View Full Version : OLympics 2016, host city is:

2nd October 2009, 18:55
Rio De Janeiro! a samba olympics, 2 years after the FIFA world cup-brilliant!

just wish they had motorsport in the olympics too!

2nd October 2009, 19:53
Happy to see Rio taking the Olympics!
Wnen was the last time Rio took the games??

2nd October 2009, 20:24
Happy to see Rio taking the Olympics!
Wnen was the last time Rio took the games??

never. the olympics have never been to south america.......

2nd October 2009, 20:25
Good news...Would be nice to venture down there when the games are on. Im sure the carnival atomsphere will be amazing

2nd October 2009, 21:10
Thanks Obama. Without you Chicago wouldn't have gotten 4th place.....oh......There were only 4 cities in the running?

Congrats Rio. Should be a great Olympics.

2nd October 2009, 21:21
Dibs on the tanned Brazilian women!

I've been looking for an excuse to have illegitimate children.
Thank you Rio de Janeiro. lol

Thanks Obama. Without you Chicago wouldn't have gotten 4th place.....oh......There were only 4 cities in the running?

Congrats Rio. Should be a great Olympics. :rolleyes:

Yes, and I woke up late to go to work this morning.
I guess that's Barry's fault as well.

Mark in Oshawa
3rd October 2009, 06:46
Thanks Obama. Without you Chicago wouldn't have gotten 4th place.....oh......There were only 4 cities in the running?

Congrats Rio. Should be a great Olympics.

Near as I can tell, outside of Obama, Oprah and the connected types in Chicago bankrolling this bid, no one really wanted Chicago to get the games. I hate driving through that town now, I cant imagine the Olympics there. Enough already. South America hasn't seen the games yet, and it was LONG overdue. Brazil and Argentina are both big enough and sophisticated enough to pull off a games, and it was time one of them got the gig.

Rio is in a friendly timezone for NBC, so in the end, the Olympics in Rio will NOT bother the TV people in the US. Not to mention the visuals. The Beach Volleyball on the beach at Rio will be one case where the audience will be more fun to look at than the participants!!!!

3rd October 2009, 15:19
I, for one, would like to thank the IOC for immediately excusing Chicago and the USA from the privilege of spending huge amounts of money with the IOC and their lackies for the "honor" of hosting their silly track meet. These money grabbers make Bernie look like a rookie. Maybe people are wising up to the reality that the revenue generated by the track meet won't cover the amount of money spent to "host" it. Almost 50 percent of Chicago folks said "Nope, don't want them, thanks.".

Best of luck Rio! Although you can't afford them either, I'm damn glad you got them. It will be interesting to see what you do about the poverty. The IOC doesn't like having the poor and beggars cluttering up their landscape.

3rd October 2009, 15:39
Best of luck Rio! Although you can't afford them either, I'm damn glad you got them. It will be interesting to see what you do about the poverty. The IOC doesn't like having the poor and beggars cluttering up their landscape.

Yep. The IOC did Chicago a favour.

Mark in Oshawa
3rd October 2009, 16:53
I, for one, would like to thank the IOC for immediately excusing Chicago and the USA from the privilege of spending huge amounts of money with the IOC and their lackies for the "honor" of hosting their silly track meet. These money grabbers make Bernie look like a rookie. Maybe people are wising up to the reality that the revenue generated by the track meet won't cover the amount of money spent to "host" it. Almost 50 percent of Chicago folks said "Nope, don't want them, thanks.".

Best of luck Rio! Although you can't afford them either, I'm damn glad you got them. It will be interesting to see what you do about the poverty. The IOC doesn't like having the poor and beggars cluttering up their landscape.

Fiero, THAT's two excellent points. Chicago is a sinkhole of taxdollars but you have to know Mayor Daly's connected buddies would have made out like bandits with the tax dollars flowing in. I bet Tony Rezko would even get his cut. No....Chicago politics being what they are, the IOC lackies would have had to compete to steal tax dollars...and they hate competition.

As for The poor in Rio, the Brazilians will get tips from the Beijing butchers on how to deal with the undesirables. Probably be told to ship them off to the bush or something.

Brazil has a lot of poor, but in a sense, this sort of circus should come to countries on the way up because the benefits of all that money spent to bring the world to Brazil might actually be a help. Giving them to Chicago does nothing, save give the likes of Óbama a feather for his cap.

