View Full Version : Father smooths Nelson Piquet Jr's return

24th September 2009, 00:43

Formula One[/color] (http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/formulaone) next season despite his controversial involvement in last year's rigged race at the inaugural Singapore grand prix.]

Piquet's appeal to one of the new teams will be enhanced considerably by his father's willingness to spend large sums of money in supporting his son's ambition.
Ever since the younger Piquet moved out of karting, his father has funded his motor racing, with a tailor-made team revolving exclusively around the youngster in both Formula Three and GP2.
"You might think Piquet would be a bit of a pariah in the pit lane after all this unfavourable publicity, but I do not think that's precisely the case," said one highly-placed Formula One insider who worked with Piquet Sr when the Brazilian first won the world championship in 1981 driving for the Bernie Ecclestone-owned Brabham team. "Nelson's father is incredibly well-connected and I can't see many of those new teams turning away sponsorship even if it means having the kid on board."

Valve Bounce
24th September 2009, 03:17
If Jr wishes to continue racing in F1, his best chance is if Sr bought his own team.

24th September 2009, 11:51
there is no amount of money that would erase the stain and disdain surrounding piquet Jr. They might get old man's money, and then loose other sponsors who don't want to be associated with the guy.

...then there is the fact that he is a lousy driver

24th September 2009, 13:00
The guy should have had a lifetime ban from all forms of motorsport after doing what he did, and being stupid enough to admit it.

Crap driver, crap attitude, crap person. 'nuff said.

24th September 2009, 13:44
there is no amount of money that would erase the stain and disdain surrounding piquet Jr. They might get old man's money, and then loose other sponsors who don't want to be associated with the guy.

...then there is the fact that he is a lousy driver

Honestly, do you believe at least half of what you write?

Piquet Sr is entitled to do whatever he wants with his money. If he wants to sponsor or buy and F1 team for his son than it's his choice.

On the other hand, you seem to believe that organizations that pay for sponsorship in a F1 team care who is driving as long as they are doing OK and they get the TV exposure they paid for. News flash: they don't care, all they care about is money.
Otherwise McLaren would have lost their sponsors after Spygate and went bankrupt after Liegate. :D

As far as Piquet Jr. image he has been cleaned to the bone by the FIA offering him immunity and Renault droping the charges against him and his father. And I can assure you that half way through next year no one but a few die hard Piquet detractors will mention that he was part of the Crashgate.

24th September 2009, 14:07
Anything Piquet Jr is associated with will be immune from securing sponsorship, especially a team solely dedicated to giving a talentless hand-biting driver a ride.

24th September 2009, 15:04
As far as Piquet Jr. image he has been cleaned to the bone by the FIA offering him immunity and Renault droping the charges against him and his father.
That does not alter the fact that he crashed deliberately in a successful effort to affect the race result to the benefit of his team. Immunity does not alter that fact. All immunity did was ensure he was not penalised by the FIA for his actions.

Now, I may well have sympathy for Piquet in the sense that he does not appear to have been given a fair shot at F1 by Briatore. However, other drivers have been 'sidelined' within Benetton/Renault while Briatore has been in charge without this kind of thing happening (as far as we know!!!).

Piquet himself recognises (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/78774) that "I have to start my career from zero" and I wish him well because while I don't rate him highly as a driver, I think he is capable of more than we have seen of him in F1.

24th September 2009, 15:18
That does not alter the fact that he crashed deliberately in a successful effort to affect the race result to the benefit of his team. Immunity does not alter that fact.

So, he is a team player, that's what you are saying?

Valve Bounce
24th September 2009, 15:29
So, he is a team player, that's what you are saying?

In a sense, you could say "YES!" , but then again he spilled the beans on Pat Symonds and Sleazy Flav, so that might be a sorta negative in some people's eyes. :p :

24th September 2009, 15:33
So, he is a team player, that's what you are saying?
In the sense that at the time Piquet thought he was doing what was good for the team then yes, I guess you could describe him as a team player, although his motivation seems to have been to keep his own job.

Had he had no immunity, I suspect the FIA would not have seen things like that.

