whine whine get a life

5th October 2009, 16:55
Anybody tried those Lime Beer products? ...


5th October 2009, 17:52
Anybody tried those Lime Beer products? Fairly new here.

More like 'Lame' beer, if you sak me... :\ :p :

Hazell B
6th October 2009, 14:52
As long as you don't look like a lollypop head ignore then. Lolly popheads freak me out and orange people for that matter. It's just wrong.

You know, I don't really know what I do look like ... but I'm pretty sure there's no lollipop look going on. Never bother with mirrors, to be honest. In fact, the big long mirror we have is behind furnature and there's only one other one in the house :p : Maybe I should look :eek:

Orange people never really caught my eye until last night, oddly. My neighbour (a person we don't like in this house) asked me for a favour having crapped on us many times in the past, so was told to look elsewhere in no polite way. When he turned to leave we both burst out laughing. He's orange. Not a tanned look, not even a fake tanned look, just bright, un-natural, Tango orange. I've never seen anything like it in my life :laugh:

Anyhow, my bacon sandwiches are going cold :D

6th October 2009, 20:51
Hazel, if you are naturally petite and toned through exercise I would presume you are not a lollipop head. A classic example of a lollipop head is Renee Zellwegger. With a more fuller figure she looks normal but at her thinnest she is a definate lollipop head and does look in need of a good meal. Angelina Jolie is naturally stunning but from recent pictures is rapidly turning into a lollipop head which is a shame really.

Tanned is fine whether natural or fake but looking like an Umpa Lumpa is just not cool.

9th October 2009, 02:10
I am not fat. I just have a large Grain storage facility. Especially for grain that has been recycled into booze.
Anybody tried those Lime Beer products? Fairly new here.
Now I know what I will take to the track instead off Vodka Spritzers next year.

Meh a mans got to have a bit of meat on his bones. I have a standard reply if hasseled about weight, "you can't drive a nine inch nail with a tack hammer"

I like the beer with lime and salt in summer. Just a few before moving to a serious drink.

9th October 2009, 10:53
It isn't right,but i find most women attack each other on this. Most men once they gain a little appreciation for life don't fuss over women being bigger....

I'm always amazed by this, most women think that they need to be thin as a result of magazines etc. but if you ask blokes the majority will answer that they like women with curves.

9th October 2009, 13:18
For the record, I'm 5ft 2in and a size 6 jeans and 8/10 top. I'm not thin, just toned and not fat.

These british measures confuse me. If you're size 6 jeans what size does a little girl ( let's say 12 years old ) wear?

I've noticed that in our local M&S shop the smallest size for women is 8 which makes me think that it's for the thinnest women. From the shape of clothes I think the average size is 12-14 but I might be wrong.

9th October 2009, 13:44
gadjo_dilo, kids clothing is sized by age i.e. 7-8 or 8-10.

I'm a women and I dont understand how womens clothing is sized either. Although I think a UK size 4 is the same as US size 0. You are probably right in the fact that womens average size in the UK is about a 14 or a US size 10.

Mark in Oshawa
10th October 2009, 00:05
I'm always amazed by this, most women think that they need to be thin as a result of magazines etc. but if you ask blokes the majority will answer that they like women with curves.

I bring this up with my wife every time she goes on a diet. I tell her I love her no matter what, and she doesn't accept that it doesn't matter. She feels the pressure to be thin. Of course, she never quite gets to "thin". She cant...she has to live life and she enjoys a good meal every now and then. She is in her mid 40's, 5'6" and I am unsure of her exact weight, but she is over 150. She is solid. She could no more be a supermodel weight than I could be Arnold Schwarznegger. Yet she tries....

There are some beautiful thin women out there, but I will take a lot of them as more beautiful as they gain a few pounds with age.

Hazell B
13th October 2009, 20:36
I'm a women and I dont understand how womens clothing is sized either.

I second that! It was years before I worked out buying my old size 8 or 10 jeans wasn't right any more, and the UK had in fact changed to smaller semi-US sizes :rolleyes: Thought I'd shrunk all of a sudden :mark:

Although I think a UK size 4 is the same as US size 0. You are probably right in the fact that womens average size in the UK is about a 14 or a US size 10.

No, I think we're about the same now. I'm no zero (as in Courtney Cox skinny) yet am in a 4 sometimes. Having said that, I honestly don't understand how it works. I just try stuff on and either buy it or don't :p :

14th October 2009, 05:12

I don't mind these girls at all. This is why I lift weights. :)

Women who are a litter heavier actually have REAL BREASTS. I recently visited my friend who gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Before her pregnancy she was 130 lbs. @ 5'8" and a size C. After her pregnancy she was 165 lbs. and a size DD! *drool*

Still looks really attractive, but she's insecure about having big thighs and a little fat on her belly. :rolleyes: She was upset because her husband is feeding her doughnuts and brownies to keep the figure that she has, but I'd probably do the same. :D

Mark in Oshawa
14th October 2009, 06:32

I don't mind these girls at all. This is why I lift weights. :)

Women who are a litter heavier actually have REAL BREASTS. I recently visited my friend who gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Before her pregnancy she was 130 lbs. @ 5'8" and a size C. After her pregnancy she was 165 lbs. and a size DD! *drool*

Still looks really attractive, but she's insecure about having big thighs and a little fat on her belly. :rolleyes: She was upset because her husband is feeding her doughnuts and brownies to keep the figure that she has, but I'd probably do the same. :D

I think she was probably pretty hot before the baby, but you are right, women who have had kids look sexier to me than some people would believe...