5th October 2009, 16:06
Was it just me, or was the chicago promo video much worse than the other 3? Quite frankly, judging on the basis of the videos, chicago was a very poor choice.

congrats to rio though, I will hopefully have a well paid job by that point to travel to watch the beach volleyball in the sun of rio :cool:

5th October 2009, 16:29
Well great news to me - Please take the UN too. But I do have one question?
How are you going to enjoy the Olympics when you can't take your wallet ??

5th October 2009, 16:36
Well great news to me - Please take the UN too. But I do have one question?
How are you going to enjoy the Olympics when you can't take your wallet ??

RFID tags?!

5th October 2009, 17:30
And now your prize!


Let's see, the IOC says Brazil needs to pony up (for the time being) $11.1 billion dollars to repair and expand Rio's public transportation infrastructure, repair and upgrade Rio's airport, and double the amount of hotel rooms. Supposedly the government will cover 70 percent of that figure and the organizers will come up with the rest, some $3.3 billion. The organizers expect $2.8 billion from ticket sales and sponsorships. That still leaves them a little short. Some dreamer is predicting that hosting the games will bring in $51.1 billion in revenue through 2027. I didn't know the track meet lasted that long.

Fiero predicts:

Cost of repairs, rennovations, and security will exceed $11.1 billion by a substantial amount. The people that quoted $11.1 billion will have no comment at this time.

Revenue from ticket sales will fall short of projections. The people that predicted the figure will have no comment at this time. The sponsorships will all be in Chinese. The sponsors will have a comment, but nobody will know what they said.

Once they've milked this deal for all they can get, the guys that predicted $51.1 billion in revenue will leave town. We haven't been able to locate them for comment.

Who ever dies, that was on the organising committee, between now and the start if the track meet, will get blamed for all the financial stuff falling through and biting Brazil on the butt. Everyone still living will comment.

The good news:

The security forces will be able to deal with the poor and criminal element in any manner they see fit because the main sponsor (China) isn't likely to give them a bunch of holier-than-thou crap over a couple of thousand human rights offences.

Mark in Oshawa
6th October 2009, 16:49
The Olympics. The greatest fraud ever perputrated on mankind. THe athletes and the competitions are wonderful, but the waste of money, political schmeing and the scamming behind the scenes are truly what is shameful.

Rio is being scammed, heck Vancouver and London are being scammed as well....but it is part of the the cycle of this world. The Olympics bring their circus to town and we still all want to watch. I am just happy Toronto didn't get them the last time they bid. They are broke now without an Olympics to pay for, and Montreal finally retired their share of debt from the 76 games this last year.

6th October 2009, 18:28
Congrats to Rio, maybe the voters did remember the lousy arrangements in Atlanta too well, fair anyway that the games did go to south america.

6th October 2009, 20:34
Rio is in a friendly timezone for NBC, so in the end, the Olympics in Rio will NOT bother the TV people in the US. Not to mention the visuals. The Beach Volleyball on the beach at Rio will be one case where the audience will be more fun to look at than the participants!!!!
It's also a more friendly timezone for Finland. Rio de Janeiro is only 5 hours behind, while Chicago is 8 hours.

9th October 2009, 12:09
for this
and for the possible benefits to the city I'm happy about this... but at the same time I'm afraid of the bad use of the money, the corruption and the stupidity levels are just to high... Rio hosted the "pan american games" in 2007, this is pretty small compared to the olympic games, and in that case they spent like 800% more than what was initially predicted... and some of the things built for this are not being used...

9th October 2009, 14:50
And the real shame of it all, HenryM, is that people still fall for it over and over again. You'd think they would learn.

Mark in Oshawa
10th October 2009, 00:59
Henry, the point is the people of Brazil have to hold their politicians accountable for the money. If you elect the same idiots in power you have now, then then there will be waste. Likely no matter what, but at least make the effort.

Olympic games are too much for too little. Toronto lost twice, once to Atlanta, once to Athens. I thank god we never got them now, because as much as I would enjoy the games on my home soil, the cost is too much for even large cities to justify. 2 weeks of the world looking to your city and country isn't worth the cost. If you want to fix your infrastructure, you don't need a games to justify it.....

I am glad in a sense at least Rio won, allowing people in Brazil and South America to have the pride of having them on the continent for the first time, but I shudder on how Brazil will pay for them.

Mark in Oshawa
10th October 2009, 01:00
Congrats to Rio, maybe the voters did remember the lousy arrangements in Atlanta too well, fair anyway that the games did go to south america.

Atlanta? Oh ya...the worst games in recent memory. Too bad Toronto didn't win them. We would still be paying for them, but at least Toronto wouldn't have been THAT embrassing...