24th September 2009, 15:37
In a sense, you could say "YES!" , but then again he spilled the beans on Pat Symonds and Sleazy Flav, so that might be a sorta negative in some people's eyes. :p :

We have to assume that a honest team shouldn't be afraid because they are not going to ask him to do something illegal. ;)

24th September 2009, 15:37
In the sense that at the time Piquet thought he was doing what was good for the team then yes, I guess you could describe him as a team player, although his motivation seems to have been to keep his own job.

I suppose that 99% of the number 2 drivers are team players because they want to keep their jobs.

24th September 2009, 15:46
So, he is a team player, that's what you are saying?

ioan in your wolrd

the contract killer gets to walk away scott free and abosloved of any guilt or moral disdain because he cut a deal with the prosecution to out who hired him.

i could care less what deal the fIA gave him. In my eyes, he is a low class scum of a driver and person who probably brought up the idea in the first place in order to save his pathetic job.

And if you were to believe he was asked to do it, was the low life pathetic person to actually agree to such a deal and then to go on the track and do it.

He and his father are not to be trusted by any means in the sport. he in particular should have received a lifetime ban form the sport. Just like the actual killer still gets the harshest verdicr of all involved in a crime.

No matter who you believe in this crashgate, the fact remains that NPJr was the culprit, and the driver who crashed the car and as such should receive the harshest of all penalties in the whole affair.

there are many people who were under undue pressure who have made questionable decisions, and they are all rotting in jail. Only you can think that this guy comes out smelling like roses.

24th September 2009, 15:50
We have to assume that a honest team shouldn't be afraid because they are not going to ask him to do something illegal. ;)

or faced with the possibility of loosing his seat yet again, he figures out some ploy to save his seat that is dubious at best and blackmail at worst.

As symmonds said in his testimony, it was NPJr who came up with the idea.
Such a person is damaged goods and no team in their right mind will ever offer him a seat.
...and then there is the fact that he is a lousy driver.

24th September 2009, 15:53
ioan in your wolrd

In my world things are real.

the contract killer

Why not compare him with a bloody mass murderer while you are at it.

Anyway you are missing a point, we are not talking about the federal or state prosecutor here (and even in their case there are plenty of immunity accorded for giving the right information about the right people, it's just that it isn't discussed in F1 forums), it's about a sport and it's rules.

24th September 2009, 15:53
We have to assume that a honest team shouldn't be afraid because they are not going to ask him to do something illegal. ;)
On that note...has it been established without doubt who came up with the idea for Piquet to crash deliberately?

I suppose that 99% of the number 2 drivers are team players because they want to keep their jobs.
Does it follow that those drivers would do what Piquet did?

24th September 2009, 15:55
On that note...has it been established without doubt who came up with the idea for Piquet to crash deliberately?

No, but we know who made a great strategic plan out of it. ;)

Does it follow that those drivers would do what Piquet did?

Not from now on, but before Crashgate it might have been true.

24th September 2009, 15:58
Do we all honestly believe that it was Piquet,s idea to crash,so his team mate could win.OR is Pat Symonds trying to shift the blame ?
And if that is the true fact then why has Symonds and Briatore stepped down?

24th September 2009, 16:06
In my world things are real.

Why not compare him with a bloody mass murderer while you are at it.

Anyway you are missing a point, we are not talking about the federal or state prosecutor here (and even in their case there are plenty of immunity accorded for giving the right information about the right people, it's just that it isn't discussed in F1 forums), it's about a sport and it's rules.

correct me if I am wrong, but were you not the one who brought up comparisons to courts and legal proceedings in previosu posts and other threads in this subject matter?

the comparison is apropos
no contract killer is given immunity to testify.
they may get an altered sentence, but they are still off to jail.

In this case, as I said, no matter which side of the argument you fall and who you believe, the fact still remains (and this is realty) that NPJr was the one who drove the car and crashed it. That to me is far worse then any suggestion the team might have made, and worse yet, it seems like this was his idea in the first place.

So because he implicates symmonds and briatore that somehow absolves him of being the trigger man?

24th September 2009, 16:12
Piquet Sr is entitled to do whatever he wants with his money.

What is that saying.......?

Something about a fool and his money..............?????

24th September 2009, 16:29
Do we all honestly believe that it was Piquet,s idea to crash,so his team mate could win.OR is Pat Symonds trying to shift the blame ?
And if that is the true fact then why has Symonds and Briatore stepped down?

If it was ALL Symmonds idea, why only a 5 year ban?

They seem to have less on Flav than Pat, but the punishments don't match....??????

Mark Webber would rather not have a manager if Flav is not available - and I don't think Mark is a mug....!!!!!

24th September 2009, 17:47
Yet again, we see here how some are capable of holding the most - how can I put it - 'versatile' opinions.

24th September 2009, 19:28
Forgetting for a second that Piquet jnr is a cheating scumbag who should be treated accordingly I still will be unable to have any respect for him.

Daddy has paid for his whole career and he has had only the best of the best in every series he has raced to F1. At least other second generation drivers, whilst having the obvious benefit of a famous last name, had no family fortune to pay for their climb up the ladder.

IMO PK jnr will be back in a GP car but if there is any justice in the world he will destory what little is left of his reputation by getting his backside wooped by a rookie team mate.

24th September 2009, 21:27
As far as Piquet Jr. image he has been cleaned to the bone by the FIA offering him immunity and Renault droping the charges against him and his father. And I can assure you that half way through next year no one but a few die hard Piquet detractors will mention that he was part of the Crashgate.

This is just downright bs. He might get a drive (well, for enough money theyd give a pig a drive), but giving immunity doesnt mean cleaning image. It actually means: he´s guilty, but we wont accuse him of anything.

In fact, if he was innocant, why would he need immunity?

Lets all be realistic: Its all politics. Even Alonso knew. Mosley got Flavio out. Everyones happy. Right?

PS. Im not NPJr detractor. I couldnt care less about him. He´s just slow. I dont care if he´s gay, then he´s just a slow gay with a rich influential daddy. Who cares?

24th September 2009, 21:58
How much money does Piquet senior have?
About the immunity, if somebody got injured or died anybody reckon he still got that immunity?

24th September 2009, 22:55
You could compare him to other recent F1 cheats that you slated if you like? But then again we'd see the hypocrisy wouldn't we? :p

Are you talking about Lewy lying to the stewards? In that case when did Piquet lie to the stewards?

24th September 2009, 22:57
Crap driver, crap attitude, crap person. 'nuff said.

I agree.

24th September 2009, 22:58
the comparison is apropos
no contract killer is given immunity to testify.

And you know that for sure.
I'm very sure that there were contract killers that walked away after they turned in the right people to the police.
As I said just because you don't know it it doesn't mean it didn't happen.

24th September 2009, 22:59
This is just downright bs.

Because it doesn't suit your POV? :rotflmao:

24th September 2009, 23:01
How much money does Piquet senior have?
About the immunity, if somebody got injured or died anybody reckon he still got that immunity?

A lot of money.

The immunity is from the FIA to protect him against a FIA accusation.
If he had killed or injured someone than he would have to compare in front of a court of law and the FIA can't give immunity there.

24th September 2009, 23:02
IMO PK jnr will be back in a GP car but if there is any justice in the world he will destory what little is left of his reputation by getting his backside wooped by a rookie team mate.

He's a much better driver than you would believe, or than what Flab led us to believe. ;)

24th September 2009, 23:17
He's a much better driver than you would believe, or than what Flab led us to believe. ;)

I guess we shall see but he rarely got within 0.5s of Alonso which is just poor in over 18 months.

24th September 2009, 23:30
Piquet's race engineer MR. X ?

one thing to remember is that all the times that he was going to be droped in 2008 so they could have told him that it would be his last race if he did not crash

if only Piquet came out with it be for the singapore gp about them ordering him to crash

Piquet would not know how alonso would go

25th September 2009, 00:06
if only Piquet came out with it be for the singapore gp about them ordering him to crash

And than do what?
He could not prove anything beforehand.

25th September 2009, 00:56
I hope none of the new teams are stupid enough to employ Piquet, his lack of speed alone is enough to exclude him from most teams. Him being complicit in blatant cheating is just the icing on the cake. I hope he's never seen in F1 again :down:

Valve Bounce
25th September 2009, 03:15
If it was ALL Symmonds idea, why only a 5 year ban?

Because they were sitting on the other hand!! :p :

25th September 2009, 03:34
Because they were sitting on the other hand!! :p :

:up: :rotflmao:

25th September 2009, 06:01
This is all a game, nobody including ioan would truly support Prick Jr.

25th September 2009, 07:53
Because it doesn't suit your POV? :rotflmao:

Nopes. Read the post. NPJr being cleaned to the bone is bs.

25th September 2009, 07:57
We need Spanish inquisition, i.e. a poll. Is NPJr just an innocent bystander here? Is he only a victim?

But we know the result already. 1 or 2 in favor of junior, 4 billions against :)

25th September 2009, 09:18
We need Spanish inquisition, i.e. a poll. Is NPJr just an innocent bystander here? Is he only a victim?

But we know the result already. 1 or 2 in favor of junior, 4 billions against :)


25th September 2009, 10:08
We need Spanish inquisition,

Mate, I didn't expect that! :D

25th September 2009, 10:54
:laugh: :up:

I think we all should apply the same tactics. The earth is flat! The earth is flat! My god, the earth is flat!

25th September 2009, 11:09
Nopes. Read the post. NPJr being cleaned to the bone is bs.

Did I miss the FIA imposing any kind of punishment on him?

25th September 2009, 11:12
I think it just shows that you think telling a white lie about a what was said over a team radio is much worse than crashing an F1 car into a wall to let your team mate win.

We are talking about cheating, no matter if big or small, or if some carbon fiber was bent or not.

BTW lying for in order to disqualify an opponent and get his place is worse than crashing because the team asked you so.
However I guess it's obvious that we don't share the same ethic values nor are we both nationalists. :p :

25th September 2009, 11:12
I think it just shows that you think telling a white lie about a what was said over a team radio is much worse than crashing an F1 car into a wall to let your team mate win. Thats your opinion and thats fine, but I am absolutely stunned you have this view to be honest. You were spitting venom after Australia calling all involved cheats that shouldn't be in the sport etc etc..

I personally think what Piquet did was ten times worse as it ultimately affected the entire field rather than one place. I would have thought being a Tifosi, you would have been angry for Massa as his race was effectively ruined due to the prolonged safety car period, which put the team under pressure with 2 drivers pitting at the same time.

Anyway I'm not attacking you mate, just find it hard to see how you support one but not the other. :)

I find it very easy to see why he supports one but not the other. There are two main factors involved.

25th September 2009, 11:12
I think we all should apply the same tactics. The earth is flat! The earth is flat! My god, the earth is flat!

Maybe at the North Pole. Around here it's round.

25th September 2009, 11:34
Maybe at the North Pole. Around here it's round.

I think thats hilarious. If you dont get it, you dont get it. And you wont get it :)

25th September 2009, 11:36
Maybe at the North Pole. Around here it's round.

And come on, the North Pole siht is lame. Surely you can come up with something wittier :)

25th September 2009, 12:02
This comment might come back to haunt you ioan, in fact I'm pretty sure it will... :p

I doubt it. If I were you I wouldn't draw the conclusion in advance, that's what usually come back to bite one's rear. ;)

So in summary:
1. Team ask you to lie to stewards to gain one place at the expense of another competitor... BAD :down:

He did it twice once in Oz and once in Sepang and I doubt that the team asked him to lie neither in oz nor in Malaysia.
They threw Ryan under the bus cause he was least expensive than Lewy but Lewy lied.
There's also the little fact that the lie directly benefited Lewis.

2. Team ask you to crash to affect the whole race for the entire field and enable your team mate to win scoring maximum points. GOOD :up:

So he was asked by the team o do something that directly benefited the team and his team mate. And before you say it benefited him I'll point it out that it was sad that no one promised anything in exchange for him crashing in turn 17.

So in summary:
1. One lied to help himself to an undeserved podium position.
2. The other was asked by the team to crash in order to benefit the team.

Spot the difference?

25th September 2009, 12:04
And come on, the North Pole siht is lame.

Might be, I guess you know better how sh!t is at the North Pole. I for one never been there to take a dump.

25th September 2009, 12:09
Keep this thread on topic !!!

25th September 2009, 13:01
Piquet himself said his contract was under threat in his testomy and that he felt pressure to comply to help with his contract for 2009. So Piquet did stand to benefit from it.

Piquet has also said that nothing was promised in turn of him crashing out.

25th September 2009, 13:11
In that case he is incredably stupid and he has lost whatever credability he had left IMO... If it honestly didn't cross his mind that this is the ultimate bargaining tool for a new contract, then he more stupid than he looks.. :p

Either that or he is taking his fans for complete mugs...

Does he have any fans? I though he only has detractors.

25th September 2009, 13:15
He has millions of detractors world wide, but you're still keeping the scene alive old bean ;)

I'm not a Piquet fan, merely someone who doesn't like his detractors. Especialy when they are trying to hang someone over doing the right thing and making a dark episode of F1 clear. :)

25th September 2009, 13:29
I'm not a Piquet fan, merely someone who doesn't like his detractors. Especialy when they are trying to hang someone over doing the right thing and making a dark episode of F1 clear. :)

Was Lewis Hamilton doing the right thing when he blew the whistle on Dave Ryan? 'cause it's the same thing really isn't it? Both drivers did something illegal then simply claimed that they were told to do it by management.

Rudy Tamasz
25th September 2009, 13:33
I'm not a Piquet fan, merely someone who doesn't like his detractors. Especialy when they are trying to hang someone over doing the right thing and making a dark episode of F1 clear. :)

Since when taking petty revenge was the right thing? I would understand if Jr. came out saying "I can't sleep at night because I ruined the race of my fellow countryman Felipe and his title chances. I am sorry for that". Instead he only leaked the truth when he was fired by his boss and wanted to sink him for that. He indeed contributed to restoring justice of sorts but he didn't do the right thing.

25th September 2009, 13:35
Was Lewis Hamilton doing the right thing when he blew the whistle on Dave Ryan?

Lewis didn't blew any whistle on Dave Ryan. The team decided that they need a scapegoat for the Liegate and they chose Lewis was more valuable than Dave Ryan.

25th September 2009, 13:36
Since when taking petty revenge was the right thing? I would understand if Jr. came out saying "I can't sleep at night because I ruined the race of my fellow countryman Felipe and his title chances. I am sorry for that". Instead he only leaked the truth when he was fired by his boss and wanted to sink him for that. He indeed contributed to restoring justice of sorts but he didn't do the right thing.

Petty revenge?!
Over what?

And before you go on about his firing from Renault you should consider that Piquet Sr did report the crash as intentional already at last years Brazilian GP.

Anyway for me what is important is the outcome not the reasons, whatever those might be.

25th September 2009, 13:37
Lewis didn't blew any whistle on Dave Ryan.

Erm...he did. He called a press conference in which he quite clearly stated that he only lied because his team manager (Dave Ryan) told him to.

Rudy Tamasz
25th September 2009, 13:44
Petty revenge?!
Anyway for me what is important is the outcome not the reasons, whatever those might be.

I reckon the thoughts of this kind came through the mind of a certain world champ when he was deliberately crashing into another guy.

Then just be honest and admit you do not acknowledge the concept of sportsmanship. You will not be able to completely understand F1 without it, though.

25th September 2009, 13:53
So in summary:
1. One lied to help himself to an undeserved podium position.
2. The other was asked by the team to crash in order to benefit the team.

Spot the difference?

Not that I want to reopen the Lewy thing again - it was a deserved podium. He would have been given it had he not been a stupid little t!t and tried to lie about it.

Ps I think its clear from my language regarding the Hamilton situation that I loath what he did but PK's actions were a million times worse - premeditated, potentially dangerous and above all downright cheating.

25th September 2009, 13:56
Erm...he did. He called a press conference in which he quite clearly stated that he only lied because his team manager (Dave Ryan) told him to.

That's not whistle blowing, that's shifting blame on someone else.

25th September 2009, 13:57
Not that I want to reopen the Lewy thing again - it was a deserved podium. He would have been given it had he not been a stupid little t!t and tried to lie about it.

Ps I think its clear from my language regarding the Hamilton situation that I loath what he did but PK's actions were a million times worse - premeditated, potentially dangerous and above all downright cheating.

Premeditated by whom?
I think that it would be fair to say that Renault's actions were a million times worse - premeditated, potentially dangerous and above all downright cheating.

People are picking on Piquet for something that was imposed on him by the team management yet they try to excuse Hamilton for something that looked to be a straight lie directly from his lips.

25th September 2009, 13:59
That's not whistle blowing, that's shifting blame on someone else.

It's whatever bests suits your argument, as usual.

For me, the parallels are obvious. How you can absolve Piquet and condemn Hamilton is beyond me.

25th September 2009, 14:00
People are picking on Piquet for something that was imposed on him by the team management yet they try to excuse Hamilton for something that looked to be a straight lie directly from his lips.

Pat Symonds still claims that the crash was Piquet's idea. I'm glad you know who to believe, 'cause I don't.

25th September 2009, 14:00
It's whatever bests suits your argument, as usual.

For me, the parallels are obvious. How you can absolve Piquet and condemn Hamilton is beyond me.

How can people condemn Piquet for the team's decisions but absolve Hamilton for his lies is beyond me.

25th September 2009, 14:02
Pat Symonds still claims that the crash was Piquet's idea. I'm glad you know who to believe, 'cause I don't.

Renault could have pinned it on Piquet if their investigation would have pointed at that. Instead they chose to oust both Flav and Pat and drop the legal case against Piquet. To me this points that their internal investigation came to result that does not incriminate Jr. for other than crashing the car when ordered to do so.

25th September 2009, 14:02
How can people condemn Piquet for the team's decisions but absolve Hamilton for his lies is beyond me.

Hamilton acted dishonestly. He claimed to have done so because a senior team member told him to. Piquet acted dishonestly. He claims to have done so because a senior team member told him to. Hamilton acted dishonestly in order to claim a podium which would've been his anyway, had he not lied. Piquet acted dishonestly in order to secure his team an undeserved victory and basically made a mockery of the 2008 Singapore Grand Prix. What's worse?

25th September 2009, 14:06
Premeditated by whom?
I think that it would be fair to say that Renault's actions were a million times worse - premeditated, potentially dangerous and above all downright cheating.

Ok I think that's fair enough.

People are picking on Piquet for something that was imposed on him by the team management yet they try to excuse Hamilton for something that looked to be a straight lie directly from his lips.

Personally I am not excusing Hamilton anything - as was my stance at the time I would have like to see him persoanlly receive a punishment. PK did not blow the whistle - had he still been a Renault driver when this came out I might have believed he was a brave individual standing up for what's right after wrestling with his concience. As it was this is revenge clear and simple - making him a cheat, a liar and someone who can't be trusted IMO.

25th September 2009, 14:16
Stubborness won't get you anywhere.
What amazes me most is that poor little NP jr revealed the scam after he was fired for poor results. Why? To get rid of the contract he made with Briatore.

So everything he has done so far is to get rid of the contract and to get back at Briatore and RenaultF1. And we still do not know who actually come up with the idea of crashing... and he gets away with it !!!

Very "sportsmanlike" behaviour from NP jr, to me he is just a little spoiled kid who had no required speed and now blaimes everybody else for it. Biggest ever flop in F1 :)

25th September 2009, 16:08
I hope we all listened to Jackie Stewart. Nuff said. :p :

26th September 2009, 04:46

I can assure you that we would never have anybody in a team sponsored by us who cheats.

-Alex Tai, future boss of Manor GP

Now we know which team Piquet is not going to land.

26th September 2009, 08:40

Now we know which team Piquet is not going to land.

Now how can that be? After some people here go to such lenghts in assuring NPJr didnt cheat. In fact he´s "innocent and a victim".

Is Mr Tai stupid or blind?

Or could it be that Juniors career is over?

Thank you for nothing and goodbye.

26th September 2009, 09:31
I can assure you that we would never have anybody in a team sponsored by us who cheats.

-Alex Tai, future boss of Manor GP .

If Lewis turned round and said he's not happy with who his teammate is going to be next season and wants out and is thinking of helping one of the new teams then I guarantee Tai would have him in a heartbeat.
What he meant to say was "I can assure you that we would never have anyone in a team sponsored by us who cheats and is slow"

26th September 2009, 13:22

Now we know which team Piquet is not going to land.

Not like Piquet would want to sign for a team that doesn't even have a trace of a F1 car.

26th September 2009, 16:02
Not like Piquet would want to sign for a team that doesn't even have a trace of a F1 car.Not like he has much of a choice. Piquet is probably going to one of the newer teams. No one at the sharp end of the field wants to have Piquet's butt in their car seat.

26th September 2009, 17:24
Not like he has much of a choice. Piquet is probably going to one of the newer teams. No one at the sharp end of the field wants to have Piquet's butt in their car seat.

No one at the sharp end want Kovalainen either, nor do they want Liuzzi, or Buemi, or even Trulli.
Unless the name of the driver is Massa, Hamilton, Alonso, Raikkonen, Vettel and maybe Rosberg the top teams aren't going to fight over him, so I'm not sure what your point exactly is about Jr. driving for a top team. Did anyone claim he'll get to drive for Ferrari or McLaren?!

27th September 2009, 11:45
Although I have never really rated Piquet and IMO we have seen enough of him in F1, I have to admit that I warmed a bit towards him during that latest scandal - that he had guts to turn against Flavio and the whole Renault team to get his "revenge". May that be his (first and) last F1-related victory. :)

Rudy Tamasz
28th September 2009, 08:18
Although I have never really rated Piquet and IMO we have seen enough of him in F1, I have to admit that I warmed a bit towards him during that latest scandal - that he had guts to turn against Flavio and the whole Renault team to get his "revenge". May that be his (first and) last F1-related victory. :)

This is the disgusting thing about him. He wanted revenge, not justice. But what he's got is disgrace.

6th October 2009, 09:39
Nelson Piquet claims that even though the FIA gave him immunity from prosecution
he has been punished more than anyone else in the scandal that saw Flavio Briatore banned from Formula One for life
and the Renault team given a two year suspended ban.
I guess daddy should have told him that rats go down with the ship! :s mokin:

6th October 2009, 10:36
Nelson Piquet claims that even though the FIA gave him immunity from prosecution he has been punished more than anyone else...
I do have some sympathy for Piquet. Yes he was stupid to do what he did, but it seems that for him there was a choice: help the team or be out of a job.

This is a kid who has showed promise throughout his career, and made it to F1. That's no small achievement, regardless of who your father is, and it's not something anyone would want to give up.

In reality his F1 career is over, like Briatore and Symonds, so I guess he has been punished. Had he not been granted immunity, the end result would probably have been much the same.

6th October 2009, 11:06
I do have some sympathy for Piquet. Yes he was stupid to do what he did, but it seems that for him there was a choice: help the team or be out of a job.

This is a kid who has showed promise throughout his career, and made it to F1. That's no small achievement, regardless of who your father is, and it's not something anyone would want to give up.

In reality his F1 career is over, like Briatore and Symonds, so I guess he has been punished. Had he not been granted immunity, the end result would probably have been much the same.I'm not completely unsympathetic to the lad. However his character will be in question for a very long time.
No matter how you slice it he still could have said ;NO!
Yes he's been punished but not the most punished. He's not punished as much as Flav.
And he is punished less than or equal to PS.
He's still young and people will eventually forgive.
If he finds some talent (lol) he may be able to race again at the pinnacle.
PS who is a proven commodity doesn't have that luxury of time being on his side.
The whole affair is most regrettable